Eternal Existence

Chapter 5562: Continue to recover

But at the same time, some people also gained benefits. Now some people have made obvious breakthroughs. Even if Chen Feng did not investigate carefully, he could sense that the strength of several people was closer to that of the emperor.

Chen Feng came at the right time. Under the leadership of several masters such as Ershi, everyone had just solved a group of unknown outsiders and was dividing the benefits. Although some people took out some resources when they saw Chen Feng, Chen Feng did not accept them.

No merit, no reward. Although Chen Feng thought it was just some ordinary resources, Chen Feng chose to refuse.

Others did not say anything, but Ershi and others gave Chen Feng some power of different attributes in private. Chen Feng did not refuse it. This was considered a private friendship.

"The situation is getting more and more chaotic, but it is a good thing for us. As long as we don't meet those top masters, our power can keep getting benefits. To put it bluntly, we are still abiding by the rules. If we start with the underworld, then the benefits we get will be greater." Someone said to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng glanced at the other party. This is an old acquaintance who has followed him to many places to fight.

The strength was good at the beginning, and now some of them have broken through and their combat power is very close to that of the emperor.

Since the other party said so, he must have such an idea, and he also raised it in front of him to seek his opinion.

"The underworld is not in chaos yet, and the overall operation is still going on. Moreover, after some of my previous experiences, I know that the underworld still has some foundation, so if you can take advantage of it, you can take it. If you want to deal with the underworld with a clear-cut banner, I still disagree." Chen Feng expressed his views. Of course, he also confirmed his position.

The cultivator nodded, apparently agreeing with Chen Feng's suggestion, but I don't know what he was thinking in his heart.

Chen Feng didn't care about this. He had already expressed his position. If the other party really wanted to attack the underworld, he would not stop it.

Of course, unless the other party can pull out a team, otherwise, the power of the other party alone can't actually make any noise.

After not seeing each other for a while, the style of the second generation has changed drastically. They often take the initiative to look for opportunities and take the initiative to attack once they have the opportunity.

Just after solving a group of opponents, they soon have another target.

Helplessly, Chen Feng could only follow the action, but Chen Feng did not intend to take action. Chen Feng had no choice.

The opponents chosen by the second generation were also very interesting. They specifically looked for some invaders with relatively small forces.

Sometimes they would not let go of adventurers in groups of three or two, and sometimes they would attack some allied forces to try.

If possible, they would destroy them in one fell swoop. If they were hard to chew, they would immediately choose to leave.

"Not bad." Chen Feng said so.

Seeing that everyone had achieved some results in succession, Chen Feng was just relieved and did not share the benefits.

Even so, Chen Feng more or less absorbed some energy of different attributes.

The process of repairing the avenue is also the process of Chen Feng's re-cultivation, new experience, further improvement, but it also requires more energy.

Because the avenue opened up by Chen Feng has too many attributes, almost all the attribute energy obtained has been integrated into the avenue little by little.

Every time a avenue is improved, it can also drive other avenues, which requires more energy, but Chen Feng's strength is also recovering rapidly.

As soon as the Second World got close to Chen Feng, he felt that Chen Feng had turned into a huge vortex that was swallowing everything. He released a little power and was quickly swallowed by Chen Feng.

"If you practice like this, your strength will certainly improve quickly." The Second World couldn't help but say.

Although Chen Feng was practicing, everything seemed normal on the surface. Seeing that it was the Second World, he didn't deliberately end his practice. Anyway, this influence had no effect on the Second World.

"Everyone has gained a lot during this period, but if you want to get more benefits, you naturally have to attack those stronger opponents. How is your strength recovering now?" The Second World asked with a smile.

"The previous injury was too serious and could not be recovered in a short time. It's better not to do it." Chen Feng said.

"Your current strength is the top among those above Hunyuan. If you break through again, you may reach the level of the Great Emperor. It's just that you have practiced too many avenues, and it's still difficult to improve to a perfect state." The Second World said.

"Don't worry, compared to others, I have a relatively short time to practice." Chen Feng didn't care much. Although he was seriously injured this time, it was not necessarily a bad thing. After the stage of recuperation, Chen Feng had a more thorough understanding of himself, and the path of practice was also expanded. After he recovered, he would definitely become stronger than before.

In fact, Chen Feng can fight now, but it is not suitable for full strength, and it will interrupt his practice rhythm.

Fortunately, although the power of the Second World and others is relatively strong, they have not encountered any troublesome things during this period, which has given Chen Feng some time to practice.

Chen Feng also felt a little strange. There are hundreds of practitioners on his side. It can be said that there are many people and they are very conspicuous, but didn't the opponent notice it?

It is unreasonable to say that the opponent does not take his power seriously.

"Maybe it's a coincidence. Everyone else has their own opponents."

However, not long after Chen Feng had this idea, he really encountered trouble.

Tayuan dispatched a part of its forces, and together with some practitioners from the origin of the three lights, they targeted Chen Feng and his group.

It turned out that they had known about this force for a long time, but they had not drawn out any manpower.

Now that the opportunity had come, they came directly to the door.

"Trouble is coming." Chen Feng was not sure whether it was because of him that the trouble was caused, but since the opponent had appeared, he had to find a way to deal with it.

As long as the opponent did not have those top masters, there would still be a fight.

Chen Feng was not sure whether it was his luck or bad luck. If it was the latter, then Chen Feng could not continue to stay here.

"My luck has always been good, but if we can solve this wave of opponents and everyone gets benefits, then it is good luck. If we lose, then it is bad luck." Chen Feng muttered, and the two sides had already fought.

Although the opponent seemed to be well prepared, they were evenly matched in the real fight.

To put it bluntly, the opponent underestimated the second generation and others.

Hundreds of Hunyuan are a considerable force. Before, Xuwushen and his men underestimated the situation, so they suffered losses one after another. However, Ershi and his men have always been very cautious. They have participated in wars one after another before. Therefore, it cannot be said that they have been smooth sailing after coming to the Yin Realm, but they have also gained something.

Because of the gains, coupled with their own talents, they have become stronger. In addition, there are several beings with similar combat power to Ershi, so the situation is different.

It was said that there were some hidden things before, but in the face of a powerful opponent, they can no longer hide. A strong aura clashed out, and even Chen Feng was really surprised.

"It's interesting. Only war can make faster progress." Chen Feng laughed, otherwise even if they were given a few kalpas of time, they would not be able to make such a fast progress.

Slow accumulation is too slow, and swallowing and plundering are faster.

However, even if Ershi and his men exerted strong combat power, it is unrealistic to want to solve the opponent.

"So should we ask for reinforcements?" Although Chen Feng did not make a move, he had been keeping an eye on the overall situation. Don't think you are not at a disadvantage now, because you are not sure whether the opponent will have helpers. Even if you don't need helpers, you have to make more preparations. After all, there are too many people on your side, and one error may cause someone to die.

Chen Feng went to communicate with the Yin Realm, naturally not to ask the Yin Realm for power blessing. Needless to say, since it is to help the Yin Realm fight, the Yin Realm will naturally descend with power, which can be regarded as an advantage.

Chen Feng communicated with the Yin Realm more to understand the situation of the opponent. If the opponent has helpers, then his side must also find a way.

Knowing yourself and the enemy can be safer.

Just when Chen Feng was communicating with the Yin Realm, someone still came to kill him. Chen Feng sighed and had to release his clone to deal with it.

It's not that other people didn't come to help, but that they each had opponents. Fortunately, most of the opponents who came were above Hunyuan, and Chen Feng's clone was enough to deal with it.

"Since the other party has set their sights on us, they may have a backhand. Fellow Taoists, if you have any means, use them as soon as possible and deal with a few opponents first." Chen Feng said.

As soon as the voice fell, more than a dozen people burst out immediately. The short burst reached the power of the emperor, and severely injured several opponents in succession.

Although the practitioners on Taiyuan's side are special, to them, the practitioners on Chen Feng's side are also strange and special, and it is hard to say who is stronger than who.

Although Chen Feng had no choice but to attack, he was also at ease. The four clones easily blocked the four opponents, and Chen Feng suddenly broke out, and the Spear of Destiny directly penetrated the body of an opponent.

Solving one opponent will trigger some chain reactions, and the other three opponents are a little overwhelmed. Soon they were targeted by Chen Feng again, and the Spear of Destiny was still stabbed out, seriously injuring another person.

From the high-end battle, even if Chen Feng could not exert his full strength, he felt that these opponents were indeed a little weaker. Chen Feng did not even use the power beyond the origin, just relying on the power of the Spear of Destiny was enough.

However, it was difficult for Chen Feng to kill his opponent. After being injured, the opponent would dodge and flee. As for whether he would hit other people's hands, it was hard to say.

Originally, Chen Feng did not intend to attack. Later, after the clone appeared, Chen Feng also wanted to see the excitement, but soon he could not hold back, especially after attacking, the blood in his body boiled.

At first, there was a chance to attack, and later, there was no chance but to look for opportunities.

It can be said that as long as Chen Feng attacked, every time the Spear of Destiny could hurt the opponent, Chen Feng unknowingly severely injured many opponents.




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