Eternal Existence

Chapter 576: Injury

"What is going on? Did the people from the Heaven Sword Sect launch a sneak attack?"

"No, this is not the method of the Heaven Sword Sect. It seems that some monster has sucked the blood and essence from the body."

"So many people were killed, and there was no movement at all. We definitely can't deal with it. Hurry up and notify the brothers in the Heaven Realm."

Seeing this situation, these cultivators in the Secret Realm were all dumbfounded. After the panic, they knew that this kind of thing was not something they could deal with.

"Hey, there is movement in the military camp." At this time, the commander who was sent out to search finally felt something was wrong and led everyone to search quickly.

Seeing the brothers in the Heaven Realm falling from the sky, these cultivators in the Secret Realm immediately breathed a sigh of relief. One by one, they stepped forward and quickly told the matter. In fact, without saying anything, the commander already knew what happened.

"The essence of the blood and blood in the body has been devoured completely, and there is no wound on the body. It should not be a monster. It looks like it erupted from the pores. In this way, someone is secretly practicing evil magic and needs to devour the essence of living beings, but he is targeting the secret realm cultivators. It seems that the opponent's strength is not very good. In this case, there is no need to worry too much. Just find the opponent and kill him." The commander thought in his heart, but he was not too worried.

When these Tianren realm cultivators arrived, Chen Feng had seen it clearly. With the help of the power of the blood-gathering beads, the dark magic pupil could see the situation thousands of miles away as if in person.

"This commander is a Tianren level 6 cultivator, and the people following him are all Tianren level 1 and 2 people. It is easy to deal with. I wonder how much effect the blood-gathering beads can play." Thinking of this, Chen Feng activated the blood-gathering beads again, and directly wrapped all these Tianren realm cultivators and stood up.

"Not good!"

The commander of the sixth level of the Heavenly Man felt that the blood in his body was about to burst out. As soon as he opened his mouth, a stream of blood gushed out of his mouth and disappeared in the air. At the same time, his head swelled and blood began to flow out of his face.

This cultivator was the most profound among the crowd. When he felt something was wrong, he immediately closed all the pores on his body. However, he did not expect that the power that enveloped him was so evil that it actually encouraged blood to burst out of the seven orifices.

This commander could hold on for a while, but the cultivators behind him could not. They all turned into blood men, and blood was constantly gushing out of their pores. They did not even have the strength to open their mouths and scream. This situation immediately frightened the soldiers in the Secret Realm period. They opened their mouths and retreated silently. Some of the timid ones were so scared that they trembled all over and could faint at any time.

"Monster!" At this time, a roar came like thunder, shaking all the cultivators to the ground.

Liu Yuan descended from the sky, the stick in his hand stuck into the ground like a mountain, and stretched out his palm to press on the commander's head. The commander's whole body shook, and was wrapped by a powerful force. The boiling blood began to slowly calm down, but those cultivators of the first and second levels of heavenly beings were not so lucky. One by one, they turned into human skin and scattered all over the ground.

When Liu Yuan shouted, Chen Feng's consciousness also shook, knowing that this was his limit. If it weren't for the blood-gathering bead protecting his consciousness, he would have been injured by the shouting just now, so he withdrew his consciousness and retreated back to Qingluo City like a tide.

This time, the Blood Gathering Pearl was activated to gather the blood evil spirit. Although it was far from enough for the Blood Gathering Pearl, it was enough for Chen Feng. Next, it was time for Chen Feng to condense his consciousness and forge the fire of soul condensation. Although collecting the blood evil spirit this time seemed to be the effect of the Blood Gathering Pearl, Chen Feng also gained some benefits. However, some violent blood evil aura was mixed in the sea of ​​consciousness, which had to be refined. Otherwise, it would be easy to breed inner demons in the long run. Moreover, this method of devouring the essence and blood of others was extremely against the will of heaven. If the cultivation was not gradually stabilized, there would be more blood and trouble in the future when crossing the tribulation.

Not to mention that Chen Feng's consciousness returned to Qingluo City, the Wuqing Tianzong was in a panic. Although Liu Yuan saved the commander, the commander also damaged his essence and blood, and his vitality was seriously injured. Even if he took the elixir, it would take some time to recover.

Next, the monks who controlled the long sword, magic knife, round tripod, and bronze bell also arrived. All of them were at the level of half-step human immortals. In addition, there were several half-step human immortals. These people were the killers of Wuqing Tianzong to besiege Qingluo City. At this time, all of them looked at the human skin on the ground in a daze.

"It is undoubtedly a demon cultivator, but I don't know where he came from?"

"Could it be the reinforcements invited by Tianjian Sect?"

"Let's not talk about whether it is the reinforcements from Qingluo City, but the other party killed our disciples like this. If we don't capture the other party and punish him, it will be embarrassing for us. Especially when morale is low, we need to kill this person to encourage him." Liu Yuan said in a deep voice.

"But the other party is elusive and doesn't even leave a trace of human breath. It's not easy to capture him." The half-step human immortal who controlled the round tripod asked doubtfully.

"I have collected the other party's breath. I can find him when I use the secret technique, but the other party has used a high-level magic weapon. I am afraid that one person's power is not enough, and I need your help." Liu Yuan said.

"Of course, but I don't know what magic weapon the other party is using?"

"We'll know once we find the other party."

Liu Yuan and the others did not hesitate and started to act immediately. The secret technique Liu Yuan used was the Thousand Miles Tracking Technique. He quickly set up the magic circle on the ground using spirit stones, and then he stood in the center of the magic circle and began to perform the ritual.

A breath caught by Liu Yuan was swirling in the magic circle. This was the breath that Liu Yuan caught before Chen Feng left. It was invisible and intangible, and only those with profound magic power could detect it.

"Hurry up!"

With Liu Yuan's shout, the other six half-step immortals stepped forward at the same time, stood around the magic circle, and began to activate the power of their souls under Liu Yuan's guidance.


The erratic breath seemed to have found a direction and quickly fled into the distance. Liu Yuan's consciousness followed closely and instantly arrived above Qingluo City.

"Sure enough, it's in Qingluo City. Let me see who it is." With the help of the power of the half-step immortals, Liu Yuan easily broke through the restrictions of Qingluo City and came to the small courtyard where Chen Feng was.

At this time, Chen Feng's heart moved, and the blood-gathering beads that had just been collected in his body suddenly flew out again, floating above his head, and circles of blood light bloomed around.


Liu Yuan only saw a young cultivator sitting in the courtyard. He was about to go forward to see it clearly. Suddenly, there was a scarlet color on one side in front of him, followed by a sea of ​​blood and corpses. Various horrible scenes impacted his consciousness. After a short period of loss, Liu Yuan felt that his consciousness was rapidly dissipating.

Puff puff puff puff puff puff!

In the magic circle, Liu Yuan's mouth kept spurting blood, and the six half-step immortals surrounding the magic circle also fell to the ground, their faces twisted, and bleeding from all seven orifices.

"Not good!"

Liu Yuan and the others knew that things were not good, so they gritted their teeth, urged the strength of their whole body, and condensed into a force. After paying some price, they finally took back the consciousness in Qingluo City.

The magic circle exploded, and the seven people sat on the ground with pale faces and motionless. The others of Wuqing Tianzong surrounded them as if they were facing a great enemy, nervously waiting for Liu Yuan and others to wake up.

After a long time, Liu Yuan opened his eyes first, stood up shakily, and his figure was still a little erratic. Then the others also sighed and opened their eyes.

"How could this happen, Liu Yuan, what did you see?"

"This time it's a bit troublesome." Liu Yuan sighed. At this time, Liu Yuan's head was still tingling, buzzing, and golden stars flashed in front of his eyes. He knew that it was the result of the trauma of his consciousness.

"It's in Qingluo City. I didn't see the other party's appearance clearly, but I know that the other party has a Taoist weapon."

"What, Taoist weapon." Everyone else exclaimed. If Qingluo City has a Taoist weapon, how can this war be fought? A Taoist weapon is enough to easily kill everyone.

"Don't worry, it should be a broken Taoist weapon, and the other party can't exert all its strength. What I'm worried about now is that we are injured now, and we are no longer able to attack Qingluo City tomorrow. If we miss the time, once the reinforcements of Tianjian Sect arrive, our plan will be ruined." Liu Yuan said.

"There is no other way now. We can only ask for help from the sect. Also, the reinforcements from the Tianjian Sect will not be able to sense us until our injuries recover."

"Hey, this time the divine consciousness is broken, it is not that easy to recover, and the opponent has a Taoist weapon. The Taoist weapon contains the laws of the great way. Even if it cannot exert its full power, it is not something we can resist."

"In any case, Qingluo City must be taken down. We will continue the attack tomorrow, but we should not do it."

"Hmph, it is impossible for us to do it even if we want to."

"The opponent should not have a good time." At this time, Chen Feng was holding the blood-gathering bead in his hand and spinning it non-stop. Just now, the blood-gathering bead was exerting its power on its own, and Chen Feng also took the opportunity to master an attack restriction that had just been repaired in the blood-gathering bead.

"Tower, it seems that this magic weapon has a good attack power. It can devour blood essence from a thousand miles away, which is a killing weapon." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Of course, but you can only attack some small shrimps. With your current realm, if the opponent is too powerful, it is easy to be counterattacked. Take the half-step human immortal who came to spy just now. If it weren't for the sudden attack of the blood-gathering bead, you would have no way to deal with him." Ta said with a smile.

"No matter what, it is a Taoist weapon. If nothing else, just being able to absorb the power of blood evil to nourish the blood tree inside is already a great gain." Chen Feng put away the blood-gathering bead and continued to practice.

No one talked overnight. The next morning, Wuqing Tianzong continued to attack. Tiejian and others thought that they could not defend the city, and had made various preparations and arrangements, but they did not expect that Wuqing Tianzong's offensive was much weaker than before.

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