Eternal Existence

Chapter 843: Suppression and Killing

"Okay, kid, I think you know the situation here. You are the lowest level cultivator in all these years." The old man Kuanglei looked at Chen Feng and smiled, then walked aside and soon fell into the state of cultivation.

Chen Feng walked back and forth, circled the entire altar, and looked at the halberd on the altar in amazement. The power of the immortal weapon deeply attracted Chen Feng. In Chen Feng's opinion, this is not an ordinary immortal weapon.

"Tower, what do you think?" Chen Feng communicated with the tower.

"This immortal weapon is about to be promoted to the upper grade, and I can't suppress it." The tower thought for a while and then said.

"This is a pity." Chen Feng knew that if the immortal tower swallowed this immortal weapon, it would definitely restore a lot of power.

However, it is obvious that the power of the immortal tower is still not enough. After all, the gap between the lower-grade immortal weapon and the middle-grade immortal weapon is too big.

Sometimes even magic weapons of the same grade have to be divided into different levels.

The halberd in front of him is obviously a pure thunder magic weapon. Just inserting it here can cause the existence of a thunder domain, and you can see how powerful this magic weapon is.

"This is a complete immortal weapon, it's rare, I have to think of a way." Ta muttered.

"Although I can't collect it, there are many benefits to practicing here, let's advance the thunder bead first." Chen Feng said and took out the thunder bead.


The thunder and lightning power here is different from the previous one. Although it is also a thunder with extremely strong destructive power, it is full of the power and spirituality of the immortal weapon. It is not just destruction and destruction. Chen Feng can even feel that these thunders are beating and cheering like they have life.

A trace of thunder filled with the breath of immortal weapons entered the thunder bead, and the whole thunder bead vibrated. The joyful thoughts kept impacting Chen Feng's mind.

"It seems that the thunder bead is almost certain to advance." Chen Feng was a little surprised when he felt the situation of the thunder bead.

Chen Feng sat cross-legged on the ground, the thunder bead floated above his head, and constantly swallowed the thunder emanating from the immortal weapon halberd.

In fact, Chen Feng is not the only one who is practicing here to condense magic weapons. You should know that most of the cultivators who can enter here are practicing the Great Way of Thunder. The cultivators surrounding the altar are either comprehending the immortal laws emitted by the immortal tools, or taking out their own magic weapons to condense with thunder and lightning.

For these cultivators, there is no place better than here to condense magic weapons.


A strong wave suddenly rose to the sky, and an earth immortal laughed happily. He did not look like a cultivator who had practiced for thousands of years, but like a child who got a toy.

"It would take hundreds or even thousands of years for my Thunder Blade to advance. I didn't expect that it would be advanced in just ten years, and my cultivation has reached the peak." The earth immortal held a long sword shining with lightning, turning it over and over, with a happy face.


"Congratulations on the great increase in the cultivation of the Thunder God Blade."

Some familiar cultivators immediately came forward to congratulate.

Chen Feng just opened his eyes and took a look, then continued to refine the thunder bead. During this time, it seemed that someone else broke in, but was beaten out by the Five Thunder Sword Cultivators, the young cultivator Chen Feng had seen before.

Chen Feng knew the rules here. If he wanted to break in to comprehend the thunder method, he had to have enough strength, at least to be able to compete with the middle-level earth immortals. Chen Feng and the Fairy Liandie were not qualified, but the two of them joined forces to make the Crazy Thunder Ancestor unable to capture them, so they barely passed.

A month passed quickly.

On this day, the thunder bead finally vibrated violently. Through layers of space, Chen Feng felt that there was a heavenly tribulation brewing in the depths of the universe, and then a torrent of power broke through time and space and fell on the thunder bead.

However, there was a fairy halberd suppressing it on the side, and the heavenly tribulation quickly disappeared. The thunder bead kept getting bigger and smaller above Chen Feng's head, and finally returned to normal, but the law of the great way of thunder projected from it became more condensed.

"Finally promoted." Chen Feng reached out and grabbed the Thunder Pearl. At this time, the Thunder Pearl was already a top-grade Taoist weapon. Its attack power increased exponentially, and the speed of absorbing lightning power was greatly enhanced. The advancement of the Thunder Pearl merged into Chen Feng's body, which greatly increased the advancement speed of other magic weapons on Chen Feng's body.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to absorb some more thunder and consolidate his realm, a thunder and lightning hand came whistling through the air and grabbed the Thunder Pearl in Chen Feng's hand.

"Sure enough, some people can't bear it." Chen Feng sneered in his heart.

You know, although all the cultivators here are earth immortals, the Thunder Pearl in Chen Feng's hand has been advanced to a top-grade Taoist weapon, and even some high-level earth immortals with weaker combat power sometimes have to be jealous.

What's more, some of the cultivators who cultivate here are high-level earth immortals or even higher levels, but a large part of them are earth immortals of the middle and primary levels.

The one who attacked Chen Feng at this time was a beginner earth immortal. Relatively speaking, this person's cultivation was at the bottom, and he didn't have any good magic weapons. If Chen Feng's thunder bead had not been advanced, he wouldn't have bothered to snatch it. But now it's different. Advancing to a higher level means breaking through the clouds and flying to the starry sky. Top-grade magic weapons are still very attractive.

"Idiot!" Chen Feng sneered, thinking that this person had no brains. He and Fairy Liandie had passed the level of the Crazy Thunder Ancestor, so why would he care about this beginner earth immortal.

Facing this person's attack, Chen Feng just stretched out his hand and grabbed the lightning hand into pieces. Then a big hand flew out of the thunder bead and pressed this person to the ground directly.

Just one fight, and this earth immortal was completely defeated.

"Die!" Chen Feng shouted, and killed the man. With a bang, the man turned into blood mist, and then was swallowed by Chen Feng into the blood-gathering bead.

Originally, Chen Feng didn't want to kill anyone, but he knew that if he wanted to continue to practice here in peace, he must show some strong strength, not to mention that the blood-gathering bead also needs a lot of blood essence to advance.

"Boy, you're too cruel." Chen Feng showed his strength, but he didn't scare the others. A mid-level earth immortal stood up.

Speaking of it, there were only a few cultivators who coveted the thunder bead, but these people had cultivated their own avenues and generally would not take the things of the younger generation. But now that Chen Feng killed someone, he gave some people with ulterior motives an excuse.

"Why, are you going to do it?" Chen Feng said lightly, the thunder bead kept turning in his palm, and the area of ​​the thunder sea had shrunk by half, but the strength of the thunder and lightning power had been purified several times.

"Boy, no matter who you are, you should behave yourself when you come here. You are just hindering our cultivation by killing people randomly. In this case, I will capture you. I will not kill you, but I will teach you how to be a man." The cultivator of the middle-level earthly immortal said as he took out a long whip with lightning.

"I think you are blind, or you just want to rob my magic weapon. Didn't you see that the other party started it first?" Chen Feng sneered.

"Although the other party started it first, you were too cruel. Just now, the Taoist friend went through layers of suffering and finally cultivated the Great Dao, but you beat him to death. Your behavior is simply that of a demon." The earthly immortal said as he waved his hand, and the thunder whip hit Chen Feng on the head.

This thunder whip is a middle-grade Taoist weapon. When it is whipped, it is like a thunder dragon with its fangs and claws. The power and mighty momentum contained in it seem to be about to whip Chen Feng to death.

"Since that's the case, you must also be annihilated." Chen Feng performed the immortal step, and the immortal wings behind him flashed, and he went directly a hundred miles away, making the opponent's attack fall in vain.

"Chen Feng, do you want help?" At this time, Fairy Liandie asked secretly.

"No, this guy is far inferior to the old ancestor of Kuang Lei. I have gained some experience in this period of practice. It's just right to kill this guy and let others see that we are not easy to bully." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the thunder bead flew out of his hand, rumbling and growing larger, like a huge thunder ball suppressing the earth immortal.

Chen Feng did not perform other tricks, but just used force to suppress the opponent, relying on the thunder bead, a top-grade Taoist weapon, to suppress the opponent.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The thunder and lightning whip kept whipping on the thunder bead, but the thunder bead just turned quickly to dissolve the opponent's attack, and even absorbed the thunder and lightning power contained in the opponent's long whip.

"This new kid is really ruthless. The Thunder Whip Patriarch has been practicing for tens of thousands of years. It looks like he will be killed this time."

"He deserves it. Who told him to covet other people's magic weapons? It's shameful to rob the juniors."

"You can't say that. This Taoist weapon is really good. If my life magic weapon hadn't just been upgraded, I would have wanted to rob it."

"The other guy's body movements were a bit strange. Did you see it?"

"I haven't seen it, Thunder Patriarch, you should know the origin of this kid, right?"

The reason why everyone only talked about Chen Feng was because everyone saw that Fairy Liandie was not a cultivator from the Eternal World.

"Junior is looking for death!" The Thunder Whip Patriarch had been locked by the Thunder Pearl and it was impossible to dodge. The lightning in his hand had been shaken to the ground. Seeing that the Thunder Pearl was about to suppress him, the Thunder Whip Patriarch felt the threat of death and regretted it to the extreme.

If I had known that this young man was so powerful, I would never have done it.

"This kid kills people as soon as he strikes. This is simply a demonic act. I beg fellow Taoists to help me." The Thunder Whip Patriarch shouted loudly. Under the threat of death, everything no longer mattered.

Although most people thought that the Thunder Whip Patriarch was seeking his own death, there were still people who couldn't stand Chen Feng's cruelty, so someone took action. A suction force pulled the Thunder Whip Patriarch away, and then a thick palm blocked the falling thunder bead.

At the same time, the power in the center of this palm surged, the power of the law grew, the power of the avenue flowed, and the thunder bead began to shrink. The person who took action actually wanted to refine the thunder bead right away.

"High-level earth immortal!" Chen Feng sneered in his heart. He didn't expect that there was still a master who took action. He knew that he couldn't compete with the opponent with the power of the thunder bead.

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