Eternal Existence

Chapter 5588 Harvest

There are four major families and four major sects in Heiyuan City, plus the City Lord's Mansion of Heiyuan City, a total of nine forces. The City Lord's Mansion is the strongest, but in recent years, the four major families and four major sects have continued to grow, and finally formed a situation of mutual checks and balances with the City Lord's Mansion, jointly ruling Heiyuan City and the surrounding areas, and Chen Feng's sect is the Iron Sword Sect among the four major sects.

It is rumored that the Iron Sword Sect has a history of more than 300 years in Heiyuan City. The first master of the Iron Sword Sect was a master of the secret realm level. He killed countless cultivators with an iron sword and was also famous. Later, he went out to find the immortal fate and there was no news. Now the master of the Iron Sword Sect is a cultivator of the ninth heaven of Qi training and body forging. He is attacking the sea of ​​consciousness. Once successful, he can be promoted to the secret realm period, transcending the realm of ordinary cultivators and being invincible.

"Hahaha, everyone, look, this waste has appeared."

As soon as Chen Feng returned to the sect, other fellow disciples saw him and laughed loudly.

"This loser disappeared for a few days. I thought he committed suicide. I didn't expect he's still alive and well."

"Hmph, how could this loser be willing to commit suicide? Don't you know it's better to live than to die?"

"It's really shameful. He has been practicing in the sect for six years. I don't know how many pills he has wasted, but he has just bred his true qi. Even a pig should have eaten so much and become smart. Could it be that this kid is not even as smart as a pig?"


Everyone laughed. The cultivators who laughed at Chen Feng were all teenagers. The oldest one was only about the same age as Chen Feng. The weakest of these teenagers were at the level of the third level of Qi training and body forging, with muscles and bones roaring. Two of them even reached the fourth level of condensing internal organs. Although Chen Feng's strength has greatly improved after the breakthrough, he may not be a match for these people. More importantly, Chen Feng doesn't want to take action now to show his strength, because Chen Feng wants to secretly find out the cause of the old man's death.

Listening to these people's ridicule, Chen Feng's eyes flashed with murderous intent, but he concealed it well. Since he was a wanderer since he was a child, Chen Feng has seen too many human warmth and coldness, and when he has power, these humiliations will be returned sooner or later.

Seeing that Chen Feng did not react, these people dispersed after laughing for a while. More importantly, these cultivators did not take Chen Feng seriously at all. Everyone in the entire Iron Sword Gate knew that Chen Feng was a waste, an object that could be laughed at.


Chen Feng pushed open the door and walked into his own courtyard. Although this courtyard was not big, it had fresh air, lush trees and flowers, ancient trees and old vines, quiet and elegant.

This was originally the residence of the old cultivator. Chen Feng had lived here since he entered the Iron Sword Gate. Before the old cultivator died, he was also a master of Qi training and body forging in the seventh heaven. He could form true Qi and kill people invisibly, but he died unclearly, which was why Chen Feng secretly endured it.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to practice peacefully, a thin boy walked in quickly. This boy looked only about fourteen years old, one or two years younger than Chen Feng. He was thin and not tall, but his eyes were dark and bright, and his eyeballs kept turning. He was a smart person.

"Brother Chen, you are back. Are you okay?" Ye Tian asked hurriedly, with a trace of anxiety and worry in his eyes.

"Hehe, I'm fine. I just went out to relax." Chen Feng smiled.

This is his only friend in the Iron Sword Sect. He entered the sect a few years later than himself, but he has already reached the third level of Qi training and body forging.

"I'm glad you're okay. Have you recovered from your injuries? I couldn't find you when I arrived that day?" Ye Tian took out a medicine bottle.

At that time, after being beaten, Chen Feng ran out of Black Source City in the rain, and there was also the next strange scene. Although he was a friend of Ye Tian, ​​Chen Feng had no intention of telling this matter.

"My injuries have healed, and I successfully broke through yesterday." Chen Feng said as he clenched his fist, his blood steaming, and a series of rumbling sounds came from his body.

"The muscles and bones are rumbling, the third level, you finally broke through, that's great." Ye Tian said in surprise.

"It's a pity that you are still too weak. By the way, have you found out anything?" Chen Feng asked.

"Well, there are some rumors, but I advise you not to know." Ye Tian's eyes showed a trace of worry.

"What are the rumors? Tell me quickly, don't worry, I won't do anything rash, I know what's going on." Chen Feng said anxiously.

"I heard that it seems to be related to Elder Wang and Elder Liang. At that time, they went out to hunt beasts together. I don't know what happened." Ye said, as if he was afraid of being heard by others.

"Elder Wang, Elder Liang." Chen Feng's eyes showed a trace of murderous intent, but he felt powerless in his heart, because these two people were all people who had practiced Qi and forged their bodies for the seventh level. They could condense Qi into shape, cut gold and break jade, and kill him with a wave of their hands. Or, the other party had not killed him until now because they did not take him seriously at all and regarded him as an ant.

It was true that the other party was a high and mighty elder in the Iron Sword Sect, while he was a waste that everyone looked down on. The other party could kill him with just one finger.

"You still have to be careful. If they really attack you, you can't hide at all. Maybe leaving the Iron Sword Sect and Black Source City now is a good way out." Ye Tian said to Chen Feng before leaving.

After Ye Tian left, Chen Feng locked himself in the house, and finally suppressed his chaotic thoughts and began to practice.


Fortunately, the old monk taught Chen Feng the cultivation method of the Qi training and body forging period, otherwise Chen Feng would have no idea about the next cultivation path after the breakthrough.

As the method was running, the true qi in the body began to flow through the meridians along a special route. After running for 18 cycles, Chen Shu's blood and qi were boiling, and his muscles and bones kept popping, as if there was a huge thunder rolling in his body.

"Strange, it stands to reason that after breaking through to the third level, the meridians in the body are generally opened up to four, but now I have opened up a full 18, and the true qi is far more than other people at the same level?" Soon Chen Feng felt the abnormality in his body, stopped and began to think.

While Chen Feng was thinking, the true qi in his body began to flow again. This time Chen Feng did not urge it, but the true qi circulated autonomously, as if it had its own life, and the route it circulated suddenly changed, which was completely different from the method Chen Feng practiced, and became a set of unfamiliar true qi route maps.

"Sure enough, the Qi in my body has completely changed. It is not the Qi I cultivated before, but a strange and more powerful Qi. Although this Qi seems peaceful, it contains a strong vitality and an indomitable momentum. Although I don't know what's going on, I can be sure that this is a powerful practice." Chen Feng kept speculating in his heart, and at the same time began to concentrate on experiencing the running route of the Qi in his body.

After an hour, Chen Feng completely mastered this strange mental method. Chen Feng realized that this mental method was extremely mysterious and ten or even a hundred times better than the Iron Sword Sect's mental method he practiced. It can be said that one day of practice now is equivalent to dozens of days in the past, or even hundreds of days. When Chen Feng thought of this, he was so excited that he wanted to shout.

"There really is such a perverted practice in the world. This is too against the sky, and I feel that this mental method is not complete. As for the complete practice, I dare not imagine it at all." Chen Feng shouted in his heart.

As the technique was running, Chen Feng felt more and more that this method was brilliant and profound. In comparison, the techniques he had practiced before were simply rubbish, and there was a huge difference.

"Suddenly, there was a strange Qi in my body, and a strange method of mind. It seemed that all of this was related to the small tower on my body, but this was a good thing after all. With this method of mind, my cultivation would improve rapidly. I will argue with them after I have achieved success in cultivation."

In the next few days, Chen Feng did not go out, and quietly hid in the yard to practice in seclusion. With the practice of these few days, Chen Feng's understanding of this strange method of mind became deeper and deeper. Not only did he open up a mysterious Qi running route in his body, but he also had corresponding moves to cooperate.

As the true qi circulated again and again, Chen Feng could not help but swing his limbs and perform wonderful moves. His body and qi merged, and the method moved with his thoughts. Chen Feng could no longer stop practicing. He felt that he was immersed in a mysterious state. All the things he had learned in the past kept appearing in his mind. With each move he made, he quickly integrated it.

This was a kind of epiphany, a state of being immersed in the great way. One hour of practice was equivalent to several months or even years of practice in the past.

At the same time, a trace of spiritual energy from heaven and earth continued to gather in Chen Feng's body and merge into the meridians, making the true qi in his body thicker and more vigorous. Soon, a more exaggerated scene appeared. The flowers, trees, and ancient vines growing in the courtyard all emitted star-like light spots. These light spots were all the essence of life in these plants. Unexpectedly, under the influence of Chen Feng's mental method, they flew out one after another, and then continued to sink into Chen Feng's body, making Chen Feng's blood and vitality more strong and vigorous, and more full of vitality.

Pah pah pah!

A series of crisp sounds came from Chen Feng's body, getting louder and louder, as if there was really a huge thunder rolling in his body.

After the roar disappeared, the sound of water flow appeared in Chen Feng's body again. This was the powerful blood and qi flowing, sublimating the flesh and blood, washing the bones and forging the marrow.

During this period, Ye Tian came once, but when he saw Chen Feng practicing, he left quietly after showing a look of shock in his eyes.

"Brother Chen went out for a while, how come he seems to have changed? It seems that he is about to break through again. Did he eat some natural treasures outside?" Ye Tian shook his head and walked away.

Finally, Chen Feng's movements slowed down, and he finally stood still, exhaled a long breath of turbid air, only to feel relaxed all over his body, his eyes were bright, and the blood and qi in his body slowly calmed down.

"The true qi is restrained, nourishing the five internal organs, running through the bridge of heaven and earth, and the true qi is endless. It seems that I have entered the level of the fourth level of Qi training and body forging." Chen Feng whispered, and then two rays of light shot out of his eyes, as if he couldn't believe that he had broken through again in such a short time.

I have been practicing hard for six years, but I have only entered the realm of Qi training and body forging. But now, in just a few days, I have made breakthroughs and advanced two levels. If I tell others about this, it will definitely scare people and bring me endless trouble.

Chen Feng has also heard that some cultivators got treasures by luck and made rapid progress in their cultivation. Later, they were killed by other masters before they could achieve great strength, and even their treasures were plundered.

Although Chen Feng has made breakthroughs recently, he is only a low-level cultivator in the Iron Sword Sect, not to mention other forces in the Black Source City. Not to mention some elders, there are many ordinary disciples in the sect who are stronger than me. After all, my cultivation speed in these years is too slow, and I have fallen behind my peers.

"You still have to be low-key and forbearing." Chen Feng sighed.


Although Chen Feng wanted to keep a low profile, things did not go as he wished. The gate of the courtyard was kicked open and three young men strode in.

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