Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 2842: Internal and external troubles!

PS: Sorry, I misunderstood the small outbreak time, not today's fourth watch. Because the editor gave me the exemption from the last channel, it’s in the hand button. You can watch it for free until 0:00 tomorrow night. Well, yes, you can watch it for free. After 0:00 tomorrow night, the exemption will end. I don’t dare to say more about small outbreaks, at least five shifts, you can guarantee...

"Hall Lord, I agree to Elder Ouyang's suggestion to hand over the Supreme God Crown in exchange for the overall stability of the Moon Hall!"

"It is rumored that the fighting sage king is exceptionally talented, and even the part of the immortal body of the past emperor was taken from the eyes of the ancient king. Now even if you hand over the supreme divine crown, you will be able to return in the future!"

"Please also the Lord of the Palace agree with Elder Ouyang's suggestion to hand over the Supreme Divine Crown in exchange for the peace of the Moon Palace!"

"Hall Master, please carefully consider Elder Ouyang's suggestion!"


All of a sudden, many powerful people in the Moon Palace spoke, many of them are the Supreme Heavenly Pride of the Divine King Realm, with extraordinary right to speak, seconding Ouyang Yu.

Hearing, the goddess on the main seat suddenly sank.

Not only her, but also Yi Wu, Chen'er, Yaya, Xiao Chenxi, Qianxun, Sun God, Ye Gucheng and others.

Although Ming Mian sounds like Ouyang Yu is for Yuedian's sake, how can they not be able to hear his intentions in private.

Obviously, this Ouyang Yu had ulterior motives and clearly wanted to take the opportunity to suppress the reputation of the fighting king.

Because the supreme divine crown that Moon Palace has worked so hard to obtain from other ancient road overlords is not owned by the goddess, but it is kept in the Moon Palace. The real purpose is to fight for the Moon Palace Lord who has never met before. The Saint King just vie for it.

This supreme **** crown, even Ouyang Yu, an important powerhouse second only to the quasi-monarch in the moon hall, has never really grasped it, only seen it, and now it is because of this supreme **** crown that makes the moon hall. Facing the catastrophe, Ouyang Yu was naturally dissatisfied.

Many people in the hall were also quite dissatisfied, and their hearts were even more disgusting with the fighting saint king.

Hearing the support of many powerful men in the Moon Palace, the smile on Ouyang Yu's face became even brighter. The whole body was radiant, the Taoist mingled, the divine brilliance alternated, and his body was very sunny and upward: "Jing Ruo, You have to believe in the Fighting Saint King. If the Fighting Saint King is really powerful, none of the three ancient overlords will be placed in your eyes, and they will definitely have the ability to regain the battle from them. Now you only need to hand in the Supreme God Crown. Come out, then the Moon Palace will be preserved, and I believe that he, as the real Lord of the Moon Palace, will also"

"Yes, Elder Ouyang is right. If the fighting sage king is really as powerful as the legend, the three ancient road overlords don't need to be concerned."

"Hallmaster still handed over the Supreme Divine Crown to avoid the catastrophe of the Moon Palace."

"Support Elder Ouyang's decision."


Many of the powerful in the Moon Palace responded to Ouyang Yu's words.

Seeing that almost half of the people responded, many of them were female talents, the smile on Ouyang Yu's face became more and more brilliant.

"Jingruo, what do you think?" Ouyang Yu said, the eyes of the goddess also contained unconcealable fiery meaning.

If it wasn't for the goddess, Yi Wu and others, he would never join the Moon Palace.

You must know that with his strength, the entire ultimate ancient road can be regarded as the top rank under the nine ancient road overlords, even if other ancient road overlords are trying their best to invite to join, he is after the nine ancient road overlords. The peerless arrogant who has the most hope to become a quasi-monarch has won the attention of the ancient road overlords.

But I joined Yuedian in the end because I hoped to pursue the goddess, Yiwu, Chen'er and others. Even if they knew that they had long ago had a husband, and they were still fighting sage kings, this idea has never been extinguished since joining. As time passed, it became more and more blazing.

After all, the female protagonists of the Moon Palace, no matter their appearance, talent, or temperament, are all said to be rare in the past.

At the beginning, even the other ancient road overlords were quite tempted by these moon palace female masters.

If you can get a hand, it will be a great Yanfu.

The current calculations against the Saint King are all for the sake of obtaining these moon palace female masters in the future.

The goddess glanced at him coldly, and immediately made him, the strongest under the quasi-monarch, shiver all over, only to hear the goddess coldly saying: "Elder Ouyang, please call me the lord next time. It's not what you can call, and the Lord of the Palace is not as familiar with you."

"As for those who agree to surrender the Supreme Divine Crown, you can choose to leave the Moon Palace at this time. I, Zhao Jingruo, will not make a difference. After all, you don't need to live and die with my Moon Palace."

"But I can explain that the Moon Palace was founded for the sake of our husbands, and the Supreme Divine Crown was also fought for him. The Supreme Divine Crown cannot be handed over. I would rather die!"

"So whether to go or stay, you'd better make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise you will only be able to live and die with the Moon Palace by that time!"

There was a sudden uproar in the hall, and no one of the many powerful people thought that the goddess would be so powerful. He would rather fight life and death than surrender the supreme **** crown.

Ouyang Yu and many strong contenders all have ugly faces.

Especially Ouyang Yu, he did not expect that the goddess would put aside the relationship in public, making him even more jealous of the fighting king who had never met before.

How can the Fighting Saint King be so enamored that all the goddesses are willing to be so devoted.

"Jing——Hallmaster, are you really going to sacrifice for the fighting saint king who has never contributed a bit to the moon hall?" Ouyang Yu said with an ugly expression.

The goddess, Yi Wu, and Chen'er all showed firmness: "Yes."

Hearing this, the hall was silent.

After a long time, Ouyang Yu shook his sleeves angrily, and said coldly: "Okay, since your Moon Palace is so I will not die for the Supreme God's Crown in vain. Who is willing to follow? I, Ouyang Yu, leave this place of life and death in the Moon Palace together."

Originally, many powerful people in the Moon Palace came with Ouyang Yu, and Ouyang Yu has also been regarded as a first-class wrist in these years. He has gathered many powerful people in the Moon Palace by various means, all in order to accept the Moon Palace in the future. And to prepare.

At this moment, there are naturally many strong people responding to the call.

In the blink of an eye, more than one-fifth of the strong responded.

Seeing this scene, many powerhouses who were loyal to the Moon Palace looked ugly.

Ouyang Yu's sinister intentions have long been revealed.

"Everyone, go with me, don't follow the moon hall because of that fighting saint king. It's not worth it." Ouyang Yu left the hall with a fifth of the strong.

The hall suddenly seemed a little empty.

"Hallmaster, you can't let them leave like this!" Some Yuedian experts looked anxiously at the goddess and other moon hall female owners.

The goddess was expressionless: "It's okay, let them leave. Otherwise, staying here is just a time bomb that explodes at any time for the Moon Palace, so it's better to clear it as soon as possible."

"It's just this way--" Many Yuedian powerhouses are worried. Originally facing the three ancient road overlords, Yuedian was at a disadvantage. Now one-fifth of Yuedian powerhouses have left here. This situation can be described as worse.

"It's okay. With the great formation of the early days of defense, you can still hold on for a while. When Ruoxi leaves the pass, even if the three ancient road overlords come, you can fight." The goddess said.

Then he stood up, his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the ancient temple and see the outside world, saying: "Since they are here, my moon hall can't sit idly by. Go out now and see these three ancient road overlords!"

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