Eternal Existence

Chapter 809: The Skyfire Clan

You can be greedy when facing immortal weapons, but if you are greedy again in a situation where you can't save your life, you are really courting death.

The Star Soul Flying Dragon reacted very quickly and decisively. He immediately turned around and tore apart the space and ran away into the distance. He no longer fought against Chen Feng.

"Just left like this, the other party was quite cautious." Chen Feng smiled and said

Shaking his head, Chen Feng turned around and left. When he came to the place where everyone disappeared, Chen Feng did not enter rashly, but used the power of his soul to investigate. The light in his eyes bloomed, and he soon noticed some abnormal conditions.

The gray air flow surged, and the power of space was very chaotic and twisted. This world seemed to have been manipulated by someone using magic power.

Chen Feng thought for a while, then flicked his fingers and sent out a finger wind, which went directly into the void and disappeared.

"It should be a barrier." Chen Feng took a step forward without thinking much and entered the gray airflow.

Next, Chen Feng felt that the surrounding space was twisting, which was a little different from the space channels he usually used. There was no shuttle process.

The surrounding space was still distorting, but Chen Feng had arrived in a strange place. However, the airflow around him was a bit chaotic, his line of sight was blocked, and there were chaotic energy flows everywhere.

Chen Feng sensed it carefully and found out that he was still in the Void Soul Star. Only then did he realize that his heart was coming.

"Still in the Void Soul Star, this should be trapped in a natural formation, or a place similar to the Lost Forest." Chen Feng said in a low voice.

After a pause, Chen Feng suddenly shouted: "Come out."

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, Jie Jie Jie Jie, young people are not simple, they can actually detect my existence." A skinny old man suddenly appeared in front of Chen Feng.

This old man had no flesh on his body, his eye sockets were sunken, and there was only a piece of skin left. At first glance, he looked like a skeleton. There was a faint green firelight dancing in his eyes. At first, Chen Feng thought he had encountered someone from the ghost world. Monk.

"A high-level human immortal monk, no, he has the power of the Great Dao in his body. Could it be that he is an earth immortal?" Chen Feng's eyes were like lightning as he checked the other monk, and he had some guesses in his mind.

"Dark Demon Eyes, boy, you are from the demon world, it doesn't look like you. It doesn't look like you are from the dark world either." The old man stared at Chen Feng, the flames jumped, and he kept talking to himself.

"Alright, who are you? Have you seen my friends?" Chen Feng said lightly. The sound of thunder rolled and the sound waves spread, directly attacking the old man.

"Hey hey hey, you don't have to ask who I am. Boy, I think you should be a monk who came to the Eternal World for training." The old man waved his hand, not paying attention to Chen Feng's attack, and there were sparks in his eyes, and he was a little hesitant. : "No, you don't have the breath of the eternal world, and it doesn't look like you come from the fairy world. It's strange. Boy, your origin is a bit mysterious."

Chen Feng was shocked. He didn't expect that the old man in front of him had such sharp eyesight and could see so many things in himself.

Then Chen Feng's aura suddenly changed, and all the aura and vitality in his body converged. It was as if the whole person no longer existed in this world and was floating in other dimensions.

"Eh!" The old man was even more surprised, but he quickly laughed again: "It's not the original world, it's not the fairy world. Could it be that you come from some heavens, the ruthless heaven or the supreme heaven."

"The old man knows quite a lot. He even knows about all the major heavens. Now I'm also very curious about your origin." Chen Feng's eyes flashed: "Okay, let's stop talking nonsense. Why are you here? Yes and intention.”


The blood-gathering bead started spinning in Chen Feng's hands, and the power of the avenue of blood was constantly brewing and agitating, as if it was about to burst out at any time.

"Mid-grade Taoist weapon! It still contains the power of the Dao of Blood. Not bad, not bad. It has the potential to be promoted to an immortal weapon." The old man opened his mouth, revealing his pale teeth.

Chen Feng flicked his fingers, and a ball of blood thunder shot out and attacked the old man.

This is a combination of the power of blood and the power of thunder. It is emitted by the Taoist Blood Gathering Bead. Combined with some of the brands used by Chen Feng, the attack power is such that even high-level immortals must be careful to deal with it.

However, in the face of Chen Feng's blood thunder attack, the old man just opened his mouth, sucked it in, and swallowed the blood thunder without any reaction. The old man kept smashing it with his mouth: "Not bad, but the power is not pure enough."

Chen Feng's eyes flashed and he said sternly: "It seems that you are deliberately entertaining me."


The Eye of the Deep Sea flew out from Chen Feng's hand, like the most magical black hole in the universe. All the energy in the movement was torn to pieces and swallowed up.

At this time, the old man finally reacted. The fire in his eyes jumped, and the bones-like fingers kept beating. The power of mysterious laws flowed, and the space began to squirm. It was suddenly folded like paper, and then after twisting and pulling, it appeared. There was a crack in the space, and Chen Feng felt a confusion in the sea of ​​consciousness. The artifact of the Eye of the Deep Sea seemed to have entered a unique space, and Chen Feng could not even sense it gradually.

"Not good!" Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness surged, and a law of immortality emitted from the Immortality Point, reestablishing contact with the Eye of the Deep Sea. Then the space shattered, and the deep sea swirled out and landed in Chen Feng's palm. middle.

"The power of space is so powerful that it almost moved all my top-grade Taoist weapons." Chen Feng's eyes were flickering. The old man in front of him was really too mysterious.

"Acupoint of Immortality!" The fire in the old man's eyes changed from beating to burning fiercely, as if two fireballs were growing in size out of thin air, emitting raging fire.

"So you are from the Immortal Clan, hehe, no wonder, no wonder, I was wondering why there was something strange about your aura." The old man stared at Chen Feng closely, and he was actually excited.

"What!" Chen Feng was shocked, and murderous intent floated in his heart. The other party was too weird, and he could actually see that he was from the Immortal Clan.

At this time, Chen Feng's situation was very special. He could not reveal his identity as a member of the Immortal Clan. Before his cultivation level was improved, if this news was leaked, he would be killed, and even the Immortal Tower would be robbed.

At this time, Chen Feng had murderous intent in his heart, and it was still a strong murderous intent.

"Don't have any murderous intent towards me. I have no ill will towards you. On the contrary, I still need your strength." The old man felt the murderous intent in Chen Feng's heart and immediately laughed.

"With my power? I don't believe your words. If we don't agree, we can only fight. I don't believe you can keep blocking my attack." Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and the top-grade Dao artifacts Deep Sea Eye and Haili Pearl appeared in his hands at the same time. The powerful Dao law was fluctuating, the power was derived, the space was constantly vibrating, countless cracks appeared, and the turbulent flow of the void flowed out.

"Two top-grade Dao artifacts!" The flames in the old man's eyes jumped more fiercely.

"Wait a minute, we really need to have a good talk. I really have no ill will towards you. Look, your friends are all safe and sound." The old man spoke quickly, waved his hand, and the space in front of him fluctuated, and pictures appeared one after another.

The picture was the situation of Lan Ling and others. At this time, Lan Ling and the other five had separated and were in different places. What surprised Chen Feng was that these people were all bombarding a formation in front of them, and it seemed that Lan Ling and the others were trying their best.

"What are they doing?" Chen Feng was a little surprised. The top-grade Taoist weapon in his hand was still brewing power. Chen Feng did not believe the mysterious old man in front of him, and even Chen Feng was looking for an opportunity to capture him.

"This is where I need your help. To be honest, I am now trapped in a magical formation, and I need external power to break it. I have already talked to your friends. As long as you can help me get out of trouble, I will have some benefits that will make you excited in exchange."

"Young man of the Changsheng clan, I need your power now, what do you think?" The old man asked at last.

Chen Feng thought quickly and guessed how much truth there was in the other party's words.

"I still can't believe you." Chen Feng said.

The old man thought for a while, then stretched out a finger, and a wisp of pure white flame jumped out. This wisp of flame was inconspicuous, but Chen Feng was shocked.

"Tianhuo, are you a cultivator from the Tianhuo clan?"

"Yes, you are from the Changsheng clan, and I am from the Tianhuo clan. We all know each other well. You don't have anything to worry about now." The old man snapped his fingers and retracted the flame.

"Okay, tell me more about it." Chen Feng nodded and agreed very straightforwardly.

A hint of surprise flashed in the old man's eyes: "I am a beginner earth immortal. I have been trapped here for 100,000 years. Now I don't have much power left. Even after I get out of the trap, I won't pose much of a threat to you."

Chen Feng nodded and didn't say anything, but he sneered in his heart. Chen Feng didn't believe any of these words.

"Talk about the benefits."

"As long as you can break the formation that trapped me, I will give you a lot of wealth."

"Talk about something practical."

"I can swear a heart demon oath. As long as you can rescue me, I have a map in my hand. It marks a cave on this planet. There are some immortal crystals and treasures in it." The old man took out a map and threw it to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng took it and just glanced at it before putting it away: "My friends should have also obtained this kind of map, right?"

"Yes, but it's a different map. You know, I left more than one cave. What do you think?"

"Okay, make a vow to the inner demon." Chen Feng nodded.

Then the old man really made a vow to the inner demon, and then led Chen Feng to a formation, and then Chen Feng began to break the formation.

Before breaking the formation, Chen Feng looked carefully and confirmed that these formations were very complicated and solid, at least they were arranged by high-level earth immortals, but Chen Feng used all his pupil skills to investigate and finally saw a clue from it.

So Chen Feng showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

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