Eternal Existence

Chapter 629 Blood Explosion

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

At this time, Liu Quan, Situ Nan and the other four retreated quickly, and Wen Shaoxiu, who was surrounded, did the same. Even though he was injured, he was still retreating. Especially Ma Tianfang and Liu Quan, who were the most seriously injured, burned their potential and quickly distanced themselves from these killers.

Just now, Liu Quan and the other five received Chen Feng's voice transmission, which only had four words, that is, retreat quickly.

Everyone unanimously chose to believe Chen Feng and retreated at the first time, and some of them even burned their life potential as a price.



The huge blood ball suddenly exploded in the air, and waves of blood-colored ripples continued to impact the surroundings, like a star explosion. Each wave of blood-colored ripples contained powerful power, and countless cracks appeared in the space, and the turbulent flow of the void could be seen in it.

The first to be affected were the assassins hiding in the dark. The three assassins closest to them were blown to pieces in the first place, blending into the blood waves in the sky, unable to distinguish one from the other. The other assassins were also seriously injured, and almost no one was spared. Even Xu Shan and Wu Lei had bloodshot faces, and blood holes appeared on their bodies.

Not to mention these people, even Wen Shaoxiu and the other five were affected, but the five of them heard Chen Feng's voice transmission and retreated first. Although they kept retreating under the shock wave, they were slightly injured compared to these assassins.

Under the explosion of the huge blood ball, the courtyard covering an area of ​​100 acres has been reduced to ruins, without even a complete building left, and countless buildings around the courtyard have collapsed.

If it weren't for the forbidden magic array that was arranged first around, I'm afraid half of Sanghuai City would be affected.

Pah Pah Pah Pah Pah!

A series of explosions, the formations arranged by Li Shilong and Jian Zhiqiu also exploded and dissipated under the shock wave.

Puff! Puff!

Li Shilong and Jian Zhiqiu's faces flushed, and a stream of blood spurted out.

Then the two of them showed a bitter smile on their faces: "Chen Feng is too fierce, he doesn't distinguish between friends and enemies."

Indeed, Chen Feng's move can be regarded as a big move. If it is thrown directly into the enemy group, it can have a very good effect, but now it is a situation of fighting between the two sides, so if Wen Shaoxiu and others retreat slowly, they will end up like these killers.

"The formation has been broken."

Wu Huai and the other two looked at each other. To be honest, these three people were relatively lightly injured. Seeing the formation being broken, feeling the rolling and powerful impact from behind, and looking at the courtyard that was completely destroyed, the three people's faces were not good.

Wu Huai and the other two were a little surprised. Even Wu Huai was not sure if he would be able to survive if he was in the center with his equipment.

The three were very afraid that if there was another such attack, they decided to leave here first. As for whether the killers in the Hall of Assassins were dead or alive, the three of them didn't care.

"Jian Zhiqiu, today's matter is not over yet. We will settle the score later." Wu Huai said a harsh word, then soared into the sky, and flew out of Sanghuai City with Sun Jin and Zhao Guang quickly, and stopped only when they were thousands of miles away.

"Brother Wu, what should we do now? In fact, we don't have to leave in a hurry. I think Wen Shaoxiu and the others will soon be unable to hold on." Zhao Guang couldn't help but say.

"Forget it, safety is the most important thing. You have also seen the power of the blood ball explosion just now. If we get closer, we will definitely be hit first. If the opponent hits us again, even the holy weapon will be half dead. The most important thing is that I have a warning in my heart. Wen Shaoxiu and the others are not a concern, but Chen Feng, who is hiding in the dark and launching the attack, is not a simple character." Wu Huai said.

"Chen Feng, a stray dog, any one of us can kill him." Zhao Guang said disdainfully.

"Don't be careless. We will definitely lose in a head-on confrontation. Chen Feng has a Taoist weapon on him." Wu Huai said in a deep voice.

"Why don't I go back and check the situation? I always feel a little unwilling to leave like this." Zhao Guang said again.

Wu Huai thought about it and then said: "Okay, I also want to know what will happen next. If I leave like this, it will be embarrassing. Junior Brother Zhao, you sneak back alone to check the situation. If something is wrong, return immediately, or notify us as soon as possible."

"Okay, no problem, don't worry." Zhao Guang said, and put an invisibility talisman on Chen Feng, and then returned to the original route.

At this time, Chen Feng appeared in front of everyone with the blood-gathering bead in his hand. The huge blood ball just now was made by Chen Feng urging the blood-gathering bead. Chen Feng was also cruel enough. The blood evil energy accumulated during this period was completely released in the explosion just now. It was only natural for Chen Feng to cause such a large-scale destruction.

A stream of blood light emanated from the blood-gathering bead, and the injured killers exploded one after another, and then countless blood qi swarmed and whistled, all drilling into the blood-gathering bead.

Then two bloody hands suddenly emerged from the blood-gathering bead, grabbed two black-clad assassins from the void, and then pulled the two into the blood-gathering bead with a retracted palm.

"There are two more here."

Chen Feng fixed his eyes on Xu Shan and Wu Lei, and two more huge bloody hands broke through the space and roared out, grabbing Xu Shan and Wu Lei fiercely.

"Earth Shield!"

Xu Shan was no longer calm, his eyes became a little crazy, and with a loud shout, the heavy power of the earth surged out of his body, wrapping himself tightly, and the ground trembled at the same time. Xu Shan mobilized more power from the depths of the earth, quickly gathered in his hands, and soon formed a dark yellow shield. The power of the earth flowed in circles on the surface of the shield, and a thin layer of armor emerged from Xu Shan's skin.

Wu Lei's response was completely different from Xu Shan's. Xu Shan mobilized all his strength to defend, while Wu Lei was full of fighting spirit, and actually launched a series of lightning attacks to fight off this bloody hand.

Boom! Boom!

Two violent collisions sounded one after another, and the earth shield in front of Xu Shan was broken into pieces, and the yellow airflow in his body was dispersed. Although Xu Shan looked a little pale, he did not suffer much damage. On the contrary, with the help of the explosion just now, the whole person flew out quickly and instantly arrived outside Sanghuai City.

Wu Lei's ending was a bit more miserable. He did break the bloody hand that was whistling at him, but he was seriously injured by the bloody hand. He didn't know how many bones were broken and blood was gushing out.

More importantly, the breath of the blood-gathering bead enveloped Wu Lei, and then Wu Lei's strong and sturdy body quickly shrank down.

"Thunder explosion!"

Wu Lei's eyes were constantly struggling, and the strong lightning was raging in his pupils. Wu Lei knew that he was careless. The vitality in his body was disappearing rapidly. He was about to be swallowed up completely, even worse than a dried corpse.

So Wu Lei gritted his teeth and used a forbidden secret technique, so lightning shot out of his eyes, and the thunder power that he had cultivated for hundreds of years in his body gathered at one point and exploded.

With a bang, a big hole was blown open in Wu Lei's chest, and a column of lightning shot up into the sky. At the same time, the holy weapon Thunder God Whip also burst out with dazzling lightning and wrapped Wu Lei up. The next moment, Wu Lei screamed and rushed into the sky. The speed was so fast that even Chen Feng couldn't react.

But at this time, Jian Zhiqiu suddenly fell from the sky, like a long river sliding down the sky, just washing Wu Lei.

Pah pah pah pah pah!

This was a series of loud noises caused by the collision of sword light and lightning. Wu Lei, who had just rushed into the sky, screamed and fell down again, smashing a big hole in the ground.

"Good opportunity!"

Wen Shaoxiu and Jian Luobo looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and rushed to the big hole quickly regardless of their injuries, and then slashed the hole with sword lights.

Finally, Wen Shaoxiu waved his hand, and the holy weapon Thunder God Whip fell into his hand. As for Wu Lei, he was hit hard one after another and couldn't hold on. At this time, he was attacked by Wen Shaoxiu and the other two, and immediately lost his life.

"Okay, kill one." Wen Shaoxiu shouted proudly.

On the other side, Liu Quan and the other two took the elixir to temporarily suppress their injuries, and rushed towards the injured killers with murderous intent.


Li Shilong also felt it, and with a wave of his hand, eight sword lights kept washing and circling in the air.


A killer was killed.


Another killer was killed.

Chen Feng floated in the air, and the blood-gathering bead in his hand emitted a dazzling blood light. The entire Sanghuai City was shrouded. The blood essence in the bodies of Wu Lei and the killer who were killed all flowed out and drilled into the blood-gathering bead.

"Blood light shock wave!"

Blood light rushed out from the blood-gathering bead again, like red clouds spreading, and like a sea of ​​blood. The remaining few black-clothed killers were originally fleeing, but at this time they all screamed, and then blood began to spurt out of the wounds on their bodies.

As the human skin fell to the ground, these killers were completely killed.

As more and more blood energy was absorbed, the power of the blood-gathering bead continued to increase, and Chen Feng was also shrouded in a thick layer of blood energy, like a layer of blood cocoon. Not only that, Chen Feng's eyes also turned blood red, and blood waves were constantly boiling in the depths of his pupils.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

Blood! Blood! Blood!

Chen Feng's sight was full of corpses and blood, and waves of chaotic killing intent continued to impact Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, trying to turn Chen Feng into a killing machine without independent consciousness.


In the sea of ​​consciousness, the life fire burned violently, and waves of flames spread out like flowers, covering the sky and the earth. Wherever they passed, the blood light disappeared, and there was a clear and bright scene.

At the same time, the huge soul vortex began to roar, cutting the bloody thoughts in the sea of ​​consciousness into pieces.

Chen Feng's eyes soon regained clarity, and at the same time, the blood light around Chen Feng continued to disappear, and strands of it entered the blood-gathering bead.

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