Eternal Existence

Chapter 563: Suppressing Cultivation

"Reply to Jiuxiao Palace, the reward will be doubled, and the time will be extended to three months." The middle-aged man in gray robe said.

"I would like to meet the young heroes who came from Beiyuan." The beautiful beauty Xiu has a smile like a flower, a tall and plump figure, and the exquisite body armor makes the whole person look more attractive and hot.

"Okay, maybe you can shorten the time if you take action. I have one requirement, try to capture him alive. According to the information obtained, this Chen Feng is not simple. He may have a Taoist weapon on him."

"Don't worry, I'm measured."

Jiuxiao Palace.

Master Duan Lang finally came out of seclusion. His cultivation level has greatly increased, but his anger seems to have also increased. On this day, he was throwing a tantrum in the meeting hall of Jiuxiao Palace.


A precious spiritual wood table was smashed to pieces. A group of monks sitting at the bottom looked ugly, but they did not dare to speak for fear of drawing the lord's anger to themselves.

"I have only been in seclusion for a short period of time, and so many things have happened to my sect. A small disciple of the Taiyi Sect actually caused the death and injury of so many elite disciples of this sect. Can any of you give me an explanation for this matter?" Duan Lang said as he glanced at everyone coldly. Under the gaze of the headmaster, everyone lowered their heads and did not dare to look at each other.

"Master Headmaster, the thing is like this, Chen Feng is protected by a sacred weapon." An elder said bravely.

"Holy weapon, don't we have a holy weapon in our sect?" Duan Lang said and glared at the elder. The elder with half-step human immortal cultivation immediately felt that he was falling into an ice cellar, but he still gritted his teeth and said: "According to our The information I received indicates that there should be an expert behind Chen Feng, and coupled with the protective magic weapon on his body, he can escape from the pursuit of this sect again and again. "

"Yes, Master Headmaster, this boy Chen Feng is indeed not simple. We just got the news that even the people in the Assassin Hall have missed." Someone else also spoke.

"Hehe, our Jiuxiao Palace is the top existence in Beiyuan, and now it has begun to hire killers. If this spreads out, what will other sects think of us?" Duan Lang said coldly.

"Master Headmaster, Chen Feng has entered the Two Realms Mountains and will soon enter the Central Plains area. Our power cannot reach there. We can only rely on some other powers. And for a small Taiyi Sect disciple, we can't do it." Immortals were sent out, so this matter has been postponed until now.”

"Yes, Master, please calm down, we will capture and kill Chen Feng as soon as possible."

"Since you are a disciple of the Taiyi Sect, you must put some pressure on the Taiyi Sect. As for how to operate it, it is up to you. As for Chen Feng, it is best for the sect to capture him. Now go and open the secret realm of the back mountain immediately. , select a few people to go to the Central Plains, if Chen Feng is killed by the Killer Hall, he will be lucky, otherwise he will be captured alive and slowly interrogated. "A cold light flashed in Duan Lang's eyes.

"Master Headmaster, do you want to unite the two sects of Zixiao Palace and Lingxiao Palace? Many of their disciples died at the hands of Chen Feng."

"Okay, you guys can do this. I've gained a lot from my retreat recently. I'm going to some dangerous places outside the territory to find some extraterrestrial iron to refine a magic weapon." Duan Lang said, waving his hand, directly slicing the void, and then stepped in. .

"The master's cultivation has improved again. Is it possible that he will reach the level of a high-level human immortal?" the deputy master said excitedly.

In a hidden small cave in the mountains of the two realms, a nine-story small tower was quietly placed on the ground. A trace of spiritual energy from heaven and earth continued to gather into the cave, and was finally absorbed by the small tower like a whale swallowing a cow.

Chen Feng is in the tower, standing in front of the meteorite from the sky, meditating and practicing. This huge meteorite has spiritual imprints and martial arts imprints left by countless immortals. The speed of practicing here is much faster than practicing hard on your own. The most important thing is that you can avoid many detours.

After Chen Feng entered the state of cultivation, he completely forgot about the time outside. He just continued to comprehend and practice. Sometimes his thoughts were clear, and it took a long time after entering a state of enlightenment.

"Hey! Although it is an ancient big world, it does not help me very much. Unless I can refine the origin of this big world, otherwise at this speed of absorbing energy, I will be able to restore the Taoist weapon. The level is extremely difficult." Ta sighed and stopped absorbing external energy.

"Hey, the mark here turned out to be left by a senior who cultivated the power of darkness." Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and then a black light flashed deep in his pupils, and then the dark holes in his body surged, and a black energy emitted from his body. Wrapping up Chen Feng's entire body, only his eyes were glowing and staring at the dark mark on the meteorite in front of him.

There are no years of practice. Chen Feng stood in front of the meteorite and practiced for half a year. During this period, Chen Feng did not eat anything or took any pills. The Tower of Eternal Life was filled with rich spiritual energy. Chen Feng was just practicing. Breathing in and out at will can make the physical body's functions stronger and stronger.

During Chen Feng's six months of training, Jiuxiao Palace and the Killer Hall once again caused a stir. Previously, the Killer Hall had issued a message to find Chen Feng within three months, and even accepted the reward from the Jiuxiao Palace. Now Half a year has passed, and the Killer Hall has searched almost all the mountain ranges of the two realms but cannot find any trace of Chen Feng. This matter makes Jiuxiao Palace extremely dissatisfied.

In particular, a group of tyrannical monks emerged from the secret realm of the three sects of Jiuxiao Palace. They came to the Killer Hall to show off their power and made sarcastic remarks without giving the Killer Hall a trace of mercy. Because the Killer Hall did not do what it should have done, they felt aggrieved, but He couldn't fall out with his employer, so he was frustrated and began to increase his efforts to search for Chen Feng.

"Since you, the Killer Hall, can't find Chen Feng, don't blame us for taking action. If we find Chen Feng first, humph, then you will not only have to double the compensation, but also your reputation will be affected." The cultivator in the secret realm of the back mountain of Jiuxiao Palace left with a sneer on his face after saying this.

"What's so great? The three sects have been hunting down Chen Feng for several years without success. Now they come to the Killer Hall to show off their power. If it weren't for this mission, the attitude of these people alone would be enough for us to kill them."

"What should we do now? We have searched almost all of the Two Worlds Mountains, but we can't find any trace of Chen Feng. This kid won't leave, right?"

"He definitely didn't leave. He should be hiding in a secret place in the Two Worlds Mountains to practice. Otherwise, we would get the news even if he entered the Central Plains."

"This business has already lost money. In order not to affect our reputation, we must find Chen Feng no matter what."

"Huh!" Chen Feng took a long breath, a dark light flashed in his eyes, and then he returned to normal.

"With my current strength, it is completely possible to survive the thunder tribulation, but I need to accumulate some time, and then I can survive several thunder tribulations at once."

Originally, Chen Feng wanted to merge the nine seas of consciousness and then survive the tribulation during his practice, but he was persuaded by the tower, and at the same time, he passed on a secret method to Chen Feng, which could suppress the power in his body and survive the tribulation after accumulating more power.

"It's time to go out after practicing for such a long time." Chen Feng flew out of the Longevity Tower in a flash, but then he felt that the restrictions he had set up outside the cave were being broken layer by layer.

"Someone is coming." Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and his eyes passed through the layers of restrictions and clearly saw the situation outside.

A hot and beautiful female cultivator held a green round bead in her hand and moved forward step by step. The green round bead continued to emit green rays. As these green rays flashed, the restrictions she had set up were broken one after another.

"Half-step human immortal, breaking the spirit bead." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

Not long after, all the restrictions set by Chen Feng outside were completely broken, and then the beautiful female cultivator with an attractive figure walked in with a smile, but after seeing Chen Feng in the cave, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the beautiful female cultivator. Although it was hidden very deeply, Chen Feng still sensed it.

"Hey, there is someone in the cave, sorry, sorry, I will leave now." The beautiful female cultivator suddenly showed a look of surprise on her face, as if she did not expect that there was someone in the cave.

Chen Feng did not speak, and watched the other party leave indifferently. When Chen Feng walked out of the cave, he saw that the female cultivator was waiting for him. Chen Feng looked normal and walked forward.

"Hehe, please stay, my friend." The beautiful female cultivator saw that Chen Feng ignored her, and a burst of anger rose in her heart.

"Is there anything?" Chen Feng asked indifferently.

"I was reckless just now. I didn't know someone was practicing in the cave. I just wanted to find a quiet place. I found that there was a restriction here. I thought it was left by the predecessors, and there would be an opportunity." The beautiful female cultivator smiled like a flower, exhaled like orchids, and her eyes were flowing. She was charming and charming.

Chen Feng sneered in his heart. This woman was full of nonsense. She was obviously coming for him, but she didn't take action at this time. I don't know what she was doing.

"I don't mind. Goodbye." Chen Feng said lightly, his body shape did not change, and he continued to move forward. He took a few feet in one step, and soon he was a hundred feet away.

Sure enough, the female cultivator followed him again, and walked side by side with Chen Feng. At the same time, she showed a charming smile to Chen Feng, and her voice was lingering and charming, as if she had practiced the art of seduction: "I am Lingxian'er, may I ask your name, sir, and where are you from?"

"Hey, she is clearly at the level of a half-step human immortal, and must be quite old, but she still calls herself a little girl. However, this woman is at a very high level, and has practiced the art of seduction, but I don't know which side of the cultivator she is from." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"It's not even a chance meeting, why do we need to exchange names?" Chen Feng said lightly, still ignoring the female cultivator.

At this time, the beautiful female cultivator was so angry that she gritted her teeth, but the smile on her face had not diminished, and she followed Chen Feng slowly.

Chen Feng frowned a little. The other party must have bad intentions in following him, but since the other party did not make a move, he did not want to take the initiative. Just when Chen Feng was considering whether to get rid of this female cultivator, his pupils suddenly lit up, and then he stopped.

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