Eternal Existence

Chapter 572 Half Cloud

The three of them chatted casually in the warship and tasted spiritual fruits, which was quite pleasant, especially Chen Feng. He practiced all day and had not had much contact with female cultivators. This time, chatting and talking with two extremely beautiful beauties in the world, he felt a strange feeling. Fortunately, Chen Feng had a high level of cultivation and a high concentration, and he had no evil thoughts, so he could sit in front of Jian Qingwu and the other person safely. If it were some cultivators with insufficient concentration, they would probably be out of their minds and show their ugly appearance when they encountered such a beauty.

"Brother Chen, you have offended Young Master Tianhen this time, and you have also offended the entire Zhanwang Pavilion. Young Master Tianhen has a wide range of friends and has a lot of power. In addition, Brother Chen has just arrived in the Central Plains, so it may be difficult to compete with him. I suggest that you go to Daluo Academy as soon as possible, or go to our sect to practice in seclusion." Jian Qingwu thought for a while and said.

"Young Master Tianhen seems to be from the four major academies." Chen Feng avoided Jian Qingwu's question.

"Young Master Tianhen Zhan Tianhen is a student of Tianjian Academy. He has a great reputation in Zhanwang Pavilion, Tianjian Academy, and Zhanwang Pavilion. It is said that he has never been defeated since he started practicing. He has a blood-dominant fighting body and a delusion-breaking spiritual pupil. He has an amazing talent for cultivation and is considered one of the best in the entire cultivation world. Of course, we didn't know that Young Master Tianhen had a delusion-breaking spiritual pupil before this. This shows that he is very hidden, and I think he must have other means." Jian Qingwu said in a deep voice.

"Yes, I also feel that this person did not use his full strength. He was lucky to escape this time, or the other party was careless. If I meet him again next time, it will be difficult for me to escape even if I have a holy weapon." Chen Feng nodded, agreeing with what Jian Qingwu said.

The cultivators with spiritual bodies are much faster than other cultivators in cultivation. Generally speaking, one day of cultivation for such people is equivalent to several days, dozens of days, or even several months or a year of cultivation for ordinary cultivators. What's more, Young Master Tianhen not only has the Overlord Blood Battle Body, but also has the Breaking Delusion Spiritual Eyes that are no less than the Overlord Blood Battle Body. This is a step higher than other cultivators with spiritual bodies. The speed of cultivation for such people is extremely terrifying. Chen Feng asked himself that if he had not activated the Longevity Tower and cultivated the Longevity Sutra at that time, even if he could cultivate normally, it would take a lifetime to cultivate to the Heavenly Man Realm. As for the Human Immortal Realm, don't even think about it.

"I heard that the Tianjian Sect is at war with the Wuqing Tianzong. I don't know why the two of you were besieged by the people of the War King Pavilion." Chen Feng pondered for a while and then asked.

"This question..."

The two sisters Jian Qingwu and Jian Qingling only looked at each other briefly and made up their minds. Jian Qingwu took out a tattered map and handed it to Chen Feng.

"What is this?" Chen Feng took it and didn't look at it immediately.

"Half of the cloud map should be the inheritance of a high-level human immortal." Jian Qingwu's eyes moved, staring at Chen Feng's reaction.

"So it's the inheritance of a human immortal, no wonder the other party would try to snatch it." Chen Feng nodded, then opened the cloud map and looked at it.

"Aren't you surprised?" Seeing Chen Feng's calm look, Jian Qingling finally couldn't help asking.

"What's there to be surprised about? Isn't it the inheritance of a human immortal? I heard that there are countless inheritances left by ancient immortals in the Central Plains. The most popular one in the Central Plains cultivation world is the treasure map. It's a pity that it's a human immortal. It would be better if it was the inheritance of a terrestrial immortal or a high immortal in the fairy world." Chen Feng shook his head.

"You really dare to think that this half of the cloud map took us sisters a lot of effort to get. If it weren't for Sister Lan Ling, humph, and you, I'm afraid it would have been snatched away by that annoying guy Zhan Qingsong. But you can know that there are high immortals above terrestrial immortals. It seems that you are really not simple." Jian Qingling laughed.

"Something weird!"

At this time, Chen Feng's face suddenly changed, his eyes stared straight at the cloud map in his hand, and his sea of ​​consciousness began to churn.

Seeing this scene, Jian Qingwu and her sister were not surprised, but showed a mischievous smile on their faces. Jian Qingwu wanted to speak up to remind him but was stopped by Jian Qingling.

"Sister, don't speak up, this guy has been so arrogant from the beginning, let him suffer a little this time." Jian Qingling smiled and transmitted the message.

Jian Qingwu nodded, and didn't say anything more, but wanted to see how Chen Feng would deal with it. You know, when the two of them just got this cloud map, they also suffered a little loss. Jian Qingwu had the same idea at this time. After all, Chen Feng's realm was too low, but he was too calm in front of the two of them, which made the two of them want to see Chen Feng make a fool of himself.

"I entered that half of the cloud map." Chen Feng was a little surprised. His body was wrapped in a dense cloud, making his consciousness unable to penetrate.

"No, it's just the consciousness that came in." Chen Feng quickly understood.

The spiritual consciousness dispersed in waves, but the surrounding clouds were like layers of taffy, blocking Chen Feng's spiritual consciousness, and Chen Feng was surprised to find that his spiritual consciousness was constantly weakening.

"These clouds can actually absorb souls." Chen Feng was even more surprised, and wanted to get out but had no way.

"Dark Demon Eye." Chen Feng began to use the pupil technique. Fortunately, the pupil technique could still be used to reassure Chen Feng. Sure enough, after using the pupil technique, everything he saw in front of him changed. The clouds in front of him began to become transparent and three-dimensional, with energy entanglement and clear veins. Layers of clouds appeared clearly in Chen Feng's eyes, and then reflected in his mind. Chen Feng immediately began to calculate and analyze at the fastest speed.

"It turned out to be the power of the cloud. It deserves to be called the cloud map, but I haven't noticed the mystery yet." Chen Feng continued to increase the power of the pupil technique and began to look for the weak points in the surrounding clouds. Soon Chen Feng found a thin place. With a thought, a passage appeared between the pupil technique. Chen Feng felt a trance and his consciousness returned from the cloud to the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Hey! It came out so quickly." Jian Qingling couldn't believe what she saw. You know, it took a long time for her to come out when she was exhausted the first time.

"This half of the cloud map is interesting." Chen Feng smiled and did not return the cloud map to the two immediately.

"Tower, do you see what this is?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"This half of the cloud map is condensed by the power of space and spiritual power. It can't be regarded as a magic weapon. If you really want to say it, it should be half a key." Tower said lightly.

"Key, if you say it this way, you can really find some good things." Chen Feng smiled.

"I'll go in and take a look." Chen Feng said, looking at the cloud map. Sure enough, the cloud map was surging in the cloud map, and Chen Feng's consciousness entered it again.

"He went in again, what is this guy going to do?" Jian Qingling said with some surprise.

"Keep your voice down, maybe Chen Feng found something?" Jian Qingwu immediately said invisibility.

"We have studied for such a long time to get some clues, what can he find?" Jian Qingling said with some dissatisfaction.


This time Chen Feng did not waste too much time, but used the power of the Longevity Tower to directly blast a road. His consciousness flew out, and there was a golden light in front of him. Before Chen Feng could see what it was, there were some more things in his mind, and then Chen Feng was pushed out by a gentle but unstoppable force.

"This should be a method to enter a heritage power." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"What happened just now, why did this half of the cloud map glow with golden light, Chen Feng, did you find something in it?" Jian Qingling asked immediately.

"I did find something, but I haven't figured it out yet." Chen Feng nodded, and then two streams of light shot out of his eyes, entering the sea of ​​consciousness of Jian Qingwu and Jian Qingling.

Jian Qingwu and Jian Qingling instinctively wanted to resist, but when they thought that Chen Feng had no need to harm them, they let go of their consciousness and accepted the content transmitted by Chen Feng.

"This should be the way to enter the Yunlan barrier, and some of the restrictions in it." Jian Qingling shouted in surprise.

"My sister and I have studied for such a long time and have not found it. Chen Feng found this mantra right away. Could it be that Chen Feng is the inheritor of the Yunlan Immortal, or did Chen Feng stumble upon it by mistake? In any case, this time we must find some helpers to find the Yunlan barrier. I was originally considering whether to invite Chen Feng, but now it seems that there is nothing to consider." Jian Qingwu thought much more than her sister thought.

"Okay, it is indeed the mantra to enter the Yunlan barrier. It seems that meeting Brother Chen this time is also a coincidence. I wonder if Brother Chen is interested in going to the Yunlan barrier with us to explore?" Jian Qingwu said with a smile.

"I am somewhat interested, but I don't know where the Yunlan barrier is?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"We have found the approximate location, but we are not sure about the specific location. However, we only got half of the cloud map, and the other half must have been obtained by others. There will definitely be disputes when we enter the Yunlan barrier." Jian Qingwu pondered.

"I think it should be four parts." Chen Feng laughed.

After hearing this, Jian Qingwu closed her eyes and thought for a while, then opened her eyes; "It is indeed four parts of the cloud map. I was wrong before."

"Sister, Qingluo City is ahead, but it is surrounded by people from Wuqing Tianzong at this time." At this time, Jian Qingling waved her hand, and a circle of halo appeared in front of her, in which there were densely packed cultivators besieging a huge city.

"With so many Tianren realm cultivators, Qingluo City should be a medium-sized city under the command of Tianjian Sect, but now it has been attacked. It seems that Tianjian Sect did not gain an advantage in this battle." Chen Feng thought instinctively in his heart.

"Sister, let's take action. Qingluo City is about to fall. What on earth happened? I remember that our sect has a group of high-level celestial realm cultivators stationed in Qingluo City. Some of them are even stronger than us. But the current situation seems a little wrong." Jian Qingling said anxiously.

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