Eternal Existence

Chapter 637: Magical Weapon Advancement

Among all the original powers, the destructive power and attack power of lightning can be ranked in the top few, not to mention the five-element sword formation formed by the power of heavenly thunder.

Although Chen Feng used the Five Elements Wheel, it was shattered after a moment under the bombardment of the Five Elements Sword Formation. However, the Five Elements Wheel used by Chen Feng still consumed most of the power of the Five Elements Sword Formation, and the remaining power was easily crushed by Chen Feng and then absorbed.

"Sure enough, when I first crossed the calamity, I didn't need to do anything at all, I could just rely on my physical body to withstand it. Now if I don't make a move, this sword formation will directly hit me. Although it's okay, it's enough for me to bear it." Chen Feng nodded, feeling that the power of lightning just now has exceeded the intensity of his usual training in the thunder pool.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The lightning power in Chen Feng's body has not been completely refined and absorbed, and four lightning long swords broke out from the calamity cloud.

This time, these lightning long swords did not form a formation, but just chopped at Chen Feng in a simple way.

Four lightning long swords came one after another, almost connected head to tail, bombarding Chen Feng in a series.

Domineering, powerful, and unable to react.


The first lightning long sword was broken by Chen Feng.


The second one was also broken by Chen Feng, but several fragments fell on Chen Feng, causing several more wounds on Chen Feng's hard skin.

The third long sword chopped directly on Chen Feng, chopping Chen Feng down quickly. Before Chen Feng's body stabilized, the fourth long sword followed.


Chen Feng fell heavily to the ground like a meteorite from outer space, directly collapsing a small section of the mountain where Jian Xiaotian was, and countless huge stones kept rolling around.

"Such a fierce thunder tribulation is much more powerful than the eight thunder tribulations I experienced last time." One of the onlookers shrank his neck.

Everyone saw the lightning blades clearly. Even though the Half-Step Human Immortal was involved, no one was sure that they could withstand the attacks of these lightning blades.

"Is this guy okay?"

"He must be okay. He survived four lightning tribulations last time, and this is just the beginning."

Sure enough, not long after, Chen Feng flew out again, looking a little embarrassed, with wounds all over his body, especially two of the wounds, which were covered with skin and flesh, and blood kept flowing out.

But soon, a faint mist was steaming on Chen Feng's body, and the blood in his body was surging like a tide, and the true energy was flowing like a river. The wounds on Chen Feng's body were healing at a speed that could be seen by the naked eye.

First, the wounds stopped bleeding, and then some small wounds disappeared quickly, which was just a breath of time. Only the last two wounds were healing and shrinking.

"Such a strong recovery speed." Seeing this scene, all the monks watching widened their eyes.

"How is this possible? Even some special physiques don't have such a fast recovery speed. Jian Xiaotian, you are also a Daluo battle body, so you shouldn't be able to recover so quickly, right?" One of them asked.

"Far from it." Jian Xiaotian said with a wry smile.

"Could it be that this guy also has a special physique, not some legendary super physique?" Someone's eyes lit up.

"It's possible. By the way, Jian Xiaotian, you have a close relationship with Chen Feng, so you should know something about it, right?" At this time, Senior Brother Ye suddenly asked.

"This, I really don't know, but I do know that Chen Feng's physical body is very strong, even stronger than my Daluo battle body. As for the others, I don't know." Jian Xiaotian shook his head.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Then the thunder knives and thunder swords appeared one after another, constantly slashing and bombarding Chen Feng, sometimes several long swords bombarded together, and sometimes several thunder knives formed a sword formation.

The power of the thunder tribulation became stronger and stronger, and Chen Feng's wounds became more and more, but no matter how dense these thunders fell, they could only cause some flesh wounds to Chen Feng at most.

Of course, this is what everyone saw. In fact, Chen Feng also gritted his teeth and persisted secretly, because the speed of the thunder tribulation was getting faster and faster. Whether it was the internal organs or the blood and flesh cells in Chen Feng's body, they were all densely wrapped by the power of heavenly thunder. Chen Feng even felt that the power of heavenly thunder in his body had become so rich that it turned into liquid.

Finally, the Thunder Cave in Chen Feng's body opened up, and the rich power of heavenly thunder in his body seemed to have found an outlet to pour into the Thunder Cave, but it didn't take long for the Thunder Cave to be filled.

Chen Feng frowned. The Zhoutian Bagua acupoints were all opened up, but there was no magic weapon formation for these eight acupoints. At first, Chen Feng didn't find a suitable magic weapon, and later he snatched eight Bagua attribute long swords, but later he didn't have time to refine them.

At this time, feeling the increasingly swollen Thunder Cave, Chen Feng's heart moved, and he took out the Thunder Sword from the eight swords in the Longevity Tower, and then began to concentrate all his mind to refine this long sword.

This set of eight long swords, all of which were of the first-grade holy weapon level, just met Chen Feng's current needs. It was a good time to refine them in the thunder tribulation.

When Chen Feng was refining and fusing this thunder sword, another thunder sword and a thunder knife struck Chen Feng. Chen Feng was refining the thunder sword with all his strength, so he let the thunder attack fall on him.

Two deep wounds exploded on Chen Feng's body, revealing his white bones, and even his internal organs could be vaguely seen.

This was the most serious injury Chen Feng had suffered since he had survived the tribulation, with countless thunder and lightning forces

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Chen Feng gritted his teeth. If he hadn't practiced in the thunder pool frequently and had a very strong mind, he would have screamed at this moment.

However, these two powerful thunder powers gave Chen Feng a boost, which made Chen Feng's speed of refining the Thunder Sword increase several times.

Finally, the Thunder Sword turned into a stream of light and drilled into Chen Feng's Thunder Cave. It floated in the Thunder Cave, and a trace of breath spread out, establishing a close connection with the Thunder Cave. Then the Thunder Cave began to expand in circles. As the Thunder Cave expanded, a large amount of thunder power entered the Thunder Cave again.

As the pressure was relieved, Chen Feng didn't care about the injuries on his body, but opened the acupoints in his body. In less than half a breath, he swallowed up all the thunder and lightning power inside and outside Chen Feng's body.

"According to the current situation, these thunder powers are not enough." Chen Feng said as he grabbed the two thunder swords in his hands. With a slight shake, they turned into two thunder and lightning powers and drilled into Chen Feng's body.

"Too slow, too slow."

After releasing the acupoints, the magic weapons suppressed in the acupoints all vibrated slightly, emitting hungry thoughts.

In the end, even the immortal sword and immortal sword condensed by Chen Feng could not bear it anymore, and all turned into streams of light flying around in Chen Feng's body.

"Tower, according to the introduction in the immortal scripture, there should be another immortal acupoint in my body, right?" Chen Feng suddenly asked the tower.

"There is this acupoint, but you can't open it with your current cultivation, and this immortal acupoint is not something that everyone can have. Only the immortal family can have it. As for how to open this acupoint, you can only rely on yourself. I won't help you." The tower said.

"I'm just asking whoever you want. Do you think I want to ask you for help?" Chen Feng said disdainfully.

Then Chen Feng's aura changed, becoming a little deep and a little unpredictable. A strong suction force penetrated his body, constantly devouring and plundering a little bit of the power of the thunder.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

A series of roars came from Chen Feng's body. This was the magic weapon vibrating and making joyful noises.

The Flowing Light Shield, Thunder Sword, Poison Needle, and Mountain Seal began to advance one after another, and were easily promoted from the third-grade treasure to the fourth-grade. With the advancement of these three magic weapons, Chen Feng felt that his strength was growing rapidly.

These magic weapons have merged with Chen Feng. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are part of Chen Feng's body. The promotion of these magic weapons is equivalent to Chen Feng's strength soaring.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The Wuwang Sword, Haoran Zhengang Sword, Jinguang Wuying Knife, and Qianxun Mirror, these four magic weapons vibrated immediately, and almost at the same time they were promoted to the fourth-grade treasure. The power suddenly increased by a large amount, which made Chen Feng feel a little unreal.

However, Chen Feng immediately kept his original intention, smashed the thunder that fell from the sky without missing a single bit, and then swallowed it up.

As if sensing Chen Feng's condition, the might of heaven began to increase, and the power of the thunder tribulation also began to increase continuously. In the end, even the cultivators who were watching all changed color.

"I didn't see it wrong, the thunder tribulation is actually increasing in power."

"Hey, I remember that the last time I went through the ninth thunder tribulation, it was not as powerful as it is now. This Chen Feng is really a demon who defies the heavens."


The mirror shattered, and Senior Brother Ye groaned and closed his eyes. Senior Brother Ye's Eye of the Void was injured, and everyone could no longer see Chen Feng's tribulation.

"Senior Brother Ye, are you okay?"

Everyone asked.

"Such a strong might of heaven, comparable to the heavenly tribulation of a human immortal." Senior Brother Ye shook his head, his eyes still closed.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The vein-locking needle, the armor-breaking iron mountain spear, the flowing light sword, and the golden light divine line net also advanced one after another, all becoming fourth-grade treasures.

After the upgrade, these magic weapons became crystal clear and glittering, more spiritual than before. Various rune lines constantly appeared and flowed on these magic weapons, which made the magic weapons that had just been upgraded slowly stabilize.

"Although these magic weapons have been upgraded again, the starting point is very low after all. The materials used when forging at that time were not high-grade. It is already the extreme to use the power of thunder to refine them. If you want to upgrade them again, you have to add something else. However, there are also methods of refining in the Changsheng Sutra. It is not difficult to upgrade these magic weapons again."

"But my ultimate goal is to integrate these magic weapons into the Changsheng weapons or the Changsheng Tower. It seems that I have to make some preparations in advance from now on."

Chen Feng thought so in his heart, but his hands were not slow. A large area of ​​the power of thunder was dispersed between his gestures, and then swallowed up by himself in an instant.

Finally, the magic weapon blood soul began to move.

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