Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4379: Tong Tian Bang

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This incident has spread to the world a long time ago after the Emperor Chaos returned to the heaven.

Therefore, everyone in the world knows.

The Ten Forbiddens, like the Wantai Emperor, are also known as the Seed of the Heavenly Lord, and are also among the strongest giants in the sky, and are the most famous strong existence on the origin of the sky.

For a long time, in the place of origin, there have been rankings of the strongest lists for all major realms.

That's the 33rd Heavenly Palace.

Of course, the most important thing is the list of the three days after the supreme and the third.

The Tongtian List is a list that ranks the world’s strongest Tiantian-level giants. However, all the world’s Tongtian-level giants will be known by the 33rd Heavenly Palace without exception, and they will be ranked by all aspects to enter the most powerful group of people. Select and rank on the list.

Ten bans are the most famous giants in the world, ranking seventh today.

Wan Tai Huang Zun was the eighth in the sky.

Later, Qian Wentian defeated Wan Tai Huang Zun and replaced him, becoming the eighth in the Tongtian ranking.

There is only one difference from Ten Bans.

Qianwentian said: "Yes, I defeated him."

Although Ten Ban is very confident, he also knows the power of Qianwentian, otherwise it would not be possible to defeat Wantai Huangzun and become the eighth in the Tongtian list instead.

It seems that there is only one difference between the two, but in fact, which is stronger and weaker can be easily explained not on the list, and it takes a life and death battle to see it.

"Let me see how strong you can beat Wantai!"

The Sky-level battle broke out directly.

As soon as Ten Forbidden took action, he directly attacked Qian Wentian.

Because, in his eyes, only Qian Wentian was qualified to fight him, and no one else had taken it seriously.

Stepping forward, huge Optimus pillars rushed out of him, each exuding terrifying power of ban, directly smashing into Qianwentian.

And every Optimus pillar rushed out of countless chains of order gods, which were all chains of order gods with the most terrifying banning power, and they were specially used to ban Qianwentian.

Qian Wentian naturally knew the power of the Ten Forbiddens, so from the very beginning, he let other Chaos Tianfu giants contain other Heavenly Clan Tongtian-level giants, and he was directly fighting the Ten Forbids.


Qian Wentian can be said to have perfectly inherited the battle path of his father Chihiro. He witnessed the Dao in the flesh, and Tianzun was unparalleled in blood. He strode up and blasted forward with the most terrifying force.

The void collapsed, and the upper realm shook, and a terrible crack across the upper realm appeared from the center, exuding the most terrifying power of the sky, blocking the hundreds of thousands of chains of banned order and unable to rush over.

This blow also made the faces of ten Tongtian-level giants on both sides ready to fight with horror, because even they could not easily cross this terrifying abyss across the universe, full of Qianwentian's supreme principles. The power can threaten the Tongtian-level giants.


Naturally, Qian Wentian was not in this list, he directly broke into it, crossed the endless abyss, and killed the Ten Forbidden.

Among them, it is to display the tactics of heaven-defying level.

At this moment, he turned into an invincible God of War, with blood boiling in his body, and infinite light of gold and silver shining, turning into a war sword of billions of gold and silver, reaching far and wide, and slaying the Ten Forbidden.

However, the strongest thing in the Ten Bans is not the attack power, but the banning power.

The Shifang Celestial Clan perfectly inherits the Shifang Tianzun's way of sealing. In terms of sealing, it is vast in the world and no one can surpass it.

Facing an attack that was enough to kill the Sky-level giants, Ten Forbidden expressions remained unchanged, and he sighed softly: "Forbidden!"

Suddenly, the billions of gold and silver war swords were imprisoned in the void, and could no longer rush to the front.

This kind of method makes other Tongtian-level methods inferior.

However, this is not the most terrifying thing. The terrifying thing is Qian Wentian himself, and he came to Qian Wentian when he threw himself.

Fighters are invincible, and close combat is the most terrifying.

Qian Wentian waved his fist and shattered the vacuum of the ten directions. With a loud roar, the heavens collapsed, and he furiously hit the center of the ten forbidden eyebrows, and hit the soul of the soul.

At this moment, the Ten Forbiddens still did not change their face, their hands were like flowers, and the forbidden runes continued to emerge, and they turned into a world of forbidden blocks, blocking them in front of them, and constantly offsetting Qian Wentian’s attack.

At the same time, his fingertips shot out a series of huge pillars, which were more magnificent than the previous ones. They were hundreds of millions of miles tall, standing all around them, locking down the ten directions.

Yes, this is the strongest supernatural power of Shifang Tianzun——Shifang Jedi!

Naturally, it is also recorded on the Tianzun Xuangong of the Shifang Celestial Clan, which is a taboo chapter.

With the identity and status of the Ten Forbiddens, he is naturally qualified to cultivate and successfully cultivated.

As soon as the ten towering pillars came out, they blocked the ten directions and evolved into a small Shifang Jedi, just like the Shifang Jedi of Shifang Tianzun. Qianwentian should be dragged into it and blocked directly.

However, Qian Wentian can't be fooled easily. When he retreats, he shows the world's speed. UU reading www.uukanshu. com retreats in an instant. I don't know how many star regions, and it wants to withdraw from the banned range of the Shifang Jedi.

It's just that all of this has been considered by the Ten Bans, and it is naturally impossible to easily let Qian Wentian go.

With the supreme power of forbidden power, he stretched out countless chains of order gods, intertwining the six and eight wildernesses, and even more chains of order gods rushed to Qian Wentian, and they were immediately tied to him. Pull him back completely.


Qianwentian yelled, and the terrible light of gold and silver burned all over, and the countless banned order **** chains were strongly shattered.

Get out of trouble smoothly.

"Sure enough, you can defeat Wantai, you have some means." The Ten Forbidden said, the expression is also serious, but everything is under control.

If Qianwentian was so easy to be suppressed in the Shifang Jedi by him, then it would be impossible to kill Wantai Emperor.

Ten Forbiddens quickly chased them up, bursting out a ray of light to the sky, turning into a avenue, piercing through the land of endless abyss, and overtaking Ye Chen.

Ten huge pillars blasted past the sky.

Qian Wentian swung his fist across the board, but it did not smash. After the clanging sound, he was just blown away.

Qianwentian's eyes condensed: "It's your soldier!"

Ten Forbidden Dao: "Yes, this is not a condensed law, but my Taoist soldier. Each forbidden pillar is no less than a Heaven-level Taoist soldier. The ten forbidden pillars are superimposed. Comparable to the Taoist soldiers of the Taixu level."

This is the power of Tianzun’s seed and the foundation of Tianzun’s grandson. The ten forbidden pillars, each of which are equivalent to the top Taoist soldiers of the Heavenly-Telling Level. When added up, the power that can be displayed is no less than that. Taixu-level Taoist soldiers, terrifying.

While speaking, the ten forbidden pillars just blasted past out of thin air, with the endless power of forbidden, annihilating the sky.

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