Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2738: 18 Kings!

Absolute combat power comparable to the high-level Primordial King erupts.

Ye Chen meant a quick battle and a quick decision, so even the origin of the emperor did not hesitate to burn a little bit, so that the emperor's reincarnation body's combat power instantly rose to its peak state.

In this state of the reincarnation of the emperor, Ye Chen asked himself to fear nothing under the emperor.

With a punch, it shattered the body armor of the Primordial King.

With one instruction, the king's battle body of the Primordial King was broken.

With one foot swept, the physical body of the Primordial King exploded, and blood flooded the starry sky.

With one punch and one kick, an ancient king was crushed to pieces.

The power of the reincarnation of the great emperor is undoubtedly evident.

Almost the moment the Primordial King exploded, the superb state of the reincarnation of the great emperor disappeared and returned to its original state.

The origin of the Emperor Dao cannot be burned for a long time, every bit is extremely precious, and it can be retained.

In the end, the Sun King collected the blood and bones of the Primordial King and the King's Heavenly Soul.

A shining sky appeared on his body, which could almost replace the sun in the sky, burning the infinite sun fire, and the breath began to float, becoming stronger again.

Several people can feel that the Sun King today is more than a bit stronger than when he first appeared.

Obviously, the twelve primordial kings were not only suppressed by the sun king, they were probably still being refined by him, making their cultivation level continuously improved and closer to the peak period of the year.

"The Sun King, how about it, can you return to the pinnacle of the year?"

King Jiantian asked.

The reincarnation body of the great emperor and the king of the sky looked at the king of the sun for an instant.

In this situation, only the Sun King completely returned to the realm of the emperor that year, before some might be able to compete with the imminent emperors of the heavens and the immortal kings.

Otherwise, the final result will be that the human race is forced to the extreme and have to use the Supreme Emperor's soldiers, but the consequence will also be the complete destruction of the human race.

Of course, there are also the hole cards of the Unphased King who stayed in Tianwaitian and never passively used them.

"Not yet, there is still some distance." The Sun King shook his head, disappointing everyone.

The Sun King showed a smile: "But don't worry, unless the emperor comes, you can handle it."

Upon hearing this, the other three all showed a touch of surprise.

Boom boom boom boom boom

Soon, another Primordial King arrived, but this time it was not only one person, but a full 18 people.

Eighteen primordial kings arrived, and they all bloomed with power.

Moreover, the eighteen primordial kings who came later were stronger, and with the strength of the primordial king, even the reincarnation of the great emperor felt a strong touch of danger.

Obviously an extremely powerful Primordial King, extraordinary.

"Human Race, release all the Primordial Kings quickly."

The eighteen ancient kings naturally understood everything, and they were also secretly surprised.

Thirteen Primordial Kings came one after another, but apart from Henggu King escaped, the other twelve Primordial Kings were suppressed without exception, which was frightening.

"If we don't let it go."

The reincarnated emperor was indifferent and authentic.

Even the 18 Primordial Kings on the opposite side still seemed very strong and never flinched.

"If you don't let go, you can only make you bear the consequences!"

The eighteen ancient kings were filled with a terrifying pressure far beyond imagination, enough to crush the heavens.

The terrifying 18-stranded king has great power, and it has a full effect on the four ancient kings on the human side.

Among them, the Jiantian King and the Tongtian King changed slightly, because they were incomparable with the suppressed Primordial Kings, and could not bear such a terrifying pressure.

But the King of the Sun took a step forward, and a mighty might slowly rippling away, and it turned out that the infinite coercion of the 18 primordial kings was dissolved into the invisible.

This scene surprised the eighteen ancient kings.

"The Sun King, have you returned to the realm of the emperor?"

Some Primordial kings were surprised, and it seemed that only the emperor could do this step.

"Emperor?" The Sun King shook his head lightly and said: "No, there is still some distance, but the current strength is enough for you."

Boundless sunlight blooms.

Said it is the sunlight, but in fact it is the endless fire of the sun, which directly flooded the infinite starry sky, rushing to the 18 Primordial Kings without distance.

The Sun King is very powerful, and he has to fight against 18 Primordial Kings with his own power.

It is to know the power of the Sun King, but at this moment, many people are still surprised by it, and the Primordial King shouts: "The Sun King, you are not an emperor and dare to single me out, arrogant enough!"

A particularly terrifying king's heavenly majesty appeared in the sky, with a supreme and domineering aura.

The ancient king of the gods!

The clansmen of this emperor clan are extremely powerful, whether it is the **** emperor, the Tai Cang quasi emperor, or the ancient emperor who is now shooting, they are all outstanding in their respective realms!

The Primordial King of the God Emperor Clan looked like a crane with a childlike appearance. He was a rather dignified man. He wore an immortal crown that overwhelmed the heavens. He was covered with silver-white hair like snow. The 12 Primordial Kings who were suppressed were much stronger.

Known as King Taixuan in the world.

According to legend, he was the grandfather of King Tai Cang Zhun.

"The Sun King, I didn't expect to see you again after another era."

King Taixuan glanced at King Sun and spoke slowly.

"Unfortunately, whether it was back then or now, the meeting is still only on the battlefield."

He said a word that surprised everyone, King Taixuan and King Sun have ever met?

However, some ancient kings remembered some old news, which belonged to the previous era, the magnificent and magnificent era.

"But before you talk, solve some people!"

Emperor Taixuan held a magic staff, like the great emperor, the terrifying magic staff engraved with infinite secret patterns rose directly into the storm and turned into a giant pillar with monstrous ~ The mighty, blast down.

This blow directly blasted the reincarnation of the great emperor.

"It is rumored that the body of the holy king who fights against the holy king is unparalleled in the world, and even has fought against the supreme supreme. Today, let this lord feel the so-called power of the so-called holy king!"

Infinite coercion blooms on the scepter, and there are sacred lights emerging.

It was an overwhelming horror, like many Primordial Monarch-level wild beasts and gods rushing out, crushing the sky, annihilating the starry sky, and it was too terrifying.

This blow was far superior to other Primordial Kings, and even if the ordinary Primordial King was hit, he would be hit hard, and even explode his body.

Emperor Taixuan's attack was quick, moving like a thunder, even surpassing the reaction of ordinary Emperor Taikoo. Ye Chen only had time to control the reincarnation of the great emperor and raise his arms to resist.

After a loud noise, the emperor's reincarnation body was blasted off and flew upside down into the deepest part of the starry sky, crashing one after another. I don't know how many stars.

Many star fields are dimmed.

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