Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2747: The follow-up of the unphased king!

PS: Two more in one, no update at midnight tonight!

   "Congratulations, brother, returning to the position of the peak emperor!"

   The great emperor reincarnated with his fists and congratulated him. At this moment, he also stopped burning the origin of the emperor's way, because with the return of the sun emperor, there is no need to do anything like this anymore.

   "Congratulations, Sun Emperor!"

   The ancient kings of the human race also congratulated them.

   That is the emperor, just as the quasi-prince is a great person who really hopes to be above the ancient king.

   The Sun Emperor nodded and smiled, then looked at the Primordial King on the side of the Alliance Army, and said: "Today, I will take the lead in solving this battle."

   The emperor makes a move, who will fight for it!

   The Sun Emperor is obviously going to kill him this time.

  Human race must not be insulted!

   One side of the coalition army was like an enemy at once, and they were all serious about it.

   Even if it is very likely to be defeated, but at this moment, it is never allowed to be swept and defeated.

   But at this moment, the palm that Emperor Sun was about to protrude suddenly retracted, and that steady face also showed a solemn color for the first time since returning to the realm of Emperor.

   "Brother, what's wrong?"

   The reincarnation of the great emperor looked at the sun emperor, slightly surprised.

"somebody is coming."

   Sun Emperor Jundao, with a solemn voice.

"somebody is coming?"

   The other Primordial Kings of the Human Race were slightly surprised, but soon they saw the rear of the Alliance Army, and a figure appeared at some point.

   This figure looks very ordinary, without even the slightest sense of coercion, if it is placed in the crowd, it is absolutely inconspicuous.

However, he appeared so quietly under the eyes of the Primordial King of the Heavens, and appeared behind the Primordial King on the side of the Alliance Army. This is not simple, and it is enough to demonstrate the unfathomable cultivation of ordinary men. .

   is definitely a peerless enemy!

The seemingly ordinary man, with short hair, step by step, came to the Primordial Kings of the Alliance Army. With such a step, the high-ranking Primordial Kings would be respected and vaguely more. It was looking at this ordinary man who suddenly appeared with awe.

   When I saw this scene, suddenly, the ancient kings of the human race changed their colors.

   How could these men who were so awe-inspiring and even awe-inspiring for these Primordial Kings to be ordinary people?

   And since he ignores the emperor's coercion that the sun emperor is spreading, even if it is not full coercion, but even if it only spreads naturally, it is enough to make all the heavens and the primordial kings become discolored and need to bear a great sense of oppression.

   The ordinary man just ignored him, as if there was no pressure, without the slightest pressure.

When he saw this ordinary man, Ye Chen had the feeling of facing the Vast Sky God of War, but in real terms, it was much more unfathomable than the Vast Sky God of War, because he was not facing a quasi-king, and It is a group of primordial kings, even emperors.

   The moment Emperor Sun saw the appearance of this ordinary man, he seemed to have an indelible sigh.

   "Long time no see, Emperor Sun."

   When the ordinary man looked at the Sun Emperor, his raised mouth was filled with a smile, which looked very gentle, but no matter how it looked, it seemed to have an infinite killing intent hidden behind him, about to whizz out.

   This killing intent is like a sea of ​​blood that cannot be resolved.

   This scene made the other Primordial Kings startled slightly.

   "Yeah, Emperor Hong, I didn't expect you to come too, and I am really happy to see you." The Emperor Sun sighed, and the Emperor's pressure on his body was quietly restrained a lot.

   Hearing this, King Jiantian suddenly showed a very solemn look on his face: "I didn't expect Hong Huang, a world-famous figure, to come. Shouldn't he be in the place where the emperor buried everything?"

   Ye Chen is not very familiar with the emperor, but the emperor dared to call himself "emperor", which proves a lot.

   Throughout the ages, the emperor, the emperor, and the immortal have all represented the supreme level. They can stand side by side with the heaven and also represent a recognition of the heaven.

   If it’s just the mundane that doesn’t cultivate the Tao, the heavens will not interfere, but the ascetics are going against the sky and dare to call themselves emperor, and there will be great cause and effect in the dark.

   Therefore, he is not an emperor or a supreme immortal. There are a few people in the world who dare to proclaim themselves emperors, emperors, and immortals.

   He condensed his eyebrows, driving the emperor’s reincarnation body and transmitting the voice: "Senior, who is this Emperor Hong?"

   Sword Heaven King said solemnly: "Emperor Hong is an emperor, a quasi-emperor, and a truly world-renowned powerhouse in Chaos Sea. He is only one step away from proving Dao supreme, not inferior to the emperor."

   "In the last era, that is, the era of mythology, the emperor Hong was no less famous than the emperor of the sun, and they were all true quasi-supreme."

"However, Honghuang was supposed to be the place where the emperor buried everything in the primordial realm, but now it actually appeared in the ancient realm of the ten-day realm. Obviously, there is a supreme who will not hesitate to expend great efforts to bear the great price. send over."

   Regarding this, King Jiantian frowned.

In order for the Sun King to enter the ten-day realm ancient realm, the supreme must pay a certain price, not to mention being a powerful man of the emperor's rank. The block is so large that it is almost equal to the entire ten-day realm ancient world world. Repel.

   You must know that the ten-day realm ancient domain is the world world left by the supreme of the heavens. It has the mark of the supreme of the heavens.

   Therefore, if you want to send an emperor-level hero, the Supreme will have to pay a huge price.

   However, Ye Chen was somber.

   The human race had the absolute upper hand, but now there is an emperor-level Honghuang, and there are more variables.

   "You are too happy too early, because I don't really want to see you."

  The ordinary man called Honghuang is indifferent and authentic, looking cold and ruthless.

   The Sun Emperor was silent for a long time, and suddenly said: "She... is she... okay?"

   When saying this, everyone clearly felt a little...trembling in the voice!

   The invincible Sun Emperor would actually tremble because of this?

   "Hehe, of course she is okay, so I won't bother you as a bastard." Honghuang said indifferently, "In addition, today, I am acting for her. The mistake back then, today you can only apologize with death."


   In an instant, the power of the Emperor Hong grew many times stronger, and he immediately overwhelmed the Primordial Kings of the heavens, and there was another emperor who stood against the Sun Emperor.

   The Emperor Sun did not refute, he appeared very silent, and surprised the emperor's reincarnation, the Emperor Tongtian and others.

   The Sun Emperor could not die like this anyway.

   As if feeling the hope of the people around him, the Sun Emperor looked at them, showing a gentle smile, and said: "Don't worry, I will not die so easily at present."

   Soon he looked at Emperor Hong and said, "Although I did a lot of wrong, I admit this, but I am sorry, I can't die now."

  Honghuang said coldly: "Sun Emperor, whether you can die or not is not your decision, but the emperor!"

   Sun Emperor Jundao: "Emperor Hong, you and I are both emperors. Even though I have just returned to the ranks with the help of Emperor Henggu’s forbidden supernatural powers, you should also understand that it is still not what you can kill."

   "I know." Hong Huangdao, his eyes floated above the sky, the emptiness, and said: "It is for this reason that this time, it is not just me who did it alone, but also her."


   The vast starry sky trembles, and a strong emperor's heavenly majesty blooms, no less than the sun emperor just now, even more powerful.

   Visible to the naked eye, there slowly walked out of an alluring figure, which looked so graceful and extraordinary, like a nine-day profound immortal, high above the sky, not eating the fireworks, and having the supreme will to overwhelm the heavens.

Although she is a majestic and majestic woman, she is full of immaculate celestial glory, but the emperor is unparalleled in the world, strong and powerful, stepping on the lotus step, stepping on the lotus, blooming in the sky with endless visions, with flying fairy presence Dust, with fairy awakening, etc., all are the visions of the mighty heavens.

   Like a supreme immortal descending.

  The female fairy Linchen came to Honghuang's side, with a touch of veil, very noble, and no one in the room had a thought of profanity.

   The Emperor Sun looked at this fairy with a slightly complicated expression: "Fairy at the beginning of the day, even you are here."

   "Fairy at the beginning of the day, it turned out to be her, isn't it rumored to be on the ancient road of the origin of the place where the emperor was buried?"

Among them, the ancient kings of the immortal clan were surprised. The Tianchu Fairy was a prestigious female fairy in the prehistoric immortal world. She had the strongest combat power and entered the ancient path of origin for many thousands of years. The vast immortal world has always only heard of it. The name is unknown, even the ancient kings of the various immortal races have never seen her.

   But I never thought that I would eventually see this immortal female fairy here.

   "The fairy at the beginning of the sky, possessing the supreme immortal posture, is also known as the most promising person in this era. It is rumored that posture can be ranked among the top ten in the entire Chaos Sea.

   Many ancient kings secretly sighed that they were all lofty cosmos overlords. They had seen so many beautiful women throughout their lives, and countless, but Tianchu Fairy could definitely be called a rare and beautiful woman.

   is not only because of her stunning appearance, but also because she is a fairy, with a special temperament that can be added.

Tianchu Fairy ignored the others, just looked at the Sun Emperor, with an indifferent expression, and said: "The Sun Emperor, I didn't expect you to be completely resurrected, and it would not be wasteful for me to rush over from the Desolate Immortal Realm. "

Facing Fairy Tianchu, Emperor Sun was faintly desolate, but soon he recovered his flying look: "Fairy Tianchu, I understand that you want to kill me right away, but I'm sorry, I am not yet Can die."

   Tianchu Fairy said indifferently: "The Sun Emperor, it is not your turn to decide if you die. You abandoned her back then, and I am here today to kill you!"


   Tianchu Fairy blooms with the most powerful and invincible emperor's coercion.

  Xianjun, that is, the emperor, but walking on the path of immortality, so the title is different, but the realm and strength are the same.

   At the same time, the Emperor Hong was also filled with the mighty emperor's coercion, and joined forces with the fairy of the beginning of the sky to force the emperor of the sun.

"And I!"


   At this time, a third emperor appeared, who was also with the Emperor Hong and Fairy Tianchu. In the silver haze formed by the rules of the infinite emperor, his origin was very mysterious, and his life was not revealed.

   The existence of the three emperors simultaneously oppressed the sun emperor.

   Perhaps no one thought that Human Race had reversed the situation, but he didn't expect it to fall immediately.

   On the side of the Terran army, it feels that despair is slowly coming.

   However, the reincarnation of the Great Emperor, King Tongtian, King Jiantian, etc. did not change color, but looked up at the Emperor Sun.

   The Sun Emperor also nodded slightly towards them, looked towards the sky, and said: "It is indeed time to reveal the hole cards left by the Wuxiang King."

At this moment, the Sun Emperor suddenly made a move, and he had thousands of mysterious marks in an instant, and then his handprints changed, and the faint layer of emperor light that appeared on his body suddenly condensed and turned into a faint A few rays of light burst into the sky, passing through the deepest part of the starry sky, reaching the unattainable infinite sky.


   When this majestic emperor light submerged into the outer sky, it was visible to the naked eye, and a huge and broad light curtain suddenly appeared there, vast and boundless, directly covering the entire outer sky.

   This is even more of a magic circle, and there are many secret patterns of the emperor's way, intertwined and crisscrossed.

   A huge supreme coercion is slowly rippling up, slowly spreading away with incomparable supreme power.

   The Primordial Kings on both sides of the starry sky clearly felt this supreme coercion. Even the high-ranking Primordial Kings clearly felt a sense of trembling from the depths of the soul.

   As if a giant dragon was born, standing on nine heavens, looking down at the tiny dusty ants on the earth.

   This feeling is as if facing the unphased king back unphased king left behind! ? "

   In an instant, the primordial kings of the alliance army changed their colors.

   The unphased king, that is the real supreme of a generation, powerfully shocking the world.

   I never thought that he still had a back hand to deal with all this.

   Hong Huang, Tianchu Fairy, and the mysterious third emperor could not help but look solemn.

   Although they are all of the emperor's generation, they are only one step away from the supreme.

   But they all clearly understood how big the gap between the emperor and the supreme was, which was much larger than the gap between the peak of the **** king and the quasi-king.

   After all, it's not that everyone is a stateless emperor, such a superb existence that spans the past and the present, and the realm of the emperor can fight the emperor.

   If a supreme left behind, they would have to pay attention to such emperors.

However, they are all emperors, and they are only one step away from the real supreme realm. They have their own grandeur that is not weaker than the supreme, and they will not shrink back. You have to look at the immortal king, the eternal supreme. What is a hand?


   I saw the emperor-level canopy trembling abruptly, and it was torn open a huge gap, piercing the starry sky and the mysterious sky.

   in a trance, it can be seen that the outer sky is full of chaos and mist, and there is an infinite and terrible chaotic thunder flashing each other, each with a terrible destruction power that makes the Primordial King solemn.

   From this kind of gap, a figure that could be ten thousand feet tall was the first to bear the brunt, walking out slowly, the whole body was still shining with chaotic light, and a majestic might naturally escaped.

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