Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3434: People of the year

And when you look carefully, many people suddenly took a breath of cold.

Because Zhu Qiang was shocked to discover that the traces of battle scars on his body escaped, enough to cause thousands of miles of mountains and rivers to collapse at every turn, and endless creatures to be buried.

However, he was covered all over his body, and one could imagine how terribly severe he was injured.

Especially at the center of the eyebrows, there are multiple wounds that penetrate the frontal bones, involving the deepest part of the Niwan Palace, which is a fatal injury.

Such a terrible injury, even the Primordial King will undoubtedly die, and cannot be spared.

I am afraid that the master of the restricted life zone will not be spared the path of perish.

But the man is still alive.

This shows a lot.

An ancient **** king shuddered and said with a trembling: "Have you survived such a terrible Dao injury, how many people in this world can do it, and it's still in this most terrifying Star Market restricted area, is it the master who participated in that year? "

Someone will always guess that, after all, the battle that year was earth-shattering and shocking the ancients and the present, and all participants were at the dominating level.

How many people can there be in this terrible Star Market restricted area, yet so severely injured?


I am afraid it was one of the dominant figures of the year.

Especially the supreme ruler who came from the wasteland back then did not see people in life, and did not see corpses in death.

Inexplicably, everyone was horrified and seemed to understand something.

Could it be--

I saw the wounded mysterious man standing up in the star space.

Silently and silently, all the remaining power scattered here in the restricted area dominates the flesh and blood, the shards of the sky, the forbidden ancient soldiers, the power of dominance, etc., turned into a ray of light and sank into the man's body.

Not to mention the Star Ruins restricted area, that is, the vast starry sky outside the restricted area trembled.

That terrible power of destruction has become a kind of nourishment, turned into a divine power, and is being absorbed by the mysterious man who seems to be the master.

These methods are definitely the most terrifying.

With all the strength being gradually absorbed, all wounds are slowly recovering until they disappear and heal and transform into a complete human form.

It can be seen that he was an absolutely perfect young man, as if taking away all the beauty in the world, no one could match his perfect nature.

The moment he opened his eyes, the starry sky rioted, as if it contained the most terrifying destructive power in the world.

"It's him, it really is him!"

The horrors of the powerful outside the restricted area of ​​the Star Ruins, including the quasi-monarch who had hidden the deepest, were shocked, and the tearing void appeared, staring at all this in horror.

The Battle of Domination even cut out a number of Dominant Gedai figures, and after thirty years, they came back to life again.

Many powerhouses are preparing to spread information to the outside world, and a terrible storm can be expected to sweep across the eight realms of the world.


Suddenly, originating from above the starry sky, on the unattainable highest place, an incomparable terrifying sky thunder fell inexplicably, bombarding the forbidden area of ​​the star market.

Perhaps more importantly, the bombardment was on the former master.

But the terrible sky thunder's range was too vast, and it suddenly penetrated the original Star Ruins restricted area, spread to the outside world, and radiated more than hundreds of millions of miles.

In an instant, before everyone had time to spread the news, they were overwhelmed by the terrifying sea of ​​robbery light and thunder, and then annihilated into ashes.

The dominating mysterious man stands in the light of billions of thunder, allowing the infinite thunder to fall and bombarding himself, which is more like a baptism.

The strange thing is that no matter how terrifying the sky thunder is, it is enough to kill the ordinary king of the ancients, and it can't hurt him.

The whole body is immortal and immortal, but the pores turn into tiny black holes, wantonly swallowing the power of the sky thunder, to directly absorb all the power.

If this scene were to be heard from the outside world, it would be so shocking.


The man yelled, and on his body surface, on that immortal body, there were countless endless Dao pattern marks, like a picture of the sky.

If it is looming, there are one supreme figure after another in manifestation, as if it is branded, and the road map is merged.

Within the body, the mighty power that annihilated the world is blooming, and with the hundreds of millions of taboo sky thunders, it turns into billions of power, colliding with the mysterious sky map.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The most terrifying collision bloomed in the man's body.

Any drop of strength is enough to annihilate the mountains and rivers for thousands of miles, which is extremely terrifying.

However, in any case, it is actually difficult to penetrate the Tao of Heaven.

Even with the help of hundreds of millions of days of thunder.

The horror of the Dao of Heaven is beyond imagination, immortal and immortal.

At this moment, the few life forbidden zones in the Primordial Heaven Realm, the few great masters who were sleeping but did not move after the war of Domination, and even the alien demon who dormant and hide in the deepest part of the Primordial Heaven Realm, at this moment are the deepest by the stars. Was shocked by the fluctuations in the place!

In an instant, there was a ray of light overlooking the broken Star Ruins.

"Hundreds of thousands of heavenly thunders gathered in the sea of ​​robbery light thunder, it is terrible, and it is enough to kill the ordinary king of the ancients!"

"That place is—"

Suddenly, these gazes were all flaring many times, as if the same round of the sky was suspended, and also shocked the Primordial Heaven Realm.

Many strong men were astonished. What happened? These most terrifying masters have gradually recovered.

It’s a pity that the forbidden area of ​​the Star Ruins is above the firmament, and it is also located in the deepest part of the outer starry sky. The strong on the ground of the Primordial Heaven Realm can't see such a distant place from the distance. Only the Primordial King can vaguely feel some.

"Could it be that that person was still alive?"

The taboo masters of several life restricted areas, and the terrifying existence of aliens dormant, are all gushing eyes full of killing intent, and are preparing to shoot.


Suddenly, the sky thunder in the forbidden area of ​​the Star Ruins became more violent, and it was many times flaming in an instant, directly submerging the vast Star Ruins, and also annihilated into ashes, shocking the entire Primordial Heaven Realm.

Faintly, it seems to have touched the most terrifying and supreme taboo power!

With the sound of the taboo-level sky thunder that made the master of the restricted area fall into discoloration, the next moment, the mysterious man disappeared!

It just disappeared without a trace.

The masters of the major life restricted areas and the terrifying monsters of the alien races could not find any trace.

As if unable to sense the man’s breath, the endless sky thunder slowly dissipated...

Eastern Region,

Qianwu Ancient Country Mountains.


The sky curtain was suddenly torn apart severely.

A blood-colored figure fell from the sky, and the chaotic light on his body dissipated.

At this time, on a sunny day with no clouds, endless dark clouds gathered in a sudden, with thunder and flashes.

More terrible thunders continued to fall, bombarding the scarlet figure.

It's just that even if the thunder that can smash the mountains and rivers, it falls on him without any damage, and his body is intact, but it only makes his body appear a little scorched.


With a loud noise, the blood-colored figure crashed into one mountain after another in that area, and finally smashed the earth into a huge pit of thousands of meters before stopping.

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