Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3809: Destiny the Great

Destiny the Great, in the earliest period of this epoch, Destiny the Great is the most alien of the ancient universe. He rises up. With unimaginable talent, he swept the strongest geniuses of all kinds of foreign races and became the first foreigner to prove the emperor in this era. .

   When proving that Dao became the emperor, the emperor of Destiny was only in his early years.

   Although it was amazing, not many people cared about it in the early days. After all, this Destiny Great Emperor was just an ancient Great Emperor. During the Emperor Period, he was not an eternal emperor. After proving that becoming an emperor wants to become an eternal tycoon, the hope is not great.

   However, the Destiny the Great is in control of the destiny, and the Destiny's Dao has undergone an amazing transformation in the emperor realm, so that the Destiny the Great will never stop even after proving the Dao to become the emperor. In the middle of the epoch, he became a quasi-giant-level existence.

   Also, he is constantly getting stronger.

It should be understood that the Chaos Sea is not very peaceful, or even chaotic. There will be terrible battles at every turn. Naturally, there will be corresponding supreme battlefields. It is not the mysterious supreme realm, but the supreme that has been opened up by the supreme throughout the ages. battlefield.

   Destiny the Great, once fought on the supreme battlefields of all parties in the Chaos Sea, and achieved a prestigious reputation. More than five supreme people died in his hands.

  Even, he killed a quasi-giant in blood on the battlefield where a prehistoric giant was lost, and thus became completely famous in Chaos Sea, even the old antiques who were not in several epochs knew about it.

   This battle also made Destiny the Great rise in popularity, and he was also known as one of the top quasi-giants.

   It is reported that after returning from the Chaos Sea, the Destiny the Great retreats in order to attack the eternal giants.

   Unexpectedly, he actually appeared today.

   is still a quasi-giant body!

   It's just that, even if the Destiny Great Emperor has never become an eternal giant, his strength is probably much stronger.

   The arrival of the Great Destiny is so powerful that all parties are all concerned.

   "It turned out to be the Emperor Destiny!" In the City of Immortal King, the three supreme immortals verified their identities and confirmed that they were the Emperor of Destiny. Then the galaxy light curtain of the City of Immortal King was opened.

  The immortal realm of the wild and the ancient alien universe are not absolutely unending hostility, otherwise the war would have started long ago.

   Therefore, this time the Chaos Haitianjiao Grand Competition, the alien ancient universe is naturally eligible to participate.

   The city gate opened, and the foreign race was headed by the Destiny Great, and there were a total of seven ancient emperors. Behind them were thirty strongest talents of foreign races.

   There is no doubt that this is a quite shocking lineup, far surpassing the lineup of other Chaos Ancient Universes.

   Many supreme exclaimed, it is indeed the only strongest ancient Chaos universe in the Chaos Sea that can stand against the primordial immortal world, the alien race is really not simple.

   A supreme immortal greeted him personally, and led the supreme foreigners to one of the ‘pan’ halls at the core of the city of Immortal King.

During   , the Emperor Destiny slowed down, and the six foreign emperors behind him did the same, because they saw the Pan Temple in the distance, and the Fighting Saint King was outside the temple, looking at them and facing them.

   "Battle Saint King!"

   The Great Emperor Destiny did not speak, but behind him a foreign emperor coldly shouted and blew up the sky above the Immortal King City, attracting attention from all sides.

   The other five alien emperors also looked over, full of killing intent.

   If it weren't for the prehistoric immortal realm, it was also the city of Pandao Immortal King, they would surely kill it in the first time.

  Furthermore, among the six alien emperors, five of them were the alien emperors who were attacked and seriously injured by Ye Chen in the Chaos Sea outside the border of the universe.

   When we met this time, we were fond of ourselves, and we were extremely jealous!

   Hundreds of millions of creatures in the city were in an uproar. They didn't understand the external news, and naturally they didn't know what the fighting saint king from the ancient universe did. It actually provoked the anger of many ancient emperors of the alien ancient universe.

  The old **** Ye Chen was there, and even greeted them enthusiastically: "Hi, long time no see, how are you guys!"

  Good for you!

   Several foreign emperors want to scold their mothers.

   I don't know the inside story, I really don't know what kind of grievances Ye Chen has with these alien emperors.

   Ye Chen looked at them with a smile, but no one could see that the killing intent in his eyes could almost turn into a heavenly sword, slashing at these alien emperors.

  At this time, the Great Emperor Destiny looked over and said, "You, are the Saint King of Fighting!?"

   His eyes fell on Ye Chen, with strange power that could penetrate everything in the world, manipulate everything, and could not get rid of it, and so did the Supreme.

  The power of destiny!

   No, to be more precise, it is Destiny Dili!

   He who controls the emperor's way of fate can almost control the fate of all life in the world.

In a daze, Ye Chen saw his own future, a blood-stained future. He was alone, invincible, nine heavens and ten earths, and he was crowned with the Chaos Sea. The enemies of the heavens collapsed. The relatives and friends around him withered, leaving him alone. A person.

   The world is invincible, and the world is silent!

   This is his future, his destiny.

   It's just that Ye Chen doesn't believe in the so-called fate, but only believes in himself. He slaps the scene of fate directly with a slap, and his expression is calm: "I am!"

Seeing that Ye Chen could resolve his destiny, Emperor Destiny gave him a slightly surprised look. However, he could not see Ye Chen’s future. Chaos shielded everything, even if he was the absolute ruler of Destiny Emperor. No way.

   Those eyes are more profound, as if they are evolving the destiny of all life, without insight, the Destiny Great said: "It is indeed extraordinary, but you cannot escape your destiny."

  All creatures in the world have their own corresponding destiny.

   is the supreme of all parties, facing the emperor of Destiny, also quite jealous.

  Once the Destiny Emperor is used, the Destiny Great can be described as an invincible existence of the same level ~ Even if the same quasi-giant is the same, there are few people in the world who can get rid of the fate of the Destiny Great.

   Ye Chen smiled: "Really? I also want to know if your destiny can get rid of my chaos. After all, destiny evolved from chaos, but chaos is the ultimate destination of fate."

   He has always believed that I am invincible.

  What destiny is ultimately only evolved from chaos. Chaos is the origin of all ways and the ultimate destination of all ways.

   He doesn't believe in the emperor's way of Destiny, how much effect it has on him.

   was defeated by an army, the destiny of the Great Emperor's expression remained unchanged, and he led the six great aliens and the 30 strongest arrogant talents of the ancient universe to leave.

   Ye Chen smiled and also returned to Pan Sanctuary.

   In the city of Immortal King, a supreme immortal saw that there was no real battle between the two sides.

   is Qing Yuxian, he sincerely hopes that the fighting sage king will have a battle with the alien destiny emperor and others.

   However, it would have been difficult to happen. After all, this is the City of the Immortal King. The Immortal King of Pan Dao had set rules and could not arbitrarily duel, otherwise he would be severely punished. Once the Supreme Immortal was disregarded, he was directly injured and almost killed!

  Pandao Immortal King City is a famous city that never sleeps in the prehistoric immortal world. The Immortal King City is like life. It swallows the light of the heavens in the daytime, the power of the heavens and stars at night, and the sun, moon and stars are swallowed up by the stars.

   At this time, an invitation letter, through some unknown channel, was actually sent to the Pan Temple.

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