Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3999: God moves

The giants of all parties are all discolored.

The Chaos Emperor is going to become one of the sources of the Blood Chaotic Era!

He is so invincible, even the first generation giants have only one way to perish. If they really become the source of blood chaos, wouldn't everyone be in danger?

Suddenly, many giants felt regretful, and they pushed such an invincible giant to the opposite side, and even became the source of blood chaos.

Once he successfully escaped, he would have a terrible blow to the entire Chaos Sea!


There is only one word, but it is the most terrifying.

Ye Chen attacked, and in a fit of anger, he blasted the three big first-generation giants and nine giants of the foreign race out of the Immortal King's Ancestral Hall and even the Honghuang Ancestral City.

He does not want to destroy this place.

Unwilling to cause great damage to the prehistoric fairy world because of him.

He has a good impression of the primordial immortal world, at least even at this time, he is the enemy of the world, and the immortal kings of the primordial immortal world are willing to defend him and prevent the incitement of foreign races.


An eternal tycoon was blasted into flight, and eternal blood was spilled.

The three first-generation giants of the alien race were also uncomfortable, their figures flashed back, and they retreated hundreds of millions of miles away, not even in the center of the core fairy world.

Each Immortal King Territory is full of immortal king formations engraved by the Supreme Immortal King. At this moment, they are fully recovered and resist the aftermath of the eternal war.

Otherwise, once these levels fight, the aftermath alone is enough to cause the vast fairyland to collapse directly, and the infinite creatures will turn into fly ash.

However, it is true that Ye Chen cannot be completely invincible. The moment he collided with the twelve giants, he was indeed traumatized by the other party, his shoulders exploded, and drops of chaotic holy blood were shining with bright chaotic light.

Of course, as far as he was concerned, it was not a problem, the strong vitality was reflected, and the injury was instantly restored.

Ye Chen was tempted to use the Heavenly Desolate Euphorbia, a world-class soldier, to bless the power of the attack, but suddenly, his expression changed drastically.

Because it can be seen through the Immortal King Dharma body that sits at Pangu Pass, the Alien Ancient Universe suddenly made a big move, and many eternal giants came out together, and even the first generation giants took the lead. They chose to attack the Pangu Universe at this moment.

"Foreign race, you are waiting to die!"

Ye Chen roared. After becoming a giant of the ages, he rarely showed such an angry look, but now that the aliens participate in the ages meeting, it is obviously not a sudden participation, but a premeditated plan.

What is necessary is to make him powerless to take care of!

Immediately, Ye Chen couldn't care too much, and he had to rush to Pangu universe.

However, Hongtian ruler and other first-generation giants of foreign races would let Ye Chen return like this, and sneered: "Fighting Saint King, don't think about it, stay here obediently, maybe you can still be a survivor. But watched Pangu. I really want to know how it feels like the collapse of the universe."

They intercepted directly between Ye Chen and Pangu Universe, and the eternal Taoist soldiers flew out, filled with the eternal and immortal majestic machine, sweeping the sky.

Ye Chen was furious, and squeezed his fist-marks and struck out, bursting out with the brilliant power of destruction, smashing the eternal Taoist soldiers of the first generation giants, and blooming the light of clank.

Although one-on-one, the first generation giants are not Ye Chen’s opponents, but the opponents are the three original giants, including the Lord of Hongtian, the Lord of Great Hong, and the Lord of the Sky, and they have fully recovered the eternal soldiers. The three were in one, and when Ye Chen was smashed head-on, they were evenly matched.

Here, the primordial immortal realm was shaken, a chaotic emperor, and three first-generation giants fought fiercely, and the entire celestial realm was far and wide and could destroy all living beings.

Even the existence of the sleeping Immortal Venerable was shocked, and they recovered one by one, releasing the power of the Immortal Venerable, and maintaining the stability of the prehistoric fairy world.

The primordial immortal world has the imprint of the great avenues of the immortal kings, all of which are to revive and bless the immortal world, and it is also to shelter the immortal world and resist the aftermath of the war.


In the rear, the nine eternal giants smashed Ye Chen at the same time, and the eternal light swept down, with monstrous majesty, shattered and annihilated, which was extremely shocking.

Ye Chen coughed up blood, his back exploded, blood dripping, this was an absolute kill.

Whether it is the three big aliens of the first generation or the nine eternal giants, the combined force of either party is enough to counter him. Now the cooperation between the two parties is even more terrifying.

Here, in the Palace of the Immortal King's Ancestor, many immortal kings stood up and rushed over to help Ye Chen.

The same goes for the Final Yan Xianzun and the Eternal City Lord. The two first-generation giants are about to leave the prehistoric city.

How do you know that a few first-generation giants stood up, blocked their way, and said indifferently: "Two fellow Taoists, it is not suitable to interfere in this matter, please go back."

The expressions of Zun Yan Xianzun and Eternal City Lord changed slightly, as if these first-generation giants were all on the side of the alien race, and the current situation was very unfavorable for Ye Chen.

Finally, Immortal Venerable Yan said with a solemn expression: "Friends of Taoism, this time I will host the Eternal Fairy World Conference. If there is a big battle, how can I ignore it? Please let me go."

The other side said: "The fundamental purpose of the Eternal Conference is to quell the blood chaos. Today, the best way is to kill the Chaos Emperor. As long as the Taoist friends of the ancient universe of the alien race succeed, the blood stained era will naturally end, and there will be no blood. The source of chaos is the best for everyone."

Finally, Yan Xianzun and others' expressions sank.

At this time, the **** emperor stood up and said coldly: "The foreign race is as shameless as ever. This seat can't pass it."

An early-generation giant also intercepted the **** emperor and said, "God emperor, please think twice before you act. Don't leave a great disaster to your mother realm ancient universe by helping Chaos Emperor."

The divine emperor narrowed his eyes, shooting out a ray of extremely dangerous light, which seemed to shatter the years, and said: "Are you threatening this seat?"

This first-generation giant is awe-inspiring, knowing that the **** emperor is an extraordinary generation, and can even defeat the first generation giant, extremely tyrannical but at this time he still said: "Don't dare to threaten the **** emperor, but it is not suitable for the **** emperor. If you personally intervened, the fellow daoists of the ancient universe of the alien race had spoken, and if the **** emperor spoke, the ancient universe of the alien race would be angry."

The threat of the alien ancient universe is extremely great, and few people in the chaos sea dare to ignore it.

There can be several chaotic ancient universes that were perished by alien ancient universes.

Shidai is also known as one of the biggest black hands in history.

As a result, the emperor capital of the same name was trapped on a tributary of the Long River for an epoch, and it has never returned, which is evident.

Now, the reason why the giants of all parties are targeting Ye Chen, hoping that he will dictate himself, and even many people come forward together, in the final analysis, it is only because of the terrifying and extreme influence of the alien ancient universe.

Otherwise, how could these eternal giants easily stand on the opposite side of Ye Chen, who is now the Chaos Emperor Chaos Sea.

The corner of the **** emperor’s mouth raised a radian, and his sharp edge was revealed: "Alien? When have you been afraid of this seat?"

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