Eternal Existence

Chapter 565: Sword Spirit Body

"These people are so fast, and there is a hint of murderous intent in their eyes. They must have something to do. Anyway, they are bored, so they might as well go and see the excitement." Chen Feng's heart moved, and he used his body skills to quickly follow.

After advancing for thousands of miles, Chen Feng finally felt the fluctuations caused by the fight from the front.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The unicorn accelerated its speed and rushed forward in streams of light. After arriving at the place, it did not attack, but spread out in a circle. The unicorn and the monks on it all began to continue to exert their strength.

Chen Feng hid in the dark and saw the situation in the venue clearly. Dozens of monks wearing bronze armor surrounded the two young female monks and were fighting. The spiritual energy was rolling, and there were big pits on the ground. In addition, the scattered corpses on the ground and the panting breath of the two female monks showed that this fight had been going on for some time.

The two female cultivators, one in a red skirt and the other in a white dress, were tall and graceful, with straight and slender legs, round and tender waists, and beautiful faces. More importantly, they looked exactly the same. Without asking, one could tell that they were twin sisters. Even Chen Feng nodded secretly. He didn't expect to meet such a beauty not long after entering the Central Plains. However, Chen Feng also knew that these two female cultivators were not simple. Not only were they highly skilled, but there was a constant surge of sword light in their eyes, and coupled with the sword aura circling around them, they gave people a cold and beautiful beauty and a solemn and murderous intention.

"Pure sword cultivators, the sword intent is somewhat familiar, they can't be disciples of the Tianjian Sect." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"Jian Qingwu, Jian Qingling, you are still resisting now. Hand over the things, we will not make it difficult for you. Why do you have to wait until the end to be captured by us? Do you want to fall into my hands?" A young man riding a pure white unicorn said with a smile outside the encirclement, his eyes kept turning, exuding obscene colors, and kept staring at the fighting twin sisters.

"Zhan Qingsong, if you have the ability, let's fight alone. If I lose, I will naturally hand over the things. Do you think you are capable of relying on the number of people?" The female cultivator in a red skirt shouted.

"Provocation doesn't work on me. You are unlucky today. I have more and more people. When I lose my patience, it will be useless for you to beg for mercy. Of course, I am a man who cherishes women. I really can't do such a thing. I think you should hand over the things and go back with me. When you get the inheritance treasure, I will naturally not treat you unfairly." The young master Zhan Qingsong said evilly.

"What nonsense, even Zhan Tianhen dare not say such big words in front of us, what do you think you are." The red skirt female cultivator shouted coldly.

"Tianxuan split light sword technique!"

Jian Qingwu and Jian Qingling looked at each other, and at the same time, they spurted out a mouthful of blood. The long swords circling around the two people immediately became more powerful, and the power began to increase exponentially. Screams came, and three more cultivators who besieged the two were immediately killed and fell to the ground.

"Stimulate potential, let me see how much potential you have. If you don't accept the toast, you will be punished. In my hands, I will make you live a life worse than death." A gloomy look flashed in Zhan Qingsong's eyes.

"You guys, attack immediately." Zhan Qingsong waved his hand and gave orders to the twenty people who had just arrived.

"Jian Qingwu, Jian Qingling, and Tianxuan Fenguang Sword Art, are most likely from the Tianjian Sect. This young man named Zhan Qingsong is a disciple of Zhanwang Pavilion. I heard that the two sects are fighting, and it is normal for the disciples below to have disputes. I just don't know if Zhan Qingsong really wants to rob things or has other purposes." Chen Feng hid in the dark and saw the situation clearly.

Jian Qingwu and Jian Qingling are a few years younger than Jian Xiaotian, not to mention Chen Feng, but they have reached the eighth level of the heavenly man. The sword energy in their bodies is pure, and the sword intent is condensed and not dispersed. They have reached a very high level on the road of sword cultivation.

"I really can't tell that these two sisters are so powerful. Their bodies are crystal clear. It shouldn't be the realm of taking elixirs to improve. Tower, this can't be a special physique?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"Sword spirit body, born to be a sword cultivator, can feel the sword intent at birth, one year of cultivation is compared to other sword cultivators practicing for ten years, or even dozens of years." Ta said lightly.

"It's too exaggerated to be able to feel the sword intent at birth, compared with Jian Xiaotian's Daluo battle body." Chen Feng thought for a while and asked.

"Hehe, in fact, the physical constitution is one aspect, and the most important aspect also depends on the acquired opportunities and efforts. Although the Daluo battle body is the lowest among all special physiques, if the mystery can be fully stimulated, it will become a top physique. However, if you want to bring the Daluo battle body to a very high level, only one out of a hundred people can come out. Obviously, Jian Xiaotian is still far away. According to my sword intent, your friend should not become a sword cultivator, but a physical cultivator. Refining the flesh is the best choice." Ta said slowly.

"You mean the cultivation talent of the two sisters in front of you is better than Jian Xiaotian." Chen Feng still asked.

"Isn't this a very obvious thing." Ta curled his lips, as if he felt that Chen Feng's question was a bit idiotic.

"Although these two sisters have amazing talents, good cultivation, and their cooperation is as skillful as if they were one person, they will definitely lose today unless a miracle happens." The situation in front of him was clear at a glance, and Chen Feng didn't need to use pupil skills at all.

"Aren't you that miracle?" Ta said with a smile.

"Zhan Qingsong's mount is not bad." Chen Feng answered irrelevantly.

"An alien unicorn, a top-grade monster, contains the blood of the monster king, so it is certainly not bad."

"Maybe I should grab it."

When the twenty newly arrived monks started to fight, Jian Qingwu and the other two felt more pressure, and the sword light around them began to shrink continuously, which was a sign of defeat.

Chi chi chi chi chi chi!

Not only that, even the unicorns of these people's mounts launched an attack, the unicorn spirit light flashed, and the energy columns were compressed and crisscrossed, looking for weak points to attack.

"Should we start now?" Chen Feng hesitated.

Chi chi!

A corner of Jian Qingwu's clothes was torn, and her steps flew, making Zhan Qingsong, who was watching the battle, laugh triumphantly.

"Two little beauties, don't resist anymore, just surrender."

"Looking for death!" The two sisters shouted, wanting to rush out and capture Zhan Qingsong directly, but they failed after several attempts.

"It's my turn. Hey! No, there's someone else." Just when Chen Feng was about to take action, his eyes suddenly shrank. He used his pupil technique to carefully explore the surroundings. Soon, Chen Feng found someone hiding in the sky. However, the other party's cultivation was very high, so Chen Feng could only barely sense that there was someone, but he couldn't sense who the other party was.

"This person should be from Zhan Qingsong's side, but he seems to be waiting for someone." Chen Feng suddenly had this strange feeling in his heart.

"Hehe, he is waiting for someone!" Chen Feng laughed, and a ball of blue light quickly appeared in the sky. A figure flickered in the blue light, and the specific appearance could not be seen clearly. Boom! The blue light fell quickly, seemingly lightly falling to the ground, but the cultivators who besieged Jian Qingwu and the other person flew backwards.

"What a wonderful thunder technique!" Chen Feng was a little surprised. The person's control over thunder and lightning had reached a superb level, and Chen Feng had seen through the thunder light by using his pupil technique. In the thunder light, there was actually a female cultivator who looked a little weak.

"Could this new female cultivator also be a disciple of the Tianjian Sect? But I think the hidden person in the sky should show up." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Sure enough, after this female cultivator appeared, a tall figure in the sky quickly descended, and the unparalleled aura exuded by it made all the cultivators present change their faces.


The blue light dissipated, and a young female cultivator who looked ordinary in every way appeared in front of everyone, with flying hair and crackling lightning flashing in the air, blocking the opponent's imposing pressure.

"Good guy, both of them are half-step human immortals, and they are still so young." Chen Feng almost spoke, but his eyes showed a fiery look.

"Lan Ling, I've been waiting for you for a long time, but I didn't expect you to show up and didn't let me down." A tall young cultivator with a face that looked like a knife and an axe fell to the ground, looking at the ordinary-looking female cultivator in front of him, but his eyes showed a fiery fighting spirit.

"Young Master Tianhen, are you provoking me?" Lan Ling's voice was also very ordinary, as ordinary as a mortal without cultivation.

"You can take it as a provocation. I heard that you have a title in Daluo Academy, saying that you are the number one person under the human immortal. I have long wanted to see it. I hope you won't let me down today." Young Master Tianhen stared at Lan Ling.

"I have also heard of Young Master Tianhen's delusion-breaking spiritual pupil. Did you go to great lengths to lure me out just to learn from each other?" Lan Ling said lightly.

"Yes, go ahead."


Young Master Tianhen's aura became more violent, and the air flow around him surged. The whole person seemed to have turned into an ancient beast, with eyes like lightning, and the light in his eyes flickered and made a hissing sound.


Lan Ling's body also exploded with lightning. The aura on his body was not weaker than that of Young Master Tianhen, and was even more domineering. The detonator flashed, and the whole sky changed color.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The two masters started off with a fierce collision, just like two humanoid monsters wreaking havoc on the land, turning everything into ashes wherever they passed. Jian Qingwu and the others retreated far away, and even Chen Feng was stunned.

"They are indeed strong enough. Although these two are only half-step human immortals, they are infinitely close to the realm of human immortals. Even if they fight with ordinary human immortals, they will not be at a disadvantage." Chen Feng's eyes were extremely dark, and he looked at the two people fighting without blinking, and quickly analyzed their strength in his mind.

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