Eternal Existence

Chapter 835: Stealth

The battle became more and more intense, and finally Chen Feng vomited blood and was about to die.

"Everyone, work harder, this kid is going to die."

Just when everyone was about to swarm up and kill Chen Feng, the power of thunder and lightning around them suddenly became violent. The power of the turbulence was ten times more powerful than before, and at the same time, there was a roaring sound coming from a distance.

Then groups of thunder and lightning rolled in from a distance. It turned out to be a storm formed by the power of thunder and lightning. It swept everything and could tear matter and soul into pieces. This was a thousand times ten thousand times more powerful than the storm outside.

"No, it's a thunderstorm."


The thunderstorm was like a torrent, drowning Chen Feng in it. The other monks saw the bad opportunity and quickly fled away.

Thunderstorms come and go quickly, which means they are over in just one stick of incense.

"It's so dangerous. If we go any slower, we will all be torn into pieces."

The group of monks who surrounded Chen Feng dodged very quickly, and no one was injured or killed. As for Chen Feng, there is no trace of him.

"Hey! Chen Feng is gone."

"No need to ask, it must have been torn into pieces by the thunderstorm just now."

"It's a pity that those two Taoist weapons were swept away by the thunderstorm."

"Contact Qingfeng Sword Immortal quickly."

One of them took out a piece of jade. The jade shimmered and cast a light and shadow, revealing the head of Qingfeng Sword Immortal.

"The mission is completed." Qingfeng Sword Immortal asked calmly.

"Yes, Chen Feng is dead."

"very good."

"Then when will the other things promised to us be given to us?"

"Give it to you now."

Qingfeng Sword Immortal waved his hand and a space bag passed through the light curtain and reached the hands of one of the monks.

"Now that the matter is settled, you should go back as soon as possible. Of course, the most important thing is that you can't let out a hint, otherwise I will kill you directly." Finally, Qingfeng Sword Immortal said again.

"Don't worry, if we tell this kind of thing without you doing anything, we will die without a burial place." These monks nodded repeatedly.

Qingfeng Sword Immortal nodded, and the light curtain disappeared. These people happily opened the space bag, and then their faces were full of surprise.

"It's a million pieces of fairy crystal in total. This guy is quite generous."

"As expected of the elite of Daluo Academy, hey, these immortal crystals are enough for us to practice for a while."

"Let's go, it's too dangerous here. Divide the spirit stones quickly so I can go back to practice."

"Yes, yes, quick spiritual stone."

At this moment, a big hand suddenly stretched out from the void, and with a sudden grab, he grabbed the space bag in his hand.


"court death!"

Everyone was shocked and took action one after another, but all the attacks fell into the void.

"Not bad, not bad. They are all immortal crystals. It seems that Qingfeng Sword Immortal and the others have some good things in them."

"Chen Feng, you are not dead."

At this time, Chen Feng was standing not far away with a smile and a space bag in his hand. His whole body was full of energy, and he didn't look injured at all.

"Of course I won't die, and you will all die next." Chen Feng said and put away the space bag with a wave of his hand.

"Bring it!"

Seeing Chen Feng put away the space bag, everyone's eyes were red. This was the reward that everyone took risks and worked hard for, how could it be taken away like this.


The blood-gathering bead suddenly expanded, forming a thick blood barrier that enveloped everyone. At this time, the blood-gathering bead was more than ten times stronger than before. After everyone sensed that something was wrong, they tried their best to attack without any reaction.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The Eye of the Deep Sea quickly rotated and swept towards everyone. With two bangs, two people were swept into the Eye of the Sea. They disappeared with only two clusters of blood.

"What, it's the best Taoist weapon, it's not good."

"Escape quickly."

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The Eye of the Deep Ocean, a Taoist artifact, swept across everything it passed, and monks were swallowed up and instantly hissed into pieces. Even middle-level immortals could not withstand the burning.

"Hey! Spare your life."

"Chen Feng, spare me, spare me, I can surrender."

"Don't kill me, don't kill me."

Different from the previous situation when he was chasing Chen Feng, Chen Feng used his Taoist weapon to kill everyone instantly, so everyone was frightened and began to beg for mercy.

"It's a pity that it's useless to keep you." Chen Feng said as the Eye of the Deep Sea suddenly grew in size and swallowed everyone in it.

The whole world was quiet, except for the Eye of the Deep Sea, which was turning rapidly. The deep Eye of the Sea was like a strange millstone, and everything that entered would be ground into pieces.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Streams of blood energy shot out from the Eye of the Deep Sea and penetrated into the Blood Gathering Bead, causing the blood pool in the Blood Gathering Bead to boil.

This is the blood essence extracted from killing a group of monks, which can accelerate the evolution of blood gathering beads.

"It's good, the essence of hundreds of immortals, but the level is a bit low. If they were all replaced by earthly immortals, my blood gathering beads would be advanced." Chen Feng laughed.

Chen Feng waved his hand and put away the Blood Gathering Bead and the Eye of the Deep Sea. Then Chen Feng sat down cross-legged and the Thunder Bead appeared in his palm.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

All the massive thunder and lightning power was absorbed, and the thunder beads were like black holes in the universe, constantly devouring and plundering everything.

"Yes, if you practice here for a while, it is not impossible for the Thunder Bead to advance." Chen Feng did not simply use the Thunder Bead to devour the surrounding lightning power at this time, but condensed small Thunder Beads one by one. Chen Feng did this from the beginning because it would be useful later.

Chen Feng refined ten Thunder Beads at a time before stopping, and then used the secret technique to carve some forbidden runes in the Thunder Beads, and then stopped.

"The Thunder Gang Glazed Flower should also be born, it's time to go and see it." Chen Feng pointed his finger, the void floated, the picture emerged, and soon contacted Chihuo Hou.

"Brother Chen, are you okay?" Chihuo Hou secretly transmitted the voice.


"Where are those people?"

"All dead."

Chihuo Hou was secretly surprised. He didn't expect Chen Feng to act so quickly and cruelly.

"We have entered the depths of the Thunder Pool. It is very dangerous here. Three top demon kings appeared before. Hey, one died. Fortunately, I fell to the back." Chihuo Hou said with a smile.

"Top demon king, according to the information, there will be demon fairy-level thunder beasts inside, you have to be careful, I will be there soon, and we will cooperate with each other to seize the Lei Gang Liuli Flower."

"Don't worry about me, I only have the means to save my life. The environment is very dangerous now, and these guys don't have time to attack me for the time being."

"Okay, I won't say more to you, another thunder beast has appeared."


The picture fluctuated for a while, and then disappeared.

Chen Feng's whole body shook slightly, and a trace of lightning came out of his body. Soon Chen Feng was wrapped in lightning, gradually fading, and finally merged into the lightning and disappeared.

This is a escaping technique performed by Chen Feng. With the help of the power of the Taoist weapon Thunder Pearl, the whole person merged into the lightning. This hiding technique is very clever, even the earth immortals find it difficult to discover Chen Feng's existence.

Chen Feng sneaked in the dark while absorbing the power of lightning around him to practice. It took half a day before he found Qingfeng Jianxian and others.

At this time, everyone was surrounding and killing a thunder beast. This thunder beast was not big, but it was a top demon king. More importantly, it was extremely fast. After fighting with everyone, it actually injured two high-level human immortals, but everyone could not do anything with this thunder beast.

The speed of this thunder beast was too fast. With the help of the surrounding environment, it could sometimes even blend into a trace of lightning, which gave everyone a headache.

"This thunder beast is not bad. It has comprehended the great way of thunder. If it goes one step further, it will become a demon immortal." Chen Feng hid in the dark and watched the excitement.

In Chen Feng's opinion, everyone could not do anything with this thunder beast, which was very funny.

Finally, the Little Water and Fire Immortal took action and took out a magic weapon. The power of water and fire condensed into a magic weapon and suddenly bloomed, like fireworks blooming. Countless silk threads condensed by the power of water and fire enveloped the thunder beast. No matter how the thunder beast struggled, it became tighter and tighter, and finally tied up the thunder beast.

"Well, the water and fire thousand-layer silk refined by the Little Water and Fire Immortal is indeed extraordinary. He caught this thunder beast with one move." Qingfeng Sword Immortal exclaimed.


Little Water and Fire Immortal was somewhat proud. He put away the silk net and lifted up the thunder beast, but did not kill it. He was obviously thinking of slowly taming it in the future. This thunder beast could be promoted to a demon fairy. It would be a pity to kill it.

"I'll find a chance to release this thunder beast later. The silk net is also good. It's made of water and fire. It's a good choice to snatch it and melt it into my immortal rope.

Chen Feng's immortal rope is only a holy weapon. Chen Feng estimated that if he snatched the water and fire thousand-layer silk of the little immortal of water and fire, he should be able to upgrade the immortal rope to the level of a Taoist weapon. Only then can it be considered a real immortal rope.


The power of thunder and lightning exploded more violently. At this time, the power of thunder and lightning almost condensed into substance, even the sight would be blocked. Chen Feng felt some pressure when he performed the thunder escape. He just had to gather his mind and compress his breath, for fear of being noticed by these people.

"I heard that the thunder and lightning power in the deepest part condensed into thunder liquid, and the Lei Gang Liuli Flower emerged from the thunder liquid. That is the real thunder pool. It seems that it should be here soon." Chen Feng guessed secretly.

"The thunder pool is rioting, and the Lei Gang Liuli Flower is about to be born. Let's go. "

At this time, Qingfeng Sword Immortal and others used various methods and even took out magic weapons to resist the lightning around them. The lightning here was no longer just a simple attack on people, but like a series of spirit snakes, constantly changing their shapes, looking for flaws and loopholes in everyone. Then they pounced on them from time to time, consuming everyone's strength.

Chihuo Hou still stayed at the end, his eyes swept around from time to time, as if he wanted to communicate with Chen Feng.

"Brother Chihuo." Chen Feng's voice sounded in Chihuo Hou's ears, which scared Chihuo Hou.

"You are actually by my side. This kind of hiding technique is really amazing." Chihuo Hou praised.

"This is nothing. I see you seem to have something to say?" Chen Feng asked.

"Yes, not far ahead is the real location of the Thunder Pool. When the Thunder Gang Glazed Flower comes out, there will definitely be a fierce competition. According to the information I got and the observations along the way, some of the cultivators who came to the Thunder Pool this time may have immortal weapons." Chihuo Hou said secretly.

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