Eternal Existence

Chapter 651 Entering the Interior

Although the Phantom Divine Marten was powerful, it was not so easy to fight just now. After all, the eight demon kings on the opposite side were not simple either. They were only slightly weaker than him in realm, and the bodies of several of them were even stronger than the Phantom Divine Marten.

If it weren't for his incredible speed and innate pupil power, he might not be able to deal with the opponent one-on-one. If it weren't for the Immortal Tower to shock him, the Phantom Divine Marten would probably be injured now.

"These eight demon kings are not simple. I'm afraid they have surpassed me in lifespan." The Phantom Divine Marten said in a low voice.

"Haha, there are still two left. With the Immortal Tower in hand, there is nothing to worry about. You go forward and entangle the opponent, and then use the Immortal Tower to suppress all the opponents." Chen Feng laughed.

Just now, he suppressed two demon kings in a row, which made Chen Feng a little proud.

The remaining six demon kings were somewhat doubtful and looked at Chen Feng with complicated eyes. In the minds of these demon kings, although the Phantom Divine Marten was not simple, it did not scare them. If they really had to fight to the death, these eight demon kings would be enough to defeat this top demon king.

What frightened these demon kings was the shadow of the Longevity Tower on Chen Feng's body. The Longevity Chain that suddenly appeared just now captured two demon kings, and the breath it exuded made the remaining demon kings tremble in their hearts.

"It's not a Taoist weapon, could it be an immortal weapon?"

"This human actually has an immortal weapon, what should we do?"

"I think this is also an opportunity for us. This human may be our chance to escape."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, let's try again."

The remaining six demon kings quickly discussed and then turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the smooth mountain at the same time. Chen Feng was a little surprised and didn't understand what the other party was going to do.

But the next moment Chen Feng's face changed, and various streams of light flashed on the mountain. The six demon kings turned into floating paintings again and appeared on the mountain.

Then the huge mountain suddenly stood up from the ground, and with just a rotation, it suppressed Chen Feng and the Phantom Dirk.

"This mountain turned out to be a magic weapon." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Hehe, and it's a good Taoist weapon, but this Taoist weapon has existed for who knows how many tens of thousands of years, and it is no longer solid. Some parts have already shown signs of corruption. I'm afraid it will be shattered after tens of thousands of years, but it can still add some strength to me now." Ta laughed.

"Tao weapon, worthy of being the immortal battlefield, it's not long since I came in and found a Taoist weapon." Chen Feng was also a little surprised.

"But what's the matter with these monsters?" Chen Feng asked.

"This magic weapon can only be said to be ordinary, it just exists to trap these monsters. It's impossible to suppress these eight demon kings with a Taoist weapon. I think the owner of this magic weapon is at least a terrestrial immortal, or maybe a high immortal." Ta said in a deep voice.

When Chen Feng was communicating with the tower, the huge mountain had already reached the top of his head. At this time, the figure of the Phantom Divine Marten became larger again, a full thousand feet, and it seemed to be comparable to the mountain.

This time, the Phantom Divine Marten did not use his body skills and pupil skills, but relied on his strong body to hold up the mountain.


The dull sound was like two meteorites flying rapidly and colliding with each other. Then the Phantom Divine Marten paused for only a second before suddenly flying backwards, hitting the ground heavily, and then disappeared.

"Wow, it's so powerful." Chen Feng was surprised.

"This is a Taoist weapon, and it also gathers the power of six demon kings. Of course, it is powerful. Fortunately, we have suppressed two demon kings before, otherwise the eight demon kings would join forces to attack, and the Phantom Divine Marten would probably be shaken to death." The tower said lightly.

"What should we do now? Can you block this mountain?" Chen Feng was a little nervous.

"It should be fine."

"What do you mean it should be fine? You are not sure about that." Chen Feng was even more uncertain after hearing what the tower said.

"I mean I will need your strength later. Okay, don't say more." Along with the tower's voice, the shadow of the Longevity Tower around Chen Feng suddenly solidified a little, and then collided heavily with the falling mountain.

The mountain rose rapidly, and Chen Feng even heard the screams of the demon king on the mountain, but the shadow of the Longevity Tower around Chen Feng shook for a while, as if it wanted to break.

At the same time, the two demon kings suppressed on the second floor of the Longevity Tower were also struggling constantly, and cracks appeared on the stone tablet suppressing the demon king.

Although Chen Feng was anxious, he did not speak, because Chen Feng was afraid that speaking would affect the tower.


At this time, the Phantom Divine Marten had drilled out from the ground. Chen Feng and the Phantom Divine Marten had some soul contracts, so they could naturally feel each other's situation.

"It's not good."

The Phantom Divine Marten's black and smooth hair all stood up, and a stream of black light kept flowing. The blood seeping out of the pores was immediately absorbed into the body.

The Phantom Divine Marten was already injured in the previous collision, and now it was using the dark power in its body to heal its wounds and increase its attack power.


The Phantom Divine Marten suddenly disappeared from the spot. Chen Feng only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and a black shadow passed by. The next moment, the Phantom Divine Marten reached the top of the mountain, relying on its unparalleled speed to attack the Earth Violent Bear and the Nine Nether Earth Python at the same time.

The Phantom Divine Marten was not trying to defeat the opponent, but just wanted to entangle the opponent so that the mountain could not exert its strongest power.

Sure enough, under the attack of the Phantom Divine Marten, the two demon kings roared continuously, and no longer had time to merge their power into the mountain. Later, they broke away from the mountain and fought chaotically around the Phantom Divine Marten.

As the two demon kings left, Chen Feng clearly felt that the momentum of the mountain in front of him suddenly weakened and dropped a lot.

At this time, the Longevity Tower launched an attack again. A light yellow light column flew out from the top of the Longevity Tower, quickly circled around the mountain for several circles, and then suddenly retracted to tie up the mountain.

At the same time, countless spikes and rapidly flowing vortices emerged from this light yellow light column, quickly devouring the energy contained in the mountain.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

One after another, the longevity chains flew out continuously, crisscrossing and began to block the surrounding void. Some longevity knives and swords continued to attack the four demon kings on the mountain.

However, the power of the mountain driven by the four demon kings was not even half of the previous one. Although the four demon kings were angry, they did not dare to leave the mountain casually. Once they left the mountain, their power would be dispersed, making it easier for them to be defeated by the Longevity Tower and the Phantom Divine Marten.

The Longevity Tower constantly devoured the opponent's energy, strengthened itself, and damaged the opponent, so the gap between the two became larger and larger.

"The Heaven-Swallowing Absorption Technique can be used in this way." Chen Feng and the Longevity Tower were closely connected, as if they were one body. At this time, he felt the secret technique of the Longevity Tower. Although it was profound and difficult to understand, Chen Feng was quickly immersed in the perception. You must know that Chen Feng was practicing the Longevity Sutra every moment. At this time, they confirmed each other, and the previously difficult places were constantly opened, allowing Chen Feng to integrate them.

Chen Feng's cultivation was directly improving.

The physical body is a container, and the realm of cultivation is the key to expanding this container.

Every cultivator in cultivation knows one thing, that is, the physical body is easy to cultivate, but the realm is difficult to improve.

At this time, Chen Feng's realm was constantly improving, and the speed was unprecedentedly fast, so the potential and some power hidden in the flesh began to be continuously opened up.

As the realm improved, the power increased immediately.

Chen Feng was completely immersed in the perception of the realm, and ignored the situation outside.

I don't know how long it took, Chen Feng suddenly shook all over, and was separated from the Longevity Tower. The next moment Chen Feng felt that he had changed places.

Chen Feng woke up, and the shadow of the Longevity Tower was still wrapped around his body, but the Longevity Tower in his body had disappeared.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng was shocked, and then he quickly understood what was going on.

The Longevity Tower was completely revealed, and it was constantly bombarding the mountain. At this time, there were only five demon kings on the mountain roaring in anger. The Earth Violent Bear that had just fought with the Phantom Divine Marten had disappeared. Chen Feng only thought about it and saw that the demon king was also suppressed in the Longevity Tower.

The Phantom Divine Marten was also seriously injured and was lying in the Longevity Tower to heal his wounds.

"Boy, why are you still standing there? I have sent you into the mountain. As long as you can control the core of this magic weapon, you can completely control these demon kings." The voice of the tower sounded in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

"I'm inside the mountain." Although Chen Feng was a little surprised, he soon calmed down and began to quickly observe the situation around him.

Chen Feng felt as if he was in a void, surrounded by dense forbidden light, as if countless stars were shining brightly around him.

With his pupil power fully running, Chen Feng moved quickly with the power of the phantom of the Changsheng Tower around him, constantly shuttling through countless forbidden light.

Originally, the Changsheng Tower sent Chen Feng into the core of this magic weapon, and Chen Feng found a shrunken mountain in a few breaths.

"Found it." Chen Feng was surprised. This was the core of this magic weapon.

This miniature mountain was only about ten feet high, exactly the same as the mountain Chen Feng saw outside, but there were constantly flashing lights on this miniature mountain, as if stars were moving on it.

"Now that you have found it, refine it quickly." The tower's voice came again.

Chen Feng also knew that the Longevity Tower might have reached its limit, so he immediately stepped forward and pressed one hand on the miniature mountain peak, and began to refine it with the power of his whole body.

As soon as Chen Feng's palm touched the mountain peak, the light spot on the miniature mountain peak suddenly bloomed, and at the same time, an extremely powerful force rushed towards Chen Feng like a tidal wave.

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