Eternal Existence

Chapter 5596: Tai Chi Land

"Sure enough, in addition to the Land of Taiyuan, there are also the Land of Taiji and the Land of Darkness nearby. Although the latter two are not as good as Taiyuan, their strength cannot be underestimated. The most important thing is that these two are from Taiyuan. A loyal ally of the earth, it has existed for an extremely long time, even so long that it cannot be traced back.”

Chen Feng remembered the existence that almost killed him before. The other person was the master of Tai Chi Land.

Chen Feng had not encountered such danger for a long time. If the Gate of Origin had not come to help him, he would really have narrowly escaped death.

Therefore, Chen Feng had already imprinted the opponent in his heart, and he was also his biggest enemy.

"Now that we are here, we will eventually venture into it, so fellow Taoists, what are your plans?" Chen Feng asked.

"It's better to go to other places to have a look. Maybe we can get more information, or we can enter other nearby production areas first." Daojun Wutian suggested.

"This is indeed a good idea." Chen Feng nodded, not saying he agreed, but he didn't say he objected either.

Except for the practitioners who joined later, others naturally followed Chen Feng's advice, so Chen Feng made up his mind early and continued to explore the surrounding area. Finally, he determined that the land of Taiyuan was indeed very large. In a short time, Can't find out clearly.

During this process, we did encounter some other lives. In addition to people coming out of the Taixu Land, there were also practitioners who ventured into the Taixu Land.

What is even more certain is that the army from Taixu Land has returned early, and there is no big movement.

The sensing spirits of Chen Feng and others did not sense any danger. In the end, everyone released some clones and entered the Taixu Land. Without waiting, they turned directly to the direction of the Taiji Land.

Of course, there is another option, which is to enter the dark place, which is the territory of assassins. Whether it is Chen Feng or the Shadow Emperor, they are very wary of those assassins.

Compared with ordinary practitioners in the land of Taiyuan, those assassins are more dangerous.

So the land of Taiyuan is the best choice.

After spending some time, this kind of person came to the Tai Chi Land. As usual, he first explored the surroundings and then broke into it.

"It feels similar to the situation in Guixu, except that the energy here seems to be smoother. However, the energy is indeed abundant, but there is an invisible force making adjustments in the dark. Maybe this is the meaning of Tai Chi Land." Nie Mie said this said.

This is the first time for everyone to enter this place. Even through the shadow barrier, they can clearly perceive the situation outside, the surge of power, and the subtle structure of power.


Everyone has their own analysis methods and special insights. After all, even if everyone comes from the same place, they all follow their own unique path in spiritual practice.

While Chen Feng and others were analyzing the situation outside, they also collected some power for analysis.

Everyone was surprised to find that the energy that was originally peaceful outside became a little violent when it came into their hands. Once it could not be suppressed, it would become more and more violent, and there was a feeling that it would eventually burn out.

"It's interesting. It seems that the invisible power here is really magical. It would make sense if it was just one party's origin. This life area is obviously very large, but it is still full of this kind of power. This shows that the unity of the other party is very strong. , we have to be careful, this situation is more difficult than we thought before." Chen Feng did not suppress it forcefully, but sorted it out bit by bit.

Sure enough, under Chen Feng's combing, the originally violent energy became smoother again.

It seems that this process did not take much effort, but don't forget what kind of strength Chen Feng has and what it means to collect this little energy.

So if you encounter an opponent who has this level of power, it will be very difficult.

At this moment, Chen Feng thought of the power of Emperor Zhenyuan, but there was some similarity in time.

However, although the energy here is violent, the power that can reconcile this energy is even more terrifying.

Everyone thought of this, so they became more curious about this area.

"It's best not to go out. I have a hunch that we will be discovered once we go out." Emperor Silver Moon said.

At this time, Emperor Yin Yue's brows would emit a faint light from time to time, and he would explore outside the barrier.

"I also feel it. It seems that there is some rejection of outside forces here. Maybe it will be better after we adapt to the situation here. I don't believe that such a large area can target all outsiders. In this case, there will be no outsiders. Enter this area of ​​life," said the Second.

To be careful, everyone stayed in the shadow barrier for a while, feeling the situation outside through the released clones.

"It's almost done. I'll go out to see the situation first." Emperor Yinyue went out with several inspectors from the underworld.

"I'll go out and have a look too." The second generation couldn't help but

, and just like that, everyone left one after another, leaving only Chen Feng.

There is no need for the random shadow barrier to exist, and the Shadow Emperor just needs to take a rest.

"It's better to act separately." Chen Feng said.

If there is no danger or conflict, then acting separately is indeed the best choice.

Chen Feng also understands the psychology of everyone. He has spent a lot of time traveling, and now of course he wants to let himself go.

"Then let's have a good look at this land of life." Chen Feng said, taking one step and disappearing into the void.

"Oh, you were targeted so quickly." Chen Feng didn't walk long before he was targeted by a vague aura.

At first, when the opponent discovered that Fei was flying, he just used his air machine to capture him. Chen Feng also tried to dodge, but he was still targeted by the opponent.

This also showed that the other party's methods were extraordinary, but Chen Feng felt a little strange, because the other party didn't seem to have any malicious intent, and it didn't seem like he was really staring at him secretly.

So Chen Feng deliberately stopped and waited for a while before the other party came over and showed up on his own.

Chen Feng just glanced at the other party and determined that it was a native life. However, the other party should not have been to the underworld before. From the other party's reaction, Chen Feng could tell this.

"I've met fellow Taoist." The other party was quite polite when he appeared, and he saw that Chen Feng was waiting, so he stepped forward and said hello.

"Why are fellow Taoists spying on me secretly?" Chen Feng asked directly.

"I just feel that the skills I practice are a bit special. After all, I practice Taiji Dao." The practitioner said.

Chen Feng immediately understood what the other party meant. Because he had cultivated many avenues and the powers of different attributes were more complicated, he naturally attracted the other party's attention. After all, the other party's Tai Chi Dao was to reconcile the power of these different attributes.

After thinking of this, Chen Feng thought, maybe he can open up the Taiji Dao, so that he can also coordinate his various Dao, and there will definitely be some changes in strength.

But now that I have come here, I naturally have to learn new cultivation models and open up new avenues. This has also been Chen Feng's routine since his cultivation.

It is obvious that the Taiji Dao here is different from what I have known before, but even if it is the same Dao, each person will come to different conclusions when practicing.

Since the person in front of me has no ill intentions, we can take the opportunity to have a good communication.

Chen Feng did not say that he came from the underworld;

I come from a distant area and came to the Tai Chi area specifically to practice.

The other party didn't think much about it, and was also curious about Chen Feng's practice mode, so the two parties had some exchanges.

Under normal circumstances, as long as one of the parties shows goodwill, the situation will be more harmonious, not to mention that both parties want to truly communicate, so the exchange between Chen Feng and this practitioner named Wushi Emperor was very speculative, and the two parties actually became friends.

Emperor Wu Shi even took Chen Feng around the Tai Chi Land as the local master, and also told Chen Feng a lot of news.

This makes Chen Feng feel a little complicated. He and Tai Chi are rivals, but he has made a friend. If there is a conflict between the two sides, how should he face it?

But now Chen Feng can't expose his true origin, which would be risky.

But think about it from another angle. I have also informed the other party of some cultivation methods and some different civilizations. It can be said that both parties have gained something. From this point of view, no one is at a loss.

If a war really breaks out, it's just because we have different positions. We can just run away when the time comes.

It seems that this is the case.

Regardless of what Chen Feng was thinking, Emperor Wushi's attitude remained unchanged. He took Chen Feng to some places, and he always knew everything about Chen Feng's problems.

It can be said that Chen Feng's plan to open up the Tai Chi Path is becoming more and more clear. According to Chen Feng's calculation, as long as he stays here and practices for a while, he can open up the Tai Chi Path.

At that time, it will have some impact on other avenues.

After deducing these results, Chen Feng also hoped that the war would not come, so that he could stay in Taiyuan for a long enough time to practice. At the same time, he also thought that it would be best not to have any problems, otherwise there would be affect yourself.

It's a pity that the idea is good, and the changes in things will not be transferred due to Chen Feng's will.

Soon Chen Feng received news from the inspectors in the underworld. It turned out that someone was in trouble.

In desperation, Chen Feng had no choice but to say goodbye to Emperor Wu Shi.

When Chen Feng arrived at the place, he realized that it was already too late. One of the underworld inspectors had died.

The fall of the other party had some impact on Chen Feng's strength, but the most important thing was that it exposed the news that he and others had come here.

Chen Feng arrived the fastest, followed by the Silver Moon Emperor and the Shadow Emperor, and then informed the others of the news.

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