Eternal Existence

Chapter 801 Conflict

"This man is Fengliu Shaojun, a mid-level immortal, with profound cultivation and practicing the art of lewdness. I didn't expect Jue Wushen to bring all these people here." Lan Ling whispered beside Chen Feng.

"Chen Feng, I was just looking for you. If you were hiding in Donglong Island, I would need some means. I didn't expect you to come to me by yourself." Jue Wushen stared at Chen Feng with his eyes. If his eyes could kill, Chen Feng would have died countless times.

"I didn't expect you to recover so quickly. Why, you seem to be looking for trouble? Last time I was able to beat you to only a ball of true spirit, this time I will directly destroy you." Chen Feng said lightly, with a relaxed expression, not taking the other party seriously at all.

"Boy, this is not a place for you to be presumptuous. I will teach you how to be a man." Gui Liubing said and took action.

The wind was blowing, ghosts were crying and wolves were howling, and a black and shiny ghost claw fell from the sky, with five fingers chirping, and even space could be torn apart.

"I'll do it!" Before Chen Feng could make a move, Tie Yuan made a move. Tie Yuan also used a sharp claw, an indestructible, golden claw.

The two claws collided with each other, and suddenly there was a shocking explosion. Feng Jian, Lan Ling and the monks on the opposite side quickly set up layers of restrictions around them, otherwise the aftermath of the fight between the two sides would be enough to destroy the surrounding buildings. At that time, not only would they have to pay for the compensation, but they would also have to accept the punishment of the school.

Bang Bang Bang!

Bang Bang Bang!

Tie Yuan and Gui Liu Bing retreated at the same time, and it seemed that the fight between the two was evenly matched.

"Tie Yuan, I think you want to die." Jue Wu Shen sneered.

"Hahaha, Jue Wu Shen, it seems that you also want to fight with me, then come on." Tie Yuan sneered, seeing that Jue Wu Shen's strength had not fully recovered.

In fact, this was indeed the case. Although Jue Wu Shen had recovered his physical body, his true strength had not yet fully recovered, otherwise he would not have brought so many monks to cause trouble. If he fought at this time, Jue Wu Shen would definitely not be Tie Yuan's opponent.

"Why, you don't dare? How come the usually arrogant Jue Wushen has become a coward?" Seeing Jue Wushen's reaction, Tie Yuan laughed again.

Jue Wushen was so angry that he couldn't bear it anymore and was about to take action, but someone was faster. A monk in light blue robes stepped in front of Tie Yuan.

"Lan Hai, are you going to take action too?" Seeing the person coming, Tie Yuan was a little cautious.

"Yes, you are not my opponent, admit defeat." Lan Hai said with a smile, his expression was calm and light, as if he didn't take the fight in front of him seriously.

"If you want me to admit defeat, it depends on whether you have the ability." Tie Yuan said and directly used the attack method of the Golden Light Avenue.

"Your method is just an illusion. Let me teach you what the real power of the avenue is." Lan Hai said and raised his hand, and the surging energy rushed towards Tie Yuan like a river.

The energy was continuous, soft yet strong, one wave after another, and soon formed a raging wave, not only shattering Tieyuan's golden road, but also completely submerging Tieyuan himself.

"Hey, there is actually a prototype of the power of the road, this guy is not simple, Tieyuan is definitely not his opponent." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

Fengjian also saw that Tieyuan was not Lanhai's move, and with a wave of his hand, the power of wind surged and quickly condensed into a huge tornado. Fengjian was in the eye of the tornado. The power of wind was unmatched, and in a flash, it cut Lanhai's continuous attack into two.

"Are you more than the others, Fengjian, you practice the power of wind and so do I, let's compare."

Another person came forward, his ten fingers were changing, and the wind lines were constantly cutting. The attack power was even stronger than Fengjian's tornado, and he fought with Fengjian from the beginning.

"Hehe, leave these beautiful junior sisters to me." Fengliu Shaojun arrived in front of Jian Qingwu in a flash, and waved a folding fan in his hand fiercely, and petals fluttered in the sky, and the fragrance filled the air. Jian Qingwu and her sister immediately felt weak all over, and the strength in their bodies was gradually weakening and disappearing.

"Be careful!" Lan Ling waved her hand, and lightning flew out like a life-threatening person, and then exploded, and the flowers fluttering in the air exploded in the lightning.

"Junior sister Lan Ling, if you were at the same level as me, I would be a little wary of you. Now, your level is too low. Let alone the three of you, even if there are more people, they are not my opponents. As long as you surrender, I will not attack you. I am a person who cherishes women." Fengliu Shaojun laughed, and while speaking, he waved the folding fan in his hand even more fiercely. Puffs of pink smoke and dust continued to spread in the space. Even Fengliu Shaojun's companions retreated cautiously, fearing that they would be touched by these things.

"Two swords combined!"

The two sisters Jian Qingwu and Jian Qingling swung the sun and moon swords fiercely, and a red sun and a bright moon rose at the same time, and then began to collide and merge. Waves of sword energy and light waves continued to spread from the two people's bodies and rushed out. The power was several times stronger than before, and it actually blocked the spread of red powder.

"Nine Heavens Thunder Technique!" Lan Ling's hands flew, and the power of space began to surge. With a final shout, thunder balls began to fall from the sky, with a fierce power, just like a thunder tribulation.

"As expected of a Thunder Yuan Gang Body, you can actually trigger the Nine Heavens Thunder. Although you don't look good, you are good enough to be my concubine." Feng Liu Shaojun smiled and stretched out his slender white palm and grabbed it fiercely. Suddenly, the world rotated, the space twisted, and the attacks of Jian Qingwu and Lan Ling were all pulled over and crushed by the vortex in his palm.

"The power of the Great Dao of Space! These cultivators of the Daluo Academy are really not simple. If you don't use magic weapons, it will take some effort to deal with these guys." Chen Feng's eyes lit up, and he punched out. The compressed wind force whistled out, like a mad dragon, and like an undercurrent in the sea.

Chen Feng's attack did not seem as fierce as Lan Ling's, but it brought pressure to Feng Liu Shaojun. Just one move, Feng Liu Shaojun saw that Chen Feng was indeed not simple, and did not dare to be careless. Feng Liu Shaojun waved the folding fan in his hand, and it was also rolling wind force, which collided with Chen Feng's wind force. Although it did not defeat it, it changed the direction.

Chen Feng wanted to make another move, but Jue Wushen and a group of cultivators had already surrounded him. At this time, Jue Wushen's face was full of grim smiles, his eyes began to spit fire, and he looked at Chen Feng with hatred.

"Boy, why don't you kneel down quickly now? If you kowtow and beg for mercy, I will be merciful and only destroy your cultivation and spare your life." Jue Wushen felt that he had already won. Thinking that he could finally get revenge, this feeling was really wonderful.

"Don't kill him, Jue Wushen, why have you become soft-hearted? If it were me, I would directly extract his soul, then imprison it, and use various means to refine it for a hundred years to relieve my hatred." A cultivator holding a long sword in his arms next to Jue Wushen sneered.

"Sword Lord, if you are interested, I can give it to you." Jue Wushen grinned. This guy called Sword Lord was ten times more vicious than himself.

"Forget it, this is your opponent, and I, the great Sword Master, don't think highly of this kid. He's just an initial-level human immortal. How powerful can he be?" Sword Master sneered, his eyes like blades, sweeping across Chen Feng, and Chen Feng immediately felt that the blade of the wind seemed to cut his skin.

"Humph!" Although Jue Wushen was a little dissatisfied, he didn't say anything. After all, his strength had not recovered yet, and he had to rely on the power of these people to deal with Chen Feng.

"Then trouble you all to take action, I, Jue Wushen, will definitely repay you generously in the future."

"That's no problem, it's a small matter, let me do it." An inconspicuous little man spread out his five fingers and grabbed Chen Feng's head, and thousands of rays of light sprayed out, trying to cover Chen Feng.

"The opponent is almost all intermediate-level human immortals. Lan Ling and others will definitely not last long. It seems that I have to use some powerful means." Chen Feng had such a plan in his mind.

So Chen Feng did not dodge the opponent's attack, but the air in the pores of his body gushed out like a steel needle, and then quickly rotated to form a cutting force, instantly cutting the opponent's attack into pieces, and then Chen Feng took a step forward and pressed his palm heavily on the opponent's chest.


After being hit by Chen Feng, the cultivator's internal organs were all shattered, and his meridians were broken one after another. He lay on the ground and couldn't get up. This was still Chen Feng's mercy, otherwise the palm just now would have torn the opponent into pieces with a few more points of force.


The opponent was killed in one move, and these people were all stunned. Jue Wushen secretly wondered in his heart how Chen Feng had become more powerful.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

While the opponent was hesitant, Chen Feng suddenly released the domain to cover all these people, and then moved his feet, performing the Qilin Step, and came directly in front of Jue Wushen.

For these people, the Qilin Step is enough.

Seeing Chen Feng suddenly appear in front of him, Jue Wushen was shocked. He didn't have time to use his skills. His whole body shook, and the protective armor on his body glowed with a dark light.

"It's not a Taoist weapon, it's useless."


Chen Feng punched Jue Wushen, and the power exploded from his fist along his arm like a volcanic eruption, and then Jue Wushen's top-level holy weapon-level protective armor turned into fragments. Then Jue Wushen vomited blood and flew backwards. As for his bones, they were all broken, and none of his internal organs were intact.

However, Chen Feng still spared his life. He was a newcomer, so he shouldn't be too arrogant.

Boom! Boom!

When Chen Feng injured Jue Wushen, the attacks of others also arrived. After all, they were all middle-level human immortals, and their reaction speed was also very fast. Two attacks hit Chen Feng one after another.

One was a fierce palm force, and the other was a sword force that could break through the void.


The palm force hit Chen Feng, but it was ineffective.

Dao Jun's sword energy hit Chen Feng's back heavily. At this time, there was a cruel smile on Dao Jun's mouth. In Dao Jun's opinion, Chen Feng was going to be split in half by him. Whether he lived or died depended on Chen Feng's luck.

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