Eternal Existence

Chapter 760: Shocking Change

"My realm is too low now, and I can't use these essences for the time being. Good steel should be used on the blade. They need these things more now." Chen Feng said as he waved his palm again. The remaining immortal spirits turned into streams and drilled into the bodies of other monsters.

The tree monsters, tiger monsters and other monsters were all shocked, and then their eyes were full of surprise. Even the wind and thunder double-headed dragon looked at Chen Feng with a little change. They didn't expect that this human boy whom they always looked down on had such courage. This is the essence of the immortal, not other things, and it's not something that can be taken out at will.

"These monsters are all my thugs. Their strength has increased. They will help me a lot in the future. I just don't know how much this spirit can play a role. It seems that I need to go to other places." Chen Feng said in his heart.

After dealing with this matter, his cultivation has been fully restored. Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang also began to search around.

This search really found some things by the two.

The middle-aged man's spirit and energy had been devoured by the two men, and the remaining body was no longer useful. In addition, after a long time of existence, the huge body collapsed before Chen Feng and the others could make a move.

"It's a pity that it's the body of an immortal after all."

"It's a bit of a pity."

"Hey! What is this?" Chen Feng waved his hand, and a square crystal-like thing flew into Chen Feng's hand from the collapsed body.

It was the size of a palm, as transparent as crystal, and looked like a spiritual stone, but Liu Wuxiang's eyes lit up.

"This is the world left by this person. I didn't expect it to be still intact." Liu Wuxiang's eyes showed surprise.

Chen Feng didn't understand at first, but after listening to Liu Wuxiang's words, he immediately knew what was in his hand.

You know, some earthly immortals with high cultivation can already cultivate their own world. Of course, when they say world, it is just a small secret realm. Strictly speaking, the power at this time is not the real world power. Only when they go one step further and advance to the small world, they can be regarded as having their own world power. Not only will they have a powerful killer when fighting against the enemy in the future, but their own life level will also be greatly improved. As long as the world is not destroyed, they will not perish. It can be said that they are almost immortal.

At this time, what Chen Feng held in his hand was the small world, which was equivalent to everything left by the immortal.

"I hope there will be some good things in it." Liu Wuxiang said expectantly.

"Go in and see." Chen Feng said, and his consciousness urged. The crystal in his hand suddenly burst into light and quickly grew larger, wrapping up Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang.

"It is indeed a world." Chen Feng was a little surprised after stepping on the soil. Although it was similar to the barrier he entered before, the surrounding aura was completely unconnected.

"It is a small world, but unfortunately there is no life fluctuation. It is just a dry little world." Liu Wuxiang was a little disappointed.

"But there are still some laws of power left here, you can comprehend it." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The two spread their consciousness and quickly browsed the entire Xiaoqian world. What disappointed them was that this world was not too big.

"This Xiaoqian world should be that this person died not long after being promoted. It's a pity." Liu Wuxiang shook his head.

"But it can be regarded as some gains." Chen Feng waved his hand, and two small hills made entirely of immortal crystals drifted over.

"Each of us, half, split equally." Chen Feng smiled.

This is also the only thing of some value in the entire Xiaoqian world.

"It's better than nothing." Liu Wuxiang smiled.

Liu Wuxiang seemed to look down on this empty shell of the world, and did not compete with Chen Feng, but just collected the immortal crystals.

"One hundred million immortal crystals, it can be regarded as a considerable gain." Liu Wuxiang said with a smile.

"In fact, the biggest gain is the spirit of the immortal, but it's a pity that it's too little." Chen Feng shook his head.

"In that case, Chen Feng, let's go to the next place."


The two returned along the original route and spent some time to break through the sealed passage.

"If it weren't for the immortal weapon, it would be really hard to get out." Liu Wuxiang said with a smile.

"Something's wrong." Chen Feng's face changed immediately when he came to the ground. Chen Feng had practiced the Blood Nether Yin and could feel the blood power in the space in the shortest time.

"Sil! It looks like there will be a big chaos." Liu Wuxiang's eyes were solemn, and he seemed to understand what happened in the city.

"I just don't know how many people are still alive."

"Brother Chen, don't underestimate the other party. There are still some powerful people among the cultivators who came in this time."

"Let's go! Let's go to the nearest place to take a look."

To their surprise, they soon met other cultivators, and they were acquaintances.

"Tian Xiaozi, what a coincidence, why are you here?" Liu Wuxiang laughed.

At this time, Tian Xiaozi was alone, extremely embarrassed, with disheveled hair, a dusty face, and countless wounds on his body. Tian Xiaozi had a feud with Liu Wuxiang and Chen Feng, so he should have avoided them. However, when Tian Xiaozi saw them, his eyes suddenly lit up and he sped up to them.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Chen Feng instinctively felt that something was wrong.

"Please help me." Tian Xiaozi came to the two of them with a look of surprise in his eyes, as if he had seen a savior.

"Where are your guards?" Liu Wuxiang asked with a frown.

"They are all dead, let's leave here quickly, it's too dangerous here." Tian Xiaozi said incoherently.

"What are you talking about? Are you scared?" Chen Feng's eyes flashed with contempt. When he first met Tian Xiaozi, Chen Feng was completely defeated by the locals. He thought Tian Xiaozi was a talent, but now seeing Tian Xiaozi's panic, Chen Feng immediately sneered in his heart, and his impression of Tian Xiaozi was overturned.


A red light suddenly rose in the distance, and then it flew towards the direction where Chen Feng and the other two were like a ball of fire.

"No, the other party is chasing us, run away." Tian Xiaozi's face turned pale, and he quickly rushed away. After a few flashes, Tian Xiaozi's figure disappeared in the distant building.

Chen Feng and Liu Wuxiang looked at each other and had a rough guess in their hearts.

"I hope it's the fighting spirit of the immortal."

"Don't be too strong, just the same as the one you met before."


The firelight fell in front of the two people and quickly condensed into a tall cultivator. The cultivator held a golden fire stick in his hand, with flames dancing in his eyes. He stared at Chen Feng and the others, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in the depths of his pupils.

"It's the Chiyan Ancestor." Liu Wuxiang said in surprise.

"Haha, Chiyan Ancestor, how are you? You are not chasing Tian Xiaozi, are you?"

As soon as Liu Wuxiang finished speaking, a firelight attacked Liu Wuxiang.

"No, this is not the Chiyan Ancestor." Chen Feng also spoke at this time, and at the same time launched an attack.


A big hole exploded in the ground. Liu Wuxiang spoke on the surface, but in fact he was also on guard secretly. The opponent's sudden attack did not hurt Liu Wuxiang.

"It's possession."

"Possessed by the fighting spirit."

"This is troublesome. The fighting spirit can only exert 30% of its strength before birth, but it's different after possession."

"Then we can only hope that the other party's possession time is not long and can't exert too much power."

"Even the old ancestor Chi Yan has been possessed, this guy is a mid-level earth immortal."

"The breath of the immortal weapon, you two stay here." Sure enough, this person's voice was not the old ancestor Chi Yan's voice at the beginning, but the attack he launched was much stronger than the old ancestor Chi Yan, and the attack method was also very strange.

The golden fire stick was constantly waving in this person's hand, and there was a trace of hidden breath hidden in the flame. This breath was condensed but not released, but it brought a strong threat to Chen Feng and the others.


The golden fire stick hit the ground, and Chen Feng barely avoided it by performing the immortal step. A ball of fire burned on the ground, but the center of the flame was blue-green frost.

Although he dodged it, Chen Feng also felt the icy breath, and his heart almost stopped beating.

"Brother Liu, have you figured out where the other party came from?"

"How can I tell if this old monster has lived for who knows how many tens of thousands of years, unless the other party shows his true form."

"Stop it immediately, sir. Are you from Tianchen Ancient City?" Chen Feng shouted.


A huge flaming hand fell from the sky and slapped Chen Feng to the ground. Liu Wuxiang was about to laugh, but was also swept away by a stick.

"It seems that I have to use a killing move, Brother Liu, the same as always." Chen Feng shouted coldly, and the sharp aura shot out, cutting the flaming palm that suppressed him into pieces.

"No problem." Liu Wuxiang nodded, and his whole body became more upright.

Through the brief fight just now, the two have determined that the person in front of them is on par with the middle-aged man they met before. The two secretly breathed a sigh of relief and became a little alert. This is just the possession of the body. If you give the other party some more time, then the cultivation will be improved.

"Yin Yang Wuji!"

Liu Wuxiang raised his strength to the level of earthly immortals, and the power of the immortal weapon also emanated from his body. The benefits he had gained before made Liu Wuxiang use the secret technique to activate the immortal weapon again without thinking.

Chi Chi!

Chen Feng was also ruthless enough. He directly activated two immortal weapon phantoms. The Sky-piercing Spear and the Bone Spear were launched at the same time, piercing through the body of the Red Flame Ancestor.

"What a pity, it is indeed an immortal weapon, and it actually destroyed my body." The Red Flame Ancestor spoke, but soon the body began to crack, and then exploded with a bang, and the powerful force rushed around like a volcanic eruption.

At the same time, a blue light attacked Chen Feng.

"Stop it!" Chen Feng had just activated the power of the immortal weapon, and he had no extra strength to resist the opponent, so he had to block the thunder bead in front of him.


The thunder bead was knocked away, and a cold force enveloped Chen Feng. Before Chen Feng had time to retreat, the whole person turned into an ice sculpture, and fell heavily to the ground with a loud bang.

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