Eternal Existence

Chapter 603: Yunmeng Sculpture

"Brother Chen, you really surprised us just now." Liu Quan said with a smile.

"It's just a small secret technique. If it weren't for the wounds you left, my method would be useless." Chen Feng waved his hand and said nothing more.

"We are still some distance away from the center. Now we have encountered such a powerful monster. We have to be careful next time." Jian Qingwu said as he took out some talismans to conceal the breath and pasted one on each person. Suddenly, the breath on everyone's body was completely restrained and disappeared.

As for Qin Chuan, he was even more honest. He no longer dared to rush to the front, but walked honestly with Qin Lian. However, Qin Chuan's eyes were flashing, and no one knew what he was thinking.

"Condensing the breath may not work. There are many dangers in the misty mountains. Everyone should be careful. It is better to avoid monsters in advance. After all, someone has already got there first. If we waste a lot of time outside, I am afraid there will be nothing when we get there." Liu Quan said.

"It may not be that easy to get the inheritance of Yunlan Immortal, but we really can't delay any longer." Jian Qingwu said.

"Be careful, we have entered the poisonous gas zone!" Luo Pianpian suddenly said at this time. Luo Pianpian waved his hand while moving forward, and a wisp of black airflow was pulled out from the surrounding fog and quickly condensed into a black sphere in his palm.

The black energy in the sphere kept rotating, as if countless tiny insects were constantly moving.


The black ball flew out and landed on a rock, and suddenly the hard rock was corroded into a deep hole.

"Hidden in the fog, there is no fishy smell, this poisonous gas is really powerful." Situ Nan said in surprise.

"These poisonous gases suddenly floated over. I heard that there are poisonous swamps and some poisonous springs in the foggy mountains. Maybe these poisonous gases floated from there." Luo Pianpian said.

Chen Feng also stretched out his hand and grabbed a ball of poisonous gas in his hand, and then entered his body and quickly refined it, which made his body have a little more true energy.

"I don't know when I can open up the poison cave, and then I can absorb a lot of poison gas to improve my strength." Chen Feng thought to himself.

In order to be on the safe side, everyone still took the poison-proof pill, and Jian Qingwu took out a colored bead. As soon as the colored bead was taken out, the poison gas and fog around were dispersed by an invisible force, and everyone felt that the surroundings immediately opened up.

"Poison-proof bead! This is a poison-proof bead, but unfortunately the level is not high, and it can only cover a very small area." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Everyone advanced very quickly, and soon advanced thousands of miles. What everyone didn't know was that when Jian Qingwu took out the poison-proof bead, a mountain-like bird in the sky stared at everyone, but this bird was too far from the ground, and there was a cloud of airflow around it, and no demonic energy was emitted, which made Chen Feng and others not sense it.

After everyone advanced thousands of miles, another huge bird appeared in the sky, so the two birds began to attack Chen Feng and others.

As the two giant birds descended rapidly, air began to gather on their wide wings. When they were still a thousand feet away from Chen Feng and the others, the huge wings flashed violently, and strong air currents formed tornadoes that swept towards Chen Feng and the others.

"No, get out of the way!"

Feeling the pressure from the sky, Chen Feng exerted his full strength to speed up and dodge to the side. Streams of light flashed, and several people used the wind charm to increase their speed.

Wherever the tornado passed, the mountain peaks were directly uprooted, huge pits appeared on the ground, and the rocks and trees were cut into pieces by the blade-like sharp blades.

Chen Feng was hiding in the distance at this time, took out a piece of black iron and threw it into one of the tornadoes. The next moment, the black iron turned into debris.

"Good guy, this is not an ordinary tornado." Chen Feng said in surprise.

"Of course it's not an ordinary tornado, it's an attack launched by two flying monsters." Liu Quan quickly rushed to Chen Feng, and at this time a tornado swept towards Liu Quan from behind.

Chen Feng waved his hands quickly, and several sword energies shot out, quickly cutting the tornado into pieces, while Liu Quan kept waving his palms, and the strong palm force kept impacting, and the tornado finally dissipated completely.

Chen Feng's eyes were like lightning, and he clearly saw two huge birds like small mountains swooping down from the sky. Their wide wings spread out for hundreds of feet, covering the sky and the sun. Countless air currents condensed between the waving, forming a series of tornadoes. Wherever the tornadoes passed, they were even more devastating and unstoppable. It was like the end of the world.

"Two half-step demon kings." Chen Feng blurted out while feeling the overwhelming demonic energy.

"It's the Yunmeng Eagle. This kind of demon beast is good at the power of wind and cloud, and it's also a half-step demon king. It's a bit troublesome." The long swords in Liu Quan and Situ Nan's hands turned into streams of light and kept circling and cutting in the air, and two more tornadoes were cut into pieces.

"The Yunmeng Eagle is extremely fast. We can't get rid of it. We should stop and deal with it first." Xie Hongyan said as she took out a round bead flashing with lightning and threw it into the sky. It exploded with a bang, and the power of heavenly thunder exploded in all directions. At the same time, an invisible wave rushed towards the two Yunmeng Eagles.

"This is the thunderbolt bomb I made. It contains the power of heavenly thunder and the power of illusion. I hope it can stop these two Yunmeng eagles for a while. Everyone, form a formation and attack immediately." Xie Hongyan said, and took out two more thunderbolt bombs and threw them out. The heavenly thunder and illusion coexisted, and the speed of the Yunmeng eagle's descent slowed down.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Chen Feng and others gathered together and all launched their own powerful attacks at the sky.

Chi chi chi chi chi chi chi!

Jian Qingwu and other disciples of the Tianjian Sect all took out their long swords and launched sword attacks almost at the same time. What surprised Chen Feng was that the long swords in the hands of these people were all holy weapons, and these people's cultivation was close to the realm of human immortals. The long swords of the holy weapon level in their hands roared one after another, as if they had released all their power.

After Xie Hongyan threw out the thunderbolt bombs, she and Luo Pianpian still launched soul-type illusion attacks to interfere with the actions of the two Yunmeng eagles.

Qin Chuan and Qin Lian used the moves of combining two swords, and with the power of the holy weapons in their hands, their moves were also extraordinary.

Chen Feng was not idle either, and his moves were more domineering. He directly blasted a solid fist print towards the sky. The fist print was condensed into flesh and blood, but it also exuded a faint luster, which contained the artistic conception that Chen Feng had comprehended from the meteorite in the sky. A punch blasted out with the energy of the starry sky and the universe.

Facing the attacks of the crowd, the two Yunmeng eagles also launched a fierce counterattack. After breaking free from the illusion attack, the two Yunmeng eagles opened their mouths and lightning bolts, and at the same time, the wide wings vibrated violently, and wind blades broke through the air and instantly collided with the attacks of the crowd below.

However, after all, the attacks of the crowd were too many and too powerful, and several sword energies still slashed the two Yunmeng eagles, leaving wounds and flying feathers as hard as iron.


Chen Feng's fist broke through several wind blades and accurately hit one of the Yunmeng Eagle's wings, but Chen Feng's fist was also consumed by the wind blades, leaving only half of its power, and one of the Yunmeng Eagles just turned over.

"Keep attacking!"

Jian Luobo shouted and rushed to the sky. The whole person was like a sharp sword, breaking through the chaotic strong wind and coming in front of the Yunmeng Eagle, and the sword light flashed and launched an attack.

Jian Zhiqiu also quickly stepped forward, and the sword technique was unfolded, like a pool of autumn water constantly flowing and impacting.

Jian Qingwu and Jian Qingling also shouted delicately, and performed a set of lingering and flexible sword techniques to surround the other Yunmeng Eagle. Obviously, Jian Qingwu and the others were determined to keep these two Yunmeng Eagles.

"These people have profound cultivation, and they have rich combat experience. It seems that they are going to kill these two half-step demon kings."

Since Chen Feng successfully passed the tribulation, he has not started fighting. At this time, Chen Feng is also a little itchy and wants to test what level his current cultivation has reached.

So Chen Feng leaped up to a thousand feet high, and the Immortal Handprint rumbled out. This time, the Immortal Handprint Chen Feng displayed was more than dozens of times stronger than before the tribulation. Everyone only saw a huge handprint that seemed to be solid and solid appeared in the sky. Wherever it passed, the air waves rolled and a series of explosions continued to be produced.

Seeing that the handprint was about to hit the Yunmeng Eagle, Chen Feng grabbed it fiercely and firmly caught the Yunmeng Eagle in the palm print.

But then countless thunder and lightning forces and wind and cloud forces emanated from the Yunmeng Eagle, constantly impacting Chen Feng's Immortal Handprint.

"Hurry up, I can't hold on for long." Chen Feng shouted, because cracks had appeared on the Immortal Handprint, and it was about to break.

"Big Iron Sword Technique!"

"Xuan Gang Sword Qi!"

"Moonlight Ascending Spirit Sword!"

"Autumn Water Long River!"

Seeing that Chen Feng had trapped the Yunmeng Eagle, everyone used their strongest attacks, even Jian Zhiqiu and Jian Luobo, who were attacking the other Yunmeng Eagle, shifted their sword momentum.

Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff!

Chen Feng's big handprint exploded, and transparent holes appeared on the Yunmeng Eagle's body, bleeding, but it was still alive, instead it soared into the sky and fled away.

"This one is not dead, don't let the other one go." Liu Quan shouted.

But it was too late, the huge body of the other Yunmeng Eagle suddenly grew larger, and at the same time, the feathers on its wide wings fell off one after another, turning into a long sword-like existence that shot wildly at Chen Feng and others.

When everyone finally dealt with these feathers, the Yunmeng Eagle only left a black dot in the sky, and in the blink of an eye, even the black dot disappeared.

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