Eternal Existence

Chapter 5623 Is there someone behind the scenes?

"The other party must have discovered us. Do you think the previous torrent of Nirvana was caused by Ming Gao or the Great Nirvana and the others?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"It's probably Emperor Annihilation and the others, but the two of them have entered a stalemate stage. It's really shocking that it can last for so long." Emperor Silver Moon said.

"What do we do next?"

"Let's first explore their reality."

But just when everyone wanted to explore, they suddenly received the wave of will from Emperor Annihilation, and wanted everyone to take action to solve the problem in one fell swoop.

"I'm sure, it's really clear, but what does Emperor Annihilation mean? He asked us to help him as soon as he came up. If there is such a good thing, I still want to catch them all." Emperor Silver Moon said.

However, when they thought about Ming, and the Emperor of Nirvana and others who were in a stalemate with Ming, everyone was still a little unsure.

"Ming wants to destroy the entire land of Taiyuan, so we have to find a way to burn our own strength to seal Ming. Don't look at Ming being wiped out. In fact, our strength has not been affected much. Once we escape, none of us here will survive. ." Emperor Annihilation continued.

"So, what happened to the previous wave of Nirvana?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"It's the power fluctuation caused by the battle between the two of us." Emperor Annihilation said.

Here, Emperor Sansheng went to communicate secretly.

"Senior Ming, do you have anything to say?" Emperor Sansheng asked as soon as he came up.

"First I was plotted by Yuan, and then I was taken advantage of by these little guys. Now my strength is severely depleted. I can't control what you choose." Ming responded.

Emperor Sansheng was a little hesitant, and he didn't know whose words between the two parties were correct.

"Take action, try the opponent's state first." At this time, the Silver Moon Emperor suddenly activated the light and hit one of the statues hard.

On the surface, it seems that they are taking action against the Emperor of Annihilation, but it still depends on how things develop next.

Emperor Silver Moon's attack can be strong or weak, mainly depending on the opponent's reaction.

Sure enough, Emperor Silver Moon's gaze was blocked before he even got close to the other party. The tyrannical power of Nirvana kept wearing away Emperor Yin Yue's gaze. Even if Emperor Silver Moon raised his power to the extreme, he could not break through the power of Nirvana. Not only that, the opponent also mobilized a strong force of annihilation to fight back against the Silver Moon Emperor.

Under normal circumstances, Emperor Silver Moon alone could not stop the power of Nirvana, but everyone working together could neutralize the opponent's attack.

"We are very strong, so we can only do it together. We are afraid that the other party is too strong and will bring us a lot of trouble if we cannot solve it." Emperor Wushi said.

"It doesn't matter to us." Emperor Silver Moon said.

"What do fellow Taoists mean? Do you want to help Ming? It seems that fellow Taoists don't believe what I said before. Ming really wants to destroy the land of Taiyuan." Emperor Annihilation couldn't help but say.

"We also want to destroy the land of Taiyuan." The Shadow Emperor said lightly.

So Chen Feng and others launched an attack together. The Wushi Emperor and the Sansheng Emperor hesitated for a while and then also output their magic power. Only the Yin Yang Saint and the Night Demon Emperor did not take action. These two strength did not recover, but after listening to the Shadow Emperor after words

Of course, the situation is different when everyone joins forces. With so many masters, even Yuan here is not so easy to resist.

What's more, the other party is still competing with Ming.

So after a series of chaotic collisions, the defenses formed by the opponent exploded one after another, and everyone's power hit the statue hard.

In fact, fighting here is not good for Chen Feng and others, because they still need to allocate part of their strength to resist the power of annihilation, and they cannot spread out.

"However, although the opponent's power of annihilation is very strong, we are not easy to mess with." Chen Feng said, waving the Spear of Destiny, breaking through the chaos, and stabbed a statue fiercely.

Scattered energy continued to fall off the statue, and in the blink of an eye a living practitioner appeared in front of everyone.

"How much combat power should there be after just recovering?" Chen Feng said lightly and continued to take action. Then other statues also recovered one after another, except Ming who remained in his original state.

Waves of tyrannical aura emanated from Emperor Nirvana and the others. This situation was completely different from that of the Yin-Yang Saints. It felt like the fighting power of Emperor Nirvana and the others was not affected at all.

Not only that, while the Nirvana Emperor and the others exude powerful aura, they are also absorbing the surrounding Nirvana energy, making them even more powerful.

"There's something wrong. The opponent's strength is a bit unexpected." The second generation couldn't help but said.

"There are many of us, so we are not afraid of each other." Jianhun said.

"We should also call those from the God Clan. Now I always feel unsure." Chen Feng thought to himself.

After all, even great emperors have strengths and weaknesses. Speaking of which, Emperor Zhenyuan is a great emperor, and Yuan Heji is also a great emperor, but they can sweep a group of great emperors.

"Since we have already taken action, let's use our own methods." Emperor Wushi said.

If you back down now, regardless of whether you can walk away, you will be laughed at by your companions, and you may even be hit hard by your companions first.

"Besides, Ming Ya must take action."


The two sides began to fight. Emperor Nirvana and the others took out weapons and magic weapons after devouring some Nirvana energy. They were all wearing armors and filled with murderous intent. They seemed not to care about people like Chen Feng at all.

And as soon as the two sides fought, Chen Feng and others felt that these opponents were all powerful emperors, and their strength was no problem at all.

"Yin Yang Saint, you also participated in it. If you retreat now, you can still save your life."

"You two are Emperor Wu Shi and Emperor San Sheng, right? I know your backers are too strong. If you retreat now, just pretend that this incident never happened."

"As for you practitioners who don't know where you came from, then die here, just in time to replenish some energy for us."

Emperor Jiemie and others said, looking very confident and arrogant.

"Weird, where does the other party get the confidence to beat us? What do you think, fellow Taoists?" Chen Feng and others were also communicating privately.

"Is the other party confused about the situation, or is the other party really sure?"

"If the other party is really sure, then it's not a matter of being careful, we need help."

"It's not realistic to find help now."

"I don't believe the other party's bluffing. I'm afraid they don't know the outside world after being trapped here for so long."

Everyone was communicating quickly, but they were not slow to act. However, Chen Feng and others still used some means, that is, they mobilized some energy to help Yin Yang Saint and Dark Night Demon Emperor to quickly recover their strength.

The reason why they didn't do this before was naturally because they didn't trust these two people. Now there is really no better way.

Everyone outputs some pure life energy, which can allow Yin Yang Saint to quickly refine and transform into their own mana cultivation.

"Strange, except for the Emperor of Nirvana, these people are also good at Nirvana. It's really a bit weird." Yin Yang Saint couldn't help but said.

"What's weird, if they are not proficient in Nirvana, how can they join forces to deal with Ming?" Chen Feng asked back.

"No, no, in addition to the Emperor of Silence, there are two others, namely Master Xiaoyao and Emperor Jiuji. They are not cultivating the way of silence at all, but the silence power they have mastered now is too strong, and it doesn't seem like it can be cultivated in a short time." Yin Yang Saint said.

It seems that he has been nourished by the energy of life, and Yin Yang Saint remembered more things.

"Besides, Emperor Silence was not so powerful back then." Dark Night Demon Emperor interjected.

It stands to reason that he must have consumed himself after fighting with Ming for so long here, but now it seems that he has not consumed himself, but has become stronger. This is definitely a problem.




Emperor Silence led people to attack continuously, and all they used were silence methods. Speaking of it, Chen Feng and others had a large number of people, and they had blocked the impact of the silence torrent all the way here, but now they couldn't resist it.

Seeing that the situation of everyone joining forces was about to break.

If there was no silence energy erosion, then it would not be a big deal even if everyone separated and fought on their own, but the silence energy in front of them really brought some psychological pressure to everyone.

"Be prepared for the worst, and urge Senior Ming. His opponents are still fighting. I think he should have some tricks. There is no reason to watch us fight here. If Ming doesn't take action, we will leave immediately." Emperor Yinyue said.

"I am communicating with the other party. Ming said that his strength has been seriously depleted and he is recovering. Let's wait a little longer." Emperor Sansheng said.


Everyone was a little dissatisfied.

"Also, Ming said that things are not that simple. In addition to Emperor Jiemie, there should be someone behind him. He needs to figure it out." Emperor Sansheng continued.

"No matter if there is someone behind him, the most important thing now is to deal with the problem in front of us. I feel that our alliance is about to collapse." Chen Feng said.

In fact, if we join forces, we can exert stronger strength, but this small group is a bit mixed, coming from different places, and I don't know if the two new members can be trusted, so the situation seems a bit awkward.

"We still have to try our best. We can't be conservative at this time. Fellow Taoists, I'm still thinking about making progress." Jiemie said as he released a stronger attack than before, and at the same time output a large amount of mana to maintain the barrier.

Seeing Jiemie explode, others also mobilized more power, and Emperor Wushi tried his best to adjust with the power of Tai Chi.

But who knew that Emperor Jiemie and his men had also become stronger, and the most important thing was the means of Jiemie, which attacked the soul will.

In short, after a series of fierce battles between the two sides, the formation jointly arranged by Chen Feng and others was broken, and as a large amount of Jiemie energy poured in, everyone rushed around.

"Be careful."

Almost at the same time, Chen Feng, Emperor Yinyue and other original partners secretly communicated quickly.

At this time, only your own people are the most trustworthy.

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