Eternal Existence

Chapter 672 Chaos

"Good fellow, a random sword energy broke through the defense of the Nine Nether Earth Python." Chen Feng was secretly surprised.

The Nine Nether Earth Python, this is a high-level magic beast, and it is a high-quality magic beast among magic beasts. The defense of the flesh is extremely powerful, and it was easily broken by this sword light.

But then Chen Feng thought about it and understood. This broken sword is a fairy weapon. If it is really compared, it is several levels higher than the Nine Nether Earth Python. Even if only 1% of its power is left at this time, it is not something that a high-level magic beast can resist.

The Nine Nether Earth Python roared, and its body became larger again, from hundreds of feet to thousands of feet, like a complete mountain blocking Chen Feng.

But what made Chen Feng relieved was that the broken sword did not continue to attack.

"Chen Feng, what's going on?" At this time, Wen Shaoxiu and others had rushed out of the sword energy storm. Although no one was injured, they were all injured. Of course, if these people were not pure sword cultivators, it would not be just a simple injury.

"Leave here first, and we'll talk later." Chen Feng said loudly.

At this time, dark clouds began to brew again in the sky, brewing very quickly, dozens of times stronger than the calamity clouds just now, and waves of power from heaven and earth spread out, making it difficult for people to even breathe.

"Hehe, interesting, the opportunity is coming soon." At this time, the tower laughed.

"Are you talking about the opportunity to seize this broken sword?" Chen Feng asked.

"Of course, kid, don't talk nonsense, I'm going to start preparing, see how I refine this broken sword."

The space began to shake, countless cracks kept flashing in the space, the power of heaven and earth finally became violent, constantly compressing the space, blocking the surrounding heaven and earth, and all kinds of original energy kept emerging, thunder and lightning, water and fire, gold and stone, and space power, each of which was a hundred times stronger than the energy Chen Feng encountered when he crossed the calamity.

Feeling the oppression of the power of heaven, the broken sword boiled again, the sword intent soared into the sky, and constantly tore the shackles between heaven and earth.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Then waves of sword energy continued to sweep out, stirring up the dark clouds again.

Faced with the attack of sword energy, the will of heaven and earth did not retreat, but instead gathered more power to besiege and bind the broken sword.

For a moment, the earth and the sky trembled, thunder and lightning, water and fire flowed, and the space was like a thin piece of paper, constantly torn apart, and even the void turbulence leaked out from the cracks.

In just a few breaths, the earth was torn into pieces, and the grassland within a thousand miles had completely turned into ashes, and there was no intact ground.

Chen Feng used the pupil technique to check, and only felt his eyes burning, and his soul was strongly shaken, as if the sea was roaring.


Chen Feng groaned and quickly closed his eyes, but his sea of ​​consciousness was still shaking.

During this time, the powerful magic power emitted by the Nine Nether Earth Python also attracted the attention of the Broken Sword and Tianwei. Just two random attacks caused this high-level demon king to be injured and vomit blood.

Chen Feng took a look and immediately put the Nine Nether Earth Python into the Longevity Tower. His whole body shook, and the shadow of the Longevity Tower appeared, covering Chen Feng.

Although the shadow of the Longevity Tower has amazing defense, it cannot block the attacks of Broken Sword and Tianwei. But for some reason, Chen Feng just floated in the air like that, and even kept changing positions, without attracting the opponent's attack.

"Hey, just a little trick." Seeing Chen Feng's doubts, Ta smiled with some complacency.

"Do you want to wait until they fight to the point of both being injured before you attack?" Chen Feng understood Ta's intention.

"Of course, I had been looking for a suitable opportunity before, but I didn't expect this to happen. This way, my confidence has increased a little more." Ta said with a smile.

Wen Shaoxiu and others had already flown three thousand miles away, but even so, they still felt the chaotic energy constantly impacting their minds.

These people had no courage to return at all. After all, the scene just now was too scary. Even high-level immortals could not do this.

"Wen Shaoxiu, Jian Shaolong, I will remember you. You Tianjian Sect members actually joined forces with demons and killed so many cultivators. You Tianjian Sect can just wait to be wiped out." At this time, a cultivator who escaped to heaven shouted.

Before, when the Nine Nether Earth Python killed everyone, some cultivators used the teleportation talisman to reach the outside world, and a few people escaped using some secrets.

At this time, these people were shouting at Wen Shaoxiu and others from a distance. Of course, these people did not dare to approach. After threatening and venting, they left immediately.

"You ran fast, otherwise none of you would survive." Jian Shaolong sneered.

Speaking of which, Wen Shaoxiu and others were all injured, which was why they did not continue to chase those people.

"It is normal to fight each other here. Sometimes, fellow disciples will do something dirty for the sake of profit. We may be fine after we go out, but Chen Feng may be in trouble." Wen Shaoxiu said with some concern.

"Hehe." Jian Xiaotian suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" Wen Shaoxiu was a little confused.

"Of course I'm laughing at you." Jian Shaolong rolled his eyes at Wen Shaoxiu.

"Jian Xiaotian has the best relationship with Chen Feng, so he must know some details about Chen Feng. This guy can even command high-level demon kings. Do you think he is still afraid of other people's troubles?" Jian Shaolong sneered.

"It makes sense. It seems that my worries are unnecessary. I now understand why Chen Feng has been unharmed despite being hunted by Jiuxiao Palace. By the way, Junior Brother Xiaotian, did you already know that Chen Feng has a demon king? Guarding him in secret?" Wen Shaoxiu looked at Jian Xiaotian.

"Haha, don't ask about this matter. I won't tell you if you ask me." Jian Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Yes, everyone has their own secret. I made a mistake, but the movement in front of me is so big, even if there is a high-level devil guarding it, I'm afraid it won't be able to resist it."

"Haha, as I said before, we don't have to worry at all. Well, we can't practice here. I'm afraid that there will be some changes in the immortal weapon. Let's go to other places to explore. Chen Feng has taken care of it here. Things will definitely come to us," Jian Xiao said.

"No, I'm afraid, something has happened to this immortal weapon." Jian Shaolong said.

"Hey, the change I'm talking about is that the broken sword may be taken away by Chen Feng, not the change in front of me." Jian Xiaotian thought this in his heart, but he didn't say it out loud.

"By the way, I got a fragment of the fairy weapon before. Chen Feng and I originally went to look for other fragments of the fairy weapon, but we didn't expect to encounter this broken sword. Let's not think about this broken sword. It seems We can only try our luck elsewhere," Wen Shaoxiu said at this time.

"What, you got a fragment of an immortal weapon. You are so lucky. I also found a Taoist weapon before, but unfortunately it was completely damaged. It is not even comparable to a treasure weapon."

"What are you waiting for? Let's set off quickly."

So everyone, led by Wen Shaoxiu, went to look for other fairy artifact fragments.

At this time, the outside world was already in chaos. The thirty-six immortals were divided into two camps and were confronting each other. It seemed that they were about to take action.

"Jin Shixian, your Heavenly Sword Sect has to give us an explanation for this matter." The Human Immortal from the Ruthless Heaven Sect said with a cold face, murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

"Joke, what do you want to explain?" Jin Shixian laughed.

"A monk of your Heavenly Sword Sect slaughtered disciples from various sects wantonly. Shouldn't you give us an explanation?" the human immortal from the God and Demon Cave sneered.


"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

All the immortals from the Heavenly Sword Sect laughed. Some of these people were laughing, but most of them were smiling proudly. These immortals from the Heavenly Sword Sect wished that all the disciples from these sects who entered would die inside.

"It's really funny. I, the Heavenly Sword Sect, have told you clearly about the situation in this space before. What is this place? This is the battlefield left by the ancient immortals. There are many dangers in it. Even humans and immortals may die if they enter it. Now you all When a disciple of our family dies, you blame us for the incident. You can do such a shameful thing. "

"That's right, aren't you just jealous when you see our Heavenly Sword Sect getting some magic weapons? By letting you send people into them to hone them, our Heavenly Sword Sect is already giving you face, and now we have to go even further."

"Don't talk too much. If you want to take action, just do it. The worst is to fight to the death. Our Heavenly Sword Sect has never defeated anyone else. Even if all the sects in the Central Plains unite, there will still be some price to pay."

"Fart, nonsense. It's clear that your Heavenly Sword Sect is hiding something. Now you have brought high-level demon kings into it in order to kill the disciples of each of our sects. These are all the core seed disciples of our sects. You are forcing us to go to war."

"No matter how powerful your Heavenly Sword Sect is, it's possible that you can still block all the sects here. I'm afraid your Heavenly Sword Sect will cease to exist in less than a day."

"We are not scared. If we want to take action, we will do it now without even looking at whose territory this is. None of you can leave today."

The two sides became more and more noisy, full of gunpowder, and each one was brewing a killer move and was about to take action.

"I have a suggestion!" Someone suddenly shouted at this time.

"It's enough to open a passage in advance and let us people in to check the authenticity of the matter."

"No, in less than a year, none of us can go in, otherwise it would be chaos." Tianjian sent the immortals to object.

Originally, according to everyone's previous plan, they would first send a group of monks from the heavenly and human realms to enter. After these monks came out a year later, the human immortals of each faction would enter again. However, now that many disciples of each faction have been killed, everyone has endured it. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I thought about entering in advance.

Of course, the Heavenly Sword Sect gritted its teeth and objected, refusing to agree to anything and had to wait until a year later.

"In one year, I'm afraid all the disciples of our sects will be killed. You guys from the Tianjian sect are really clever."

"It seems we have no choice but to take action."

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