Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3857: The ancient road of origin collapsed

Waves of indescribable power of destruction are overflowing from the deepest part of the ancient road of origin.

Extremely vast!

It was caused by the combined attacks of the great giants. The power generated was strong enough to destroy anything in the world, including the ancient chaotic universe, and it was absolutely impossible to withstand the combined attacks of these giants, and it would inevitably explode.

Shocked the world!

An eternal giant is already so scary, let alone so many eternal giants fighting together.


The result was that it broke through the barrier of the Eternal City and turned into a huge wave, acting on the ancient road of origin.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

It seemed that the heavens and the worlds fell from the 33rd heaven, and it seemed that billions of stars were blasted down.

It's like a chaotic ancient universe falling from the sky...

The indescribable force of terror came, and instantly flooded the entire ancient road of origin.

The world has changed, and the road has collapsed!


At this time, the territories of the major giants are emitting a vast light, and it is surprising that the road marks left by the major giants are recovering on their own, protecting their respective giant territories, and they have never suffered a disaster.

At the same time, the various supreme territories have similar imprints of supreme and quasi-giant resurgence.

Moreover, the supreme and quasi-giant who have never traveled to the deepest part of the ancient road of origin personally took action to prop up the majestic canopy and protect all beings.

It's just that the unprecedented extreme fluctuations of terror, recklessly raging the entire ancient road of origin.

It is even more terrifying and amazing than a single eternal giant attack!

At this moment, even if the Origin Ancient Road has been blessed by many supreme, quasi-giant, and eternal giants, it is extremely stable, but it is unbearable and begins to disintegrate.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the vast and boundless ancient road of origin is collapsing. Along the borders of the territories, there are huge and boundless cracks, as if all the borders of all territories are directly broken.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

In the end, the world barrier of the ancient road of origin was cracked open, and it was flooded with endless chaos, which was the ancient chaos that entered from the sea of ​​chaos.

Gradually, it can be seen that the territories of huge giants are constantly breaking away from the ancient road of origin.

Soon it was the territory of the quasi-giant, and finally the territory of the supreme.

Suddenly, the ancient road of origin, which was originally comparable to an ancient chaotic universe, was slowly split into hundreds of pieces.

Each piece is so vast and endless, no less than the primitive world of chaos, breaking away from the ancient road of origin and rushing into the sea of ​​chaos.

Dozens or hundreds of vast territories collided with the Chaos Sea, setting off waves of the Chaos Sea and alarming all parties.

The world is terrifying!

The ancient path of origin that has survived more than one epoch has been opened up, completely broken down.

All the huge territories, under the influence of those waves, gradually separated, the greater the impact they received, and finally they were pushed into the depths of the Chaos Sea at an astonishing speed.

At the same time, on the other side of the ancient road of origin, it is the realm of prehistoric immortality.

The majestic fluctuations are also impacting on the first ancient universe of the Chaos Sea.

It can be said that the impact was extremely huge.


The Primordial Immortal Realm, as the first chaotic ancient universe of the Chaos Sea, the immortal nature of the universe, the walls of the universe are emerging, and the imprints of the Supreme Immortal King, Quasi Immortal King, and Supreme Immortal are emerging, just like ancient and modern heavens. The great immortal kings recovered at the same time.

Vaguely, there are more than hundreds of immortal Dao imprints that have emerged, impressively demonstrating the power of this strongest ancient chaotic universe.

In particular, the immortal king's mark is invincible in ancient and modern times, and it is the imprint left by the immortal ancestor.

Even if it is just a mark of the avenue, it is difficult for the eternal giants to break open. At this moment, it is lifelike, as if the invincible immortal ancestor returned through time and space and descended in this world.

The immortal kings, quasi-immortal kings, and the immortal imprints of all parties surround this immortal ancestor imprint, radiating immeasurable celestial light, and completely resist the waves of the great road that completely disintegrated the ancient road of origin.

However, the entire ancient Chaos Universe was also pushed back, exploding the Chaos Sea, and the waves were magnificent. I don't know how many billions of Chaos Sea waves spread out on top of each other, creating a scene of great visual impact.

In an instant, the entire Chaos Sea was alarmed.

The eternal giants who had not participated in the stage of opening the final ancient road of origin were also awakened from their respective chaotic ancient universes, looking at the deepest part of the ancient road of origin.

At the same time, far in the depths of the Chaos Sea, a huge ancient Chaos universe appeared, exuding shocking energy.

If it is looming, there are a series of extremely terrifying figures emerging, all of them are supreme.

Among them, the heads of the few people are even more terrifying, and they belong to the eternal giants.

Chaos Burial Ground!

Chaos burial ground appeared, headed by several giant emperors, looking at the deepest part of the ancient road of origin.

Their eyes can penetrate everything and see the deepest parts of the ancient road of origin, unmoved.

"The ancient road of origin has all collapsed!"

In the deepest part of the ancient road of origin, the supreme beings could not help but marvel at this scene.

I have to admit that this last heavy pass is indeed fierce unseen in ancient and modern times. So many supreme, quasi-giant, and eternal giants are fighting together, and the horror of power and power. How long has this passed, it is comparable to the origin of a chaotic ancient universe. Disintegrated, split into dozens of hundreds of pieces, and lost in the Chaos Sea.

It can even be seen that the strongest chaotic ancient universe of the Primordial Realm is gradually moving away from here.

This is the power of the giants fighting together, no one can stop it!

"Everyone, don't be distracted, this is the last level."

The major eternal giants are convinced that this is the last magnate pass, even if it is the place of origin, it cannot derive so many lords, let alone derive more eternal giant-level avenue rule projections.

In the deepest part of the ancient road of origin, the giants, quasi-giants, and supreme of the heavens are all attacking more frantically.

Waves of power to destroy everything arbitrarily landed on that unattainable tenth majestic gate ~ The infinite power is madly mighty.

At this time, the escaping power was also not let go by the venerables, and then continued to break into Xiongguan.

It can be seen from the naked eye that Xiongguan couldn't bear it at all. Under the frantic offensive, even if there were many eternal giants, quasi giants, supreme and other large-scale projections, they exploded more than half.

However, the projection of the rules of the road such as the eternal giant, the quasi giant, the supreme realm, etc., was completely down, and took the initiative to attack and guard.

Naturally, the giants on this side of the ancient road of origin also took the initiative to attack, led the venerables, killed them, and broke out more terrible battles.

The first to bear the brunt is the first generation giant-level existence, such as the ancient city lord, the final Yan Xianzun, the fighting saint ancestor, the supreme emperor, the warlord against the sky, and the emperor of longevity.

Ye Chen was naturally involved.

He is confronting a quasi-giant evolved from the rules of the great road.

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