Eternal Existence

Chapter 670 Chaotic Thunder Tribulation

"Sure enough, the power contained in these three lightning bolts is different. All three lightning bolts are the power of heavenly thunder, but one contains the power of fire, one contains the power of wind, and the other contains the power of chaos." Chen Feng said as he squeezed his palms. The thunder ball was directly crushed, and then dissipated and turned into strands that entered Chen Feng's body.

After the three lightning bolts attacked, the calamity clouds in the sky began to condense, but this time the calamity clouds condensed slowly, so slowly that Chen Feng suspected that he had used his eyes too much and was dazzled.

Although the calamity clouds were brewing slowly, the lightning attacks never stopped. After the three lightning bolts, a mess of lightning attacks began.

Some of these lightning powers condensed into lightning, some condensed into thunder balls, and some were randomly transformed without rules.

In a word, it was a mess, without any rules. In fact, to be honest, although this kind of lightning attack was chaotic, it was just a tickle for Chen Feng. What really made Chen Feng dare not be careless was that these lightning bolts also contained messy powers of various attributes.

It is reliable that a ball of lightning contains a kind of attribute energy. Even a ball of lightning that was broken by Chen Feng burst into colorful colors, and each color represents a kind of attribute power.

Chen Feng could resist these lightnings with his flesh body without resistance, and he could break these lightnings into pieces with just a casual move, but it was a bit difficult to absorb and refine all these lightning balls of various attribute powers in a short time of tribulation.

Although Chen Feng could refine and absorb, it took time, and Chen Feng had enough time to absorb other purer and higher-level powers, so refining these lightning balls at this time was not worth the loss for Chen Feng.

So when facing this kind of thunder tribulation, Chen Feng did not swallow them all into his body as before, but broke and scattered these lightning balls, because Chen Feng did not know what level of tribulation thunder he would encounter next.

Or it was not just as simple as tribulation thunder.

After more than a hundred thunder balls fell, the calamity cloud finally formed. At the moment the calamity cloud formed, the might of heaven swept down to the ground. Not only Chen Feng, but also other cultivators a hundred miles away felt that their pores burst and goose bumps bulged. The irresistible will impacted everyone's mind.

"Chen Feng actually chose to survive the calamity here. It's a bit troublesome." Wen Shaoxiu's face changed and he retreated from the sword energy storm.

"Humph, although this guy is powerful, he is too reckless. Let's not talk about whether he can survive the thunder calamity. Even if he succeeds in surviving the calamity, his vitality will be greatly damaged. With so many people watching him, he will probably lose his life." Jian Shaolong said coldly.

"Although Brother Chen's actions are sometimes unexpected, he is not a reckless person. Maybe it's because the breath in his body can't be suppressed." Jian Xiaotian said on the side.

"No matter what the situation is, Chen Feng is at least an honorary elder of our sect. Jian Shaolong and I will protect him." Jian Zhikong thought for a while and said.

"Hmph, I still need to practice, Wen Shaoxiu can go." Jian Shaolong's face turned serious, and he refused directly, then turned around and re-entered the sword energy storm.

"I will protect Chen Feng." Wen Shaoxiu nodded.

Just when everyone wanted to step forward, they received Chen Feng's voice transmission: "Everyone, don't worry about me. I know how to overcome the tribulation this time. You still continue to practice."

After hearing Chen Feng's voice transmission, everyone was stunned. You know, even if you overcome the tribulation outside, you will still be scarred after success, not to mention in this human immortal battlefield. The laws of heaven and earth here have long changed. There is no law to follow when overcoming the tribulation here. There is a chance that the thunder tribulation will become smaller, but it is too small. Most thunder tribulations will become more violent, that is, the power is several times greater, and it is possible to be dozens of times greater.

Before, Jian Xiaotian succeeded in overcoming the thunder tribulation, relying on the strong recovery ability of the Daluo battle body, but he was also covered with wounds. If it weren't for Jian Shaolong and Jian Zhikong, he would have been killed by others in nine out of ten cases.

"I believe in Chen Feng." Jian Xiaotian smiled, and then also entered the sword energy storm.

Among the crowd, Jian Xiaotian and Chen Feng had the deepest friendship. Since Jian Xiaotian was not worried, everyone stopped talking.

"In that case, let's pay attention and come out when Chen Feng's tribulation is about to end." Wen Shaoxiu said when he entered the sword energy storm.

After all, the sword energy storm in front of them is the best place for these sword cultivators to practice. No one wants to waste a little time, especially Jian Shaolong and Jian Zhikong. They practiced in the sword energy storm and felt the pressure of the sword intent. The two have already had some insights, and they may break through to the realm of human immortals at any time.

Of course, the movement of Chen Feng's tribulation would not only alarm Wen Shaoxiu and others, but also the cultivators in several other directions, including the group of people who were beaten and fled just now.

Seeing this scene, someone immediately had an idea.

"This kid is a master of the Tianjian Sect, and he has a few good holy weapons in his hands. He really doesn't know whether he will live or die if he goes through the thunder tribulation at this time."

"Yes, this guy is simply looking for death. Let's not talk about whether he can survive the thunder tribulation. Even if he succeeds in the tribulation, he will be injured. Then we will attack together and kill people and seize treasures."

"It's a good idea, but something is wrong. Look at why Jian Shaolong and the others went back again, and it seems that they didn't see this kid again."

"It's a bit strange. Maybe there is a conflict between them. Isn't it better this way? I have a few high-level invisibility talismans. Let's hide quietly now. Once the boy's thunder tribulation dissipates, we will take action immediately."

"Okay, let's do it this way."

After Chen Feng transmitted the message, the calamity cloud formed, and the real thunder tribulation began.

"Just now was just an appetizer. I don't know what will happen next. I hope it will be more violent." Chen Feng closed his palms and crushed the last lightning ball.

Unlike other cultivators, Chen Feng did not have a trace of fear and worry. He was just excited and curious. He was curious about what kind of gains the laws of heaven and earth here could bring him.


It was not the crisp thunder of the past, but a dull roar. A lightning column as thick as a water tank for hundreds of feet was suppressed from the sky.

Wherever it passed, the space was shaken in waves, and the dull sound was so depressing that people wanted to vomit blood.

"This power greatly exceeds the last thunder tribulation, but it is still within my imagination. It is just so powerful at the beginning. I am very curious about what will appear next. Could it be a thunder column all the time? I don't believe it." Chen Feng jumped up and punched out with a heavy punch.

With a thunderous explosion, this thunder column that could destroy some things was dispersed by Chen Feng. Then Chen Feng spread out his five fingers and grabbed them fiercely. All the scattered thunder and lightning power entered Chen Feng's body.

"Hey, this thunder and lightning actually contains the power of chaos. Yes, this is originally a chaotic place." All the thunder and lightning power was collected into the body, and there was a trace of chaotic state of mind that rushed towards Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, but it was soon wiped out by Chen Feng's soul vortex and absorbed into his own power.

"The physical attack contains the will attack, which is the real thunder tribulation." Chen Feng laughed. With just a thunder column, Chen Feng was sure that the previous thunder power was really child's play and too weak.

"This guy is not simple."

"No hurry, let's see the situation first. The thunder tribulation has just begun. Maybe this kid will be killed by lightning directly, and we don't need to do anything."


Next, there are two more than 100-zhang lightning pillars, which were broken and swallowed by Chen Feng.

"Just some lightning pillars? If so, it would be simple. There is no challenge at all. Even if there are a thousand lightning pillars of this level, it is useless. It is just a waste of time for me." Chen Feng whispered.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, a huge crack suddenly appeared in the tribulation cloud, and then four hundred-zhang long lightning pillars suppressed it together, forming a ball cage shape, firmly locking Chen Feng.

More importantly, the colors of these four lightning pillars are different, namely blue, blue with red, blue with black, and blue with red gold.

Chen Feng couldn't even speak at this time, because the speed of these four lightning pillars was too fast, of course, this also included Chen Feng's surprise time.

Even a fool can see that the properties of these four lightning pillars are different. You should know that only the heavenly tribulation of human immortals will have tribulation thunders of different properties.

"Breaking Heaven Fist, smash them together for me." Chen Feng also became fierce, and a huge fist print soared into the sky and slammed on the four lightning pillars.


The huge fist print suddenly exploded and turned into. Although countless cracks appeared on the four lightning pillars, they still suppressed them and submerged Chen Feng in them.

"Chen Feng will be okay."

Although Wen Shaoxiu and others were practicing in the sword energy storm, they had been paying attention to the situation on Chen Feng's side. Seeing Chen Feng being submerged by lightning, they couldn't help but worry.

"It's okay, don't worry." Jian Xiaotian turned his head and took a look, and then continued to practice. His face was normal, and he didn't worry about Chen Feng's safety at all.

"Do you trust Chen Feng so much?" Wen Shaoxiu couldn't help asking.

"Hehe, I have known Chen Feng for a long time, and I still know him very well. Although this level of thunder tribulation looks scary, it definitely doesn't pose any threat to Chen Feng." Jian Xiao said.

"I hope so."

This time, the four lightning pillars suppressed the ground, causing great damage. When the lightning disappeared and Chen Feng reappeared, a huge deep pit with a radius of 100 feet appeared on the ground. At the same time, waves of energy continued to vibrate around in the space.

Chen Feng was safe and sound, and most of the lightning power was swallowed and absorbed by Chen Feng. This situation surprised everyone, but the more surprising thing was yet to come. It seemed that the broken sword, which was a hundred miles away, was affected by the thunder tribulation and began to show some changes.

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