Eternal Existence

Chapter 653: Taking over the Demon Suppression Peak

At this time, Chen Feng was fighting with the black-armored boy more and more fiercely. To be honest, Chen Feng had been at a disadvantage since the fight, even if Chen Feng arranged the Bagua sword formation.

The power displayed by the black-armored boy holding the spear was too strong. Every time the spear was thrust out, Chen Feng had to use all his skills to deal with it. It can be said that Chen Feng was always being suppressed.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Three consecutive light sounds, blood dripped from Chen Feng's chest, and three round blood holes were scattered on Chen Feng's chest in the shape of a finished product.

Although he had a holy weapon-level protective armor, the sharp energy still entered Chen Feng's body, causing Chen Feng's heart to beat violently, as if it was about to explode at any time.

"Boy, why are you so stupid?" The dissatisfied voice of the tower came over.

"I have exerted all my strength." Chen Feng smiled bitterly, while stabilizing his injuries, he urged the sword formation to fight against the opponent.

"Human, you are too weak. The power in you is very strong, but it's a pity that it's not your own. I can use one point of power to attack with two points of power, but you can't use one point of three points of power. Your realm is too low, and you are not my opponent at all." The black-armored boy's eyes were full of mockery.

Chen Feng didn't speak, but kept flicking his fingers, breaking the fingertips, and blood beads flew out and fell into the sword formation, which increased the power of the sword formation by one point.

This is Chen Feng performing the Blood Nether Induction and drawing out the blood essence in his body. These blood beads are the essence of Chen Feng's body. Although the secret technique in the Blood Nether Induction has increased Chen Feng's power again, he will definitely be weak for a while afterwards.

"It's useless. Even if you are twice as powerful, it's useless." The black-armored boy sneered and stabbed the spear in his hand continuously. Every stab would leave a group of sparks and light on the sword formation, causing the sword formation to tremble constantly. It seems that every time the spear is shot out, this set of sword formation will be scattered.

"Hey, I'm not strong enough. It looks like I can't hold on." Chen Feng felt a little depressed.

"Is it really going to be in vain this time? This is a Taoist weapon, and there are eight demon kings."

"No, I usually rely too much on the Longevity Tower. This time, I can't fail no matter what."

Chen Feng was furious and was about to use the secret technique to extract the blood in his body again.

"Are you crazy, kid? Forget it, since we can't refine this Taoist weapon, let's leave and come back when we are ready." Seeing Chen Feng's actions, the tower was surprised and immediately stopped him.

Just when Chen Feng was fighting desperately, something happened to the black-armored boy in front of him. The attack that had been launched with gun shadows suddenly disappeared. Then the black-armored boy stopped abruptly, like a thousand-year-old rock, motionless.

"What's going on?" This situation made Chen Feng stunned.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The black-armored boy really seemed to have turned into a rock, because with the sound of cracks, cracks appeared on the black-armored boy's body.

"I didn't expect it. After all these years, I'm going to collapse." The black-armored boy's face changed rapidly for a while and then he regained his composure.

"Boy, good opportunity. This weapon spirit was injured before, and now it's time." The tower's voice was a little excited.

"It can't be such a coincidence." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

Sure enough, as the black-armored boy's body cracked more and more, the thousands of feet outside the Demon Suppression Peak also began to become unstable. No matter how the demon kings roared, they couldn't change the weakening situation of the Demon Suppression Peak.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The Longevity Tower took the opportunity to move forward and began to devour the power of the Demon Suppression Peak again.

"If you don't seize such a good opportunity, even God will not be able to bear it." Chen Feng strode forward and hit the black-armored boy with a heavy palm.

The black-armored boy did not dodge. There was only a bang, and the black-armored boy suddenly exploded. There was no scene of blood and flesh flying, but it turned into countless energy essences.

"Swallowing Heaven Absorption Technique!" Chen Feng grabbed with his palm, and all these energy essences were pulled over by Chen Feng and absorbed into his body.

Of course, Chen Feng only stored these energies in his body. It was impossible to refine them in a short time. If Chen Feng completely refined them, his strength would probably be raised to a terrifying level. The spirit of a top-level Taoist weapon was not even comparable to the holy-level elixir. To be honest, the importance of this spirit has exceeded the Taoist weapon itself.

In other words, Chen Feng's refining of the spirit of this Taoist weapon was equivalent to melting a Taoist weapon. Chen Feng himself was surprised when he thought about it.

Of course, after practicing the Swallowing Heaven Absorption Technique, Chen Feng did not think that he could not swallow the other party, but it just took a lot of time.

The spirit dissipated and was absorbed by Chen Feng. Although it had not been completely refined, it was not difficult to control this Demon Suppression Peak.

Soon Chen Feng completely occupied the core position of this magic weapon. The next moment Chen Feng felt the eight-part soul imprint connected to his mind.

"It's the eight demon kings." Chen Feng was delighted.

Under Chen Feng's control, the Demon Suppression Peak paused and shrank rapidly. When Chen Feng appeared in the outside world, the Demon Suppression Peak, which was thousands of feet long, had shrunk to a foot in size, standing quietly on Chen Feng's palm.

The eight demon kings, including the three suppressed by the Longevity Tower, returned to the Demon Suppression Peak, but these eight demon kings had completely calmed down. Although they showed unwillingness in their eyes, they could do nothing about it. Chen Feng was in charge of the Demon Suppression Peak, and these demon kings were under Chen Feng's control.

Everything was calm and back to normal, and the Longevity Tower returned to Chen Feng's body.

"This time I gained a lot, a top-level Taoist weapon, and eight demon kings, the tower, the Taoist weapon is yours, but these demon kings will be left to me as thugs." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"No problem." The tower nodded in agreement.

For Chen Feng, there was nothing to regret. The Longevity Tower was enough. The Taoist weapon of the Demon Peak was a supreme magic weapon in the eyes of other cultivators, but for Chen Feng, it was just a material to upgrade the Longevity Tower.

"This time it was really dangerous, and I almost failed. Fortunately, the lifespan of the demon peak spirit has expired, otherwise it would be really tricky. Alas, this time I consumed some blood essence, and it will take some time to recover." Chen Feng shook his head, and then grabbed the demon king-level one-eyed demon lizard by Chen Feng.

This one-eyed demon lizard was as unlucky as the human monks who appeared later. In fact, this one-eyed demon lizard was also a very powerful demon king, but it was far inferior to the eight demon kings just now. The one-eyed demon lizard was just a low-level demon king, while the opponent was a high-level demon king, and there were eight of them.

The one-eyed demon lizard was seriously injured when it was captured by the four-eyed fox before. In the end, the Demon Suppression Peak and the Longevity Tower fought and bombarded each other continuously, so this demon king died sadly in the aftermath of the two.

This was shocked to death. Before dying, the one-eyed demon lizard even thought that if he had known this would be the outcome, he would never have escaped here. Even if he fought to the death with Chen Feng, a human, it would be much better than being shocked to death by the aftermath like this.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it fiercely. A one-eyed eye the size of a wheel fell into Chen Feng's hand. This was the eye that the one-eyed demon lizard had cultivated for tens of thousands of years. It looked like a huge gem, shining brightly. If nothing else, the appearance alone was extraordinary.

After the huge one-eyed demon lizard fell into Chen Feng's hand, circles of red light fluctuated out, and then transformed into a fist-sized crystal.

"This contains all the pupil power of the one-eyed demon lizard. When I completely absorb and refine it, my pupil skills can at least be improved by one level." Chen Feng said in surprise.


Chen Feng's right eye suddenly turned, and a vortex continued to rotate rapidly. A trace of black light emanated, suddenly covering the one-eyed demon lizard, and then absorbed it into the right eye.

After putting away the one-eyed demon lizard, Chen Feng waved his hand and collected the corpse of the one-eyed demon lizard. After all, it was at the level of a demon king. The flesh was much more precious than that of a human immortal. Whether it was for alchemy, refining equipment, or selling for money, it was an excellent choice.

For a period of time, Chen Feng did not leave here, but entered the Longevity Tower to start practicing. This time, Chen Feng consumed some blood and essence in the battle, and his strength declined a little. He needed to practice back.

As for the Longevity Tower, it simply pulled out the Demon Suppression Peak and began to swallow it excitedly.

"Alas, the world is unpredictable. I would not have even looked at this kind of rubbish magic weapon before, but I didn't expect that I would need to restore my strength now." The tower sighed while devouring the Demon Suppression Peak.

As for the eight demon kings, they stayed in the Longevity Tower honestly. At first, these demon kings were a little arrogant, thinking that they were controlled by Chen Feng because of the core of the Demon Suppression Peak, but after feeling the breath of the Longevity Tower, they all became honest, lying on the ground like pet dogs flattering, waiting for the call of the Longevity Tower.

The Phantom Divine Marten was also seriously injured this time, and quietly practiced in the Longevity Tower, ignoring the eight demon kings at all.

He swallowed and refined ten blood pills in one breath to replenish the loss in his body. After his strength was fully restored, Chen Feng began to refine the one-eyed demon lizard's one eye.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng still has the Demon Suppression Peak Spirit stored in his body. That is the spirit of the top Taoist weapon. The reason why Chen Feng chose to refine the single eye first is because the energy dissipated by these spirits is too high-level. With his current strength, he might waste a lot of time and still not achieve the desired effect.

Chen Feng's left eye was silent and motionless, and all his energy was concentrated in his right eye. The pupil power generated by the dark demon pupil polished the single eye of the demon king in circles. After rotating and polishing for a hundred circles, a trace of energy finally fell off the surface of the single eye, and then was immediately sucked into the depths of the pupil. After a few circles, it was refined and became Chen Feng's own power.

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