Eternal Existence

Chapter 848 Meteorite Cluster

"Hmph, I blocked it. It's a pity that I can't bring out the power of this halberd. Otherwise, I would kill a few people no matter what." Chen Feng laughed, his heart was beating violently, and the magic weapons in the acupoints began to release power. Chen Feng, who was exhausted, regained his spirit again, his eyes flashed, and he actually made some progress.

"Good! It turns out that you can only make progress under pressure." Chen Feng said, and simply put away the Sky-piercing Spear, grabbed the Chaotic Ancient Thunder God Halberd with both hands, and slashed it violently, and the space broke. This time, Chen Feng directly shuttled through the void for two million miles.

He opened the distance again.


Just a moment, I felt that most of the power in my body was consumed.


At this time, a dark big hand shuttled through the starry sky for thousands of miles and grabbed Chen Feng. It was a master from the demon world.

"Come on."

Chen Feng urged the Chaotic Ancient Thunder God Halberd to swipe violently. At this time, the Longevity Tower secretly continuously transferred power to Chen Feng's attack.

With a swish, the pitch-black hand was cut off. Chen Feng quickly grabbed it and threw it directly into the Longevity Tower. This is a good thing. After refining it with the Heaven Devouring Magic Art, it can enhance his strength.

But now is not a good time to refine it.

Because there is another attack coming.

For several times in a row, the attacks launched by everyone were blocked by Chen Feng swinging the ancient thunder god halberd. Every time he resisted, Chen Feng was severely injured, and then he recovered quickly. During this time, Bi Qing blocked and delayed one or two people.

"There are people from all the major heavens, but no cultivators from the Longevity Heaven appeared, but this is also a good thing." Chen Feng felt that he had reached his limit a long time ago, but he had been relying on his superhuman perseverance to persist.

"It would be nice if there was a void storm. If the situation is messed up, we can escape and get a fairy weapon. Of course, it is also difficult to suppress it."

"If my strength is restored a little, I can use this halberd to sweep across the four directions. Now I can only use it to escape." Ta was a little depressed. After all, he was a powerful existence, but now he was helpless against a group of small immortals. It was really aggrieved.

"Hey! What is in front?" At this time, Chen Feng saw a chaotic star field in front of him. It was confused, with various air currents shrouding and wandering, and countless meteorites circling in chaos. Each of these meteorites was very large, and the largest one was even larger than a planet.

"Could it be a meteorite group? However, such a large meteorite group is comparable to a huge star field. Well, it's just right to break in and escape." Chen Feng said, and shouted loudly in his hand, speeding up.

At this time, the heart beat to a limit, and even cracks appeared. It looked like the heart was about to explode.

However, in this way, all of Chen Feng's potential was loaded out, and the energy that had been hidden in the body and had not been absorbed in time emerged one after another, and a large amount was absorbed with every beat of the heart.

The energy of the origin fragments, the energy of the magic weapon spirit, and the soul power of some high-level cultivators absorbed were all released from the deep inside of the acupoints in the body, and were refined and absorbed bit by bit.


The violent breath conflicted from his body, making his hair fly up, and Chen Feng felt that his cultivation had broken through again.


He swung the ancient thunder god halberd violently, and it seemed to sense the changes in Chen Feng. The halberd also had a little power activated, and easily opened a void channel.

This time, he traveled tens of millions of miles, and once again distanced everyone.

"Good, good boy." Bi Qing laughed.

Originally, he was still a little worried about Chen Feng, but now it seems that Bi Qing is relieved, knowing that Chen Feng should be able to protect himself for the time being.

After several shuttles, Chen Feng finally rushed into the meteorite group and disappeared.

"What? Such a large-scale meteorite group appeared." At this time, a cultivator had already stopped.

Many places in the universe are very dangerous, especially some natural dangerous places. Even if a celestial being enters them, he can't get out.

The meteorite group in front of him seems to be just the surface situation. According to the experience of the immortals on the scene, it will definitely be dangerous to enter them. However, he was unwilling to watch Chen Feng disappear.

"Humph, it's just a group of meteorites. I'll go in and catch that kid." The demon cultivator turned into a ball of black light and rushed into the meteorite group.

"Humph, this is just a clone of mine, it doesn't matter. At most, I will lose some time to cultivate another one." Someone else rushed in.

To be honest, the middle-grade immortal weapon is still very attractive.

Everyone chose to go in and some chose to wait and see. At this time, the aura on Biqing's body shook, and he once again recovered the level of the earthly immortal.

"Humph, little guy from Biluotian, it turns out that you use the power of Biluotian to improve your realm." Someone next to him laughed sinisterly.

Biqing didn't say anything, but waved his hand quickly, runes appeared in the space, and a transmission channel was forcibly opened. Biqing stepped in, and the channel disappeared. The next moment, Biqing had been teleported into the eternal world.

"Hey! I hope this little guy can escape this disaster." Biqing shook his head, and then went straight back to his cave to practice. In the previous battle, Biqing also overdrew a lot of strength and needed to practice to replenish it.

"Humph! This guy ran fast enough."

"This guy is the real body. Without the blessing of Biluotian, his cultivation level fell, so he naturally dared not stay."

"What should we do now?"

"Let's see what happens next."

As soon as Chen Feng entered the meteorite group, he felt that he had entered a strange world. It was filled with all kinds of chaotic forces, which slowed down Chen Feng's speed by ten times.

Moreover, these meteorites carried powerful forces while flying, and even Chen Feng did not dare to touch them. This scale of meteorites was not the kind he had encountered before.

"Magnetic force, it seems that there should be some strange minerals in it." Chen Feng's figure shook and landed on a huge meteorite.

This meteorite was as big as a small planet. As soon as Chen Feng landed on it, he felt a gravity covering his whole body, causing Chen Feng's protective aura to tremble.

"Ten thousand times the gravity! Awesome." Chen Feng moved for a while before returning to normal, but at this time, the ancient thunder god halberd in his hand began to vibrate, and Chen Feng felt that he could not suppress it.

"Not good, I can't suppress it anymore. I'm not destined to be with you." Chen Feng's face changed. At this time, the Longevity Tower attacked again. A supreme and ancient breath was added to the ancient Thunder God Halberd. At the same time, the Sky-piercing Spear and the Bone Spear in the Longevity Tower vibrated at the same time, finally calming down the immortal weapon again.

"This group of meteorites should be dangerous." Chen Feng stood on this meteorite and his mind kept sweeping out. What he observed was nothing but meteorites, which made Chen Feng a little confused.


At this time, a cultivator finally caught up with him. His huge palm grabbed Chen Feng, and it seemed that he wanted to grab all the meteorites in his hand.


Chen Feng dodged quickly, jumping on other meteorites, and disappeared again in the depths of the meteorite group. After entering the meteorite group, Chen Feng found that he could not open the void channel here, perhaps because of the influence of the force field here.



Meteorites kept exploding behind Chen Feng, even the meteorites the size of planets would be smashed into pieces.

"Boy, call out the immortal weapon, and I'll spare you." A cultivator sent a message to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng sneered. Things had come to this point, and he would never throw away the immortal weapon. The situation at hand could only desperately move forward, hoping to get rid of these people, and then find a quiet place to subdue and suppress the ancient thunder god halberd.

However, it seemed impossible at this time, because the cultivators chasing Chen Feng were too strong.


A sword light broke through dozens of huge meteorites, and slashed at Chen Feng with undiminished momentum.

It was this person again. The first one to attack Chen Feng was this person. This was a universe wanderer who adapted to various starry sky lives, and entering the meteorite group was nothing.


The immortal wings behind Chen Feng flashed, and he kept shuttling through the meteorites, avoiding the opponent's attack.

But a big hand came from the front to suppress him. Chen Feng shouted angrily, and the ancient thunder god halberd in his hand collided with the big hand. This time, the big hand was not cut off. The strong impact force made Chen Feng fly backwards.


A mouthful of blood gushed out. Although he relied on the power of the immortal weapon, the gap between him and the immortal was still too big.


Another sword light came. This time Chen Feng did not dodge. The barrier of the Qi on his body was broken, and blood flowed from his back. Chen Feng was almost split in half.

Two cultivators blocked Chen Feng in the middle, one was a wandering sword cultivator, and the other was a demon god from the demon world. Chen Feng could not escape.


Two more people arrived, and now Chen Feng was surrounded tightly.

"Tsk tsk, a little guy from the Changsheng clan, you started to experience at such a young age. I wonder who your master is." The person who spoke was wrapped in flames. He was a cultivator from the Tianhuo clan.

"Don't think about communicating with the immortal heaven. We have blocked you from all sides. You can't escape." This is a cultivator from the Purple Blood Clan. His body is boiling with purple energy, and he is majestic in his elegance.

"Why bother? It's just for an immortal weapon. I'll give it to you." Chen Feng made a prompt decision and threw out the Ancient Thunder God Halberd with a wave of his hand.

"Come here." The demon god and the wandering cultivator tried to snatch the halberd, while the cultivators of the Purple Blood Clan and the Sky Fire Clan attacked Chen Feng at the same time.

These two people have seen Chen Feng's talent and potential. For the development of the two clans, they can only take action to eliminate Chen Feng in advance.

"You two are seniors after all. Isn't it a bit too embarrassing to attack me like this?" Chen Feng sneered, took out the Sky-piercing Spear and exerted it with all his strength, trying to block the attacks of the two.


The 100,000 formations in the Immortal Tower also started to operate, and the powerful power was continuously added to Chen Feng, but Chen Feng still couldn't stop the attacks of the two. It was like a meteor flying out, and countless meteorites were smashed to pieces.

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