Eternal Existence

Chapter 853: The Big Hand in the Dark

"An expert is attacking in secret."


"Leave here!"

Everyone acted decisively and used their skills, but without exception, they found that things were really serious because they could not break through the blockade of the huge palm.

As the palm got closer and closer, the space began to be compressed layer by layer.


One of the cultivators couldn't help but spurt blood, and his body began to shrink. This was caused by the force of space.

Fortunately, Chen Feng hid in the Longevity Tower, otherwise Chen Feng, who had the weakest cultivation, would be the first to fail.


Everyone immediately used their strongest means to break through the blockade around them and rush out, but the surrounding space was completely solidified like crystal, and several attacks fell on the palm, but the palm did not react at all.

"Communicate with Fire Soul Heaven, and bless me with the power of Heavenly Fire!"

"Communicate with Purple Luo Heaven, and bless me with the power of Purple Luo Heaven!"

"Bless me with the power of Moruo Heaven!"

The cultivators from various heavens communicated with their own heavens. Once they succeeded in communicating, they could directly transmit the power of blessing.

However, this time, everyone's methods still did not work. The surrounding space was indeed blocked by great magic power.



Finally, one person could not resist and exploded under the suppression. With a scream, even his soul was compressed into a ball, and then mixed with the whole body's spirit and spirit into a stream of light and flew towards his palm.

A big mouth opened in the center, and the spirit and spirit were directly swallowed.


Chen Feng saw this scene in the Longevity Tower, and immediately knew that the cultivators present were probably dead.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Another person couldn't hold on any longer, but this cultivator was ruthless enough to choose to self-destruct. It was easy for a high-ranking immortal to destroy a planet by self-destruction. This high-ranking immortal thought that by self-destruction, he should be able to open a passage, and then his true spirit could escape. At that time, he could take over another body or practice, or at most pass on his legacy and be reborn, as long as he could save his life.

However, this person's self-destruction only exploded in a small range, and then was compressed by an invisible force. The big mouth in his palm opened and swallowed the energy in one breath.

"What a pity, such a good essence should be swallowed by us." Chen Feng felt a little regretful after seeing it.

"Together, self-destruct the immortal weapon!" The cultivator of the Purple Blood Clan roared.

At this critical moment, there was no time to think about it. He could only rush out first. Self-destructing the immortal weapon to save his life was the best choice.

One by one, the immortal weapon was sacrificed, and the power was brewing and derived, and it was about to self-destruct.

"Little guy from the Immortal Clan, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and self-destruct the Immortal Tower. You are courting death." The cultivators of the Purple Blood Clan shouted loudly when they saw the Immortal Tower floating in the distance without any movement.

"Self-destruct the Immortal Tower!"

Chen Feng laughed in the Immortal Tower. The Immortal Tower was his foundation. Even if he self-destructed, he would not let the Immortal Tower self-destruct.

Once the Immortal Tower self-destructed, Chen Feng would not be able to survive in the starry sky, let alone return to the Eternal World.

"Humph!" Chen Feng just snorted coldly and ignored everyone, because at this time the Immortal Tower was rapidly refining the True Immortal Spirit, and its power was increasing rapidly, hoping to break out.

"Forget him, this kid is courting death."

Explode! Explode! Explode!

After offering the immortal weapon, everyone shouted at the same time, but the immortal weapon did not self-destruct as everyone imagined, but was caught by the big hand and disappeared in the big hand's mouth.

At the same time, there was a suction force covering the Longevity Tower, but the Longevity Tower stimulated a strange force, which made this suction force fail.

"Can't wait, burn the true spirit!"

The true spirit of the immortal that was slowly refining suddenly burned violently, and the power generated immediately collided under the transformation of the Longevity Tower. This force was almost equivalent to a true immortal self-destructing, and it was compressed to a point by the means of the Longevity Tower.


With just a slight sound, a gap was opened in the space barrier created by the big hand, and the Longevity Tower turned into a stream of light and drilled out, disappearing quickly.

"The gap is opened."

The cultivators were overjoyed, and they felt that the pressure was relieved, and they were about to rush out with the Longevity Tower, but the falling big hand grabbed again, the sky and the earth rolled up, and the time and space were transformed, and all these cultivators were caught in the hand.

"Ah! Spare my life."

"Eternal Life Tower, please save me."

"Damn it, even though it's just a clone, it has consumed one-third of my strength. I will be weak for a while."

Under the situation where they couldn't escape, the cultivators who came as clones accepted their fate. At most, they would spend some more time practicing. However, the cultivators who came as real bodies were different. After practicing for hundreds of thousands of years, they were going to be annihilated. No one could accept this result, but they couldn't change anything except screaming.

In the end, all these cultivators were killed by the big hand. Then the big hand grabbed again, traveling through billions of miles, and no one knew how many planets were destroyed.

"It ran away again. I didn't expect the Eternal Life Tower to appear again. Wasn't it destroyed in the war that year? It's really strange." The big hand disappeared, and a puzzled voice sounded in the depths of the universe.

The starry sky in the universe is extremely vast, and the planets in it cannot be described by billions. At this time, on a desolate planet, a crack appeared in the space, and a simple nine-story small tower emerged.

Then Chen Feng appeared and reached out to hold the Tower of Eternal Life.

"It's really depressing. Half of the true immortals and true spirits that I finally collected were burned."

"The remaining half is pretty good. After all, we escaped. We should be hundreds of billions of miles away now. The other party shouldn't be able to catch up."

"By the way, Ta, what kind of cultivation level do you think the person who took the shot has? Could he be a true immortal?"

"Probably not. If the True Immortal takes action, even if the True Spirit is completely burned, it won't be able to escape, but those little guys won't be able to escape."

"It's good, it saves some trouble, but it's a pity that the essence can't be obtained."

"Boy, what are your plans next? I don't know the exact location right now. I'm afraid it will take some effort to return to the eternal world."

"There is no other way, but I still have to go back to the Eternal World. Deal with all the things before trouble comes, and then go to the outer stars to explore. The universe is so big, I think these guys from the heaven are not that serious even if they want to find me. easy."

Next, Chen Feng's consciousness spread out, and he took it back after a long time: "I didn't expect it to be a large planet, but it's a pity that there is no life on it."

Just now, Chen Feng's consciousness did not cover the entire planet, but Chen Feng also roughly knew the situation of this planet.

As far as the eye can see, in addition to the thick yellow sand, there is a desolate Gobi. It can be said that this planet is so cold and silent that there is almost no spiritual energy, let alone any vitality.

For Chen Feng, it doesn't matter whether he has spiritual energy or not. There are too many things in him that need to be refined.

The Eternal Life Tower also became quiet. Chen Feng knew that it was refining, devouring and absorbing the energy. Once the harvest this time was completely refined and absorbed, it would be almost certain to be promoted to an immortal weapon.

"I hope the news of the birth of the Eternal Life Tower will reach the Eternal Life Heaven Realm later."

In fact, Chen Feng was not too worried about other heavens knowing about the Eternal Life Tower. Instead, he was worried that someone in the Eternal Life Clan would be detrimental to him. Relatively speaking, it was relatively easy for the monks of the Eternal Life Clan to find him.

"I don't want to think about that much for the time being. The most important thing now is to improve my strength." Thinking of this, Chen Feng began to practice. This time, Chen Feng did not absorb the energy he could. Instead, he kept replaying the previous events over and over again in the sea of ​​consciousness. The scene of the battle between the Great Immortals.

For Chen Feng's current state, the level of the Immortal is still quite high. If it were not for the power of the magic weapon, he would not be able to compete with the opponent at all.

After practicing for a while, Chen Feng opened his eyes and realized that it was better not to comprehend the laws of the Immortal. After all, cultivation still has to be done step by step.

"Forget it, let's take a look at this planet first." Chen Feng moved his steps and walked leisurely on the planet.

In Chen Feng's opinion, this planet has lost its spirituality and has no will of its own. It is no different from a meteorite floating in the universe, or in other words, it is a large meteorite.

However, after a period of time, Chen Feng discovered something was wrong, and then he speeded up and kept walking and stopping in some places. He unfolded his consciousness and listened and observed the movements around him with all his strength.

Finally, Chen Feng stopped in the center of a basin, communicated with the Eternal Life Tower, used his spiritual sense to the maximum extent, and finally realized that there was life inside the planet.

"How is it? Did you gain anything?" Ta asked with a smile.

"It should be a Devouring Beast. Even if it is not a Devouring Beast, it is still a creature of that type. I should have discovered the abnormality of this planet from the beginning." Chen Feng's expression was a little solemn, but also a little excited.

"I hope it's a Devouring Beast, so it can bring me some gains." Chen Feng said, taking out pieces of precious materials and starting to lay out formation restrictions on the planet.

Chen Feng had never arranged such a complicated formation before. This time, Chen Feng consumed a lot of materials and put in a lot of effort. It took him a full month to complete the formation.

"Hopefully it will work out."

"Boy, aren't you afraid that the one below is a super monster? What will you do if you can't deal with it?"

"If that's the case, then find a way to escape." Chen Feng took out a spiritual stone to restore the energy consumed.

This spiritual stone is a black jade crystal that is even higher in quality than the Immortal Crystal.

"It's easy to say, but I'm afraid I won't be able to escape when the time comes."

"Don't worry, I have a hunch that there should be some gains this time, otherwise it will just be regarded as practice."

"Are you wasting so much on cultivating formations?" Ta kept mocking Chen Feng.

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