Eternal Existence

Chapter 754: Killing Intentions

"Not good!" Chen Feng knew something was wrong when the light wave swept over him. Sure enough, a bloodthirsty and violent thought came out of his heart, and became more and more violent. Soon Chen Feng's eyes became blood red. .

kill! kill! kill!

This thought continued to spread in Chen Feng's heart, integrating into every cell in his body. Chen Feng roared, and strong murderous aura spurted out.

"It turns out that these people's minds have been affected." Chen Feng knew that if he couldn't control it, he would probably rush forward like the others. By then, his mind would be confused, and even if he could wake up in the future, he would still have inner demons in his heart. For the future, The practice has an impact.

"Soul-suppressing spell!" Chen Feng cast the secret soul technique, trying to wake himself up, and it had some effect. Chen Feng felt that the murderous intention in his heart was somewhat weakened.

"A few more times!"

Just when Chen Feng was thinking about casting the soul-suppressing spell again, an overwhelming force attacked him from behind.

"Eh!" Chen Feng was a little surprised, because the hell dog and tree demon were behind him, so why would they attack.

With a thought in his mind, a thick layer of lightning enveloped him, and at the same time he performed Qilin Step, just like a small boat floating in the strong wind.

Before this attack could be completely resolved, another red broken sword flew towards Chen Feng and slashed at him.

"It's really troublesome."

The murderous intention that had weakened once again rose again. Chen Feng couldn't help but communicate with the Tower of Eternal Life. A ray of energy was mobilized from the sky-piercing spear, and then a sneer flashed past, and a tall demon god was directly penetrated. The body then lost all vitality and fell to the ground.

Only then did Chen Feng realize what was going on. The hellhound and tree demon were fighting two underworld generals in the distance, and strong murderous intent was constantly being released from the two men.

Looking at Liu Wuxiang again, Liu Wuxiang seemed to be going crazy and had already rushed towards the melee crowd.

It seems that only Chen Feng still retains a trace of clarity.

"What's going on? These people are at a higher level than me. Why did they fall for it so easily?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Isn't it because of the level of the realm, but because it varies from person to person, maximizing the killing intention in everyone's heart." Chen Feng's mind turned quickly and he quickly came to this conclusion.

However, it was useless to draw this conclusion, because Chen Feng could not resist the increasingly stronger murderous intention. Originally, he had used the soul-suppressing spell to suppress the boiling murderous intention, but then he was besieged, so Chen Feng's murderous intention surged again, and became even more violent, which led to him using his ultimate move to directly kill a demon god.

Chen Feng retained a trace of clarity and was about to cast the soul-suppressing spell again. However, the monks present who were obsessed with murder did not give Chen Feng time. Although the strength Chen Feng just showed scared some people, the two who had just arrived However, the ghost general roared and launched an attack on Chen Feng.

So Chen Feng no longer had time to suppress the boiling murderous intention. He just took two moves from the opponent. Two red lights began to sweep out of Chen Feng's eyes, and the last trace of clarity in his heart gradually turned gray.



Murderous intent surged to the sky, and chaotic and violent thoughts constantly impacted Chen Feng. In Chen Feng's heart, everything in front of him was an enemy, and he just wanted to kill everyone in front of him.


Two more rays of energy shot out, and the two ghost generals were killed again. Chen Feng quickly stepped forward and put away the bodies of the two ghost generals with a wave of his hand.

The action of collecting the corpse was made by Chen Feng subconsciously. Next, when Chen Feng tried to mobilize the power of the sky-piercing spear to sweep across all directions, he failed. In desperation, Chen Feng took out the thunder bead and threw it directly at An immortal monk smashed it over.

In the Eternal Life Tower, the tower looked at the situation outside indifferently. When he saw that Chen Feng wanted to mobilize the power of the immortal weapon again, he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "It would be great if you could really use the power of this war spear. , It’s not like I need to use my power.”

"Forget it, this kid's strength has grown rapidly recently, his foundation is unstable, his soul has not been truly tempered by the tribulation, his inner demons are breeding, and his murderous thoughts are floating around. Now he takes this opportunity to burst out, which is also a benefit, but with these places Immortal Chaos is still not strong enough. Hey, it seems that he still needs my help. The power of suppressing the two immortal weapons during this period has been in vain. "

"This guy!"

Although Ta was a little dissatisfied verbally, the movements of his hands did not stop. On the one hand, he suppressed and communicated with the two immortal weapons. Of course, the bone spear of the immortal weapon level was a ghost weapon.

On the other hand, the tower is also condensing a kind of law power, which the tower has mastered before. Its function is to enhance the strength of these demons in the Eternal Life Tower. After all, although the tower is arrogant, he also knows that he has not fully recovered his strength. Really If there is an unexpected situation, he may not be able to control it, so he will think of ways to enhance the strength of these demons so that they can take action at critical moments.


The lightning suddenly appeared, shattered, and the thunder pillar was thrown away. Chen Feng was also hit by a spear and was smashed into the ground. He didn't know how many bones in his body were broken.

Even when using Taoist tools, Chen Feng's overall strength is still far behind those of these earthly immortals. But strangely enough, after falling into murderous thoughts, Chen Feng's recovery ability has also been greatly enhanced, and his recovery speed is faster than before. Ten times.

Therefore, Chen Feng, who had incredible recovery ability, completely recovered from his injuries in just a few breaths.

However, this kind of recovery also comes at a price, that is, the energy in Chen Feng's body is rapidly consumed. However, what Chen Feng lacks the least is various energies. After consuming a lot of energy to repair his injuries, Chen Feng rushed out again, waved his hand, and took out the blood-gathering bead. The blood light was dazzling, and the blood wave spread.

Chen Feng took out the blood-gathering bead, which was amazing. The blood energy in the surrounding space gathered into the blood-gathering bead. The breath of the blood-gathering bead became stronger and stronger, reaching a point that Chen Feng could not control.

Although he was eroded by the killing intent, Chen Feng's reaction and combat experience were not slow. On the contrary, they were improved under the stimulation of the killing intent. Feeling the blood-gathering bead in his hand beating more and more violently, Chen Feng immediately performed the blood-gathering bead. A ball of thick blood flew out of the blood-gathering bead and condensed into a huge blood ball. The blood ball kept wriggling while flying, and finally exploded suddenly, turning into countless blood arrows shooting around.

Chen Feng's attack at this time no longer distinguished between enemies and friends, and was completely a random killing. The Blood Gathering Pearl was at least a mid-grade Taoist weapon, and the power it exploded immediately injured some cultivators. However, more blood essence emerged from the wounds on these people and drilled into the Blood Gathering Pearl again, forming a cycle. The Blood Gathering Pearl stabilized and then started to rotate again.

"Lightning flashed!"

After Chen Feng grabbed the Thunder Pearl, waves of lightning gushed out like a tide. Chen Feng seemed to be crazy, wishing to release all the lightning energy in the lightning column.

Before, Chen Feng used the immortal weapon to kill cultivators one after another. Although the cultivators present were trapped in the killing state, they also knew the danger, so they would not fight with Chen Feng if they could. However, Chen Feng's series of group attacks still made these cultivators angry. Three earth immortals attacked Chen Feng at the same time, breaking Chen Feng's defense in a few moves and blasting Chen Feng away heavily.

And the direction is exactly where the red light column is. You should know that even an earthly immortal will be easily shattered if he enters this light column. If Chen Feng enters like this, there is only one outcome, that is, he will be crushed to pieces.

"Zhoutian Compass!" Chen Feng's mind moved, and the Zhoutian Compass flew out of his body. The octagon emitted streams of light, and instantly condensed into the Zhoutian domain. The Zhoutian domain rotated rapidly, and it rotated thousands of times in a blink of an eye. Every time it rotated, Chen Feng's figure slowed down. When there were still ten meters away from the red light column, waves of blood light came out from Chen Feng's hands, and a series of explosions occurred in front of him. The impact force rebounded back, causing Chen Feng's forward figure to suddenly stop.


Two pieces of ore appeared in front of Chen Feng. Chen Feng stepped heavily with his feet and changed the direction, and the two pieces of ore flew into the light column and turned into powder in an instant.

"It's dangerous!" Chen Feng was shocked and sweated, but this trace of fear was soon drowned by the killing intent, and then his figure shook and rushed into the battle group again.

Of course, the many cultivators in the melee did not completely lose their minds, but they were deeply trapped in the killing intent. It was extremely difficult to break free.

In addition, with the casualties of the cultivators, the blood essence aroused the red light column, and several blood-colored light waves washed out. The strong killing intent once again overwhelmed the remaining rationality of the people.

Liu Wuxiang used one hand to refine the demon furnace and the other hand to continuously perform the Yin-Yang Mixed Cave Sutra. The aura on his body has been promoted to the level of the initial earth immortal, and there is a trend of growth. Constantly clashing in the battle group, hitting anyone he saw, and even exchanged two moves with Chen Feng.

The hellhound and the tree demon were also completely caught in the fight. Although some injuries appeared, it seemed that there should be no major problems for the time being.

"Blood Underworld Attraction!"

Chen Feng was wrapped in a thick layer of blood light. The blood gathering bead was spinning rapidly in Chen Feng's hand. A large amount of blood essence continued to enter the blood gathering bead. Chen Feng could not control it early. In a frenzy, he performed the blood burning secret technique in the blood underworld attraction, burning the blood power to increase his strength.

Blood Underworld Attraction is a Saint-level technique. Although it is not as good as the Immortal Technique, it still has unique research on the power of blood.

When Chen Feng performed this technique, the strength of his whole body increased significantly, but the consequence of the increased strength was that the Blood Gathering Pearl was activated more powerfully.

Already trapped in the killing intent, using the Blood Gathering Pearl and operating the Blood Underworld Attraction, Chen Feng's killing intent also became a little stronger, and the whole person fell deeper and deeper in the sea of ​​killing.

"Senior, Chen Feng will not be in trouble if he continues like this?" In the Longevity Tower, the Phantom Dirk asked with some concern.

"This is a good opportunity to hone your skills. In fact, you should also go out and try it. If you can struggle out with your own strength, hehe, you will gain a lot." The tower said with a smile.

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