Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4015: Emperor Hantian

| |  -> ->   "Little Chenzi!"

   Yandi said anxiously, he could see that Ye Chen's situation was quite critical, and it would not be an exaggeration to call it a lifetime.

   "Don't come, I can do it alone."

   Ye Chen prevented everyone from coming to support.

   He struggled alone with the three and a half-step overlords of the alien race, and he was inextricably killed. He killed all the way on the long river of years, and the blood thunder was smashed. Various visions appeared, and even all kinds of time fragments from the past and present are flying around.

   What is even more terrifying is that the battle at this level, and even the infinite creatures that can kill the Chaos Sea in the current world have become phantoms, as if amazing changes are taking place in the past, present, and future.

   "Continue, it is very possible to change the past that has occurred, derive a past that has never appeared, change the ancient and modern future, and cause the most terrible cause and effect."

   There are the first generation giants with a solemn expression, changing the established past, and if everything is negated, they will suffer the most terrible backlash of causality, even if they are as strong as the eternal giants, they will undoubtedly die.


   In Chaos Tianfu, Zhao Jingruo, Yi Wu and others are all worried. The situation that Ye Chen is facing is too dangerous and will die forever.

   However, even though they are the emperor's supreme, and even the quasi-giant-class combat power, they are far from being able to intervene in the battle of that level, and they can only watch.

   Really want to rush forward, they will not be able to help Ye Chen at all, on the contrary, it will become an unnecessary burden, it will only add Ye Chen's trouble, and cause him to be distracted.

   Abruptly, there was a huge sound of boats.

It can be seen to the naked eye that just on the vast and endless river, at the end of the unknown, a broken ancient ship slowly appeared, tattered, broken, and stained with blood, with a broken corner of the universe, slowly Drive over.

   "Tuxian Ship!"

   All parties exclaimed that it was indeed the Tuxian Ship of the Eight Desolate Ancient Universe. In the past, it carried the entire chaotic ancient universe to attack the desolate immortal realm. It was destroyed in a battle, and finally the entire chaotic ancient universe was buried.

   In a place in the Chaos Sea, a burly man was mourning, looking at the Tuxian boat on the river over the years, even though he had already proclaimed Dao Chengdi, there were still tears of blood on that rough face.

Demacia, the only surviving creature in the Eight Desolate Ancient Universe, saw the Tuxian Ship carrying the old hometown and sailing away. In the corner of the universe that followed, the dying star field, the broken stars, the remains of the sky, perish. The falling real dragon..., thinking of the prosperous scenes of the past.


   He couldn't help shouting, wanted to rush over, but was powerless, as strong as him, as the supreme Emperor of the Dzogchen Realm, he could not enter the true form of Hanoi.

  The Tuxian Boat finally appeared in the deepest part of the Ancient Origin Road in the past, and then disappeared. I never wanted to enter the real Hanoi for many thousands of years.

   At this moment, Tu Xianchuan sailed to the place where Ye Chen was.

   "The Tuxian Boat? Is that the ancient boat that was used by the weak and ancient universe to conquer the primordial immortal world?" A foreign half-step overlord said, disapproving.

   abruptly, everyone's eyes condensed, because they saw a figure on the Tuxian boat.

   Looking closely, He Tan is the Emperor Yan.

   Ye Chen also frowned. Emperor Yan was clearly at Pangu Pass, but remembering that he had seen Emperor Yan on the Tuxian Ship back then, it was a bit strange at this moment.

   At Pangu Pass, Emperor Yan laughed and said, "It seems that my hard work over the years will soon be accomplished."

   Everyone else looked at Emperor Yan, somewhat unclear.

   Yandi smiled mysteriously: "Look at it and you will know that this is the best gift for a foreign race."

   silently, I saw the Emperor Yan on the Tuxian Ship turned into a mass of brilliance, immersed in the Tuxian Ship, and then another figure appeared silently on the Tuxian Ship, as thin as firewood, with withered hair, like straw.

It looked like a dead corpse like a walking corpse. However, at this moment, when the figure looked at the direction of the alien race, the empty eyes shot out two bright beams of light with a sound of fright. Explode the Chaos Sea: "Alien!"

   The dead corpse roared, and there was a long river of years, and even the whole chaotic sea was roared.

   His body exploded with the terrible power that caused the Chaos Sea to tremble greatly, and even the long river of tremors.

   "It's him, he's not dead yet!"

   An eternal giant was surprised and recognized the identity of the dead body.

   "The unparalleled Emperor Hantian!"

   Other eternal giants have also recognized one after another, Hantian the Great, the strongest emperor in the past, is also the strongest giant, dominating the Eight Desolate Ancient Universe.

   In the past years, when conquering the prehistoric immortal world, the Eight Desolate Ancient Universe was buried, Emperor Hantian also died in a battle.

   How could I have imagined that Emperor Hantian was still alive, standing on the wreck of the Tuxian Ship, carrying a piece of broken ancient universe.

   "Unexpectedly, Emperor Hantian is still alive. He was no less than the **** emperor and the fighting saint ancestor." In the prehistoric immortal world, an extremely ancient immortal sighed.

   The Great Emperor Hantian, a generation of strongest giants, has deepened his cultivation, and even outperformed many giants, and even almost surpassed the first generation giants. He is a giant in the Chaos Sea, and can be king among giants.

  With him in town, the ancient universe of the Eight Desolations should have been stable, even though the ancient universe of the Eight Desolations had only one giant, Emperor Hantian, no one dared to invade.

   However, in its heyday, Emperor Hantian suddenly spent infinite celestial materials to refining the Tuxian Boat, and even led all emperors to conquer the prehistoric immortal world.

   "Unexpectedly, in the conquest of the immortal world was shot by the eleven supreme immortal kings, the Emperor Hantian is still immortal." An early-generation giant of a foreign race frowned and revealed part of the truth of the year.

   Similarly, because of the absolute strength of Emperor Hantian, he is the master of the ancient universe.

   At that time, Emperor Hantian was extremely powerful and led the Eight Desolate Ancient Universe to conquer the prehistoric fairyland, causing great turbulence in the Chaos Sea.

   At that time, in order to deal with Emperor Hantian, the eleven supreme immortal kings were dispatched to attack him.

   It can be seen that the Hantian Emperor was so strong that he was by no means an ordinary eternal giant, and even stronger than many of the first generation giants.

   In the world, the only thing that can do this is the ultimate existence of the half-step overlord level like the Chaos Emperor.

   There is no doubt that Emperor Hantian at that time also exists in this way.

   This is really a great hero, few people can compare with him since ancient times.

   The tycoons of foreign races are also frowning. Back then, Emperor Han Tian led the Eight Desolate Ancient Universes to conquer the prehistoric immortal world. The real reason is that there are behind the alien ancient universes.

  In the final analysis, the reason is still the origin.

   Now that Emperor Hantian is still alive, it is very detrimental to the ancient alien universe.


Emperor Hantian was extremely frightened. Although his hair was withered and his body was thin, he still had the power of Ling Tian. He drove the broken ship of Tuxian, and rushed to the bottom of the long river of years with the broken Eight Desolation Ancient Universe. Half-step overlord of the alien race.

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