Eternal Existence

Chapter 814: Strange Hand

Mentioning Chen Feng, the tension in the hearts of Lan Ling and others relaxed a little. Chen Feng was able to fight the immortals before, but now it shouldn't be a problem to save himself and others.

However, with the strange situations displayed by some of these people and the large number of hundreds of people, everyone felt a little heavy.

After all, no matter how powerful Chen Feng is, he is only a human immortal. Maybe he has consumed a lot of power when he used his strength to resist the immortal.

"We have to find a way to escape. Don't keep counting on Chen Feng to save us. I think Chen Feng should have to pay some price to be able to exert his strong strength." Kazama said in a low voice.

Lan Ling and Hu Xian'er nodded. As for Chen Xing'er, she was not in front of them, but was tied up not far away.

The weird altar ceremony has been going on, during which several monks were killed and sacrificed with their spirits. As for the opened passage, it became more stable, but there was a trace of terrifying aura emanating from it. This The powerful and terrifying aura made all the captured monks clearly feel it.

As for those weird barbarians, they immediately screamed excitedly after feeling this aura. A crazy atmosphere grew, and the speed of killing monks to sacrifice became faster and faster.

Seeing that it was Lan Ling's and others' turn, the space fluctuated and another group of monks were captured. Everyone sighed when they saw the captured monks. The students who could enter the four universities to practice were all among the top ten. He was a talented person, but this time he entered the Void Soul Star to experience and explore, but there were too many casualties, especially in the sacrificial ceremony in front of him, batches of monks were slaughtered as if they were sexual beings.

At this time, Chen Feng was hiding in the void and secretly watching these situations.

Chen Feng had already sensed that something was wrong before, and something had already happened before he had time to inform Lan Ling and others. In order not to alert others, and because Chen Feng also wanted to see what the other party was going to do, he had been patient and did not take action.

Another point is that Chen Feng also vaguely felt a potential threat.

At this time, Chen Feng was able to determine that the threat came from the hole in the void. Because Chen Feng had recovered his memory and the inheritance of the Changsheng clan in his bloodline, he already knew what was going on.

"It is rumored that the wild world was founded by the barbarians. The barbarians are also one of the most ancient races in the universe. When they were at their most powerful, they could even compete with the heaven-defying races in various heavens. But later, due to some reasons And the internal turmoil caused the overall strength to become weaker and weaker, and in the end we could only find a big world to take root and inherit."

"During the internal turmoil that year, there was a group of barbarian monks who believed in the evil barbarian gods. One of them was to summon the barbarian gods through sacrifices, or to be blessed by the power of the barbarian gods. These weird monks in front of you should be from the barbarians. A barbarian monk protected by the evil god."

Chen Feng found this passage in his consciousness. After quick analysis, Chen Feng determined the origin of the people in front of him.

"I just don't know what level of barbarian god the other party summoned. If it were a real barbarian god, I would have no choice but to run away even if I took out the immortal weapon. However, the other party has not noticed my existence until now, so he shouldn't be too powerful. "

"In this case, let's rescue Lan Ling and the others in order to prevent any accidents." Chen Feng planned to take action.

But something unexpected happened at this time. It seemed that the barbarian monks were slowing down in their sacrifices. The being at the other end of the passage couldn't wait any longer. He actually stretched out a ferocious claw and grabbed it fiercely. The monk turned into blood mist, and then a suction force was released, and all the blood mist was absorbed.

"It's not good, it smells so powerful." At this time, Chen Feng's heart skipped a beat, and the attack he had prepared immediately went out, hitting his sharp claws.

Bang bang bang bang!

A series of sparks flashed, and Chen Feng did not even break through the opponent's defense. Although the barbarian monks were famous for their tyrannical bodies, Chen Feng failed to break through the opponent's defense with one move, and the worry in his heart deepened.

"Let's go!" Chen Feng waved his hand, and the power of the avenue spurted out, flowing through the bodies of Lan Ling and others, and immediately released the restrictions on several people.

But at this time, the sharp claws coming out of the passage grabbed Chen Feng, and they just grabbed it easily. Before he got close to Chen Feng, Chen Feng had already felt the pressure coming from his whole body, and all the muscles in his body made a friction sound.


The air flow surged behind Chen Feng, and he stepped forward to avoid the attack.

What Chen Feng used was the Immortal Step, and the airflow behind him was caused by the Immortal Wing, but Chen Feng had not yet started.

The Wings of Eternal Life is a unique divine art of the Changsheng clan. It cannot be compared with the ordinary art of condensing soldiers and transforming into shapes. Once the Wings of Immortality are successfully practiced, the magical power will exceed that of the Steps of Immortality. Once the wings are spread out, one can travel through space, depending on various structures. The world is like nothing. If you practice the Immortal Wing to the extreme, you can even affect time. It can be regarded as a magical secret technique that brings great freedom and freedom.

After Chen Feng communicated with the Immortal Realm, he was blessed by the aura of the Immortal Realm, so he could start practicing in advance. However, it is not something that can be achieved in a short time if he wants to practice to a small degree.

Even Xiao Cheng didn't take it with him, but he cooperated with Chang Sheng Bu to avoid this fatal attack.

"The strength of the Immortal will be even better. Unfortunately, it has not recovered, and it cannot travel through space. It is probably impossible to kill me." Chen Feng secretly calmed down in his heart, and with a wave of his hand, there was a burst of blood, and he wanted to Block the passage.

"If you dare to disrupt our sacrificial ceremony, you must be tortured in three thousand ways after being caught." An old man in a fur dress pointed at Chen Feng and shouted.

"Go and catch him."

Several monks with bare upper bodies rushed towards Chen Feng. All of them were bare-chested, revealing rock-like muscles. The explosive power was surging, and Chen Feng felt the strong blood rushing towards him.

"Why are you still staying here? Hurry up and leave." At this time, Chen Feng realized that Lan Ling and others were fighting with the other party. He couldn't help but shout loudly. He took action just to rescue these people, but now the other party actually stayed to fight.

"None of you can leave. You all have to stay and become food for Lord Barbarian God." The old man who was similar to the sacrifice shouted.

"The real Barbarian God will not eat people. It seems that you should be a barbarian who believes in the evil Barbarian God." Chen Feng laughed at this time, knowing that his previous guess was correct.

"How do you know our identities!" All the barbarian cultivators were shocked, staring at Chen Feng, with naked killing intent in their eyes.

"Let's work together, cooperate with Lord Barbarian God to kill all these people, especially this kid, we must not let him go."

Hundreds of barbarian cultivators, most of whom were human immortals, quickly surrounded the surroundings and blocked all directions. Some people even started to slaughter other cultivators.

These people were really miserable. Chen Feng only rescued Lan Ling and the other four. As for the lives of others, Chen Feng didn't care at all.

In the blink of an eye, several cultivators were killed.

"Please ask the passage of Daluo Academy to help, let's join forces to resist the enemy." Finally, someone began to shout for help from Chen Feng.

"Please help me, my friend. I am Li Yihui from Sifang Academy. Once I am out of trouble, I will definitely reward you."

"I am a student of Yongheng Academy. Please lend a hand."

Facing the threat of death, no one is not afraid. The more talented the monks are, the more afraid they are of death. Because they have a bright future, how can they be willing to die?

"Okay!" Chen Feng agreed directly, because Chen Feng also had his own plan, which was to use the power of these people to resist the attacks of the barbarian monks.

As for himself, he had to resist the attacks of the monster hands.


After the sharp claws missed the attack once, they just turned slightly and attacked again. This time, the sharp claws became a fist out of thin air, as if something was burning in it. Five thick claws covered the sky and the sun, covering the space around Chen Feng, making Chen Feng feel like there was no way to escape.

Chen Feng stretched his body, his limbs extended, the four extreme points rotated, and the four directions were crisscrossed, running through the southeast, northwest, and the air behind him surged again, and the footwork unfolded, and he escaped from the palm of the hand again.

"Hey, it turns out that you are a little guy from the Immortal Clan. You have practiced the Immortal Step well, but your cultivation is too weak. The Immortal Wings have not been cultivated yet. As long as you come here immediately, I will not embarrass you." The ancient voice came out from the passage and entered Chen Feng's ears.

"There will be such a good thing, I promise you, but my friends will also leave with me." Chen Feng pointed.

"This is impossible."

"Can we discuss it again? An existence of your level will still care about us little cultivators." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"There is no room for negotiation, young man. I want to let you go because you are a cultivator of the Immortal Clan. Since you are pushing it too far, don't blame me for being rude." The last few words of the ancient voice were like thunder, and at the same time, the passage in the void began to grow bigger.

A thick and strong arm stretched out suddenly, and the huge palm could even crush the planet. Just a sudden grab, the space turbulence floated, and Chen Feng felt the breath of palpitations.

"Boy, you still have one chance. It's not too late to leave now."

"I really don't want to leave, because I want to see how powerful the Barbarian God of the Barbarian Tribe is, and whether he can really compete with our major anti-heaven races." Chen Feng sneered, and pushed his hands hard, two streams of air gushed out, and then Chen Feng did not dodge this time, but attacked directly at the huge palm.


With just a collision, Chen Feng flew backwards, his feet kept moving in the air, leaving footprints one by one. These footprints remained in the void and did not dissipate for a while. This was the result of Chen Feng's recent progress in practicing the Longevity Step.

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