Eternal Existence

Chapter 861: Zhoutian World

"I just have an idea to kill you. I don't even bother to kill a monk of your level." Chen Feng said as he put his finger on Jiang Huo's forehead.

A spiritual thought entered Jiang Huo's sea of ​​consciousness along his finger and began to search for his soul.


Jiang Huo screamed in pain. This was Chen Feng's deliberate act. He released a trace of his true fire during the soul search. Of course, Jiang Huo couldn't bear it. This kind of pain was a hundred times worse than the physical body.

Chen Feng was deliberately punishing the other party.

Ye Lin was shocked and immediately attacked Chen Feng, but could not touch Chen Feng's clothes.

"Be more honest with me." Chen Feng waved his hand, but Ye Lin couldn't move.

Chen Feng quickly retracted his finger, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes. Chen Feng got the news he wanted to know.

"It's of some value. I originally wanted to kill you, but this news is enough to spare both of your lives."

"Your name is Jiang Huo, right? You can be considered a talent, but sometimes you can't see the situation clearly. This is a mental problem. I can spare your life this time, but if this character doesn't change, I will Guaranteed you won’t live long.”

"You are lucky to have cultivated to this level." Chen Feng said with a wave of his hand, releasing the restrictions on the two of them.

"Just take care of yourself, maybe we'll meet again in the future." Chen Feng said, taking a step forward and disappearing.

Only Jiang Huo and Ye Lin were left. Jiang Huo's face was gloomy and he remained silent. In the end, it was Ye Lin who spoke first.

"It's not bad to be able to save one life. Besides, our purpose of coming here this time has been achieved. We got the treasure of Yin Yang Saint and killed four Jiang Zeming. It's a perfect result." Ye Lin was afraid of Jiang Huo. I couldn't think about it, so I could only comfort her like this.

"But the news about Zhoutian Shenquan has been leaked. This news is so precious that no one in the entire Zhoutian world knows about it." Jiang Huo still felt a little pity.

"It's nothing to be sorry about. We can't get into that place anyway. This person just saved us. According to the news, we took advantage. Besides, I think that even though that person is powerful, he may not be able to get into that place. "Ye Lin said.

"Yes, that place is too dangerous."

"Okay!" Although Jiang Huo's expression was still a little regretful, it had returned to normal.

"At least we have gained something this time. Now we should find a place to practice first. Obtaining the inheritance of Yin Yang Saint this time proves that we are also lucky people. We will return to the Jiang family after our cultivation breakthrough. Jiang Zeming and Jiang Zefeng Although the person is dead, the enemy is still there and will attack me."

"Yes, strength is the most important thing. Let's leave quickly before anyone comes again."


After Jiang Huo and Ye Lin regained their composure, they also left.

Chen Feng searched Jiang Huo's sea of ​​consciousness and found out some information. He could leave here without the help of two people.

Knowing the way to leave, Chen Feng stopped staying and soon found the teleportation array on the planet.

After taking out some spirit stones and embedding them in the formation, the teleportation started.

Not even a stick of incense could be found in the aristocratic family, so Chen Feng arrived at the Zhoutian World, a life world that existed equally with the Eternal World.

As soon as he entered Zhoutian World, Chen Feng felt the oppressive laws coming from the power of God, and the surrounding space had the power to exclude him.

Chen Feng knew that Zhou Tian's world was ostracizing him as an outsider. If he couldn't figure out a way, he would be squeezed out.

However, Chen Feng just changed his breath a few times at will, and the suppression around him gradually disappeared, and Tianwei also disappeared.

This is a small method in the Book of Immortality. Of course, the main reason is that Chen Feng's realm is not high enough and he is better at hiding.

Even Fairy Liandie has a way to enter the Zhoutian world, let alone a monk like Chen Feng who comes from the immortal world.

"I didn't expect to get the news about Zhoutian Shenquan as soon as I arrived. I originally planned to find a way to go back immediately, but now it seems that I have to delay."

"This is a strange and new world, and I'm a little bit unaccustomed to it."

"But for me, except for the Eternal World, everything else is a brand new world. It's just that I have some fate with the Eternal World. I don't know how it will develop in the future."

Chen Feng's aura was restrained, calm and natural. As he walked in the city, looking at the bustling crowd and feeling the atmosphere of the ancient world, Chen Feng felt that this place seemed to be no different from the eternal world.

However, after a deeper understanding, Chen Feng still realized the difference between the Zhoutian World and the Eternal World.

That is the breath of the origin of the world.

Every living planet and every living world has its own unique atmosphere and power, although they are all born and evolved from the origin of the universe. However, after hundreds of millions of years of training and the fusion of living beings, their respective spiritualities have long been formed.

In Chen Feng's view, the eternal world has a high, vibrant and eternal aura, and it seems to be the longest and most ancient existence in the universe.

The characteristics of the Zhoutian world are even more prominent, that is, the strong power of Zhoutian. Chen Feng even doubted whether there was a Zhoutian divine tree growing in this entire world that penetrated the heaven and earth.

Another thing is that since entering the Zhoutian World, the Zhoutian Tree in the Changsheng Tower has also undergone some changes, becoming more lively and vigorous, as if the wanderer has returned to his hometown, but the speed of absorbing the power of the Zhoutian has indeed accelerated a lot, which is also what makes Chen Feng happy.

"A brand new world, a conflict of concepts, the cleansing of the original power, my cultivation will break through here."

Although he was concerned about the Zhoutian Divine Spring, Chen Feng still wandered around the Zhoutian World, seeing the humanities and geography, and practicing the sects. Unconsciously, three years have passed.

As Chen Feng's cultivation improved, Chen Feng felt that time seemed to be passing faster and faster.

Thinking about other cultivators who have been in seclusion for hundreds or thousands of years, Chen Feng was relieved again.

In these three years, Chen Feng gained a lot. First of all, he had a very clear understanding of the entire Zhoutian World. Just three years of aura cultivation has greatly improved Chen Feng's state of mind.

The further you practice, the harder it is to improve your realm. At this time, after analysis, Chen Feng believed that he could improve his strength to the level of a top-level human immortal in one breath.

The second is that the Zhoutian tree has grown ten times faster than in the Eternal World in the past three years. The whole Zhoutian tree is more luxuriant and full of Zhoutian spiritual fruits.

However, Chen Feng is still not satisfied. Although the Zhoutian tree is now 3,330 feet tall and has a tree age of 33,330 years, Chen Feng knows that the Zhoutian tree is still in the seedling stage at this time, and it is not even a little bit away from the Zhoutian God Tree that Chen Feng knows in rumors.

However, looking at the Zhoutian spiritual fruits growing between the branches, Chen Feng is still somewhat relieved.

Chen Feng's goal is to accelerate the Zhoutian tree to 30,000 feet in a short period of time, which will be of great help to his own practice.

If it can become a Zhoutian God Tree, it will be easy to evolve a world. Chen Feng even doubts whether this Zhoutian World is evolved from the Zhoutian God Tree.

"It seems that some materials need to be checked."

In addition, Chen Feng's Zhoutian Compass has been promoted to the level of a mid-grade Taoist weapon. Even Chen Feng is very surprised about this, but he also knows that this is the result of the Zhoutian tree and himself in the Zhoutian World.

In just three short years, a low-grade Dao weapon has been upgraded to a medium-grade Dao weapon. This speed is simply terrifying.

Of course, Chen Feng's own Zhoutian domain has also made great progress. He has begun to evolve his own small world, and the Zhoutian Bagua acupoints have also expanded several times. If he fights with cultivators of the same level, Chen Feng is confident that he can suppress a hundred people, or more, with just the Zhoutian domain.

"It's time to find a time to pass the tribulation."

It doesn't matter where to pass the tribulation. The Eternal World, the Zhoutian World, or the starry sky are all the same. For Chen Feng, these places can no longer restrain him.

At this time, Chen Feng was riding on a giant ship. The ship was a thousand feet long and a hundred feet high. The whole ship was made of countless precious metals. It was called a ship, but it was actually a magic weapon.

Even the attack of the holy weapon could not destroy this ship.

Chen Feng has been on the ocean for three days. He traveled tens of millions of miles on this ship.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng also has his own forces in the sea area of ​​the Eternal World, but he has never been so deep, and according to what Chen Feng knows, the sea area of ​​the Zhoutian World seems to exceed that of the Eternal World.

The sea area here seems to be more dangerous. Of course, this is also the reason why Chen Feng does not really understand the Eternal World.

The purpose of Chen Feng's going to sea is also very simple, that is, to find the Zhoutian Divine Spring.

Originally, according to Chen Feng's strength, he could rely on his own strength to cross the sea area, but Chen Feng still boarded the ship after understanding some of the situation.

Because Chen Feng felt that he was not just going to sea to find the Zhoutian Divine Spring, but also a kind of practice, walking around the world, deepening life, and seeing the customs of all parts of the world.

This is also some of the gains Chen Feng has gained in the past three years.

"Brother Chen, you are practicing again." At this time, several cultivators came to Chen Feng, very casually, and seemed to know Chen Feng.

"Haha, yes, I was bored and suddenly had some insights." Chen Feng said with a smile.

These people were also met by Chen Feng in recent days. After chatting, they felt that they were quite speculative. It just so happened that these people seemed to be on the same path as me for the time being, and I didn't want to be too boring along the way, so I had a few contacts with them.

"I wonder if Brother Chen is interested in teaming up with us?" After a casual conversation for a while, one of the monks began to invite Chen Feng.

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