Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3636: New record

The Dawei Divine Lord is indeed very strong. In less than a moment, he ignited the second star, and he obviously passed the first level. The speed was very fast, but everyone was not surprised.

Dawei Divine Lord possesses such strength.

Soon, the trial stars were continuously illuminated on the star chart. In just half an hour, it was already the eighteenth trial star. The progress was amazing, but everyone was surprised and expected. within.

At this time, Ye Chen also left and entered the trial star road.

It's just that everyone was stunned when they looked at him, but it's just that, they don't think that a person who suddenly appears is qualified to be compared with the invincible king of the quasi-king of the mighty god.

In their eyes, Ye Chen, the latecomer who followed in the footsteps of the mighty divine lord into the trial star road, was nothing more than a trivial person, and they didn’t even know his existence, but had the courage to challenge the trial star. In the end, the only thing that came out was the high-level self-humiliation set off by the mighty god.

As Ye Chen entered the trial star road, a star map also appeared.

Of course, in everyone's eyes, compared to Ye Chen, the mysterious young **** king, he paid more attention to the situation of the great mighty **** master, the little overlord.

On the star chart, the trial stars are lit up, representing the situation of the trial star road.

"The Great Mighty God Lord was the Nine Tribulations God King many years ago. After a hundred years, most of them have completely supplemented their body. At the very least, they will be able to break through 30 trial stars, even thirty-first or thirty-two. "

"No, the mighty God Lord is one of the strongest among the quasi-kings of the Eight Desolate Ancient Realms, even if it has passed 33 trial stars, it is not impossible."

"Yes, the mighty divine lord is very likely to be the divine king of the Great Perfection realm, second only to the quasi-sovereign, and once a full eruption, it is not impossible to break through 33 trial stars."

Many people still have considerable confidence in the power of the mighty God Lord. As the little overlord of Yinghuang, one of the strongest people behind the quasi-monarch today, these forces, looking at the past years, have long been qualified. Break through and compete with others in the ultimate ancient realm.

Even many people think that Dawei Divine Lord was born in the wrong time, because this life is too extraordinary, as if all the prosperous Tianjiao accumulated in several epochs broke out at once.

If you look at the ultimate ancient road in the past, with the aptitude of a mighty god, contending for the ultimate ancient road for a period of time will not be a problem.

It is a pity that the great mighty divine lord has just competed for the ultimate ancient road in this life. There are various ancient road hegemons traversing in front of him, just like the eternal mountain, immovable.

Later, there was a new rise of a peerless Tianjiao, and there was no shortage of Supreme Tianjiao, and even Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao who was comparable to the emperor's emperor and the heir of the fairy dao appeared. He was almost caught in a dilemma.

Soon, the mighty divine lord had reached the twenty-seventh trial star, less than an hour from the beginning, and the speed of breaking through the level was shocking.

Of course, the more difficult it is in the later stage, everyone obviously feels that the speed of the mighty divine lord has slowed down.

Naturally, everyone believes that this is not a big problem for the mighty god.

"Da Mighty God has mainly rushed to the 24th trial star. I am afraid that in the past 100 years, few people can break his record." Someone sighed, and his gaze swept across another star chart. That belonged to Ye Chen. Because of the mighty God Lord, everyone just paid attention to him, but Ye Chen didn't have a few people.

"Still on the first trial star?"

This person frowned. He didn't feel that the mysterious young **** king hiding his chaotic energy could not even pass the first level. Regardless of the **** king, even a half-step **** king could definitely pass the first level.

But why is that mysterious young **** king motionless.

Suddenly, when he saw the second trial star on the star chart lit up, he frowned slightly, not knowing the behavior of the mysterious young **** king, just about to divert his eyes. At this moment, his eyes froze there. Can't help but exclaim: "Impossible!"

This sound alarmed other people, and they looked over and frowned slightly.

It is noisy and impolite on such occasions.

Just about to question, the man pointed to Ye Chen's star map and shouted: "Look at him, his star map..."

"What's wrong with his star map? Is it faster than the mighty God Lord to get through the trial star-I rely on!"

When they saw Ye Chen's star map, everyone was shocked, because the stars on the star map lit up quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In less than an instant, a total of thirty-two trial stars were lit up together, shining brightly, and covering the star map of the mighty god.

Dumbfounded, dumbfounded!

In an instant, rushing thirty-two trial stars?

Right now, only the last trial star is left!

It should be noted that the last trial star belongs to the 33rd heaven, and it is rumored that a quasi-king-level combat power is needed to have hope of passing.

"Could it be that he is a quasi-king?"

"A quasi-monarch-level young overlord of the Eight Desolate Ancient Regions?"

"Tianchen? Dayan? Gash? Odin?"

No one is sure of the true identity of the comer.

There is no doubt that everyone believes that Ye Chen is very likely to be one of the few young hegemons in the contemporary Eight Desolate Ancient Realms, and they are all true quasi-monarch-level existences. Otherwise, how can they even win thirty-two in an instant? Trial the stars.

It's just that the chaos and mist on his body are hidden, and no one can see clearly, who is it?

The young gods who followed the mighty divine lord secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they had not been investigated by the divine sense at the time, otherwise they would have provoked such a quasi-monarch-level young overlord, even if the mighty divine lord is far from an opponent.


Suddenly, the thirty-third trial star on the star chart shined.

Broke through!

And this is just the next moment. After all, everyone in the audience is truly super strong, and the rotation of thousands of thoughts is just a moment.

The Eight Desolate Supreme Palace was shaken, and suddenly thousands of colors bloomed ~ shining on nine days and ten places, shaking the Eight Desolate Ancient Realms.

Shock the world!

Everyone knows that this is a vision of passing the trial star road. Once it passes through, the Eight Desolation Supreme Palace will send out congratulations.

Today, another person has crossed the trial star road and can go to the ultimate ancient realm.

It's just that everyone in the world is curious, who is it that has passed the trial star road?

I have heard that the mighty **** is going to rush, is it he?

However, after passing the 33 trial stars on the trial star road, I heard that it takes a quasi-monarch-level combat power to do it. Could it be that a hundred years have passed, and the mighty divine lord has broken through the limit and reached this step?


With a roar and roar that shook the sky, a shining noble chariot drove up, accompanied by the surging brilliance, bulging the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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