Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2826: 4 Guardian of the Cangyu Continent!

   With absolute strength, Ye Chen stepped on the Avenue of Chaos, with the arrogance of the human race, invincible.

During the period, they also let Abenu, Corpse Devourer, Will, Emperor Wuming and others take action to kill the powerhouses of the four-pole blue world, and they can obtain abundant and pure Dao powers, slowly and powerfully. Self.

   These are the existences constructed by the supreme, containing the majestic power of the great avenue, and even possess a trace of the real supreme power.

   These external forces do not do much harm to them, on the contrary, once they are thoroughly refined, they will even benefit them a lot.

  Because if you can thoroughly comprehend the power of this supreme, you can even feel the realization of the supreme realm to a certain extent.

  Emperor Wushuang, Emperor Wuming, Shenrong and others are all emperor sons and emperors, and have a true supreme heritage, but they used to follow the father of the supreme emperor at a young age and their realm is still shallow. It is difficult to comprehend the power of that supreme.

   is like a mortal cannot understand the holy way of the saint.

  The gap is too big, but nothing can realize the supreme meaning of the Supreme Realm.

  Now, they are all **** kings, and they have walked far away on the path of **** kings, close to the realm of quasi-kings, and naturally they can gradually realize some of the true meanings of the supreme realm.

   Therefore, long-term experience of this kind of supreme power will naturally have great benefits for them to enter the supreme realm in the future.

During the    period, Yuqing also took action to deal with the quasi-monarch powerhouse of the four-pole blue world.

   She is a late-stage quasi-king, and her strength is strong enough to completely crush a quasi-king early and mid-term powerhouse, and fighting, often no more than three hundred rounds, is enough to solve a quasi-king.

   This is still under normal circumstances, under special circumstances, under all the rule of the king, it can even be solved in just ten rounds.

   Using the rule of the king in this way, the loss of power is also great, so under normal circumstances, even the quasi-prince dare not easily use the rule of the king.

   In this way, along the way, Yuqing beheaded three quasi-kings one after another, obtained a large amount of divine power, and even obtained the seventeen king rules.

   After a short while, Ye Chen and others took the lead and rushed to the four-pole Cangyu Continent.

  Naturally, the powerhouses of the Ultimate Ancient Realm and the Supreme Ancient Realm are not to be outdone. They show their amazing strength and rush to the past. Among them, several quasi-monarchs are the strongest Tianjiao.

   They all showed amazing strength, each of them almost fell to the ground.

Even in the face of quasi-monarch-level obstacles, it has not slowed down a bit. On the contrary, it rushed past at an even more alarming speed and directly revealed the methods of pressing the bottom of the box. It can be said that the quasi-kings who are blocking are suffered. Huge impact.


   In the center of the world, on the four-pole Cangyu Continent, the huge figure submerged in the boundless black mist roared up to the sky, with the sound of chains clattering on his body.

   Vaguely, one can see that there are chains of avenues that are constantly dancing with the behemoth figure, collapse and chaos.

   The four Cangyu sacred pillars are exuding powerful sealing power at this moment, rushing to the huge black shadow of the house, sealing and suppressing, making the earth-shattering roar much lower...


   In the center of the world, at the four poles of the Cangyu Continent, a chaotic avenue came across the sky. Ye Chen and others first appeared here.

   Around the four poles of the Cangyu Continent, there are magnificent cities across the sky, guarding this place.

   On the side of the four Cangyu Optimus Pillars, there was also an astonishingly powerful aura, and a full 18 quasi-kings appeared.

   And four of them are at the level of Dzogchen quasi-kings, and the other fourteen are quasi-kings.

   Eighteen supremely powerful quasi-kings surrounded the four polar blue continents, forming an absolute encirclement, and no breakthrough was allowed.

   "The test left by the four supreme beings is really a bit difficult, but there are four Dzogchen quasi-kings, and the others are the late quasi-kings."

   All the arrogances of the human race all smiled bitterly, even if Ye Chen was there, he couldn't deal with the four Dzogchen quasi-kings at the same time no matter how strong he was.

   What's more, it is the late fourteen quasi-kings.

   This lineup, even if the quasi-king is coming, I dare not say that it will be able to pass.

   And the reincarnation of the most powerful emperor is not here.

   Ye Chen said: "Don't worry too much, fighting for the Supreme Secret Realm is never the only people like us. Others will definitely take action. They are here."

   Boom boom boom boom boom--

  At this time, other quasi-king powerhouses from the two ancient worlds rushed in one after another, and they also sensed the number and horror of the quasi-monarchs guarding the four-pole blue continent, all of which were discolored.

   Ye Chen said: "If you want to fight for the supreme divine crown, you must pass through the four-pole blue sacred pillar, otherwise you cannot enter it. I will deal with a Dzogchen quasi-king, and the other three will be dealt with by you."

  Neither the two great ancient worlds have vetoed it, but this is the most feasible method that is worthwhile.

   The five ancient road overlords of the Ultimate Ancient Realm looked at Ye Chen suspiciously: "Can you deal with the Dzogchen quasi-king?"

   Although Ye Chen showed amazing strength not long ago, and even killed the eight quasi-monarchs in seconds, they were all ordinary quasi-monarchs, and they were covered by the chaotic haze. No one could see what happened in it, so he was suspicious.


Ye Hearing that, the five ancient road overlords all took a deep look at Ye Chen, flashes of horror flashes, but they were all decisive, turned and walked towards the other Cangyu sacred pillars. Three Cangyu sacred pillars shot.

   The same is true for the other quasi-monarchs of the two ancient worlds, and they work together.

Ye Chen strode towards a huge pillar of Optimus Sky, where there is a world-class figure that is gazing at the world, revealing a perfect and flawless quasi-king breath, the world is looming, sitting cross-legged, with a **** on his legs. The sword clanks and screams, with infinite sword intentions appearing.

   This is an old man, who looks old, but terrifying. At the very least, the intent to fight is powerful, far surpassing how many strong people do not know.

   This is a Dzogchen quasi-king, and also a kendo quasi-king!

   Behind him, there are three extremely strong men of the late quasi-king.

   A Dzogchen quasi-king, three quasi-kings in the late stage, this is the lineup guarding the Cangyu sacred pillar, it is indeed terrible!

Seeing Ye Chen’s stride, the quasi-swordsman who was headed by the Great Perfection Swordsman glanced at Ye Chen and said indifferently: "Young people, the four-pole Cangyu Continent is suppressed by a generation of demon gods, terrifying, and supreme. Suppress yourself personally and don't let it go, otherwise it will cause great disasters. In the world of disaster, you should leave at the same speed, otherwise it is not for the old men to be merciless."


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