Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3672: God Emperor City, all overlords come together

It can be seen from a distance that the Divine Emperor City is located in the center of Divine Emperor Continent, standing on the nine heavens, majestic and magnificent, much larger than the stars, like an infinite ancient emperor sitting cross-legged, suppressing ten thousand ways.

Anyone approaching can feel the majesty of the great emperor.

If you look at it carefully, you can find that the entire Divine Emperor City is made of stars, and each of them is a great way of stars, which contains the terrifying power of Taoism and is refined to the size of an ordinary stone.

Undoubtedly, this is shocking. It should be how many stars have been used to build such a magnificent God Emperor City, not to mention the fact that it is all composed of avenues and stars, such a God Emperor City, I am afraid that even the emperor will be difficult to break.

What's more, the God Emperor City was left by a generation of giant God Emperors. How could there be no corresponding rules of the Emperor Dao engraved on it, and it also has a pattern of no upper formation, which is better than the average Supreme Emperor City.

"An imperial city left by an eternal giant, as the carrier of the tenth supreme divine crown, is indeed generous, making me more curious, what does the legendary'Ultimate Supreme' mean?"

The Divine Emperor City contains terrible great pressure. Even the Divine King cannot descend into this city. It needs to be teleported over through the domain gate. Only the quasi-monarch level can resist the vast pressure and descend from the sky.

Obviously, this could not be difficult for Ye Chen, and when he arrived, he stepped silently on the streets of God Emperor City.

This city is very prosperous and lively. There are two great ancient realms vying for supremacy, and there are countless outstanding people here, including the local powerhouses of the two ancient realms.

It was only the Qi machine of the Primordial King level, he could feel no less than his hands.

On the street, there are people setting up stalls, and the products on display are all treasures for which the outside world **** their breath. They are rare and priceless.

Looking in the past, there is a powerful Tianjiao here, very powerful, no one is below the level of the **** king, there are outstanding people of the ultimate ancient road, there are also emperors, emperors, and heirs of the fairy dao.

Occasionally, there will be young overlord-level Tianjiaos comparable to Lord Odin and Tianchen.

It can be seen that the traces of the tenth supreme divine crown have attracted the appearance of almost all the talents of the two ancient domains.

The Emperor Tian Temple is the most towering and lofty place in the God Emperor City. It stands in the center of the city and is also the place where the heroes gather.

When the heroes gather together, there are no less than ten of the Primordial Kings, and the majestic King Tianwei continuously surging out of the Emperor Heaven Hall, overflowing everywhere.

Heard that Huangdi, Tianjizi, Goddizi and other two great ancient realm overlord-level beings are all preparing to come and go to the Emperor Tiandian, which seems to have held an unprecedented feast.

Ye Chen felt a little bit interesting, but also quite curious, what kind of feast are the peerless enemies back then?

Without his appearance, will these old people be pleasantly surprised?

He raised a smile and walked over.

In the city of God Emperor, there is a lot of people. I don’t know how many people have come. There are local strong men who belong to the two ancient realms, Tianjiao people who have been killed from the two strongest ancient roads, and local Tianjiao belonging to the two ancient realms. and many more.

Of course, there are more ordinary cultivators who gather in the Divine Emperor City, and they also pay attention to the Juxiong Emperor Heaven Hall.

Naturally, the Emperor Tian Temple holds a feast, and no one is eligible to enter.

It was heard that at least the strength of the Seven Tribulations Divine King was required to be allowed to enter.

Above the city of God Emperor, a ray of brilliance came across the sky, all of them were a quasi-emperor, or the strongest person, or an emperor or daughter, heir of a fairy, or the strongest of the older generation. One hall, magnificent.

Even the Heavenly Dragon or Phoenix at the pinnacle level of the God King is used as a cart beast, and the Primordial King sits on a noble and extraordinary chariot and arrives in the sky and descends to the Emperor Tian Palace.

Those people are all superpowers who are truly famous in the two ancient domains.


The sky of God Emperor City shook, the vacuum exploded, and the majesty of the Emperor City was torn apart. A strong figure descended from the sky, and the crowd was shocked in an instant.

"Emperor Huang!"

"What a strong body, the light of immortality is billions, and the ancient emperor of the Great Wilderness is about to become successful, otherwise there will be no momentum!"

Everyone exclaimed that the one who had descended was Huangdi. It was different from the past. At this moment, he was naked, showing a strong body, as high as one foot tall, burly as a mountain, and flowing ray of immortal light around him, like a desolate ancient god.

Every immortal light is a kind of immortal Dao pattern, condensed.

Under the immortal light, it is clearly visible that his majestic body is so strong and unparalleled, dormant with incomparable power, as if it can crush the sky with a fist and suppress the enemies of the heavens.

This is Huangdi, a primordial emperor who refines his body, and even the overlord of ancient roads, incredibly powerful.

Rumor has it that not only can he shake the Emperor's Immortal Soldier with his bare hands, he can even smash the elementary Emperor's Immortal Soldier, which is terrifying.

At this moment, even if Huang Emperor is restrained, as the ancient road overlord, he has not changed for thousands of years, and he still has a peerless domineering that cannot be ignored.

Looking at Emperor Huang in the distance, Ye Chen squinted his eyes, and after a long time a smile appeared: "Sure enough, it really is..."

Huangdi's mind moved slightly, as if he felt that someone was looking at him, which was different from other gazes. The feeling of this gaze was a little special, but he could not effectively perceive where he was.

Immediately stepped into the emperor palace.

In the city, countless people are paying attention, and there are also many outstanding people who admire it. That is the existence that regards it as a goal.

On the other side, the immortal light is billions, and an immortal prince appeared, and even the immortal prince, not inferior to the desolate emperor, like the arrival of the immortal king, causing the presence to exclaim: "That is the great sage immortal prince."

Over the years, not only the past overlords, but also new overlords have risen.

The great sage fairy prince is one of them, the heir of the fairy prince, who has an incomparable bloodline of the fairy king, and is unparalleled.

His fame later emerged, but he was no less than Huangdi and other old-brand ancient road As soon as the fairy light flashed, the great sage fairy prince also entered the Emperor Tian Temple.


A terrifying and familiar aura appeared, Ye Chen in the city lifted his eyes, looked over, and found a familiar person—the emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty!

Sure enough, the emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty came to the ultimate ancient realm, and he could see that he was very powerful, no less than the overlord-level existence such as Huangdi, Great Sage Immortal Prince, and so on. They were all Primordial Kings.

Moreover, Ye Chen clearly felt how extraordinary the emperor's body was in the early Yuan Dynasty, and his blood was far superior to other ancient road overlords, making the reincarnation body of the emperor in his body also faintly throbbing.

Yes, that is another great emperor's body, from the same source.

Obviously, the emperor at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty also felt that, paused, glanced suspiciously in the city, faintly felt that his body's blood and energy resonated, but unfortunately he did not find out anything...

(End of this chapter)

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