Eternal Existence

Chapter 660: Man-eating vine

"Brother Wen, I think you should practice for a while longer." Chen Feng looked at Wen Shaoxiu and said.

In Chen Feng's eyes, although Wen Shaoxiu's wounds have healed, the true energy in his body is weak, and the damaged visceral veins have not fully recovered. Now he can only use his normal strength if he fights.

"We don't have that much time. I'm afraid that others will get there first." Wen Shaoxiu said in a deep voice.

"What do you mean?" Chen Feng's eyes flashed.

"What do you think this is?" Wen Shaoxiu took out something and threw it to Chen Feng.

It was a palm-sized fragment, silvery white, dull, with corroded dents on it. It was hard to tell what material it was made of, but Chen Feng's eyes immediately glowed when he took it in his hand.

"It's so heavy, weighing tens of thousands of kilograms. What kind of material is it? Even the essence of black iron is far inferior to it." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

Next, Chen Feng's soul surged, and he wanted to investigate carefully, but he felt that there was an invisible force on the fragment that blocked the invasion of his soul.

The power of the soul increases, forming a spiral shape, trying to penetrate this layer of invisible power.


A milky white light rose up from this fragment. Although the light was soft, there was a huge and irresistible momentum that impacted overwhelmingly from this fragment.

Of course, this is not real, it is just what Chen Feng's soul sensed. Chen Feng's eyes were unnaturally bright and he used the pupil technique.

It seemed that he was impacted by Chen Feng's pupil power, and the coercive momentum in this fragment also increased and became stronger. Later, even Chen Feng's eyes stung, his mind was shaken, he couldn't help but close his eyes, and held the fragment in his hand. Throw it to Wen Shaoxiu.

"Haha, I was in the same situation at that time." Wen Shaoxiu laughed.

Chen Feng heard the curse in his heart, since you know the situation, you don't remind me, but Chen Feng also understands that even if Wen Shaoxiu reminds him, he will still investigate in his own way.

"This is a fragment of an immortal weapon." Wen Shaoxiu said proudly.

"How do you know, just based on the energy contained in it?"

"No, I sensed a hint of the Immortal Law from it." Wen Shaoxiu smiled and touched the fragment in his hand.

"Brother Chen, although your combat power is strong enough and can even surpass us half-step immortals, you are not as good as us in terms of realm. You must know that we half-step immortals are only half a step away from advancing to the realm of human immortals. , once you enter the realm of immortality, you have truly stepped into the world of immortality, so I can feel the laws of immortality, but you can't, this is normal," Wen Shaoxiu said with a smile.

"Is that so?" Chen Feng nodded and asked no more questions.

Since Wen Shaoxiu obtained this fragment, there is no need for Chen Feng to study it.

"Ta, do you know this is a material? It should be helpful to you, right?" Chen Feng asked secretly.

"It is indeed a fragment of an immortal weapon, a star stone, but it is too small, and the immortal laws contained in it are about to disappear, but it is still very helpful to this boy." Ta said.

"I've seen the star stone before, but it's not this heavy." Chen Feng was a little confused.

"Hmph, what do you know? The star stones you have seen before are just carried in some meteorites, and they are not stars at all. The star stone in this kid's hand requires at least a meteorite thousands of meters in size to extract. ." Ta said disdainfully.

"So powerful." Chen Feng was surprised.

"Speaking of it, it's my luck. After teleporting in, I appeared directly in this grassland. This grassland is also very dangerous. There are some powerful monsters and monsters in it. I was almost killed by sneak attacks several times. This grassland is very dangerous. I picked up the fragment accidentally, but when I was searching for other fragments, I was besieged. If you hadn't taken action this time, I would have been killed by them," Wen Shaoxiu continued at this time.

"You mean there are other fragments where you picked up the fairy artifact fragments." Chen Feng asked in surprise.

"This is just my guess. If an immortal weapon is broken, there should be more than one piece." Wen Shaoxiu said.

"It makes sense, let's set off now." Chen Feng nodded. Originally, Chen Feng was here to capture the soul-eating beast, but now the fragments of the fairy weapon are obviously more attractive.

The two of them were moving extremely fast, constantly walking through the grass. The reason why they did not fly was so as not to attract the attention of other people or other things.

After all, Wen Shaoxiu has been in this grassland for a while and has some understanding of the situation on the grassland. According to Wen Shaoxiu, the radius of this grassland is thousands of miles, and the most dangerous thing among them is not the monsters living in it. Warcraft, but plants growing on this land.

Just like now, the two of them were surrounded by dense man-eating vines not long after they were walking in the grass.

Whoosh whoosh!

Sword energy flew around the two men, and thick vines were constantly chopped to pieces, but more vines attacked.

Each of these vines is as thick as an arm, with dense thorns growing on them, and poisonous gas evaporates from the vines.

Rattans pierced through like spears, and the hard rocks on the ground were beaten into sieves.

"Good fellow, the attack of these vines is comparable to that of a cultivator of the seventh level of heaven and man. Even a half-step immortal who falls into them may be exhausted of his true energy and killed." Chen Feng said as he drew a circle with his palm, and a strand of plant essence was pulled over, and finally formed a ball of green and watery energy in his palm.

Then the energy ball melted into Chen Feng's palm.

"Such a pure wood power, just right for practicing."

The Heaven Swallowing Absorption Technique was launched, and Chen Feng's whole body seemed to have turned into a black hole that swallowed everything, swallowing up energy from all directions, even the spiritual energy in the air.

Swish, swish, swish!

The vines that were crushed by the sword energy turned into ashes before they fell to the ground, and the energy in them had completely disappeared.

Later, the Heaven Swallowing Absorption Technique was performed to the extreme, and Chen Feng didn't need to do anything at all. He just strode forward, and all the vines that attacked Chen Feng began to shrivel before they got close to Chen Feng, as if the water in them was dried up by the sun, and they continued to wither, and finally turned into flying ashes.


Invisible waves spread from Chen Feng's body, spreading around, covering a larger and larger area, and more wood power was absorbed.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Countless man-eating vines in all directions withered quickly. In the end, not only these man-eating vines, but also the dense weeds growing on the ground began to wither, and the moist ground began to crack.

It was as if the scorching sun came down and kept baking the ground.


At this time, Wen Shaoxiu no longer took action, but looked at Chen Feng with some shock.

"What kind of martial arts is this guy practicing? Why is he so domineering? I think it's more magical than magic." Wen Shaoxiu thought to himself.

So Chen Feng moved forward step by step. No matter how many man-eating vines there were around, Chen Feng couldn't blink an eye, and Wen Shaoxiu followed Chen Feng closely.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At first, these man-eating vines were only as thick as arms, but later, not only did the number increase, but the vines were twice as thick.

These vines kept crossing and entangled, and soon formed layers of thick vine nets around them, and then squeezed towards Chen Feng and the others.

At the same time, the spikes on these vines also shot out like sharp arrows, and poisonous gas sprayed out from these vines, and even the ground was scorched wherever they passed.


Chen Feng and Wen Shaoxiu attacked at the same time, and thick sword energy kept sweeping and cutting, and immediately the green vines flew everywhere.

"What a fierce attack, it seems that we should have reached the lair of the man-eating vines." Chen Feng laughed.

Although Chen Feng performed the swallowing and absorbing technique, there were too many and too strong man-eating vines around him, which made Chen Feng feel that he was too busy.

Of course, at this time, Chen Feng's body was already full of rich wood power, and even the acupoints were constantly absorbing and refining.

"Kill, lightning shock wave!" Wen Shaoxiu slashed with his sword in both hands, and a ball of lightning quickly expanded, then rushed forward and exploded, forming waves of lightning waves. Wherever the lightning waves passed, all the man-eating vines turned into ashes.

"Sword Qi Storm!"

Chen Feng also used his ultimate move, and the rolling sword energy rolled through, killing a way.

"Found it, it's here."

A huge humanoid monster appeared in front of the two. This was the real man-eating vine, hundreds of feet tall, with dense vines all over its body. As the man-eating vine continued to wave, more vines came overwhelmingly.

"This monster has the strength of a demon king, and there must be a demon core in its body. Let's join forces to kill it." Wen Shaoxiu shouted.

In fact, these successful spirits are all classified as demons. The difference between demons and demons lies in the enhancement of demonic energy and demonic energy, or the use of demonic energy and demonic energy for cultivation. Sometimes human cultivators absorb demonic energy for cultivation, and some cruel and bloodthirsty people are called demon cultivators and are surrounded and killed by righteous cultivators.

However, in Chen Feng's view, whether it is absorbing demonic energy or demonic energy, or practicing other secret methods, it is just a kind of cultivation path, because Chen Feng himself can devour and refine all kinds of energy in the world.

Although the giant man-eating vine in front of him has intelligence, it still can't speak, but its soul power is very strong and can communicate with others.

"Human, leave quickly, I won't kill you." A soul wave spread out, and the man-eating vine began to communicate with Chen Feng and the others.

Chen Feng and Wen Shaoxiu looked at each other and felt a little funny. The two had already killed each other's doorsteps. It can be said that they had a great advantage and could kill the man-eating vine soon, but they didn't expect this spirit to say such words.

"Today's matter is that you attacked us first. It's not that easy for us to leave." Wen Shaoxiu said first.

"What do you want? I can give you some spirit stones." The vines around began to disappear into the grass one after another. It seemed that the other party wanted to stop fighting.

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