Eternal Existence

Chapter 658: Soul Devouring Beast

No matter what Chen Feng said, it was useless. The four Qin family members had only one goal, which was to kill Chen Feng.

Four half-step immortals besieged Chen Feng, and they all used desperate fighting methods.

The Qin family and other big families were somewhat different from first-class sects like Tianjian Sect. This was a family-style power. The four half-step immortals in front of them all had the surname Qin, and they were related by blood. Their relationship was closer than that of fellow disciples in the sect.

The sword light flashed, and the palm power swept across. The weeds within a radius of thousands of feet had been cleared, revealing the flat ground.

Although Chen Feng was besieged by four people, his body movements were swift. During the fight between the four people, he kept flashing and flowing, and the sword light kept flashing. Every time the sword light flashed, it cut into the opponent's weak points.

"Sword Qi Storm!"

The rolling sword energy seemed to have turned into a real storm, sweeping around with Chen Feng as the center. Not only that, this time the sword energy storm was also mixed with cutting sword energy and flowing cloud sword intent.

Chen Feng himself immediately used the escape technique to disappear into the air after making a sword move.

"Junior Sister Lian, retreat."

"Three Yuan Kaitai Palm Seal!"

At this time, the three male cultivators actually slapped their palms at the same time, and the palm power merged with each other, and finally condensed into a huge flaming palm print, like a mountain or a barrier, blocking Chen Feng's sword energy storm.

"Breaking the Sky Fist!"

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly appeared in front of the three people, and the fierce fist force blasted out, and then exploded, and the overflowing fist force shook the three people out at the same time.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to take the opportunity to chase and kill the other party, suddenly a dangerous signal came to his mind. Chen Feng didn't have time to think about it, and immediately turned his body and flew out.

Then a group of black shadows suddenly flashed by, and the speed was so fast that Chen Feng was secretly surprised. Then something even more surprising happened. The black shadow disappeared, and the two cultivators of the Qin family also disappeared.

"What was that just now?" Chen Feng was surprised, and at the same time thought of the corpse of the cultivator he met before.

"Could it be that monster that caused this?"

Although Chen Feng was surprised, he was not slow. His figure was floating, and the long sword in his hand was swung. The last male cultivator was killed by Chen Feng.

As for Qin Lian, he had already woken up from the idea of ​​hatred. One of his three companions was killed, and the other two were also in danger, so Qin Lian screamed and fled far away.

Chen Feng was not in a hurry to chase Qin Lian, because Chen Feng had seen a black light flashing in the bushes, chasing Qin Lian.

"Go and see what that thing is. It can easily kill a half-step human immortal. I'm afraid it should have the strength of a human immortal. It's a demon king or a demon king, or other weird creatures." Chen Feng used the dark hiding technique to sneak forward.

When Chen Feng found the other party, Qin Lian had already died. His body was lying in the bushes, with a look of horror on his face, but he was no longer alive.

Chen Feng's face was solemn. Qin Lian's death was the same as that of the previous Qin family cultivators. There was a small blood hole on his chest, and there were no other wounds on his body.

However, the blood and essence in his body were devoured, his sea of ​​consciousness had dried up, and his soul power disappeared completely.

Chen Feng stood up and changed his position again. He soon found the bodies of two other cultivators. Sure enough, these two people died in the same way as Qin Lian, and their blood and soul power were sucked away.

"It seems that the black shadow should be a strange hunter, but I don't know what it is." Chen Feng thought to himself.

Of course, he has been on high alert, but the other party has not appeared again.

"Tower, you know what it is, right?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"I know." Tower said lightly.

"What is it?" Chen Feng asked.

"I won't tell you."

Chen Feng shook his head and waved his hand. A trace of cutting sword energy swept out. The weeds were cut off as a whole wherever he passed, and a yellowish-brown python hidden in the grass was cut into two ends.

But the python did not die. The two parts of the snake body kept twisting and turned into two smaller pythons that fled far away.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed one of the pythons. He stretched out his finger and killed the other party, and then dug out a fist-sized earth-yellow crystal core.

"It contains demonic power and some ancient aura. This python is just a low-level demon." Chen Feng put away the demon core and stepped forward. Soon he found a large number of Qianjin vines.

Qianjin vines are as thick as fingers and extremely tough. Ordinary flying swords are difficult to cut. They emit a light golden luster. You can absorb the energy from them for cultivation, and you can also refine weapons and pills. In the outside world, an inch of Qianjin vines cannot be bought with a thousand taels of gold. In addition, the color of gold is called Qianjin vines.

For Chen Feng, this kind of spiritual object is very valuable, but he didn't expect to encounter so many at this time. There are large pieces of them, shining with golden light, and the vines are crisscrossed. Chen Feng looked around and found that there were at least thousands of them around.

"It's a big harvest." Chen Feng laughed.

Then Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed the void. One by one, the thousand-gold vines were like gold bars, and then all were put into the Longevity Tower.

Anyway, the space in the Longevity Tower is extremely wide. Chen Feng wishes that all the spiritual medicines in the world could be planted in it. Although there are many thousand-gold vines in front of him, the more the better for Chen Feng.

Seeing that all the thousand-gold vines were collected, suddenly several golden lights shuttled through the space and arrived in front of Chen Feng.

"Wind and Thunder Palm."

Chen Feng was well prepared. With a shake of his palm, the power of wind and thunder shot out, knocking the golden light to the ground.

After the golden light landed, it continued to twist. It turned out to be a golden snake. Each snake was only about one foot long, golden in color, with fine scales on its body. At first glance, it really looked like it was made of gold.

"Golden snake!"

Chen Feng reached out and grabbed a snake. He felt heavy and cold, just like gold.

"It is also the level of a low-level monster. The monsters that appear here are indeed different from those in the outside world. They should be ancient relics, but they are a little weak."

Just when Chen Feng focused all his attention on the golden snake in his hand, the black light finally appeared and attacked Chen Feng at the speed of lightning.

"Hey, I've been waiting for you to appear." Chen Feng was not panicked. He waved the long sword in his hand and stabbed the black shadow with a wind and thunder attack.


With a crisp sound, Chen Feng felt the power of a mountain passing along the long sword, causing Chen Feng's arm to tremble.

"What a great strength."

The next moment, the black shadow continued to attack, and in an instant, six black shadows surrounded Chen Feng.

This was caused by the opponent's excessive speed.

"Powerful and fast, then."

"Wind and Thunder Explosion!"

The power of wind and thunder suddenly exploded from Chen Feng, and then the power of the domain expanded, blocking the attack of the black shadow at the same time.

"Water and fire complement each other!"

The power of water and fire continued to entangle, and soon formed a layered silk net covering the black shadow.


A ball of black light emanated from the black shadow, easily breaking the silk net formed by Chen Feng's water and fire power.

The black shadow appeared in front of Chen Feng, and then continued to grow, just like a curled up animal stretching out.

Chen Feng finally saw the appearance of the black shadow.

"Devouring beast!"

Chen Feng exclaimed, the monster in front of him clearly looked like the devouring beast he had encountered before.

"No, no, the Devourer I encountered last time didn't have such a long mouthpart." Chen Feng shook his head, and then he realized the difference. The monster in front of him had a sharp mouthpart that was more than one foot long, but in other aspects it was the same as the Devourer he had encountered before.

They all looked like apes, with thick and strong limbs, and thick black hair all over their bodies. Groups of power were constantly rotating and wandering in their bodies. Their eyes were dark red with black light, and people could even pull out their souls when they saw them.

"The blood hole on the corpse before was caused by this sharp mouthpart, which was specially used to absorb the blood essence in the body of the cultivator." Chen Feng stared at the other party firmly, not daring to be careless.

"This is a Soul Devourer." Ta spoke at this time.

"Soul Devourer, what is the relationship between it and the Devourer?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"The Devouring Beast is also called the Devouring God Beast. It is the supreme ruler of the Demon Realm and the first noble of the Demon Realm. The Devouring Beast practices the Devouring Heaven Magic Art, which can suppress all kinds of demon beasts in the Demon Realm, devour all vitality, and forcibly plunder the opponent's origin, true energy, blood, spirit, and soul. It can be said that the Devouring Heaven Magic Art is somewhat similar to the Devouring Heaven Absorption Art in the Changsheng Sutra, which can devour all energy in the world, but the Devouring Heaven Magic Art is obviously more effective for creatures in the Demon Realm."

"And the Soul Devouring Beast in front of us can be seen from the name. It can devour the opponent's soul. Of course, this is a natural ability, but devouring blood is probably the practice of the Devouring Heaven Magic Art." The tower said it in detail, and Chen Feng understood it all at once.

"Practicing the Devouring Heaven Magic Art!" Chen Feng's eyes lit up all of a sudden.

You should know that the Heaven Devouring Demon Art that Chen Feng practiced was just a fragment of a fragment, an entry in the entry. It was impossible to practice the complete Heaven Devouring Secret Art, unless he went to the Demon Realm and found the rulers of the Demon Realm. Of course, for Chen Feng in front of him, this was a deadly act, even if the Longevity Tower took action, it would be useless unless the strength of the Longevity Tower could be fully restored.

However, it would be a good choice to capture other Devouring Beasts to search their souls, just like what he did before, but the next words of the Tower broke Chen Feng's fantasy.

"This Soul Devouring Beast has too low cultivation level, and I'm afraid the Heaven Devouring Demon Art it practices is not as good as the previous Devouring Beast." The Tower laughed.

"Even if there is only one word of the secret method, it can't be let go." Chen Feng was not disappointed.

"In this case, then catch this demon beast."

Just when Chen Feng's eyes were burning and he wanted to take action, the Soul Devouring Beast seemed to feel the dangerous aura emanating from Chen Feng, and stopped fighting with Chen Feng, but turned his body, turned into a black light and fled to the distance, instantly drilling into the bushes and disappeared.

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