Eternal Existence

Chapter 642: Entering the Immortal Battlefield

The majority of the cultivators present were above the eighth level of Heavenly Man, and more than half of them were Half-Step Human Immortals. There were also some cultivators that even Chen Feng could not detect.

"Hehe, kid, you can't be soft-hearted after entering the battlefield of Human Immortals. I will do it to some people even if you don't do it." At this time, Ta laughed.

"What do you mean, is there anyone carrying immortal weapons?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"There are indeed a few broken immortal weapons, and a few good Taoist weapons." Ta said with a smile.

After hearing this, Chen Feng immediately took a breath. This is too cruel. He even carried immortal weapons with him. Is he going to kill everyone after entering the battlefield?

"Are those people carrying immortal weapons and Taoist weapons?" Chen Feng's face unconsciously became solemn, and then he used the power of the Longevity Tower to sense the other party. Soon, all the cultivators present, even the previously unfathomable cultivators, were clearly detected by Chen Feng, but the other party did not notice it at all.

"What's wrong with Brother Chen?" Jian Xiaotian asked secretly when he noticed that Chen Feng's face was not right.

"I found something. Some of the cultivators carried high-level magic weapons." Chen Feng answered.

"This is very normal. The disciples of our Tianjian Sect are also like this. Even I have some magic weapons for self-defense given by my master." Jian Xiao said, not caring at all.

Chen Feng sighed and stopped talking. No matter how generous Jian Xiaotian's master was, he would not give Jian Xiaotian immortal weapons for self-defense. Moreover, Chen Feng doubted whether Jian Xiaotian's master himself had immortal weapons.

"But this is a good thing. If the tower takes action, these immortal weapons will become nutrients for the Changsheng Tower." Chen Feng thought to himself, but he was not worried at all whether the Changsheng Tower could devour the other party.

Finally, when the number of people in the valley was fixed at about 1,500, human immortals began to appear.

A total of 36 human immortals stood in some specific positions around the magic circle. Under the overwhelming power of human immortals, all the cultivators present fell silent.

The word "immortal" has transcended the level of mortals. No matter how arrogant the cultivators present were, no matter how amazing their cultivation talents were, they still retained some awe and envy in front of these immortals.

"Does it take so many immortals to open the magic array?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"It wasn't necessary before, but this magic array was recently built. You should know that the passage to the ancient battlefield was not here before. This was moved here by our predecessors with great effort. Of course, this array does not need so many immortals, but the more immortals there are, the simpler the process of opening the passage will be. Among these thirty-six immortals, our immortals account for half, and the rest are put together by other forces." Wen Shaoxiu said on the side.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this time, one of the immortals stretched out his palm, and a ball of light suddenly exploded, shooting quickly around. Chen Feng only felt his hand sink, and a crystal jade talisman appeared in his palm.

Looking at Liu Quan and others next to him, each of them had the same jade talisman as himself.

"This is a teleportation jade talisman. If someone wants to get it out after entering the ancient battlefield, they can crush this jade talisman." This immortal just said lightly.

Next, the thirty-six immortals used their magic power together, and injected a stream of power into the magic array on the ground. The criss-crossing patterns and runes immediately flashed, as if there was liquid flowing in it.

As the magic array operated, the strong pressure rushed to the surroundings, and even Chen Feng felt suffocated.

"This should be at least a heaven-level magic array, right?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

The thirty-six immortals attacked at the same time, and finally made the magic array in the valley fully operational. At first, there was a dull roar, and then it roared violently, like a tsunami and a landslide, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the space within a radius of hundreds of miles began to stir. Countless cracks spread around like a spider web, as if a huge thin crystal was constantly breaking.

"It seems to be different from other teleportation arrays." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Under this inexplicable pressure, Chen Feng felt a sense of danger and fear, as if these cracks would fall on him at any time and cut him to pieces.

"Hey, this is not a single teleportation array, but an overlapping and transforming teleportation array. There are countless spaces in between before reaching the destination. It seems that the people of Tianjian Sect don't want other cultivators to find the passage to the ancient battlefield, so they used some means to migrate here." Ta said in the dark.


Finally, the space cracks around disappeared one after another. In the valley, a space channel appeared in the center of the array. It was dark, and no one knew where the channel connected to, but there was a trace of breath emanating from this channel.

The cultivators present were also upper-class figures in the cultivation world. They all sensed the breath emanating from this channel.

It was a different breath from this world, nor was it the breath in the often discovered Xiaoqian Secret Realm, but an ancient breath.

Yes, it was ancient. Chen Feng made this judgment in an instant.

The cultivators who were extremely quiet in the valley all became agitated. They opened their eyes wide and looked at the space channel that appeared in the array excitedly.

"The passage to the ancient battlefield is open."

"That's right, this kind of aura is not found in our world. This should be the passage to the ancient immortal battlefield."

"Ancient battlefield."

"I can clearly feel the ancient aura."

The crowd was a little confused, but they all refrained from making noise and just talked in low voices.

"The disciples of Tianjian Sect will enter first." At this time, a human immortal spoke up.

"Be prepared, and try to make peace with them before entering. If you meet disciples from other sects, don't be polite, and kill them if you can." Wen Shaoxiu said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, we have already discussed it. If we can't find the treasure, it's good to kill some disciples of Wuxing Tianzong." Liu Quan smiled.

Chen Feng didn't say anything. In Chen Feng's perception, there were no fewer powerful cultivators present. Wen Shaoxiu and other disciples of Tianjian Sect could only be regarded as middle and lower among these people. Even Wen Shaoxiu, who was at the top of the cultivation level, could only be regarded as above average.

After all, the number of disciples from other sects present was far less than that of the Tianjian Sect, so the cultivators from these forces were carefully selected, and they were all first-class in terms of individual combat effectiveness. There were indeed some cultivators in Tianjian Sect with high cultivation, and even surpassed the cultivators of these sects, but it did not mean that all the disciples of Tianjian Sect present had such super strength.

For example, Liu Quan, Situ Nan, and Ma Tianfang are also half-step immortals, but the same half-step immortals are also divided into different levels. For example, Ye Ziwen, Jian Shaolong, and other seed players competing for the position of headmaster are also half-step immortals, but any one of them is far from being able to compete with Liu Quan and others.

In Chen Feng's opinion, if these people unite together, they will not be afraid of the cultivators of other forces. After all, the Tianjian Sect has the most cultivators, but once they are separated and surrounded and killed by others, I don't know how many people will die.

However, Chen Feng knew that the high-level leaders of the Tianjian Sect would not understand this situation, so the reason for still doing this is to hone the disciples under the sect.

The passage is not big, and the cultivators present can only enter one by one. The cultivators of the Tianjian Sect are extremely fast, entering the passage one after another, and soon it is the turn of Chen Feng and others.

After the Tianjian Sect cultivators have completely entered, it is the turn of the disciples of other sects. It took half a day for the 1,500 cultivators present.

After all the cultivators entered, the space channel disappeared immediately. The faces of the thirty-six immortals all showed a trace of fatigue. It was obvious that these immortals had consumed a lot of mana just now.

The thirty-six immortals did not speak to each other, but dispersed and sat down in a circle around the valley, closing their eyes to recover their mana.


In just a few breaths, there was a slight space fluctuation in the center of the magic circle, and a cultivator covered in blood suddenly appeared.

"Someone came out so soon." The immortal masters who closed their eyes to rest were a little surprised.

This was a cultivator at the ninth level of the heavenly realm, but at this time, this guy's breath was disordered. After appearing in the valley, his body was shaking, and he seemed to have no strength to stand.

One of the immortals who was sitting cross-legged stretched out his hand and grabbed the cultivator in front of him.

"Humph, waste." The immortal sneered, waved his hand, and a stream of light drilled into the cultivator's body, causing the cultivator's injuries to recover quickly.

"Thank you, elder." The cultivator was a little ashamed.

"Don't say anything more, stay aside." The human immortal said and closed his eyes again.

"Hehe, it turns out that you are a disciple of the Zhao family. You are too weak."

"It should be said that you are unlucky, but it is better than dying in there."

The human immortals who closed their eyes to rest began to talk about it, and the result of the discussion was that the human immortal masters of the Zhao family looked even uglier.

"Is this the ancient battlefield?"

At this time, Chen Feng was in a Gobi desert with no end in sight. There were sharp stones under his feet, and there was a sharp wind around him. The top of his head was gray and dark, and he couldn't see the specific situation.

The first time after coming out of the space channel, Chen Feng released his soul power to sense the surroundings, experience the laws of heaven and earth here, and feel his own strength.

"The power is not oppressed, and the laws of heaven and earth are not restricted. Except for the bad climate and environment, everything else is normal."

Chen Feng stretched out his palm, and a fist-sized ball of true air in his palm was constantly circling, and then suddenly exploded, turning into a stream of sword energy that shot out in all directions.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of explosions, the stones hit by the sword energy turned into debris, but Chen Feng's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

With a wave of his hand, a black stone was caught in his hand, and then he squeezed it hard, and the stone turned into stone chips.

"The stones here are more than ten times harder than those outside. Come to think of it, this is the battlefield of immortals, and the material structure should be more advanced." Chen Feng laughed.

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