Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2783: The supreme gift of the guide!

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Super continents seem to be very close, but in fact they can be as far away as a star field.

Ye Chen and the others rushed to the super continent from the stars, and it took some time on the way to actually arrive.

Once it really came, the familiar feeling of the old ten-day realm ancient realm returned, and everyone felt that the heaven and earth avenue was suppressed, unable to display the terrifying ability of destroying the star realm in the starry sky.

Even the magnitude of the suppression was a bit too outrageous, and the laws of great power and supernatural power were suppressed by more than 90%.

"It's terrible suppression, I feel that it's a bit difficult even to break the stars in the sky now." Li Chaotian said, he is the ancestor of one of the four great dynasties of the Ancient Stars, and the God of Three Tribulations.

The dignified Three Tribulations God King, looking at the boundless starry sky, can definitely be called the strongest of a domain, and can even easily destroy a star domain, capable of shocking the world.

But now he clearly felt that the laws of the Great Dao in his body had been suppressed too much. More than 90% of the power was directly suppressed, but suppressed in all aspects.

call out--

At this moment, Li Chaotian made a shot, raising his hand to shoot out a divine light, along with the power of the original source of the God King Dao, rushed into the nine heavens and slashed to a star in the sky.

Li Chaotian is trying to show his abilities in this super continent.


The star was shaken and exploded halfway, but after all it could not be completely shot down, the star fragments were scattered outside the domain.

A dignified generation of **** kings, unexpectedly failed to cut down the stars, and his peerless cultivation was greatly weakened to such a level.

Isn’t it true that the only thing left here is the power of moving mountains and reclaiming the sea?

Ye Chen and the others naturally felt it, frowning.

The suppression of heaven and earth in this supercontinent was far more powerful than the suppression of heaven and earth in the Ten Heaven Realm Ancient Domain.

Especially Ye Chen, who has a keen sense of the suppression of the heavens and the earth, he raised his head and looked towards the sky, and in a daze, he felt a supreme supreme sitting in the sky, exuding the majesty of the supreme, suppressing the heaven and the earth, and suppressing the ten thousand. Tao, infinitely stabilize this world.

Ye Chen said: "This should be the Tenth Heavenly Realm Ancient Realm. You can be sure that there is the suppression of the Supreme Dao left by the Supreme Heavens."

The Supreme Masters of the Heavens once left a trace of the Supreme Avenue brand here. Even if there are not many Supremes, the total of the Supreme Avenue branding of the Supremes of the Heavens is enough to make this most mysterious Tenth Heavenly Realm immortal. Indestructible, it is impossible for the Primordial King to break the supreme suppression, and will even be suppressed to an astonishing level.

Fortunately, Li Chaotian was not able to cut down the stars, but that does not mean that the Human Race Zhutianjiao could not do so.

The weakest are all super **** kings above the seventh heaven, and they are also the supreme arrogance of Dzogchen, far better than ordinary super **** kings. This super continent still has the power to shake the world.

Especially Ye Chen, he believed that as long as he didn't meet the Primordial King, he could walk proudly and cross the world.

Not long after walking, everyone immediately stopped, because they saw a huge stone monument in front of them, like a mountain, towering into the clouds, and writing two big characters-Supreme!


Ye Chen and the others frowned, feeling the faint supremacy of the two words on the stone tablet, and they didn't quite understand.

Isn't this the real Tenth Heaven Realm Ancient Domain yet?


Suddenly, a ray of light rushed out of Ye Chen and the arrogances of the human race, and they sank into the huge stone tablet, and then all the names appeared, and they were exactly the names of Ye Chen and others.

I want to come to this stone monument to a certain extent with the supreme stone monument before entering the false passage.

At the same time, a vague and special wave passed into everyone's hearts.

"The Tenth Heaven Realm Ancient Domain, the Supreme Ancient Domain!"

Everyone knew that this supercontinent was the tenth heavenly realm ancient realm, and it was also called the supreme ancient realm.

Perhaps it is related to the "Supreme" fairy fate, so it is called the "Supreme Ancient Domain"!

At the same time, the huge stone stele inscribed with the word "Supreme" trembled suddenly, and four radiances rushed from it, which fell on Li Chaotian and other four great kings.





Almost in an instant, the aura of the four great **** kings rose steadily, more than doubled, and directly broke into the next realm.

Ye Chen and others immediately understood that this was mostly the supreme gift, because the **** kings of the four great dynasties acted as guides and led them to come here, so the stele felt a sense and made the supreme gift.

Ye Cangqiong sighed: "It really deserves to be the supreme. It can make the four great **** kings rise to a level out of thin air. Now that the realm is reached, as long as they go to cross the calamity, they can become a higher level **** king."

The supreme method is far beyond the imagination of the world, even the emperor, the emperor, and the heirs of the immortal Dao are unimaginable, because it is just astonishing that the four great gods can rise to the next level out of thin air by only leading the way.

At the very least, they are far from able to do this and it is also unimaginable.

After a long time, the four great **** kings had completely digested the supreme bestowed power from the stone tablet, and everyone had at least raised a level. As long as they successfully survived the catastrophe, they could become a higher-level powerful **** king.

And the supreme gift is not only these, there are also some extraordinary insights, which take a long time to gradually digest and turn into your own.

As for whether there are other supreme gifts, Ye Chen and others don't know, nor ask, this is what Li Chaotian and other guides should get.

"The destination is here, you can leave, and I will release the ancient star. Don't worry about that." Ye Chen said to Li Chaotian and other four gods.

The four great kings of Li Chaotian looked at each other, but did not leave immediately. Instead, they bowed to Ye Chen and the others and saluted: "Young adults, the four of us hope to follow you. You are all vying for the supreme. The testers of Xianyuan, time is precious, and there are some mundane things. The four of us were once the masters of the gods. We are relatively familiar with each other and can share and handle tedious things for adults."

The princes of the human race thought about it for a moment, and felt that this statement made sense. It is inevitable that other problems will not arise when you come to this Supreme Ancient Realm. Moreover, you must base yourself on the Supreme Ancient Realm and search for some information about the Supreme Divine Crown. You must understand some secular worlds. Things.

And these things often require some people to help take care of them, and none of the seven supreme arrogances under Ye Chen's follow.

The four great kings might be good candidates.

Ye Chen looked at the four of them and said, "You must also know that it is not only us who are fighting for the "Supreme" fairy fate. There are also many, and they are very powerful. Following us, it is easy to risk your lives. You It’s better to think carefully."

Hearing the easing meaning in Ye Chen's words, the four great **** kings all revealed a touch of surprise. They naturally understood this danger, but crises often coexist with danger and opportunity.

In particular, Ye Chen is a powerful quasi-monarch. The ten-fold emperor’s palace trial has successfully passed through, and the will of the other emperor of the Northern Wilderness hidden under Yun Aotian’s body has been repulsed. It is definitely a strong man. I am afraid that among the trialists who are vying for the "Supreme" fairy fate, they can all be called the most powerful people.

Following this peerless powerhouse, it is easy to get opportunities that are unimaginable at ordinary times, and to get a lot of generous rewards.

This is enough for them to risk their lives and act.

"Please rest assured, young adults, the four of us are willing." Li Chaotian and the four kings hurriedly responded.

"Well, if that's the case, then you can follow us." Ye Chen said, "Naturally, we will not treat you badly. If there are some problems in the cultivating path, we will all point you."

"Thank you young adults." The four great gods and kings said gratefully. Isn't their purpose to hope that young adults can teach them their practice?

"Let's go!"

A group of people quickly sank into the depths of the Supreme Ancient Realm.

It can be seen that this is a prehistoric continent, with many prehistoric ancient beasts living in it, and countless powers, large and small, such as kingdoms and sects. It is very similar to the ten-day realm ancient realm, but relatively speaking, the cultivation of the supreme ancient realm Both appear relatively wild.

Moreover, it can be found that the cultivators of all races in the Supreme Ancient Realm practice in the heavens and undergrounds suppressed by the supreme, their bodies are very powerful, far better than the ordinary cultivators of the same level, so you should not underestimate them.

I even often see some local practitioners of the Supreme Ancient Realm, even without the help of magic power, they can move mountains and seas, which is amazing.

"It is difficult to practice in the heaven and earth under the suppression of the supreme avenue of the heavens, although it is difficult to truly exert the power of the avenue, but the race creatures living in this heaven and earth are destined to be inherently powerful. In a short period of time, he made rapid progress and gained a powerful increase." A strange color flashed across Ye Chen's eyes.

He deeply knows that under long-term suppression, once the suppression is released, the cultivation base will rise in a short period of time.

It can be said that the major races inhabiting the Supreme Ancient Realm, if they reach the outer starry sky, they are afraid that a large group of terrifying powerhouses will be born in a short time.

He looked at the Supreme Ancient Realm thoughtfully, and felt that this place could become a place of sharpening and promote the growth of the descendants of the human race Tianjiao.

As long as it goes through a period of suppression, once it leaves, the cultivation base will be radical.

The supreme ancient realm, vast and boundless, is naturally not smaller than the heavenly ancient realm, and perhaps even more extensive.

Hundreds of nations, thousands of religions ups and downs, prove the terrible of the Supreme Ancient Realm.

However, the terrible suppression of the heaven and earth of the Supreme Ancient Realm meant that the cultivators of this heaven and earth were more inclined to cultivate the physical body, and there were few strong ones who could display the amazing mana.

Ye Chen and others wanted to search for clues to the Supreme Divine Crown in the Supreme Ancient Realm, but soon they changed color.

Because I saw the end of the horizon, there stood a majestic sky pass that stretched for tens of thousands of miles, and it was sent into the deepest part of the starry sky, without seeing the height or the end, as if everlasting.

"The Immortal Pass!"

Everyone was surprised that they discovered the Immortal Pass in the Supreme Ancient Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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