Eternal Existence

Chapter 884 Appearance

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

One cultivator after another flew out of the space channel quickly and continuously. When everyone came to their senses, the cultivators in the square had already stood together.


Some people had already sat down on the ground, looking at this scene in a daze.

In fact, everyone had begun to go from shock to numbness.

Because the more than 200 cultivators who came out were still all human immortals.

Human immortals, still human immortals.

So many human immortals can destroy a large sect.

"Is this going to be a war? No, it seems that these people are not from the Jiuxiao Palace, nor do they look like people from the Taiyi Sect."

"They are definitely not from the Taiyi Sect. If the Taiyi Sect had this kind of power, it would not fall into this situation."

At this time, some people have regained consciousness.

"But in my opinion, the sudden appearance of so many human immortals must be for the war here, but I don't know what the purpose is."

"Look, there are people behind."

After the human immortals came out, the cultivators behind them continued to come in an endless stream. At this time, they were no longer human immortals, but groups of Tianren realm cultivators.

Soon, more than two thousand monks came out of the passage, but the momentum was still endless.

A strong and arrogant aura emanated from these people, and some of them were even bloodthirsty and chaotic.

There were other people waiting to be teleported in the square, but now they retreated under the pressure of these monks who suddenly appeared, and they left the square. Even the soldiers stationed in Wangyou City retreated. These people were too powerful, and the most important thing was that there were many of them.

The number of people teleported exceeded five thousand.

The huge square was completely occupied by these people.

The number of people exceeded ten thousand.

All the forces in Wangyou City were alarmed, but these people did not dare to show up, but just watched in secret, guessing where these people came from.

Fifteen thousand!

Twenty thousand!

At this time, the whole Wangyou City seemed to start shaking, and the aura naturally emitted by these people had covered the sky.

Finally, no more monks appeared from the space channel, the space channel disappeared, and the number of monks in the entire square exceeded twenty thousand.

"Have you noticed how there are so many monsters among these people?"

"It's water monsters. Strange. I don't remember where in our Beiyuan there are so many water monsters. It's really strange."

"You are so stupid. You can find out where these people were teleported from."

"Yes, yes."

"Hey! Why do I think one of them looks familiar?"

"Which one?"

"That one, the young man in the middle wearing light blue clothes."

"Yes, he looks familiar."

"It's Chen Feng. It's Chen Feng."

"Which Chen Feng?"

"Have you forgotten the person who offended Jiuxiao Palace decades ago and was hunted down by Jiuxiao Palace? At that time, we formed a team to look for him."

"I remember it. It was that Chen Feng. Many people died at that time. Fortunately, we were lucky. , without a direct confrontation, otherwise it would be a dead end. "

"I remember Chen Feng seems to be?"

"A disciple of Taiyi Sect."

"Now it's clear, Chen Feng came back this time to rescue Taiyi Sect."

"But how can Chen Feng have such a powerful force?"

"Hey! This is the difference, some people are born to do great things, and we are still ordinary cultivators in a thousand years."

"Hehe, Beiyuan is really in chaos now."

"Yes, Taiyi Sect would not last long and would be destroyed, but now there are suddenly so many powerful cultivators, Jiuxiao Palace is in trouble."

"Humph, Jiuxiao Palace."

"Keep your voice down."

These people were indeed led by Chen Feng. In Chen Feng's plan, the first step is to rush to Beiyuan, and the second step is to contact major chambers of commerce to find out the specific situation in Beiyuan.

These chambers of commerce are generally neutral. As long as Chen Feng is willing to invest, any information can be found out.

After getting the news and understanding the specific situation in Beiyuan, it was a good time to take action. Although there were many cultivators coming this time, they were still incomparable to the millions of disciples of the three sects of Jiuxiao Palace. Therefore, if you want to take action, you must do it at the right point and hit the snake at its weakest point. This is Chen Feng's goal. Of course, with Chen Feng's current strength, he can only do this.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

At this time, four cultivators rushed in from different directions and landed in the square. Their faces were calm, but there was a complex light flashing in their eyes.

These four people are all earth immortals and are the strongest backers of Wangyou City.

"Excuse me, which friend can make the decision?" One of the old men smiled and said.

Although these four people are all earth immortals, their expressions are very kind at this time, without any pretense, and even a little worried.

Due to the limitations of their realm, other cultivators can only see that the strongest of these people is human immortals, but these four earth immortals feel a strong threat, and there are also earth immortals among them.

Even these four people have a faint feeling that some of these immortals in front of them can pose a strong threat to themselves.

Damn! What is going on?

Especially when facing these people directly, the four earthly immortals were shocked again, so shocked that they could not control Lianshan's expression.

The number of immortals in front of them is one thing, but the quality is too high. Any one of them is a top genius in the cultivation world.

The four people even saw that some people have very rare spiritual bodies. Sometimes a large sect will not have even one with some special physiques, but now there are several people at once, no, dozens of people.

"Where did these people come from?"

This is what the four people want to know most.

"Is there anything for the four seniors?" Chen Feng walked out surrounded by the crowd.

"This person's cultivation!"

The four earth immortals hesitated. The aura on Chen Feng was ethereal and far-reaching, making it impossible to judge.

"I don't know where my friend came from. Did he come to our Wangyou City for Chen Feng?" The old man calmed down and asked.

Chen Feng smiled. Although the four people in front of him were earth immortals, they were vulnerable in Chen Feng's eyes. If he took action, Chen Feng would be sure to kill these four people in the shortest time.

However, these four people had no grudges against him, and Chen Feng was not so domineering as to kill people at will.

"Just borrowing the road." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Borrowing the road?"

"We will leave soon. We are not here to fight with Wangyou City. Don't worry."

Chen Feng waved his hand and several immortals flew up and disappeared in an instant.

These people received Chen Feng's order to collect some information.

After hearing Chen Feng's words, the four earth immortals all breathed a sigh of relief.

Until Cheng left Wangyou City with more than 20,000 cultivators, the cultivators of the entire Wangyou City were relieved. The atmosphere just now was too depressing.

After leaving Wangyou City, Chen Feng settled these cultivators and took action first. Chen Feng took out the dark token and quickly located a small secret realm through the token under the activation of mana.


The dark token wrapped Chen Feng and broke through the void and disappeared.

The next moment, Chen Feng entered a small secret realm. This is where Chen Feng's master Xuanhuo Zhenren in Taiyi Sect is.

Chen Feng got the two swords of life and death in this space.

Of course, there are not only Chen Feng's master here, but also several of Chen Feng's earliest subordinates, the Tao brothers, the Demon Sword Knight, the Beast Master, and the Soul-Seizing Cave Master. When these people followed Chen Feng, their cultivation was still very low.

Of course, there is also Ruta.

Thinking about these people, Chen Feng has not seen them for decades, and there is no news.

At this time, Chen Feng's knowledge is naturally not comparable to before, and he is not a kid who has never seen the world before. As soon as he entered the Xiaoqian Secret Realm, Chen Feng immediately noticed some situations that he could not see before.

For example, this is not a simple Xiaoqian Secret Realm, but an immortal weapon, or the internal space of an immortal weapon. Of course, this is a broken immortal weapon. I don’t know how long it has been broken. The internal cave has not been destroyed, and it has evolved into a Xiaoqian Secret Realm-like existence. It can be regarded as a world. There are also various creatures in it, but there are no too powerful creatures. At that time, Chen Feng encountered only big monsters in it.

After entering the space, Chen Feng immediately released the power of the soul. Chen Feng’s strength and soul power at this time can detect a range of about 500,000 miles.

Soon, we found the place where Xuanhuo Zhenren lived before.

"No one!"

Chen Feng was a little surprised, and he immediately set off and soon arrived in front of this residence.

As expected, there was no one.

"It seems that he should have left not long ago."

Chen Feng thought about it and took out the Qianxun mirror to start exploring and restoring. He soon understood what was going on. It turned out that Xuanhuo Zhenren had just left for a few days. Needless to say, it was because of the war that Taiyi Sect was facing.

Just the simplest analysis, Chen Feng could guess that maybe his master was fighting on the battlefield.

"I knew that this old man would participate in the war, as expected, but he must be alive. If something really happens, I will uproot the three palaces of Jiuxiao Palace." When Chen Feng said this, a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Next, Chen Feng quickly changed several locations in Xiaoqian Secret Realm, and finally figured out that this space was only a million miles in radius, which could not be compared with the real big world, but it was comparable to some small life planets.

"In this case, let's act immediately. I hope the old guy is okay." Chen Feng then left this space.

Taiyi Immortal Mountain, Taiyi Sect, the atmosphere at this time is completely different from the past. Cultivators keep appearing and flying around. At first glance, it seems lively, but if you look closely, you will find that this is a solemn and hurried atmosphere.

Because a large number of these cultivators are injured.

The sky of Taiyi Immortal Mountain is gray. If someone has a good eye and a keen sense, they can find that there are battles happening all the time around Taiyi Immortal Mountain, and the scale is also large and small.

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