Eternal Existence

Chapter 845: Advancement

Facing an immortal weapon and practicing, Chen Feng felt that his cultivation was progressing rapidly, not to mention that Chen Feng also practiced the two heaven-defying techniques of Heaven-Swallowing Absorption and Heaven-Swallowing Demonic Art, and there were magic weapons waiting to be advanced in Chen Feng's acupoints.

Chen Feng's strength was also growing day by day with his practice.

Speaking of Chen Feng's current cultivation and status, it is easy to get some high-level magic weapons, but Chen Feng still struggled to condense the magic weapons in his body. There are many benefits to doing so. First of all, these magic weapons followed Chen Feng when he was weak. After condensing day by day, they are now connected by blood and flesh. As Chen Feng's cultivation became stronger, all his insights were imprinted in the depths of these magic weapons, which could not be achieved by replacing powerful magic weapons.

Moreover, Chen Feng had some plans recently, that is, after condensing these magic weapons to a certain degree, they would be integrated with the immortal weapons, so that they could exert more powerful power. Of course, there is still a long way to go to achieve all this.

In the final analysis, the Changsheng Zhenjing is the most powerful and the most important one for Chen Feng to practice.

With the thunder and lightning condensed with the breath of immortal weapon law, Chen Feng's magic weapons began to advance one after another.

Streaming Shield! Thunder Sword! Thunder Needle! Mountain Seal and other magic weapons of the second-grade holy weapons were upgraded in a series, and they were upgraded to the eighth-grade holy weapons in one breath before stopping.

Some magic weapons such as Fire Sword and Streaming Sword were even upgraded to the ninth-grade holy weapons.

This flying speed made Chen Feng secretly shocked, but thinking about the environment in front of him, Chen Feng felt relieved again.

Half a year passed quickly, and more than half of the magic weapons in Chen Feng's body were upgraded to the level of the ninth-grade holy weapons. With each upgrade of these magic weapons, Chen Feng's body became stronger. With so many magic weapons constantly upgrading, Chen Feng was a little afraid that he would be blown up.


Strong fluctuations emanated from Chen Feng, and a huge octagonal compass emerged from Chen Feng's body. At the same time, Chen Feng's Zhoutian domain also unfolded, blending with the compass and setting off each other.

Heaven and earth, wind and thunder, water and fire, mountains and swamps, the Zhoutian power continued to evolve and change unpredictably. It seemed that a world was emerging, and it looked dazzling.

"How did this guy integrate so many magic weapons into his body, and the grades were so low, but this time the magic weapon was actually upgraded to a Taoist weapon. Although it was only a low-grade Taoist weapon, it was not simple." Liandie was now muttering in the distance.

Biqing smiled, of course she understood that Chen Feng had cultivated the acupuncture technique of the Changsheng clan, but seeing the magic weapons in Chen Feng's body constantly upgrading, even Biqing was a little surprised.

"Finally, the Zhoutian compass has been upgraded to a low-grade Taoist weapon. This is the biggest gain in these days." After a long time, Chen Feng put the Zhoutian compass into his body.

With the Zhoutian compass and his own Zhoutian domain working together, his strength has made great progress again. Chen Feng even wants to overcome the heavenly tribulation and reach a higher realm.

However, Chen Feng also knows that this feeling is illusory. Not to mention that his accumulation is not enough, even if it is enough, he still needs to condense for a period of time.

Next, he still practices, and his strength continues to improve. Chen Feng is completely immersed in practice.

The second piece of Taoism weapon promoted is the Demon Sealing Sword. Chen Feng is surprised but also expected. This Demon Sealing Sword itself has the power of Lei Gang. It is natural to advance at this time. Moreover, among all the high-level magic weapons, the Demon Sealing Sword is also the first to follow Chen Feng.

The third piece of Taoism weapon promoted is the Jinxuan Sword, which is somewhat beyond Chen Feng's expectations. This is a magic weapon of gold attribute. Chen Feng took out a lot of top-grade materials, plus the condensation of Lei Gang, and Chen Feng was stunned for a while when he was promoted.

You should know that if you want to upgrade a magic weapon of this level, you can't just rely on precious materials. In many cases, these magic weapons are condensed over and over again by the cultivators during their practice. With the passage of time and the improvement of the realm, they can be advanced. Of course, even in this case, it may not be successful.

Of course, using the power of immortal tools to condense a small holy magic weapon is the fastest way.

In fact, in Chen Feng's opinion, the first to be upgraded should be the swords of life and death. These two long swords have been upgraded to the ninth level a long time ago. If they are fused together, they can even compete with the lower level. Among all the holy tools, the swords of life and death are the highest level. However, during this period of time, three Taoist tools have been upgraded in one go. Although the power of the swords of life and death has also increased greatly, there is no sign of advancement, which makes Chen Feng a little anxious.

"It seems that some life and death power is still needed." Chen Feng knew where the problem was, but there was no way. The power of life is easy to deal with. The immortal qi that he cultivated has a very strong power of life, but the power of death is a bit troublesome.

Although there are a lot of cultivation materials piled up in the Longevity Tower, there are not many that can be used at this time. There are some spiritual medicines containing the power of death, but the quantity is too good, and Chen Feng does not want to waste them.

"If I use the two acupoints of life and death to slowly nourish them, I can advance the two swords of life and death, but this will take a long time."

Chen Feng has a headache: "It seems that I can only go out and buy some spiritual medicines or magic weapons containing the power of death."

Since there is no other way, I can only practice with peace of mind.

At this time, Bi Qing suddenly flicked his fingers, and a black light drilled into the sword of death in Chen Feng's body.


The Sword of Death vibrated, driving the Sword of Life to roar as well. The powerful Death Force washed over and over again. Every time it flowed and washed, the Sword of Death would undergo a huge change.

"With such a huge Death Force, there should be no problem now." Chen Feng did not have time to think about it and started practicing immediately.

After having the Death Force, Chen Feng also began to mobilize the Life and Death Force. The current situation was that the Life and Death Swords could only be advanced together if they wanted to advance, so they needed the same Life and Death Force.

So under the flooding of the huge Death Force, Chen Feng used all his strength to operate the Longevity Qi, took out some spirit stones containing Life Force, and even took out the Longevity Wood.


After tens of thousands of times of condensation, two sword energies, one black and one white, appeared above Chen Feng's head. The sword energy spread out and cut through the void, making the cultivators practicing in the distance feel their skin chilled.

This time, the advancement of the Life and Death Swords was much louder than the other three magic weapons.

At this moment, all the cultivators who were practicing on the scene were startled, and they all looked at Chen Feng with strange eyes.

The cultivators present had practiced here for a period of time, and some people had also condensed magic weapons during this period, but Chen Feng's continuous advancement of magic weapons still made everyone feel a little speechless.

If it weren't for the great god Bi Qing sitting there, I'm afraid someone would have attacked Chen Feng long ago.

"Thank you, senior." Finally, Chen Feng put away the two swords of life and death and stepped forward to thank him.

"Just now, it was just a trace of death energy that I tempered. It is useless for my practice. It is good that it can help you advance your magic weapon." Bi Qing said lightly.

"The tempered death energy." Chen Feng understood that after practicing to a certain level, he could transform yin and yang and control life and death. Everyone has the two energies of life and death in his body, even the celestial beings in the legend are no exception.

No matter if this person lives for a million years, ten million years, or even hundreds of millions of years, there is a limit to his lifespan. Once the limit is reached, his lifespan ends. A large part of the reason for this is because there is the power of death deep in his soul.

Even if Chen Feng's immortal qi contains death qi, what Chen Feng needs to do after reaching a certain realm is to condense the life qi and expel the death qi.

Of course, those who can understand this are all cultivators with extremely high cultivation.

The Biqing in front of him is already a top-level earthly immortal, and with the memory of the last cultivation, he has long begun to grasp life and death, and temper and expel the power of death.

Of course, this is the routine of 99% of cultivators. There are also a very small number of cultivators who specialize in the power of death. Such people are generally very powerful and their skills are also very strange.

In addition, there are also some people who practice the way of life and death balance, but this is more difficult. Once the balance is lost, the end will be extremely miserable, and it is normal to be reduced to ashes.

"I have four more Taoist instruments at once. This time I came to the Thunder Pool and gained a lot." Chen Feng only felt that his whole body strength was ten times stronger than before entering the Thunder Pool. This was because his realm could not keep up with the power suppressed in his body. If his realm was improved and the power was fully erupted, Chen Feng would be sure to fight with the Hun Tian Patriarch.


Just when Chen Feng thought he could practice here peacefully for a while, the strange change finally happened that day. First, the halberd shook slightly, and a breath sweeping across the universe and the starry sky swept around, breaking the space one after another, and all the cultivators practicing around were swept away, including Biqing.

Then the rune imprint on the altar began to flicker, like starlight and lightning. The lightning around was like a knife or a sword. Some cultivators were hit and wounds appeared on their bodies immediately.

"Not good, the immortal weapon is vibrating. Is it someone who has done something, or is this immortal weapon about to be born." Chen Feng took out the thunder bead to protect himself, and then waved his hand, and the Eye of the Deep Sea also appeared in his hand. It was obvious that the situation in front of him was going to be chaotic. Even with Biqing's protection, there might be accidents.

During the practice, Chen Feng felt that many people were secretly paying attention to him, and there were evil thoughts among them.


Biqing pulled up the Fairy Liandie and Chen Feng with one hand each, and just a flash of his body to the outside of the thunder pool, this speed scared Chen Feng.

"As expected of a top-level earth immortal, he can perform escape techniques and travel through space with ease." Chen Feng admired in his heart.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Next, the other cultivators also came out from under the thunder pool. Staying there at this time would be courting death.

As the immortal weapon below vibrated, the entire thunder pool first rolled violently, and then the water level began to drop. In just one breath, the thunder water in the thunder pool disappeared completely.

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