Eternal Existence

Chapter 863 Chaos

"The more dangerous something is, the more valuable it is." Chen Feng nodded. The deep sea ghost just now was indeed nothing to Chen Feng. Maybe it was because of his lack of strength.

"It's just that deep-sea ghosts of this level should not pose a fatal threat to everyone wearing them." Chen Feng's consciousness swept across the ship and found that many monks were indeed killed, but there were also a large number of deep-sea ghosts that were captured or Refining.

But the number of deep sea ghosts is still increasing.

If this consumption continues, the monks on the big ship will definitely be completely exhausted.

"I am the Fire Dragon Taoist from the Haiyun Chamber of Commerce. I request you to take action to defend against the enemy. This time, all losses will be borne by our Haiyun Chamber of Commerce. The cost of the boat trip will be fully refunded." At this time, a powerful wave of spiritual consciousness continued to move back and forth on the big ship. of sweeps.

In fact, needless to say, most of the monks on the ship were already fighting with the deep-sea ghosts who came in. However, the Haiyun Chamber of Commerce was right to do this. It had also opened its mouth to mobilize the passengers on the ship when encountering this kind of situation before.

Of course, there are some people who won't take action.

These people are either strong or weak. One doesn't care about this kind of scene, and the other avoids the danger in front of him.

"It's really unlucky. I didn't expect us to take action in the end."

"We are originally going to go out to sea for adventure, so this is nothing. Just treat it as an experience and training."

"It's not that simple. There are several top-level immortals on this ship of the Haiyun Chamber of Commerce, but they still can't control the scene in front of us. We are just middle-level immortals, and we will die if we do anything."

"If you don't take action and the ship is broken, it's still not death."

"It doesn't matter if the ship breaks down. What I care about are the ghosts in the deep sea. Those are the most dangerous ones. Maybe some people have been taken away, but we won't be able to tell."

"In this case, let's take action. If we join forces as a group, we should be able to hunt down some water monsters and deep sea ghosts."

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

As the monks on the ship joined the battle, the occupation became more chaotic. At first, some people were able to capture the ghosts of the deep sea by some means, which was not easy.


Finally, the barrier of the big ship was shattered, and water monsters with strange and vicious shapes rushed in. These water monsters were all bloodthirsty, and the purpose of attacking the big ship was to plunder and devour.

All the monks of the Haiyun Chamber of Commerce have already joined the war, and by the time the barrier was broken, they had already used the Internet for a quarter. This also made the monks of the Haiyun Chamber of Commerce a little nervous and panicked. They had already begun to call for help and contacted nearby monks to come to help. .

Anyone who can fly alone here must be a master among masters. If you can do it alone, you can solve the problem at hand.

However, under normal circumstances, the chance of being rescued on the vast ocean is very small.

"The water demon has come in, everyone, be careful." Sun Ming and others quickly formed a defensive formation in large numbers. The four of them had good cultivation, but it was not the time to be in the limelight. Defense was the most reasonable under the chaotic situation in front of them.

And Chen Feng had already stood up, because a huge water demon had already rushed towards Chen Feng.

This water demon's scales stood up like a knife, and there was a long spike on the top of its head. It was as slender as a swordfish. It flew extremely fast and was in front of Chen Feng in an instant.


Chen Feng waved his hand and firmly grasped the water demon.

"The attack power is very strong. If you keep the distance, it will be stronger. It is equivalent to the strength of the first-level demon king." Chen Feng instantly judged the strength of this water demon.

Then Chen Feng waved his hand, and the water monster flew away, and two more water monsters were killed during the flight.


As soon as the soul power was released and retracted, Chen Feng felt that there were more than 100,000 water demons around the hull. Even he couldn't tell how many there were in the deep sea. He only had one feeling, that was, there were many.

"Most of them are at the level of demon kings. With so many demon kings appearing together, they are much more powerful than my Donglong Island. However, the monks on the ship in front of me are in trouble."


The attack came again. It was a thick tentacle covered with sharp barbs and a pungent fishy smell. Chen Feng did not grab it with his hands, but waved his hand. The sword energy flashed past and the tentacle was cut off. , the severed tentacles immediately began to wither and shrink under the corrosion of Chen Feng's sword light, and quickly dissipated.

This sword light contains a trace of bloodthirsty power and fire power.

After cutting off the tentacle, it seemed to anger the main body, and then the huge water demon finally appeared. The densely packed tentacles of this water demon kept waving. Each tentacle could extend for thousands of meters, facing dozens of people at the same time. Hundreds of people attacked.

It is a giant-like existence.

"Top Demon King, interesting." Chen Feng waved his hand, the flame energy condensed into a knife, and cut off another tentacle.

To deal with these water monsters, it is best to use fire-based secret techniques. Of course, water-based secret techniques are also good, but they must be practiced to an extremely high level, so high that they must surpass these water monsters.


Two more tentacles attacked Chen Feng. One tentacle shot out streams of poisonous water, and the other tentacle wrapped around him in circles, trying to cover Chen Feng in it.


Chen Feng moved his steps and disappeared on the spot.


The thick tentacles hit the hull, causing the entire ship to shake violently.

"Brother Chen, do you want help?" Sun Ming called.

"Thank you, I can handle it." Chen Feng smiled, thinking to himself that this person is quite good, and he can help if there is any trouble.

This water demon had already killed several monks, but it hit a snag with Chen Feng, so it had to use more power to deal with Chen Feng.

But at this time, a round of fire bloomed in the air and hit the giant water demon heavily. Under the burning charcoal, the octopus-like water demon immediately screamed, and water flow spurted out, finally extinguishing the fire.


A monk in white clothes was holding a strange fire magic weapon floating in the air.

"The top human immortal has taken action. I wonder where it came from?" Chen Feng secretly thought. With a wave of his hand, the Sword of Eternal Life appeared in his hand. He slashed out three swords in a row, and the three water monsters were split into two halves.

At this time, the Sword of Immortality is already regarded as the best holy weapon. It is an immortal weapon condensed by Chen Feng using the weapon condensation technique in the Immortal Scripture. If we really talk about it, these immortal weapons are the most closely related to Chen Feng. After all, they have been since From the beginning, it was condensed from my own strength.

Chen Feng didn't want to reveal too much of his strength. The Changsheng Sword was not a Taoist weapon, and it was quite satisfactory in many chaotic scenes.

"According to this situation, even if we can rush out, we will suffer heavy losses."

"It's boring anyway, so just stay here. It's still some distance away from the island anyway." Chen Feng held the longevity sword in his hand and seemed to be walking simply. In fact, his figure was constantly erratic. Every time he made a move, there would be something. A water monster was killed.

Of course, during the killing process, there were also two deep sea ghosts Chen Feng captured.

Although Chen Feng was not showy, the number of water monsters he killed exceeded the number that Sun Ming and others killed together.


A monk who was close to Chen Feng suddenly launched an attack on Chen Feng. This man used a square steel whip covered with flashing thunder flowers. He swung it with fierce force, trying to kill Chen Feng in one fell swoop. Kill.

Facing the attack of the human monk, Chen Feng was not surprised at all. Instead, he took a slight step and reached a hundred meters away, causing the opponent's attack to miss. Then he waved his hand gently, and the sword was lifted in the gentle breeze. The light crossed a hundred meters and easily killed the monk.

Then a deep sea ghost emerged from the man's body and was caught by Chen Feng before he could escape.

"Compared to the ferocious water monsters outside, these elusive things are the most dangerous." Chen Feng said, and black light began to flow in his eyes. This time, the world in Chen Feng's eyes immediately became different. Wherever he looked, no matter where he looked, Whether it was the water demon or the human monk, or the magic weapons that everyone activated, they were all invisible under Chen Feng's dark eyes.

On the surface, it was a monk fighting, but in Chen Feng's eyes, he could see the ghosts of the deep sea hidden in the bodies of some monks.

"There are so many." Chen Feng moved and arrived in front of a human monk. He swung the long sword in his hand with thunder and lightning. This time, the sword's intention was the power of thunder and lightning.


This man was cut in half directly.

"What are you doing? Take action. This guy must have been taken away by the ghost of the deep sea." The companions of the monk who was killed by Chen Feng were all furious, and they actually gathered around to take action.

Chen Feng waved his hand, and a deep sea ghost was caught in his hand. He ignored these people, turned around and left, and continued to hunt other deep sea ghosts.

Compared with the strange water monsters rushing in from the deep sea, it is obvious that Chen Feng is more interested in these deep sea ghosts.

Next, Chen Feng walked like wind and struck like lightning. Deep sea ghosts were constantly found by Chen Feng. Instead of killing these things, Chen Feng suppressed them all in the Tower of Eternal Life.


Finally, this time Chen Feng made a mistake and split a deep-sea ghost into two halves. He watched as the opponent dispersed like energy.

Chen Feng was reluctant to waste it and directly used the Heaven Swallowing Demon Technique to swallow the energy into his body.

There is no need to circulate the true energy, just boil the energy and blood to completely refine and absorb the energy.

"In addition to the power of water and the power of shadow, there is also a strange power, which turns out to be the fusion of two powers. These two powers are the power of darkness and the power of underworld. It seems that this kind of creature should be related to It has something to do with the underworld." Chen Feng understood.

"Perhaps we should go into the seabed to investigate." Chen Feng had this plan in mind, but he did not act immediately. Instead, he waved his hand and a sword energy rotated and shot out. This was the spiral sword energy.

Chen Feng studied the spiral sword energy even more deeply. He could easily penetrate mountains thousands of miles away by spitting out a stream of spiral air.

At this time, Sun Ming and others were surrounded by a long dragon, and they could not come out in conflict. This dragon was a high-level demon king, with a body like a city wall and a breath as powerful as a river. Under the attack, Sun Ming and others joined forces to arrange The defensive formation that came out kept shrinking, and it was about to lose its hold. The result was that it was crushed into pieces by this big monster.

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