Eternal Existence

Chapter 719: Finding a Place to Practice

With just a trace of soul power, Chen Feng felt that his whole body was swelling up, as if he was about to explode.

"Too powerful, just a trace of soul power, worthy of being close to the immortal, it is completely beyond my ability to refine now."

"Soul-calming spell!"

At the critical moment, Chen Feng performed the soul secret technique, causing this trace of soul power to pause for a moment. In the moment of pause, Chen Feng quickly made a move and instantly cut this trace of soul power into three parts, leaving one part for himself to refine, and the remaining two parts were re-entered into the barrier.

At this time, the weak voice of the black villain also came out: "Let me go, I know some places where immortal artifacts are buried, and I know some more secrets. As long as you let me go, I can let you have infinite power. By the way, I can also let you refine this Haili Pearl."

Chen Feng shook his head, no longer paying attention to this person, and left the sea of ​​consciousness directly.

"Tower, this Haili Pearl should be easy to refine, right?" Chen Feng asked.

"There are some restrictions in it. After I break them, you can refine them. This guy has lived until now with the help of Haili Pearl. Unfortunately, he will be suppressed by the magic weapon of Haili Pearl next." Ta laughed.

"This guy is not simple. Although he looks miserable now, he can still recover after a long time. I can't watch him all the time, so I have to use Haili Pearl."

Then Ta easily erased the restriction mark in Haili Pearl, and then reconnected with Chen Feng. Finally, Haili Pearl entered Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness and firmly suppressed it on the barrier.

This time the barrier is truly as solid as a mountain. Even if the black villain recovers his strength, he can't turn over.

Just wait for Chen Feng to refine it bit by bit in the future. As time goes by, the black villain will become weaker and weaker, and Chen Feng will become stronger and stronger.

"A Taoist weapon, and the vast sea of ​​Yuanchen Crystal Water in the Taoist weapon, and the most important thing is the soul of the top earth immortal. The harvest from entering the immortal battlefield this time is really too great. These things are enough for me to retreat for a thousand years." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"But I have to thank the few people I just fought with, um! I saved a few people from the Tianjian Sect, and as for the few people who died, I can only say that it was destined by heaven." Chen Feng shook his head pretentiously, and then began to observe the situation around him.

After putting away the Haili Pearl, the situation around him also changed. Although the smooth abyss did not become full of birdsong and flowers, it also grew strange flowers that Chen Feng had never seen.

At this time, the blood in Chen Feng's body boiled again, and the murderous intent in his heart began to become stronger.

"It turned out that these flowers caused it." Chen Feng stepped forward and looked at these strange flowers.

"The heart-shaped flower is as red as blood and emits medicinal power that can affect people's minds. Could it be that this is the blood soul flower?" Chen Feng whispered, and then quickly searched in the medicine field in the Longevity Tower. Sure enough, Chen Feng found the same elixir in the medicine field.

"Soul-eating flower, blood soul flower, can improve your soul respectively, but the blood soul flower in front of you is obviously older than the one you planted before. Hey, you have been lucky since you awakened me. It seems that you are not far from the realm of human immortals." Tower shook his head and said.

Chen Feng couldn't help rolling his eyes after hearing this.

"These blood soul flowers are indeed very powerful, otherwise they would not affect so far." Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it fiercely. The earth shook, and millions of pounds of rocks and soil were grabbed by Chen Feng and thrown into the Longevity Tower.

"Humph, you just treat me as your warehouse." Tower was a little dissatisfied.


Chen Feng stepped lightly with his feet, and the whole person flew into the sky and landed on the ground.

Next, Chen Feng found two more Tianjian Sect monks. After hearing what Chen Feng said, these people seemed very enthusiastic, but Chen Feng still caught the look of indifference in their eyes.

"Hey, it's just as I thought before. These people finally had the chance to come in. How could they leave because of danger? Fortunately, this space is large enough, so there are fewer troubles." Chen Feng shook his head, but Chen Feng did not encounter any danger during this period of time, and he was much more relaxed.

After rejecting the invitation of the two, Chen Feng set out on his own again, and communicated with the tower at the same time: "Tower, how big do you think this space battlefield can be?"

"Very big."

"How big is very big?"

"Bigger than the Eternal World you are in."

"What! So big." Chen Feng was really surprised. You know, although Chen Feng came from Beiyuan and arrived in Zhongyuan, most of the journey was using a large teleportation array. Not to mention Zhongyuan, the places Chen Feng went to in Beiyuan were less than one ten-thousandth. As for how big the Eternal World is, Chen Feng couldn't tell it clearly at all. Even human immortals couldn't tell it clearly, and even earth immortals needed time to travel.

This space is even bigger than the Eternal World. Chen Feng was surprised and excited. He had only been here for a short time and visited so many places, but he had already gained so much. If he stayed for a while longer, not to mention searching the entire space, he would have visited even one ten-thousandth of the space. The gains would be unimaginable.

"This is an ancient space. The space is very stable. The most important thing is that the structure is tight, otherwise it would not have been chosen as a battlefield. Only the fragments of immortal artifacts are useful to me. However, after so many years, and there was a war back then, there shouldn't be too many fragments of immortal artifacts to find." Tower said.

"So will there be a complete immortal weapon?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"Do you think if there is a complete immortal weapon, it can still stay here?" Ta said with a smile.

Chen Feng was silent. Some holy weapons will have weapon spirits. The weapon spirits in the immortal weapons are even more powerful, almost no different from immortals. If they are complete, they will naturally not stay here. Of course, there must be some reasons for staying here. Besides, Chen Feng does not believe that with Ta's current strength, he can really subdue a complete immortal weapon.

You must know that Ta has swallowed immortal weapons in the past, but the opponent either has no weapon spirit or is a broken product, which can make Changsheng Tower succeed again and again.

"It seems that we have to stay in this space for a while, hoping to find more fragments of immortal weapons."

"Immortal weapons, think about the waste of me in the Qi Refining and Body Forging Stage before, and I can actually cultivate to this level in a short time. Sometimes it feels like a dream." At this time, Chen Feng suddenly sighed.

"Hey, do you think so? When your cultivation level is improved by a few levels, I'm afraid you won't think so." At this time, the tower suddenly said something that Chen Feng didn't understand.

In the next month, Chen Feng had almost no gains. Just like what the tower said before, this space is too big. Chen Feng's gains before were also due to luck. It was normal that he didn't gain anything later.

However, in this month, Chen Feng met more than 30 cultivators who came in together. Among them, three were killed by Chen Feng, and three were from the Tianjian Sect. As before, they did not teleport out after listening to Chen Feng's words.

However, what made Chen Feng a little strange was that he did not meet Jian Xiaotian and other people who were close to him. After asking some people, there was no news.

"Could it be that Jian Xiaotian and the others were teleported out?" Chen Feng was still a little confused.

Another point is that Chen Feng did not see some people from the fairyland again. You must know that four of these people were manipulated by the tower. Once they are within a certain range, the movements of these people will be noticed by Chen Feng.

"That's good, just in time to find a place to practice again." Chen Feng walked tens of thousands of miles again in the past few days, but he didn't meet a cultivator, not even a local monster, so Chen Feng found a place with relatively good scenery and stopped.

Chen Feng stayed for another month. If it weren't for the sudden incident that alarmed Chen Feng, I'm afraid Chen Feng would continue to practice.

Because in this month, Chen Feng has completely entered the state of practice. While his strength has improved, the most important thing is that his foundation has become more solid.

You must know that Chen Feng has repeatedly passed the tribulation in a short period of time. At this time, he has reached the eighth level of the heavenly man, but he has not had enough time to comprehend and temper the insights and gains after the successful tribulation. Not to mention these, the hidden power in Chen Feng's body makes Chen Feng happy and headache. What makes him happy is that the hidden power in his body is too strong. If he fully refines it, his cultivation will definitely advance by leaps and bounds. What makes him headache is that the power is too strong, and it takes a lot of time to fully refine it.

Let's talk about the energy of the weapon spirit of the Demon Suppression Peak first. The Demon Suppression Peak is a Taoist weapon. The energy contained in the weapon spirit is naturally extraordinary. Even an earthly immortal needs some time to slowly refine it, not to mention that Chen Feng has not yet cultivated to the realm of human immortals.

Next is a thunder bead containing the power of thunder, which is also a Taoist weapon level. The thunder power in it is enough for Chen Feng to absorb.

Then there is the Haili Pearl suppressed in the sea of ​​consciousness. This is also a top-grade Taoist weapon. The sea-like Yuanchen crystal water in it also makes Chen Feng surprised and happy.

And the soul suppressed by the Haili Pearl is a top-level earthly immortal, and Chen Feng also needs to refine it bit by bit.

In addition to these, there is also the sword intent and sword energy contained in the half-broken immortal sword that was forcefully driven into Chen Feng's body by the Longevity Tower at that time. This is the energy of the immortal weapon level, which is even more difficult to refine.

This is just what has been absorbed into the body recently. There are many more things to talk about, such as the various spiritual stones piled up like mountains, the endless spiritual medicines in the Longevity Tower, and the spiritual fruits growing on various spiritual trees.

The various magic weapons suppressed in Chen Feng's acupoints also need Chen Feng to communicate and condense, and there are a bunch of longevity weapons that need Chen Feng to upgrade the grade, and there are some secret techniques in the Longevity Sutra that can be practiced.

And so on, in short, there are some things that even Chen Feng himself can't remember, and there are many things piled up in the Longevity Tower that even Chen Feng can't remember. Even if Chen Feng has practiced to the point of multitasking, thinking about these things makes him dizzy.

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