Eternal Existence

Chapter 874: Finding the Passage

This energy was strong and tenacious, with the attack power to penetrate everything. It quickly penetrated into Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, but it was wiped out by Chen Feng before it could exert its power.

At the same time, Chen Feng also cast a soul-soothing spell, and the invisible wave penetrated into the opponent's fire demon's body.

The soul-soothing spell cast by Chen Feng was several levels higher than the opponent's soul fire attack. After being attacked by Chen Feng, the fire demon trembled violently, and the flames on its body kept flickering, as if it would extinguish and disperse at any time.

The fire fork in his hand could no longer attack.


Chen Feng seized the opportunity and cast another soul-soothing spell. This time the fire demon became a little dull and dazed.


The three spells of soul-refining, soul-condensing, and soul-locking were successively injected into the fire demon's body, and then the fire demon began to expand, and finally exploded with a bang, turning into scattered energy.

Chen Feng opened his mouth and absorbed all this energy. This was a fire demon formed by soul fire, and after swallowing it, it could strengthen its own soul fire.

For Chen Feng, this is a great tonic.

Soon Chen Feng refined and absorbed these scattered energies, and he felt that the soul fire was more vigorous.

Other cultivators can also do this, but it will not be as easy as Chen Feng. After all, Chen Feng has practiced the two kinds of perverted swallowing techniques, the Heaven Devouring Demon Art and the Heaven Devouring Absorption Technique, which can crush the absorbed energy faster and easier, and then absorb it again after refining.

Of course, absorbing too much of this kind of thing will still have some impact on oneself.

Just like now, Chen Feng tasted the sweetness and began to look for fire demons to devour. For Chen Feng, the value of fire demons far exceeds that of other creatures, because the soul power condensed into fire demons can make Chen Feng's cultivation greatly improved.

Finally, after Chen Feng devoured hundreds of fire demons, he finally stopped, because at this time, although Chen Feng's soul fire was very vigorous, 30% more vigorous than before, there were many impurities in it, which had reached Chen Feng's limit.

Only then did he stop and began to condense the true fire over and over again. He condensed it tens of thousands of times, and the impurities in the soul fire were almost completely removed.

Of course, in the process of the next practice, Chen Feng still had to condense the true fire, that is, the soul fire.

After a period of practice, the volume of the soul fire was smaller than needed, but it was purer and more condensed, and the power of life and the power of destruction were also more vigorous.

The power of life is Chen Feng's life force.

The power of destruction is the destructive power of the soul fire.

It is not just the power of life and death.

Next, Chen Feng secretly practiced, and when he encountered the fire demon again, he would capture and suppress it, and occasionally devour one or two during the period.

After all, it takes time and effort to refine and expel the murderous thoughts, evil thoughts and demonic thoughts brought by the fire demon.

"Interesting, interesting, I actually met a cultivator from the weapon sect. Fortunately, I didn't report my name." Chen Feng laughed.

Just before, Chen Feng met three cultivators in a blood demon cave. These three cultivators all had Taoist instruments in their hands, and their cultivation was extraordinary. They were all top human immortals.

The three of them joined forces to kill a large number of blood demons, demon souls and other creatures in the plane battlefield.

Chen Feng came for the fire demon, and there happened to be a group of high-level fire demons here, so Chen Feng went deep into the cave, killing and capturing them wantonly.

Although the three cultivators of the Qi Sect were unhappy, seeing that Chen Feng had a high level of cultivation, they did not step forward to ask questions, but only asked about Chen Feng's origins.

And Chen Feng naturally could not say that he was from the Qi Sect, so he changed his words and said: "Holy Land."

So the three cultivators of the Qi Sect immediately stood in awe and became much more polite.

In the Zhoutian World, the Qi Sect is the top force, and the Holy Land is undoubtedly the top existence.

Other cultivators may be afraid to retreat in the face of the Qi Sect, but they will respect the Holy Land in addition to respect.

The three did not doubt Chen Feng's identity, because the means used by Chen Feng had already subdued the three.

After getting what he needed, Chen Feng left immediately without entanglement with the three.

When Chen Feng stopped again, he was already a million miles away.

The reason why Chen Feng stopped was because someone was fighting here, not with some creatures like the Blood Demon, but both sides were cultivators, from the Zhoutian World and the Eternal World.

There were more than a dozen people on each side, and their strength was evenly matched. It seemed that they had been fighting for a while, and both sides had injuries, but it seemed that they would continue to fight as if they had a blood feud.

Chen Feng only took a glance and immediately understood what was going on.

First, they were two different worlds, and there would be conflicts when they met each other. The second was a corpse not far away.

Seeing this corpse, Chen Feng immediately understood why these people fought so hard.

This turned out to be the corpse of a demon fairy. Although it had been eroded by the years, it still exuded a strong breath of pressure and, and the power of the Great Dao was flowing between the bones.

This was not an ordinary demon fairy, but an existence close to the Demon King.

"The corpse of a demon fairy, a good thing, no wonder these people fought so hard to snatch it, even if they snatched a bone, they could refine it into a magic weapon to increase its power and improve its grade."

"The situation in front of me is a bit strange. Speaking of which, I am also a monk in the Eternal World, but I have also stayed in the Zhoutian World for a while. The most important thing is that I have received the benefits of the Zhoutian World. I am not a last resort. He won’t kill anyone. Hey! Zhoutian Great World must have figured this out, and it seems that they should avoid contact with the monks here during the plane war.”

"But to deal with the situation at hand, we can only use some bad methods."

When Chen Feng said this, he immediately acted. The Eye of the Deep Sea wrapped around him like a huge tornado and swept over him. Sand and rocks flew everywhere it passed, bringing along yellow sand, rocks, and even the space became dark.

Chen Feng was wrapped in the ocean.

He just rushed into the battlefield in the blink of an eye. The power of the top-grade Taoist weapon was still very great. Several monks were swept away in one collision.


"There are still people who are looking for death."

The two parties who were fighting were shocked at first, but immediately became angry when they saw that there was only one person. However, feeling the power of the Eye of the Deep, everyone became wary again.

The best Taoist weapons are not so easy to deal with.

"Let's take action together and deal with this person first."

The monks in the two worlds made up their mind in a short time to deal with this outsider first.

In order to snatch this corpse, the two sides fought for a long time and each other suffered casualties. How could it be snatched away by a third party.

These people also had Taoist weapons in their hands, so they were not unable to block Chen Feng's attack. However, Chen Feng had been prepared for a sudden attack. Unless these people had magical weapons, they would not be able to block Chen Feng's violent impact.

Because Chen Feng also used other magic weapons besides the Eye of the Deep Sea.

The Eye of the Deep Sea swept across and opened a path, and then the water and fire spears swept out,

The water and fire spear is a top-quality Taoist weapon. In terms of attack power, it is not inferior to the Eye of the Deep Sea, or even exceeds it.

Several monks who rushed up to take action were immediately knocked away.

Chen Feng didn't want to kill these people, he just pushed them back. Of course, some injuries were inevitable.

After clearing a path, Chen Feng successfully arrived in front of the corpse of the demon fairy. A wave of waves rolled past, and the corpse reached the spring of the Eye of the Deep Sea.

Then, the Eye of the Deep Sea rolled rapidly, like a dharma wheel between heaven and earth, reaching a hundred thousand miles away in a few flashes.

Just like that, when everyone recovered from Chen Feng's attack, Chen Feng had disappeared. Only a few monks who had been knocked over by Chen Feng got up in embarrassment.



The faces of the monks on both sides were ugly. After all, they were considered top figures in their respective worlds, but they didn't expect that they would suffer such a big loss this time and be taken advantage of by others. What was even more uncomfortable was that everyone didn't even see what the other party looked like. They only saw a whirlpool and a spear, and then even the demon immortal's bones disappeared.

Naturally, the two sides couldn't fight at this time. They looked at each other fiercely and then dispersed. Before the plane war, no one would fight if they didn't fight, especially if they were evenly matched.

No one noticed that in the lineup of Eternal World, there was a trace of hesitation and thinking in the eyes of a monk.

"The huge sea eye seems familiar. I remember that there is a rising star in the Central Plains, the owner of Donglong Island named Chen Feng. He has a deep sea eye magic weapon in his hand, which is also a top-quality Taoist weapon."

"It can't be such a coincidence."

Chen Feng didn't know that someone had recognized him for his actions just now. But Chen Feng wouldn't care even if he knew.

Because this demon immortal's bones are worthy of Chen Feng's snatching.

After receiving the bones, Chen Feng immediately took action. He spent some time and effort to break up all the bones and extract the power of the Great Law contained in them.

In the end, all these things were used by Chen Feng, and the essence of the bones and the power of the law of the great road were integrated into each magic weapon.

Chen Feng even refined some demon fairy blood, which surprised even Chen Feng himself.

Next, Chen Feng stayed in the battlefield outside for nearly a year, and finally found the teleportation array to return to the eternal world.

There was still a small disturbance when using the teleportation array.

Because this teleportation array was guarded by a group of Earth Immortal monks, Chen Feng did not come in through regular channels. He was stopped as soon as he stepped forward. In order to prevent Chen Feng from being a spy sent by Zhoutian Great World, Chen Feng was still to be tortured. review.

This made Chen Feng feel funny. At the same time, he was also a little curious about how Fairy Liandie got through at that time. Maybe it really was through some space cracks.

No matter what Chen Feng explained, it was useless. Two of them wanted to capture Chen Feng, which made Chen Feng almost take action.

Finally, a group of monks sent from the eternal world recognized Chen Feng, and then the matter calmed down.

And Chen Feng also successfully entered the teleportation array.

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