Eternal Existence

Chapter 585: Rescue

"Chen Feng, did you just repel the attack of the human immortal?" Jian Qingling looked at Chen Feng in surprise.

"Let's go quickly. I can block the human immortal once, but I'm not sure if I can block it the second time." Chen Feng said.

"Go save people first." Jian Qingwu said.

"Save people?" Chen Feng was a little confused.

"They are our disciples. They were captured after being teleported here. I just received a message for help when the jade talisman exploded. They are not far from here."


At this time, a sword energy crossed the sky, cut through the clouds, and slashed towards Chen Feng and the other two. This sword energy was not only extremely fast, but also like clouds and waves, and each wave was more violent than the one in front.

"You go save people, I'll stop this man." Chen Feng said, and once again offered the blood-gathering bead to block the opponent's attack. At the same time, the long sword in Chen Feng's hand began to hum, which was accumulating power.

The sword energy hit the Blood Gathering Pearl heavily, and the Blood Gathering Pearl emitted a blood-red halo, blocking the sword energy. However, the Blood Gathering Pearl was a broken Taoist weapon after all, and the weapon spirit disappeared. It could only be activated by Chen Feng. Although it blocked the sword energy, it was also knocked down and turned into a blood light and drilled into Chen Feng's body.


The Zhang Tian Ruler flew out of Chen Feng's body, drilled into the void, and then appeared again in the sky. At this time, the Zhang Tian Ruler was hundreds of feet long, and then it hit hard, and a cultivator in the void was knocked down.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this time, another group of cultivators came forward to stop Chen Feng. Chen Feng swung his long sword, and the power that had been accumulated for a long time was finally released. The sword energy was crisscrossed, like a galaxy, and several cultivators immediately exploded in the sword energy.

Chen Feng knew that he had only temporarily repelled the human immortal hidden in the sky. If the other party came to him again, it would not be so easy to leave here.

Bang bang bang bang!

There were monks being knocked away by Chen Feng continuously. Chen Feng finally found Jian Qingwu and Jian Qingling. At this time, Jian Qingwu and Jian Qingling were trying their best to attack a cave. The cave was covered with layers of restrictions. The two sisters used their holy weapons and exerted all their strength, but they could not break the cave in front of them.

Chen Feng didn't ask, but he vaguely guessed that there was someone in the cave, so Chen Feng quickly stepped forward and chopped the long sword in his hand heavily.

Seeing Chen Feng take action, Jian Qingwu and her sister were overjoyed. Although Chen Feng's realm was not as good as theirs, Chen Feng had many magic weapons and his overall strength had surpassed theirs.

Pah Pah Pah Pah!

Sure enough, under Chen Feng's long sword attack, the restrictions in front of him exploded in a series, but Chen Feng frowned, because the restrictions in front of him were stacked up, and he didn't know how thick they were. Even if he attacked ten or eight times, he might not be able to break these restrictions. This time was enough for other cultivators to kill him, and Chen Feng also noticed that the restrictions in front of him that were broken were constantly recovering, and the spiritual energy was surging around, which showed that these restriction arrays in front of him had the function of self-repair.

"I have to use the blood-gathering beads again." Chen Feng shook his head and urged the blood-gathering beads to bombard the cave in front of him.



The power of the blood-gathering beads was much greater than that of Chen Feng's two swords of life and death. The restrictions outside the cave were being erased layer by layer. At the same time, there began to be sounds coming out of the cave. There were actually people bombarding these restrictions inside.

"So many fellow disciples were trapped." Jian Qingwu said in surprise.

"Someone is coming, you two stop them, I can't be disturbed now, otherwise all my efforts will be wasted." Chen Feng's face flushed a little, and he used all his strength to activate the blood-gathering beads, trying to break the restriction in front of him in one go.

A huge palm fell from the sky, and the immortal just now had already chased after him.

"Swords together!"

The two sisters Jian Qingwu knew that this was a critical moment, and they still needed Chen Feng to break the restriction in front of them, so the two sisters looked at each other, and the two swords came out together, waves of sword energy waves collided from the two of them, the two swords hummed, the sword energy was agitated, and the tide-like sword energy rushed into the sky, heavily colliding with the big hand that fell down.

The sword energy was broken, the big hand was shattered, and the oppressive force fell to the ground. The two women of Jian Qingwu were shocked and kept retreating. The long swords in their hands almost fell off the ground. The two women looked pale, and it was obvious that they had suffered a little loss in the previous fight.

"Fortunately, they were able to block the attack of the human immortal." Although he was breaking the formation, Chen Feng had been observing the situation of the two women. Seeing Jian Qingwu and the other two blocking the attack of the human immortal, he breathed a sigh of relief, and the power of the blood-gathering bead increased again.

Pah pah pah pah!

The last restriction was finally completely broken, and a dark hole was revealed, and then one cultivator after another immediately rushed out from it with cheers.

"So many people." Chen Feng's spiritual sense swept and realized that there were at least more than a thousand cultivators inside, all of whom were in the two realms of the secret realm of heaven and man.

"Not good, the people have been rescued." The human immortal master waved his hand and repelled the two sisters Jian Qingwu, and then as his palm waved, one flag after another flew out, and soon the surrounding space fluctuated, and countless runes began to emerge in the air, constantly flying and floating. Soon everyone felt a wave of pressure coming from all directions, making people feel suffocated.

"The Four-Elephant Barrier Array is this kind of large array, everyone attack together." At this time, someone shouted.

"It is unknown how long these cultivators have been trapped. Although some of them have recovered some of their cultivation, all the magic weapons on their bodies have been taken away. It is difficult to reopen the formation. Forget it. Who told me to be the honorary elder of the Tianjian Sect? I have to take action just for Jian Xiaotian's sake." Thinking of this, Chen Feng shook his palm and took out a bottle of pills.

"There are 100 Baizhuan Pills in it. Although the medicinal power is limited, it is enough for these people to recover their strength."


The medicine bottle broke, and 100 pills flew towards the crowd. After these Tianjian Sect cultivators borrowed the pills, it took only a breath of time for them to recover their strength after taking them. The true energy in their bodies surged, and the strong fluctuations of their spiritual consciousness restored their strength.

One hundred cultivators recovered their strength, and 100 powerful auras rushed into the sky. At the same time, they attacked the surrounding formations. The Four Symbols Barrier Formation began to shake violently, and the runes floating in the air broke apart.

Under the bombardment of the cultivators, the Four Symbols Barrier Array began to collapse, but it would take some time to completely collapse. The famous immortal of Wuqing Tianzong no longer paid attention to Jian Qingwu and her sister, nor did he attack the escaped cultivators, but rushed towards Chen Feng.

In the eyes of this famous immortal, all the things today were caused by Chen Feng, and Chen Feng had a Taoist weapon in his hand. Regardless of whether Chen Feng was a disciple of Tianjian Sect or not, he would capture Chen Feng just for the Taoist weapon in his hand. You should know that for this famous immortal, a Taoist weapon exceeded the value of all the cultivators present, even if this Taoist weapon was broken.

As long as Chen Feng was captured, today's things would be worth it. In fact, in the heart of this famous immortal, Chen Feng was a disciple of Tianjian Sect who entered the immortal battlefield, otherwise how could he have a Taoist weapon in his hand.

"It's good to attack me. Last time I refined a famous immortal, which restored some of the magical uses of the Gathering Blood Pearl. I hope I can refine another human immortal this time." Chen Feng gritted his teeth and planned to attack this human immortal.

Human immortals have truly exceeded the scope of ordinary cultivators. The word "immortal" explains everything. The most fundamental difference between the human immortal and the heavenly realm is that after breaking through the human immortal, one can comprehend the immortal law, which is not comparable to the heaven and earth law of the heavenly realm. You must know that the heaven and earth law comprehended by the cultivators in the heavenly realm is only the heaven and earth law of the big world where they are. They can only practice in the big world where they grow up. If they want to break through the void to practice outside the domain, or find other worlds, then they must be at least in the realm of human immortals.

Although this immortal wanted to snatch Chen Feng's Taoist weapon, he still kept a trace of caution in his heart. After all, Taoist weapons are not so easy to snatch. You must know that the attack he just launched was dispersed by this Taoist weapon, causing him to suffer some minor injuries.

This immortal grabbed with both hands, and a layer of electric net formed by the power of heavenly thunder covered Chen Feng. This is not an ordinary power of heavenly thunder, but the promotion to human immortal is the collection of the power of thunder. Although the silk net formed is not a magic weapon, it is still easy to catch the cultivators in the heavenly realm.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Chen Feng waved the sword in his hand, and used swordsmanship to cut through the lightning wire nets around him. Chen Feng was very clear about the thoughts of this immortal, so Chen Feng did not use the blood-gathering beads right away, but used the two swords of life and death to fight with the opponent, in order to delay some time and let these people from the Tianjian Sect escape, so that he could get away.

Swish, swish, swish, swish!

Chen Feng's calculations were still good, but Wuqing Tianzong would not let these people escape. The cultivators of Wuqing Tianzong had already arrived with magic weapons and murderous intent.

"I originally wanted to keep one of you, but now you have rushed out, so there is only one way to die. Everyone, go and kill them all." A half-step immortal from Wuqing Tianzong shouted loudly, his voice rolling like thunder, and this person took the lead, and a treasure seal flew out of his hand, falling heavily like a hill, and two cultivators were immediately smashed to death.

Although the cultivators of Tianjian Sect were released, none of them had any magic weapons. Under the siege of Wuqing Tianzong who were gathering their strength, casualties continued to occur. In particular, there were several half-step human immortals in the Wuqing Tianzong camp, who were extremely ruthless. Every time the magic weapons bombarded, a cultivator would be killed.

"I don't need your help, take the other cultivators away from here quickly." Seeing Jian Qingwu and the other two wanting to help, Chen Feng immediately sent a voice message.

Now he was fighting against a human immortal, and Chen Feng clearly felt that the human immortal in front of him was not simple. He should have broken through to the human immortal for some time. Even if he couldn't beat the opponent, he could find a way to escape, but if Jian Qingwu and her sister came up, it might be counterproductive.

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