Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4315: The lion has a big mouth

"What if I don't want to return it?"

Ye Chen's voice fell, and the whole city was silent.


Wan Xing was too suffocated, it seemed that Ye Chen would respond like this.

In his eyes, even though the position of the Great Lord is high, it is impossible to compare with the Supreme Heavenly Lord.

Especially he is the parent and child of Ten Thousand Profound Heavenly Sovereign, even if it is the great deity, even if he is not afraid of himself or even the Ten Thousand Profound Heavenly Clan, he should not easily offend him to avoid provoking the supreme Heavenly Sovereign's action.

Wan Xing Taishang originally wanted to be tough, but at this moment, facing the previous great eminent, he suddenly restrained a little.

In the past, he followed Wanxuan Tianzun, the heavenly father for endless years, and even fought in the twilight period of the heavens. He deeply knows the terrible of the Great Lord, even if it is inferior to the Supreme Heavenly Lord, but it is an extreme that can challenge. Terror exists.

Back then, he also saw with his own eyes that the ultimate combat power of the Great Lord in the Twilight Period of the Heavens, even the Supreme Heavenly Lord could not completely overwhelm the glorious light of the Great Lord.

In the most terrifying battle in ancient and modern times, those great lords made their moves and annihilated the ten thousand realms of the galaxy. They forcefully cut down an overlord of the supreme realm, shattered the vast sky, and tore the boundless earth.

The world was smashed, billions of powers were wiped out, and the land of origin was blood-stained, terrifying.

Among them, there is even the ultimate great deity, who is not afraid of everything, and is a strong challenge to the supreme deity.

The peak combat power that overwhelms everything, the domineering courage that straddles the heavens, and the courage to move forward, even after two or three chaos eras, are still vivid and unforgettable.

Although Wanxing Taishang is strong, there is still a huge gap in comparison with such a worldly existence as Da Zun.

If the great master is angry and really wants to kill him personally, he is definitely not an opponent, and it is very likely that he will be killed.

Moreover, in the face of the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign's shot, it is not possible that the Great Sovereign escaped a disaster.

Therefore, Ten Thousand Stars is too strong to be too strong in the face of the existence of the previous great deity.

However, the Eternal Stone Halberd is an ancient soldier of the Ten Thousand Profound Celestial Clan, and even the ancient soldier of his heavenly father. It is impossible to lose it.

Therefore, it is quite difficult.

After a little thought, Wan Xing Taishang couldn't help but said: "Sorry, it is the fault of my Ten Thousand Profound Celestial Clan, please let me go!"

The city was in an uproar, and at this point, the Wanxuantian clan actually offered to make concessions.

There is no doubt that this is unbelievable in the past.

The Eternal Celestial Clan has always been extremely strong, and there has never been a habit of giving in to others.

Especially the Eternal Celestial Clan with the world's heavenly sovereign, is beyond imagination, it is impossible to give in, and the overlord of the Supreme Realm dare to kill.

But many people also know that it is not unreasonable for the Eternal Celestial Clan to be strong, but it is difficult to continue to be so strong in the face of the Great Lord.

The Supreme Celestial Venerable cannot easily make a move. It is the contract made by the Supreme Celestial Venerable after World War I, and it will not be easily broken.

But the Great Venerable is not the true Supreme Heavenly Venerable, and he possesses incomparable power, capable of slicing the overlord of the Supreme Realm, so powerful that it can threaten the eternal Celestial Clan.

Even the eternal celestial clan with the surviving celestial celestial celestial beings absolutely do not want to easily provoke the existence of such great celestial beings.

Ye Chen naturally did not want to let the Ten Thousand Profound Celestial Clan easily let go, not to mention that Wan Xuan Celestial Clan made a move when he was promoted to the Eternal Celestial Venerable, which made him almost perished. This is because the Ten Thousand Profound Celestial Clan wants to attack his eldest son and grandson , This point is also unforgivable.

Originally, he had already done it, and directly pushed forward the preparations of the four great masters of the Ten Thousand Profound Sky Clan, but now that he thought about it, he felt that he could put it down temporarily.

He is considered to be a great deity, and it can be regarded as a lack of heavenly deity. When it is said that it is not true that the Taoist fish is dead and the net is broken, the Ten Thousand Profound Heavenly Venerable will personally alarm the birth. For him, it is a great trouble.

For now, Ye Chen hasn't completely recovered to that level, and he can't directly compete with the Supreme Heavenly Venerate.

Once discovered by Tianzun Wanxuan, he didn't perish, and he couldn't say he would kill him personally.

Naturally, if you let the Ten Thousand Profound Sky Clan so easily, Ye Chen couldn’t agree to it. After a little hesitation, he looked at Ten Thousand Stars, and said, “Today, you made the deity very angry, even this guy. He threatened to kill the deity, this matter cannot be exposed."

The gods are extremely angry, and it is clear that the other party took the lead. How did it end, but he blamed it.

Moreover, the origin of one's own supremacy was almost taken by the opponent, and the victim should be his own. How could this great deity be so shameless.

However, he did not dare to talk gibberish, and he was deeply jealous when he saw the little ancestor of Wanxing Taishang. He who has been following the battle from the dusk of the sky, also knows the horror of the great deity, and can even challenge the supreme heavenly deity at the peak.

Wan Xing Taishang's expression was quite gloomy. He knew that the other party would definitely want the lion to open his mouth, and said: "Dare to ask the great master how can he release his anger?"

Ye Chen said: "If you think I can return the ancient soldiers of, let's provide ten original sources of Supreme Realm."

The source of the supreme realm plays an important role in breaking the eternal shackles in his body, and it can be refined to promote the restoration of his own eternal source.

Ten Supreme Realm origins should be enough to restore him to the highest heaven.

At that time, even if it is not the highest heavenly being in the most peak state, there will be no fear of other highest heavenly beings.

The eternal god, why is it called the highest.

It is because of the supremacy.

Above all else.

At the beginning, Ye Chen had survived the eternal disaster and was killed before he could stand on the eternal realm of the highest heaven.

It was because at that time, he had not had time to realize the supreme supernatural powers belonging to the Supreme Heavenly Venerable.

The realm is reached, but other aspects have not had time to fully set foot.

And just after the tribulation, in the weakest period, it can't be compared with the two supreme heavenly venerations.

However, after such a long period of time, Ye Chen had long realized that if he could recover 70% to 80% and regain the highest heaven, everything about him could fit in with the eternal heaven. Then, he could also Directly mobilize the infinite power of the place of origin.

Even the soul is in harmony with the place of origin, and no one can die if it is not born or destroyed.

Even if the three Supreme Heavenly Sovereigns who had blocked Ye Chen came back, it was impossible to kill him, at most they could only maimed him.

However, Ye Chen, who possessed the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign's supreme supernatural powers, would find it difficult to defeat him, possessing infinite mysterious means.

Hearing this, the city was in a big shock, and everyone looked at Ye Chen dumbfounded, only that the great lion opened his mouth.

Wan Xing is too superior to the powers of the Ten Thousand Profound Celestial Clan, and the look is even more ugly. Wan Xing is too superior and said: "Great Lord, sorry, my clan does not have a superior source."

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