Eternal Existence

Chapter 868: Spring Eye

After Chen Feng successfully promoted to a high-level immortal, he practiced on the island for a full month. After his cultivation stabilized, he finally started to go to the sea.

Chen Feng's method was very simple, that is, to find the root of the spring, and then slowly follow the route to find it.

With Chen Feng's cultivation, he could fly into the sky and hide in the ground, and pass through mountains and water, as easily as walking normally. If there were any dangers, they would be various water monsters in the deep sea and some mysterious unknown dangers.

However, if there were no dangers, even Chen Feng himself would think it was impossible to find the Zhoutian Divine Spring. In Chen Feng's opinion. The will of heaven and earth in the Zhoutian world can bless himself with power, and can also gather the power of the heavenly tribulation to pour into his body, but it will definitely not bring the Zhoutian Divine Spring directly to him.

Sometimes you can't be too blatant when you take the back door.

Chen Feng's body was like a ball of nothingness, melting into the ground, and began to go deeper along the island.

With his divine sense unfolding, Chen Feng descended very quickly and soon left the scope of the island, but he did not leave the soil and rocks. He had already descended a thousand feet, but Chen Feng continued to travel, and no seawater penetrated in.

Although this island is not big, it is connected to the seabed and is not a floating island floating on the water.

After descending ten thousand feet in one breath, Chen Feng drilled out of the rock and reached the bottom of the sea.

As soon as Chen Feng entered the water, he felt a heavy and violent force like a mountain descending on him, causing Chen Feng's body to twist slightly.

"Strong water pressure, chaotic power, and the earth energy released from the depths of the earth, only human immortals can come here. Jiang Huo and Ye Lin should have entered the depths of the seabed, but they encountered danger and retreated." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Zhoutian compass enveloped his body. His divine sense fluctuated, and he checked the surrounding situation again and again.

Not long after advancing in the sea, Chen Feng saw a huge dragon lying in a cave. The dragon was sleeping, but the breath emanating from his body proved that it was a high-level demon king.

Although he was sleeping, his breaths caused strong undercurrents in the sea, and even the hard reefs would be shattered in the undercurrents.

"Jiang Huo and Ye Lin stopped here at that time. I don't know if it was their luck or if the dragon didn't want to kill people." Chen Feng said as he hid his body and sneaked forward.

When he approached the dragon, Chen Feng's body shook. At this time, the dragon had opened its eyes. Two golden lights flashed by, leaving two bottomless deep holes on the ground.

This was where Chen Feng had just stood.

Seeing that there was no one in front of him, the dragon was a little confused. The golden light flashed in his eyes and kept sweeping around, and the seawater on the bottom of the sea turned into golden light.

But in the end, the big monster shook his head and lay down again to sleep. Chen Feng did not move and waited for a while before continuing to sneak.

Just behind the dragon, there is a spring. This spring is much larger than the one on the island, and the Zhoutian Divine Spring contained in it is also quite rich. Chen Feng can confirm that there are about ten drops of Zhoutian Divine Spring in this spring with just one look, and it is still growing, but the speed is relatively slow.

First, Chen Feng looked down on this spring, and second, Chen Feng did not want to alert the enemy, because Chen Feng's goal this time was to find the real Zhoutian Divine Spring.

Next, Chen Feng drilled into the ground again and began to sneak in the rocks and soil, constantly descending or sneaking.

Among them, Chen Feng encountered some springs again. Almost all of these springs have the existence of Zhoutian Divine Spring, but each spring is guarded by a very powerful monster.

Chen Feng has not made a move to rob, and he has been moving forward by using the art of concealment.

The monsters he encountered became stronger and stronger, and finally he encountered a water monster at the level of a demon fairy. Chen Feng used his body skills to the extreme, and felt that his mind was about to break.

"No wonder so many springs here have been preserved until now. First of all, this is the territory of water monsters, and the water monsters guarding the springs are too powerful. Even if the earth immortals come, they will die." Chen Feng was secretly surprised.

Just as Chen Feng continued to move forward, there was a sudden wave from above. Chen Feng stopped immediately, hiding his body in another layer of space. With a flash of his consciousness, he found that two cultivators were surrounded by several water monsters.

These two cultivators were both earth immortals. They must have discovered the existence of Zhoutian Divine Spring when they came here, but they revealed their whereabouts and were besieged by a group of water monsters.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this time, several water monsters with strong breath flashed past Chen Feng. These water monsters were lower and more powerful.

Under the siege, the two earth immortals were beaten to death, and then these water monsters returned to their old nest and crouched again.

This action looks very skillful.

During this period, Chen Feng did not take action to collect these springs. First, Chen Feng did not like them, and second, Chen Feng did not want to alert the water monsters in advance.

Being besieged by so many water monsters, including so many demon fairies, is not a good thing.

"If Jiang Huo and the others come to this place, they will die."

"If the Zhoutian Divine Spring is guarded by the Demon King, today will be exciting."

Soon Chen Feng found a spring. This time Chen Feng stopped and looked directly at the spring in the distance.

This spring can be called a spiritual spring. The spring is ten feet in radius. There are eight colors of light flashing between the shaking spring water, giving people a psychedelic feeling.

Chen Feng immediately knew that the Zhoutian Divine Spring in this spring had reached a certain concentration.

Not far from the spring, there is a small mountain-like water demon lying down. This water demon seems to be sleeping, but it is actually practicing. This water demon seems to be practicing a kind of breathing and breathing technique. The water demon in the spring The spiritual spring was continuously released and then absorbed into the body by the water demon.

Every time it is absorbed, a burst of colored light will spurt out from the spring and enter the water demon's body.

This water demon is a demon immortal, the first level of earth immortal.

If Chen Feng used his magic weapon, he could defeat the opponent in an instant and then collect the spring, but Chen Feng still held back and did not take action.

The further you go down, the better the quality of the springs you encounter. The luster of the spiritual springs you encounter later has a luster like crystal diamonds.

Chen Feng was completely attracted, and even the eight Zhoutian acupoints in his body began to stir, and he wanted to go forward and swallow all these spiritual springs into his body.

Even the Zhou Tianshu in the Eternal Life Tower began to shake, constantly sending out waves of longing thoughts like Chen Feng.

"Hold on, hold on, I haven't found the big guy yet."

Chen Feng's goal is the core spring.

The monsters he encountered were becoming more and more powerful, and Chen Feng did not even dare to release his consciousness, for fear of alarming the other party.

Chen Feng relied on his perfect concealment skills and longevity steps to continuously pass through the territory of the monsters, but in the end Chen Feng stopped.

Because Chen Feng could no longer move forward, four water monsters suddenly appeared in front of him. These four water monsters were all in the realm of middle-level earth immortals. Their powerful aura shrouded the surroundings, and the aura formed formed a barrier. The boundary is so big that it completely blocks Chen Feng's path forward. He cannot sneak in, he can only break through forcefully. Once he breaks through forcefully, he will alert the opponent.

This was the reason why Chen Feng stopped. It wasn't that the other party discovered Chen Feng.

There is a spring in the center of these four water monsters. This spring is not too big, but at first glance it looks like a bright gem. As for the power of Zhoutian contained in it, Chen Feng is ready to move. Chen Feng can only tell Use some strength to suppress the boiling of Qi and blood in the body and the eight Zhoutian points.

"The other party actually arranged a barrier, which is a bit difficult now." Chen Feng frowned.

Four demon immortals in the middle-level earthly immortal realm can fight one on one. Chen Feng has been promoted to a high-level human immortal through the tribulation. His cultivation level has skyrocketed. He can fight one against two. Even against four, Chen Feng can control his whole body. Retreat, but this will alert the other party, and it will be impossible to find Zhou Tian Shenquan next.

Chen Feng's consciousness was spinning rapidly, and he was constantly coming up with strategies and methods, but none of them succeeded.

Besides, even if you succeed and pass this level, more powerful monsters will appear next.

Now that Ta is sleeping, he can't help Chen Feng. He can only let Chen Feng find a way to deal with it.

"It's definitely not possible to attack directly. We have to find a way to lure these four monsters away." Chen Feng thought for a while and finally came up with a way.

Chen Feng's figure shook, and a shadow emerged from Chen Feng's body. After it gradually became clear, it turned out to be exactly the same as Chen Feng.

"It's a pity that I didn't refine the clone, so I can only use this method. I don't know if I can succeed."

This is a method of incarnation outside the body. Chen Feng has never practiced it before, and this is the first time he uses it. It combines the power of reality and reality and the power of yin and yang, plus holding an immortal spear blessed by an immortal weapon. , the combat power has surpassed Chen Feng himself.


Chen Feng and this incarnation acted at the same time. Chen Feng hid behind because there would be a big battle soon.

As for Chen Feng's incarnation, he had already rushed forward openly with a long-life spear in hand.


The longevity spear pierced the opponent's barrier heavily. The longevity spear was blessed by the bone spear. It contained a trace of the power of the underworld weapon, and it was successful as soon as it was shot.


Four demonic beasts shouted at the same time. Three demonic beasts did not move. One demonic beast launched an attack on Chen Feng's incarnation. He opened his mouth and the power of water spread out. Then it quickly grew in size and turned into countless pieces. Bubbles surrounded Chen Feng's avatar from all directions.

Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo!

The long-lived spear stabbed out in succession, exploding all the bubbles, but at the moment when the bubbles exploded, the monster's attack came again.

The dark and glowing claws had arrived in front of Chen Feng's incarnation. At the same time, the other three monsters exhaled a stream of air at the same time, blocking all the escape routes for Chen Feng's incarnation.

Chen Feng's incarnation fell into a situation of being besieged, and it looked a little bad.

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