Eternal Existence

Chapter 872 Walking

"The plane battlefield is too big. Apart from some chaotic energy, there are only two words that can describe this hundred thousand miles, and that is desolation."

"Yes, after so many billions of years of fighting and fighting on the battlefield, blood and energy are growing, and evil thoughts are hidden. Some strange things will definitely be born, such as blood demons, and the most likely to breed evil spirits on the battlefield. Wraiths and other undead creatures.”

"Some can even practice on their own, and the powerful ones can even kill and devour human beings and immortals. All major worlds will send some monks to come in to clean up and destroy these things, and sometimes they will be opened regularly. A large number of monks will come in and take risks just to clean up. On the battlefield, powerful demons will become stronger when they kill devouring monks. I once heard that some blood demons have reached the realm of earthly immortals, but I don’t know if that’s true.”

Chen Feng quickly thought about the situation on the battlefield in front of him.

Of course, there is not only this one-dimensional battlefield in the universe, starry sky, and major worlds, but most of the space battlefields will lead to various worlds.

As for when and how the plane battlefield was formed, no one knows, even the oldest books in the major life worlds have not recorded it.

"It seems that it is not an easy task to find the passage to the eternal world ahead. I wonder if Fairy Love Butterfly used the transmission passage, maybe it is a space crack."

Chen Feng was thinking about things while walking. After walking hundreds of thousands of miles, he finally met some monks.

They are all people from Zhoutian Great World, and these people are hunting the blood demon.

Each blood demon is formed from the power of a ball of blood. The low-level ones only have devouring instincts, while the high-level ones have spiritual intelligence, comparable to human thinking.

Once a blood demon can produce spiritual intelligence, it will not only be limited to swallowing, but also know how to practice. In this way, it will be no different from a real monk, and it will become more and more powerful in the future.

Chen Feng understood that this kind of life that was born due to special reasons, once it embarks on the path of cultivation, is indeed stronger than human beings in some aspects.

The unimportant point is that it is difficult to kill.

For example, if human monks want to cultivate to the point where flesh and blood can be derived and their souls can seize the body, they need to cultivate to an extremely advanced level. Most people have to become earth immortals to achieve this level, but these blood demons are different, even the lowest level. Once a blood demon cannot be completely killed, it can be resurrected with only a drop of blood left.

There were a total of ten monks in front of them. The highest level was a high-level human immortal, and the lowest level was a first-time human immortal. There were no monks in the heavenly realm.

Under normal circumstances, there are more human immortals who enter this place to train, and there are also monks in the heavenly realm, but there are very few, and it requires extremely strong fighting power, or a large number of people join forces to work together.

Usually, a large number of monks from the Heavenly Realm will enter when a war breaks out.

Individual numbers enter, and the survival rate is extremely low in this cruel environment.

These dozen or so monks are hunting the blood demons. Except for some monks who practice special skills, most of the monks kill the blood demons for the purpose of training and exchanging things after going out.

Soon these people killed all the blood demons present, and no one tried to absorb the blood energy left by the blood demons.

"Haha! This time I killed three more blood demons. If I can gain something like this every day, I can upgrade my baby after I go out."

"I can now exchange it for a top-quality heaven-level elixir."

"Happy, happy, happy, there were too few blood demons just now."

"Everyone, please pay attention. It's not very peaceful here. There may be more powerful blood demons appearing." At this time, a leading monk said.

Of course, these people also saw Chen Feng in the distance. They were a little wary at first, but in the end they relaxed when they looked at Chen Feng.

In a place like this, although some creatures such as the Blood Demon are dangerous, sometimes the most dangerous ones are humans.

Maybe someone will stab you in the back.

"What do you call this friend?"

Seeing that Chen Feng had not left here for a long time, these people felt a little strange.

"Chen Feng, from Qi Sect." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It turns out that he is a fellow Taoist from the Qi Sect. Are you interested in joining us?" These people were a little surprised to hear that Chen Feng was from the Qi Sect, but the most surprising thing was that Chen Feng came here alone.

"I like to be alone." Chen Feng shook his head and refused.

After staying in Zhoutian Great World for several years, I already have a general understanding of the situation in Zhoutian Great World. All the monks present come from several famous sects.

Chen Feng doesn't seem to interact too much with these people. Maybe it will be difficult to start the next plane battle.

However, Chen Feng still planned to remind the other party about some things.

"You'd better not go any further, because there are some powerful blood demons ahead." After Chen Feng finished speaking, he nodded and left quickly.

"Tch, isn't he just from the Weapon Sect? There's nothing to be arrogant about. Our Frozen Pavilion is not someone to be trifled with."

"Okay, the other party just doesn't want to be with us. Let's leave here now."

These people did not listen to Chen Feng's advice and continued to move forward. These people had been entering the plane battlefield for some time. Although they encountered some dangers, they dealt with them successfully in the end and even gained a lot of gains. These people did not pay attention to Chen Feng's warning at all, and some only had some disdain and sneer.

Chen Feng's divine consciousness covered tens of thousands of miles, so he naturally knew that these people did not listen to his advice, but he did not say much, but continued to move forward.

At the beginning, Chen Feng had only one purpose when he entered the plane battlefield, which was to find the passage to the eternal world ahead, but after entering, he changed his mind, that is, to capture some creatures here.

Blood demons, demon souls. These things are great tonics for Chen Feng. He can also study them at ordinary times, and have some understanding of some strange powers, which may be inspiring for his own cultivation.

Along the way, Chen Feng has captured several blood demons, and these blood demons are not strong, and they don't even want to devour the blood beads.

If the blood beads want to advance, it is best to devour the creatures condensed by the blood power, but the blood beads are about to advance to the upper-grade Taoist tools, and the required virtual power must be pure and high-level.

These blood demons that don't even have the strength of earth immortals are still too weak for Chen Feng.

The reason why Chen Feng speeded up at this time is because Chen Feng discovered the existence of the demon soul.

Compared with the blood demon, the number of demon souls and vengeful spirits is even rarer, but their strength is also stronger, and their attack methods are also very strange.

They are invisible and silent, and people are caught in the trap without knowing it.

The blood demon is bred by the blood power on the battlefield.

The demon soul is condensed by the soul power that has not completely dissipated after the death of the cultivator, but the conditions for condensing the demon soul are very harsh.

As for the vengeful spirit, it should be the most powerful and perverted thing bred in the plane battlefield.

Ordinary people who have not practiced and died unjustly, coupled with a special and complex condition, will produce a soul body full of resentment, just like what ordinary people say, seeing a ghost, this kind of soul body can even kill cultivators.

And how powerful the vengeful spirits produced after the death of so many highly cultivated cultivators are, this is a very clear thing.

Of course, this kind of thing is difficult to produce, and it can only be bred in a battlefield with sufficient blood evil spirits.

Finally, Chen Feng encountered some powerful blood demons. The weakest of these blood demons have the strength of human immortals, and there are dozens of them surrounding Chen Feng.

That's not all. In Chen Feng's consciousness, blood and energy surged deep underground, and evil spirits filled the air. It seemed that a blood demon was about to break out of the ground.

"The terrain here is quite good. It is actually a spiritual cave that gathers and releases spiritual energy, gathers the power of the Zhoutian, and can also communicate and absorb the power of the earth. No wonder it can gather blood and energy to breed blood demons."

"But I am not very interested in blood demons of this level." Chen Feng said that the two powers of the Zhoutian Fire and the Zhoutian Thunder emanated from his body and condensed into a weapon-like shape, sweeping across the blood demons around him.

Fire and thunder are the guest stars of this kind of evil creature. When Chen Feng launched the attack, the blood demons around him all screamed shrilly. This scream was more shrill than the struggle of hell, which made people feel confused and confused.

This time, Chen Feng was too lazy to collect the blood demons. He just wanted to quickly disperse them because Chen Feng had locked the target, which was a demon soul hidden in the dark.

Dozens of blood demons were quickly killed or injured under Chen Feng's attack, and the rest quickly fled in all directions.

Chen Feng stepped forward and kicked hard, the power drilled into the ground, and it exploded like a volcano underground, several times in a row, and finally, a fist-sized black shadow drilled out from the ground, turned into a black light and fled far away.

"The Great Seal of Immortality." Chen Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the palm power enveloped the surrounding space, and then the space contracted, and the black shadow was caught in his hand.


A strange wave came out from the black shadow and attacked Chen Feng, but it was defeated by Chen Feng's eyes.

"This is the demon soul. The attack just now should be derived from the soul attack. It is indeed unique." Chen Feng nodded, and his consciousness quickly swept across, observing the demon soul back and forth.

Then Chen Feng showed a thoughtful expression.

"So the soul can change like this." Chen Feng nodded. Compared with the complicated flesh, the soul is relatively more mysterious, but this mystery is difficult to observe clearly. It can only be explored and developed little by little as the cultivation level increases. Even the immortals and true immortals dare not say that they have studied the soul thoroughly.

Of course, it is not to say that the flesh is not as important as the soul, but the soul is more ethereal.

"It's a pity that the level is too low."

Chen Feng shook his head and moved forward again. It seemed to have entered a strange area. There were blood demons constantly appearing, and there were soul demons hiding in the dark to attack. Of course, Chen Feng also encountered vengeful spirits.

The creatures of vengeful spirits are indeed more bizarre, and it is difficult to deal with them when the realm is equal.

The vengeful spirit that Chen Feng encountered was only at the level of a mid-level human immortal. The attack it sent was weird and unpredictable, and the power was condensed into a needle. The characteristic was that the attack contained strong resentment, which could affect the mind of the cultivator.

After this kind of thing reaches a certain realm, the general fire and thunder power is not very effective. Only cultivators with high cultivation, or fire and thunder power of higher grades can kill the vengeful spirits and demons.

Chen Feng encountered three vengeful spirits, killed one, captured one, and one escaped. This surprised Chen Feng a little. On the one hand, Chen Feng was careless, and on the other hand, the vengeful spirits were really very strange.


A blood demon quickly grew larger, opened its mouth and swallowed Chen Feng, and the three forces of blood power, soul power, and vengeful power attacked Chen Feng at the same time.


Chen Feng used the big handprint and grabbed fiercely. The blood demon exploded and turned into blood mist. A trace of flame came out from Chen Feng's palm. A demon soul screamed and was burned clean.

Then a black light shot out from Chen Feng's right eye, and the last vengeful spirit was also pierced and turned into nothingness.

"Blood demon, demon soul, vengeful spirit, these three creatures actually united, and their cooperation with each other is perfect tacit understanding, but unfortunately their strength is not enough." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the two blood demons that had just appeared were killed again.

Thousands of miles away from Chen Feng, the group of cultivators just now had been surrounded. These cultivators entered a dangerous place. Hundreds of blood demons surrounded these cultivators, blood qi was growing, blood waves were surging, and more blood demons continued to appear.

There were also demon souls constantly attacking in secret, and a vengeful spirit was commanding in the back. These cultivators had already suffered casualties, and the rest were just struggling to hold on. It was only a matter of time before the whole army was wiped out. It depends on how long these people can hold on.

"These people have good cultivation and strong fighting power, but they just don't have advanced secret techniques and powerful Taoist weapons."

"I shouldn't care about them for not listening to my advice, but these people were born in the Zhoutian World after all. I got so many benefits in the Zhoutian World. It's not a good thing. Now it's just the right time to dispel some of the fate and cause and effect in the dark." Chen Feng just thought about it briefly and took action.

Chen Feng's move was also very simple. The blood-gathering bead drew a blood light in the air, shuttled through thousands of miles of space to the top of these people's heads, and just shook it lightly. Hundreds of blood demons all exploded and turned into blood power, and then were absorbed by the blood-gathering bead.


The blood-gathering bead turned into a red light again, and the next moment it was in Chen Feng's hand.

The blood-gathering bead only killed the blood demon, and the demon soul and the resentful spirit still existed, but in this way, the pressure was reduced by 80%, and these people should be able to survive.

“It should be enough to take the attack this far. I will not care whether these people live or die from now on.” Chen Feng shook his head and started to move. With one step, he could travel a hundred miles and soon disappeared.

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